I tried to solve Multiply Strings by c++ by this approach, but I cannot avoid integer overflow by change type from int to long long int or double. Python won't overflow, so my code works like below.
Given two non-negative integers num1 and num2 represented as strings, return the product of num1 and num2, also represented as a string.
Python works:
class Solution:
def multiply(self, num1: str, num2: str) -> str:
n = len(num1) # assume n >= m
m = len(num2)
if n < m:
num1, num2 = num2, num1
n, m = m, n
product = 0
for i in range(1, m + 1):
multiplier = int(num2[m - i]) # current character of num2
sum_ = 0
for j in range(0, n): # multiply num1 by multiplier
multiplicand = int(num1[n - j - 1])
num = multiplicand * (10 ** j) * multiplier
sum_ += num
product += sum_ * (10 ** (i - 1))
return str(product)
C++ failed:
string multiply(string num1, string num2) {
int n = num1.size();
int m = num2.size();
if (n < m) {
std::swap(num1, num2);
std::swap(n, m);
long long int product = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {
int multiChar = num2[m - i] - '0';
long long int sum = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < n ; ++j) {
int charCand = num1[n - j - 1] - '0';
long long int num = charCand * ((pow(10, j))) * multiChar;
sum += num;
product += sum * ((pow(10, i - 1)));
return std::to_string(product);
As far as I have tested, some cases are OK, but overflow seems unavoidable if the number is too big. Is there any way to fix my code?
runtime error: 1.05355e+20 is outside the range of representable values of type 'long long' (solution.cpp)
SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior prog_joined.cpp:28:17
You are not on the right way. Imagine how you would do that by hand:
You just add single digits as well, don't you? Only those of same significance – possibly considering some carry.
You might rather reproduce the same in code, too. Producing overflow that way is much less likely (I assume that after multiplying single digits summing up the results in a single integer – recommending an unsigned type for – is acceptable; if not, you'd have to build up a std::string again). The sign you calculate independently, just as you'd do by hand as well.
One difference to multiplication by hand we'll have, though: By hand you would create rather large intermediate numbers by multiplying one number with each digit
of the other number. That would require to store these intermediate numbers as strings again, e. g. in a vector. More efficient, though, is identifying those digit pairs of which the multiplication results in the same significance.
These will be 0|0 -> 0; 0|1, 1|0 -> 1; 0|2, 1|1, 2|0 -> 2, and so on. You produce these pairs by:
for(size_t i = 0, max = std::max(num1.length(), num2.length); i < max; ++i)
for(size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j)
if(j < num1.length() && i - j < num2.length())
// iterate backwards for easy carry handling
size_t idx1 = num1.length() - j;
size_t idx2 = num2.length() - (i - j);
// multiply characters at num1[idx1] and num2[idx2] and add result to sum
// add carry
// calculate last digit and a p p e n d to a result string
// update carry
// append '-' sign, if result is negative
std::reverse(result.begin(), result.end());
Building up the string in reverse order is more efficient, as you do not need to move the subsequent characters all the time. (Untested code, if you find a bug, please fix it yourself).
The loops are in my preferred variant; if you feel better with another, feel free to change; just be aware that with signed types you can produce endless loops if you try e. g. for(unsigned i = n; n >= 0; --i /* overflows to UINT_MAX */).
Side note: You should accept the input strings by reference (std::string const& num1, std::string const& num2), that avoids the needless copies arising by accepting by value.
Problem statement: Given a set of n coins of some denominations (maybe repeating, in random order), and a number k. A game is being played by a single player in the following manner: Player can choose to pick 0 to k coins contiguously but will have to leave one next coin from picking. In this manner give the highest sum of coins he/she can collect.
First line contains 2 space-separated integers n and x respectively, which denote
n - Size of the array
x - Window size
A single integer denoting the max sum the player can obtain.
Working Soln Link: Ideone
long long solve(int n, int x) {
if (n == 0) return 0;
long long total = accumulate(arr + 1, arr + n + 1, 0ll);
if (x >= n) return total;
multiset<long long> dp_x;
for (int i = 1; i <= x + 1; i++) {
dp[i] = arr[i];
for (int i = x + 2; i <= n; i++) {
dp[i] = arr[i] + *dp_x.begin();
dp_x.erase(dp_x.find(dp[i - x - 1]));
long long ans = total;
for (int i = n - x; i <= n; i++) {
ans = min(ans, dp[i]);
return total - ans;
Can someone kindly explain how this code is working i.e., how line no. 12-26 in the Ideone solution is producing the correct answer?
