Change Y Axis in Image Chart - google-visualization

I am trying to create a Image chart - Line chart . I want my Y AXIS- from 6 to 9 . But I am not able to control the variable
<img src=",7.18,8.8|7.17,6.8,8.8&chs=600x600&chco=00FF00,0000FFFF&chyt=y&chyr=1,6.1,9.1|2,6.1,9.1" classed="displayed" alt="Graph: no internet connection."
align="center" />"
How to change the chyr parameter to control . IS my parameters wrong

Not very familiar with "image-charts", but, you can use this chart editor1 for configure your charts.
I modified the code - without really knowing the correct values to supply - as follows:,7.18,8.8|7.17,6.8,8.8&chs=600x600&chco=00FF00,0000FFFF&chyt=y&chyr=1,6.1,9.1|2,6.1,9.1
I changed:
The result is:
<img src=",7.18,8.8|7.17,6.8,8.8&chs=600x600&chco=00FF00,0000FFFF&chyt=y&chyr=1,6.1,9.1|2,6.1,9.1" classed="displayed" alt="Graph: no internet connection." align="center" />
In case this modification didn't work for you, please, check the documentation and test the chart editor.
1 Editor found at the documentation.


How to label a text with multiple paragraphs in AWS Ground Truth?

I was trying setup a single label labeling task in AWS Groundtruth through the console. My goal is to match some users in social media and for each user I have several possible candidates out of which one should be selected (label). My CSV looks like this:
firtname | lastname | candidates
Romeo Montague x
Juliet Capulet x
Instead of "x", I would like to have something like this
The human worked should then select whereas the correct label is candidate_1, candidate_2 or candidate_3 or none of the above.
I am aware Sagemaker ground truth does not accept new lines characters and that it renders it in HTML so I tried to input the following:
candidate_1 <br/> description <br/> link <br/><br/> candidate_2 <br/> description <br/> link <br/><br/> candidate_3 <br/> description <br/> link <br/><br/>
unfortunately, when I take a look at the console, the input on the left does not render correctly:
The line breaks within the div tag seem to be simply ignored by the UI.
I found this post which contains the answer but I am struggling to adapt to my concrete use case.
How can I change my csv so that the multiple paragraphs get rendered corrected?

Remove all HTML tags from a cell

I'm trying to remove all the HTML tags and comments within the following cell in Google Sheets:
<div class="prod-desc" itemprop="description">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8">
<p>This is a 100 count box of the ACC-DX01A Proximity Card to be used with any of our DX line of Access Control Readers. It is the size of a credit card so it can easily fit into your wallet. Use these like a proximity card and carry them on your key ring for easy access. </p>
<p> Please note: To add a DX Card or FOB to the DX Access Control System, you must use the Auto/Add Function. If you need assistance, FREE US based tech support is just a phone call away. </p>
<!-- Description Side Bar START ************************************ -->
<div class="col-md-4"> <img src="/images_templ/Accesss-Control_product-image.jpg"> <span class="boxtitle ">Full Line of Access Control</span> <span style="font-size: 18px; font-family: inherit; font-weight: 400">Access Control Proximity Card Readers and Electronic Door Locks and more!</span> </div>
<!-- Description Side Bar END ************************************ -->
So ideally the input should come out as:
This is a 100 count box of the ACC-DX01A Proximity Card to be used with any of our DX line of Access Control Readers. It is the size of a credit card so it can easily fit into your wallet. Use these like a proximity card and carry them on your key ring for easy access.
Please note: To add a DX Card or FOB to the DX Access Control System, you must use the Auto/Add Function. If you need assistance, FREE US based tech support is just a phone call away.
Full Line of Access Control Access Control Proximity Card Readers and Electronic Door Locks and more!
I've searched around found several answers, however, none of them seems to be working for me, maybe it's because of the new lines and carriage returns? I don't know. What I want to do is remove all the HTML and keep all the newlines and carriage returns in the text. Here are some posts that I was following:
Remove HTML In Google Sheets Cells
try like this:
TRIM(SPLIT(REGEXREPLACE(A1, "</?\S+[^<>]*>", ), CHAR(10)))))
Yes. Besides the answer that #player0 gave, you can also use 'Search and Replace' ctrl+H And then just paste all you wish to change/remove and replace it with nothing. It works for more than 1 cell too.
Its more laborious but you can target the entire book or ranges if needed.

On changing the orientation of ion-range.The knob is not working smoothly in ionic 2

I am looking for the range bar which is rotated 90 deg(vertically). When it is rotated vertically I am unable to select to the respective step points in the range bar. Whenever the knob is tried to move is it not moving to the desired step points. The touch functionality is not smooth.
The following is the css:
I am rotating the component using the following CSS. After applying this css property transform: rotate(-90deg) the ion-range step is not properly working in the UI(i.e.,The range slider is not moving properly).If any alternate solution apart from this css property I am open for your suggessions.
ion-range { [The following has the final Rangebar I am looking for ][1]
transform: rotate(-90deg);
position: relative;
The following is the html
<ion-range min="1" max="5" step="1" snaps="true" color="primary"

Sitecore - setting background-image a div to a CMS value

I've been try to add the background image of a div to a value from Sitecore (8.0) in C# MVC using the code
<div style="background-image: url({Model.MyImage.Src})>
Where MyImage is of type Image as returned by GlassView
This is returning html such as
<div style="background-image: url(/~/media/myFolders/myImage.ashx)">
This image isnt being displayed when the page is rendered- although the url resolves when entered into the browser's address bar so it must be an issue with the .ashx extension as a background image for a div.
I also tried using Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaManager.GetMediaUrl(mediaItem) but this also returned me the ashx which couldn't be resolved!
Try background-image: url('#Model.Image.Src'). While your example doesn't show it, you most likely have spaces in your folder or file name, which requires single or double quotes.
Add single quotes around it.
Should make this
for my case sitecore 8.2 stop working below code because of style attribute
I have replaced style attribute with img tag and start working
<span><img src="#item.GetImageUrl("MyImage")" alt="" class="icon" /></span>

Extract all Images from HTML whose width or height higher than a specified value - Regex

I'm trying to make a small link share function with Classic ASP like LinkedIn or Facebook.
What I need to do is to get HTML of remote URL and extract all the images whose width are greater than 50px for example.
I can crawl and take the HTML and also I can find the images with this regex:
It matches; <img src="/images/icon.jpg" width="60" height="90" style="display:none"/>
Then I'm able to extract the path but sometimes it matches <img src="/track.php" style="display:none" width="1" height="1"/> which is not a real image.
Anyway, I feel like you are gonna be mad because of classic ASP but my company ....
I know there are lots of topics about this issue and mostly, they recommend not to USE regex but I couldn't find a way to this with classic asp. Is there a component or something to this?
This will get you close:
<img [^>]*width="(0?[1-9]\d{2,}|[5-9]\d)"[^>]*>
It accepts image tags with a width of 50 or greater.
Edit: tags with unspecified widths:
<img [^>]*width="(0?[1-9]\d{2,}|[5-9]\d)"[^>]*>|<img ((?!width=)[^>])*>