I have dry run the code using pen and paper and found that it's giving the correct answer but couldn't figure out the algorithm used(if any). Can someone kindly explain to me how Line No. 12-26 is producing the correct answer? Is there any technique or algorithm at use here?
I am new to DP, so if someone can point out a tutorial(YouTube video, etc) related to this kind of problem, that would be great too. Thank you.
It looks like the idea is converting the problem - You must choose at least one coin in no more than x+1 coins in a row, and make it minimal. Then the original problem's answer would just be [sum of all values] - [answer of the new problem].
Then we're ready to talk about dynamic programming. Let's define a recurrence relation for f(i) which means "the partial answer of the new problem considering 1st to i-th coins, and i-th coin is chosen". (Sorry about the bad description, edits welcome)
f(i) = a(i) : if (i<=x+1)
f(i) = a(i) + min(f(i-1),f(i-2),...,f(i-x-1)) : otherwise
where a(i) is the i-th coin value
I added some comments line by line.
// NOTE f() is dp[] and a() is arr[]
long long solve(int n, int x) {
if (n == 0) return 0;
long long total = accumulate(arr + 1, arr + n + 1, 0ll); // get the sum
if (x >= n) return total;
multiset<long long> dp_x; // A min-heap (with fast random access)
for (int i = 1; i <= x + 1; i++) { // For 1 to (x+1)th,
dp[i] = arr[i]; // f(i) = a(i)
dp_x.insert(dp[i]); // Push the value to the heap
for (int i = x + 2; i <= n; i++) { // For the rest,
dp[i] = arr[i] + *dp_x.begin(); // f(i) = a(i) + min(...)
dp_x.erase(dp_x.find(dp[i - x - 1])); // Erase the oldest one from the heap
dp_x.insert(dp[i]); // Push the value to the heap, so it keeps the latest x+1 elements
long long ans = total;
for (int i = n - x; i <= n; i++) { // Find minimum of dp[] (among candidate answers)
ans = min(ans, dp[i]);
return total - ans;
Please also note that multiset is used as a min-heap. However we also need quick random-access(to erase the old ones) and multiset can do it in logarithmic time. So, the overall time complexity is O(n log x).
I have a problem:
You are given a sequence, in the form of a string with characters ‘0’, ‘1’, and ‘?’ only. Suppose there are k ‘?’s. Then there are 2^k ways to replace each ‘?’ by a ‘0’ or a ‘1’, giving 2^k different 0-1 sequences (0-1 sequences are sequences with only zeroes and ones).
For each 0-1 sequence, define its number of inversions as the minimum number of adjacent swaps required to sort the sequence in non-decreasing order. In this problem, the sequence is sorted in non-decreasing order precisely when all the zeroes occur before all the ones. For example, the sequence 11010 has 5 inversions. We can sort it by the following moves: 11010 →→ 11001 →→ 10101 →→ 01101 →→ 01011 →→ 00111.
Find the sum of the number of inversions of the 2^k sequences, modulo 1000000007 (10^9+7).
For example:
Input: ??01
-> Output: 5
Input: ?0?
-> Output: 3
Here's my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
void ProcessSequences(char *input)
int c = 0;
/* Count the number of '?' in input sequence
* 1??0 -> 2
for(int i=0;i<strlen(input);i++)
if(*(input+i) == '?')
/* Get all possible combination of '?'
* 1??0
* -> ??
* -> 00, 01, 10, 11
int seqLength = pow(2,c);
// Initialize 2D array of integer
int **sequencelist, **allSequences;
sequencelist = new int*[seqLength];
allSequences = new int*[seqLength];
for(int i=0; i<seqLength; i++){
sequencelist[i] = new int[c];
allSequences[i] = new int[500000];
//end initialize
for(int count = 0; count < seqLength; count++)
int n = 0;
for(int offset = c-1; offset >= 0; offset--)
sequencelist[count][n] = ((count & (1 << offset)) >> offset);
// cout << sequencelist[count][n];
// cout << std::endl;
/* Change '?' in former sequence into all possible bits
* 1??0
* ?? -> 00, 01, 10, 11
* -> 1000, 1010, 1100, 1110
for(int d = 0; d<seqLength; d++)
int seqCount = 0;
for(int e = 0; e<strlen(input); e++)
if(*(input+e) == '1')
allSequences[d][e] = 1;
else if(*(input+e) == '0')
allSequences[d][e] = 0;
allSequences[d][e] = sequencelist[d][seqCount];
* Sort each sequences to increasing mode
// cout<<endl;
int totalNum[seqLength];
for(int i=0; i<seqLength; i++){
int num = 0;
for(int j=0; j<strlen(input); j++){
if(allSequences[i][j] > allSequences[i][j+1]){
int temp = allSequences[i][j];
allSequences[i][j] = allSequences[i][j+1];
allSequences[i][j+1] = temp;
j = -1;
totalNum[i] = num;
* Sum of all Num of Inversions
int sum = 0;
for(int i=0;i<seqLength;i++){
sum = sum + totalNum[i];
// cout<<"Output: "<<endl;
int out = sum%1000000007;
cout<< out <<endl;
} //end of ProcessSequences method
int main()
// Get Input
char seq[500000];
// cout << "Input: "<<endl;
cin >> seq;
char *p = &seq[0];
return 0;
the results were right for small size input, but for bigger size input I got time CPU time limit > 1 second. I also got exceeded memory size. How to make it faster and optimal memory use? What algorithm should I use and what better data structure should I use?, Thank you.
Dynamic programming is the way to go. Imagine You are adding the last character to all sequences.
If it is 1 then You get XXXXXX1. Number of swaps is obviously the same as it was for every sequence so far.
If it is 0 then You need to know number of ones already in every sequence. Number of swaps would increase by the amount of ones for every sequence.
If it is ? You just add two previous cases together
You need to calculate how many sequences are there. For every length and for every number of ones (number of ones in the sequence can not be greater than length of the sequence, naturally). You start with length 1, which is trivial, and continue with longer. You can get really big numbers, so You should calculate modulo 1000000007 all the time. The program is not in C++, but should be easy to rewrite (array should be initialized to 0, int is 32bit, long in 64bit).
long Mod(long x)
return x % 1000000007;
long Calc(string s)
int len = s.Length;
long[,] nums = new long[len + 1, len + 1];
long sum = 0;
nums[0, 0] = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
if(s[i] == '?')
sum = Mod(sum * 2);
for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j)
if (s[i] == '0' || s[i] == '?')
nums[i + 1, j] = Mod(nums[i + 1, j] + nums[i, j]);
sum = Mod(sum + j * nums[i, j]);
if (s[i] == '1' || s[i] == '?')
nums[i + 1, j + 1] = nums[i, j];
return sum;
The code above is written to be as clear as possible and to show dynamic programming approach. You do not actually need array [len+1, len+1]. You calculate column i+1 from column i and never go back, so two columns are enough - old and new. If You dig more into it, You find out that row j of new column depends only on row j and j-1 of the old column. So You can go with one column if You actualize the values in the right direction (and do not overwrite values You would need).
The code above uses 64bit integers. You really need that only in j * nums[i, j]. The nums array contain numbers less than 1000000007 and 32bit integer is enough. Even 2*1000000007 can fit into 32bit signed int, we can make use of it.
We can optimize the code by nesting loop into conditions instead of conditions in the loop. Maybe it is even more natural approach, the only downside is repeating the code.
The % operator is, as every dividing, quite expensive. j * nums[i, j] is typically far smaller that capacity of 64bit integer, so we do not have to do modulo in every step. Just watch the actual value and apply when needed. The Mod(nums[i + 1, j] + nums[i, j]) can also be optimized, as nums[i + 1, j] + nums[i, j] would always be smaller than 2*1000000007.
And finally the optimized code. I switched to C++, I realized there are differences what int and long means, so rather make it clear:
long CalcOpt(string s)
long len = s.length();
vector<long> nums(len + 1);
long long sum = 0;
nums[0] = 1;
const long mod = 1000000007;
for (long i = 0; i < len; ++i)
if (s[i] == '1')
for (long j = i + 1; j > 0; --j)
nums[j] = nums[j - 1];
nums[0] = 0;
else if (s[i] == '0')
for (long j = 1; j <= i; ++j)
sum += (long long)j * nums[j];
if (sum > std::numeric_limits<long long>::max() / 2) { sum %= mod; }
sum *= 2;
if (sum > std::numeric_limits<long long>::max() / 2) { sum %= mod; }
for (long j = i + 1; j > 0; --j)
sum += (long long)j * nums[j];
if (sum > std::numeric_limits<long long>::max() / 2) { sum %= mod; }
long add = nums[j] + nums[j - 1];
if (add >= mod) { add -= mod; }
nums[j] = add;
return (long)(sum % mod);
Time limit still exceeded? There is probably better way to do it. You can either
get back to the beginning and find out mathematically different way to calculate the result
or simplify actual solution using math
I went the second way. What we are doing in the loop is in fact convolution of two sequences, for example:
0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 6, 4, 1, 0, 0,... and 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,...
0*0 + 0*1 + 0*2 + 1*3 + 4*4 + 6*5 + 4*6 + 1*7 + 0*8...= 80
The first sequence is symmetric and the second is linear. It this case, the sum of convolution can be calculated from sum of the first sequence which is = 16 (numSum) and number from second sequence corresponding to the center of the first sequence, which is 5 (numMult). numSum*numMult = 16*5 = 80. We replace the whole loop with one multiplication if we are able to update those numbers in each step, which fortulately seems the case.
If s[i] == '0' then numSum does not change and numMult does not change.
If s[i] == '1' then numSum does not change, only numMult increments by 1, as we shift the whole sequence by one position.
If s[i] == '?' we add original and shiftet sequence together. numSum is multiplied by 2 and numMult increments by 0.5.
The 0.5 means a bit problem, as it is not the whole number. But we know, that the result would be whole number. Fortunately in modular arithmetics in this case exists inversion of two (=1/2) as a whole number. It is h = (mod+1)/2. As a reminder, inversion of 2 is such a number, that h*2=1 modulo mod. Implementation wisely it is easier to multiply numMult by 2 and divide numSum by 2, but it is just a detail, we would need 0.5 anyway. The code:
long CalcOptSimpl(string s)
long len = s.length();
long long sum = 0;
const long mod = 1000000007;
long numSum = (mod + 1) / 2;
long long numMult = 0;
for (long i = 0; i < len; ++i)
if (s[i] == '1')
numMult += 2;
else if (s[i] == '0')
sum += numSum * numMult;
if (sum > std::numeric_limits<long long>::max() / 4) { sum %= mod; }
sum = sum * 2 + numSum * numMult;
if (sum > std::numeric_limits<long long>::max() / 4) { sum %= mod; }
numSum = (numSum * 2) % mod;
return (long)(sum % mod);
I am pretty sure there exists some simple way to get this code, yet I am still unable to see it. But sometimes path is the goal :-)
If a sequence has N zeros with indexes zero[0], zero[1], ... zero[N - 1], the number of inversions for it would be (zero[0] + zero[1] + ... + zero[N - 1]) - (N - 1) * N / 2. (you should be able to prove it)
For example, 11010 has two zeros with indexes 2 and 4, so the number of inversions would be 2 + 4 - 1 * 2 / 2 = 5.
For all 2^k sequences, you can calculate the sum of two parts separately and then add them up.
1) The first part is zero[0] + zero[1] + ... + zero[N - 1]. Each 0 in the the given sequence contributes index * 2^k and each ? contributes index * 2^(k-1)
2) The second part is (N - 1) * N / 2. You can calculate this using a dynamic programming (maybe you should google and learn this first). In short, use f[i][j] to present the number of sequence with j zeros using the first i characters of the given sequence.
I'm making a BigInt class in C++ as an exercise. I'm currently working on the multiplication functionality. My BigInt's are represented as a fixed length (that is very big) int[], with each entry being a digit of the number entered.
So, BigInt = 324, will result in [0,0,0,..,3,2,4].
I'm currently trying to multiply using this code:
// multiplication
BigInt BigInt::operator*(BigInt const& other) const {
BigInt a = *this;
BigInt b = other;
cout << a << b << endl;
BigInt product = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++){
int carry = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < arraySize; j++){
product.digits[arraySize - (j + i)] += (carry + (a.digits[j] * b.digits[i]));
carry = (product.digits[arraySize - (j + i)] / 10);
product.digits[arraySize - (j + i)] = (product.digits[arraySize - (j + i)] % 10);
product.digits[arraySize - i] += carry;
return product;
My answer keeps returning 0. For example, 2 * 2 = 0.
It is not sure that this will fix your program, but you have Undefined Behavior because of this:
product.digits[arraySize - (j + i)]
This index arraySize - (j + i) becomes negative when i + j > arraySize, which will obviously occur in your loop.
Basically, when multiplying two numbers with n digits, the result may be as wide as 2n digits. Since you encode all your numbers on fixed length arraySize, you have to take measures to avoid out of bound.
A simple test if(i+j) <= arraySize could do, or by changing the second loop:
for(int j = 0; j < arraySize - i; j++)
Alternatively, it would be better to use std::vector as the internal representation of your BigInt. It can be sized dynamically to fit your result beforehand.
It is not completely sure that this will fix completely your code, but it has to be fixed, before proceeding with the debugging. It will be easier after removing the UB. Here I approve #Dúthomhas's note that your indexing through the arrays seems obviously irregular... You go from right to left with the result, while from left to right with the inputs...
I want to find the non consecutive subsequences of a string divisible by a number k (say k = 3). One can call it a modification to the problem https://www.hackerrank.com/contests/w6/challenges/consecutive-subsequences/
For example, Input:
A = {1,2,3,4,1} k = 3
9 because 12,24,21,141,123,231,1231 etc. are possible
What I did for continuous subsequences was
long long get_count(const vector<int> & vec, int k) {
vector<int> cnt_mod(k, 0);
cnt_mod[0] = 1;
int pref_sum = 0;
for (int elem : vec) {
pref_sum += elem;
pref_sum %= k;
long long res = 0;
for (int mod = 0; mod < k; mod++)
res += (long long)cnt_mod[mod] * (cnt_mod[mod] - 1) / 2;
return res;
Can you please provide a suitable modification or a new approach(or code) to this to accomplish the required goal?
Thank You :)
Let DP[i][j] : the number of subsequences which form j as modulus when divided by a number .
You will need to know some Modular Arithmetic as pre requisite.
The recurrence is simple afterwards :
This is a small piece of code specifically for 3.
for(j=0;j<=2;j++) // A Modulo B is always smaller than B
DP[i][j] += DP[i-1][j];
First is the case when we skip the i th letter , and second case forms a sequence which gives modulo (j*10+str[i]-'0')%3 when i th letter is used.
We can drop the if statement
Please can any one provide with a better algorithm then trying all the combinations for this problem.
Given an array A of N numbers, find the number of distinct pairs (i,
j) such that j >=i and A[i] = A[j].
First line of the input contains number of test cases T. Each test
case has two lines, first line is the number N, followed by a line
consisting of N integers which are the elements of array A.
For each test case print the number of distinct pairs.
1 <= T <= 10
1 <= N <= 10^6
-10^6 <= A[i] <= 10^6 for 0 <= i < N
I think that first sorting the array then finding frequency of every distinct integer and then adding nC2 of all the frequencies plus adding the length of the string at last. But unfortunately it gives wrong ans for some cases which are not known help. here is the implementation.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
long fun(long a) //to find the aC2 for given a
if (a == 1) return 0;
return (a * (a - 1)) / 2;
int main()
long t, i, j, n, tmp = 0;
long long count;
long ar[1000000];
cin >> t;
while (t--)
cin >> n;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
cin >> ar[i];
count = 0;
sort(ar, ar + n);
for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
if (ar[i] == ar[i + 1])
count += fun(tmp + 1);
tmp = 0;
if (tmp != 0)
count += fun(tmp + 1);
cout << count + n << "\n";
return 0;
Keep a count of how many times each number appears in an array. Then iterate over the result array and add the triangular number for each.
For example(from the source test case):
1 2 1
count array = {0, 2, 1} // no zeroes, two ones, one two
pairs = triangle(0) + triangle(2) + triangle(1)
pairs = 0 + 3 + 1
pairs = 4
Triangle numbers can be computed by (n * n + n) / 2, and the whole thing is O(n).
First, there's no need to sort if you're counting frequency. I see what you did with sorting, but if you just keep a separate array of frequencies, it's easier. It takes more space, but since the elements and array length are both restrained to < 10^6, the max you'll need is an int[10^6]. This easily fits in the 256MB space requirements given in the challenge. (whoops, since elements can go negative, you'll need an array twice that size. still well under the limit, though)
For the n choose 2 part, the part you had wrong is that it's an n+1 choose 2 problem. Since you can pair each one by itself, you have to add one to n. I know you were adding n at the end, but it's not the same. The difference between tri(n) and tri(n+1) is not one, but n.