Is it possible to create a new jobject of a java listener in JNI? - java-native-interface

In Android Studio MainActivity, I write something like
int itemA_num = 0;
int itemB_num = 0;
ABCListener mabclistener = new ABCListenter() {
public void onEventActivated(CustomResult result) {
//do sth secret e.g.
itemA_num ++;
ABCobject mabcobject = (ABCobject) findviewById(;
I don't want people to decompile my APK and modify the code by amending the value or adding something like this:
ABCListener mabclistener = new ABCListenter() {
public void onEventActivated(CustomResult result) {
//do sth secret e.g.
itemA_num += 10000; //possibly some general name read by those guys and modified as int1 +=10000;
itemB_num += 500; //possibly some general name read by those guys and added this line int2 +=500;
So I want to use JNI with Cmake. Inside a .cpp file, I want to create the Class Object, findviewById, setListener and create the ABCListener.
I know using the format
jclass cls = (jclass) env->FindClass("abc/def/GHI");
jmethodID mid = (jmethod) env->GetMethodID(cls, "methodname", "(xxxx)yyy");
jobject obj = (jobject) env->CallObjectMethod(cls, mid, params);
However, if I want to write code about ABCListener and make a jobject of it, I don't know how and where to tell the machine I am going to write some code relating to #Override public void onEventActivated(CustomResult result) { ... }. I also want to add some lines of code inside the response in JNI.
I have found a website "similar" to this question but it is from 2011 and about Runnable.
I don't know if it still works in 2021.

First, define a new class on the Java side:
class NativeABCListener implements ABCListener {
#Override public native void onEventActivated(CustomResult result);
Next, create an instance of NativeABCListener, either in Java or in native code, and attach it to your mabcobject. You know how to do this so I will not repeat it.
On the native side, you simply define a C++ method with the appropriate name:
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_your_package_NativeABCListener_onEventActivated(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jobject result) {
If you need multiple ABCListeners that do different things, you can choose to create multiple NativeABCListener classes (each with their own corresponding native function), or you can modify NativeABCListener to store a C++ function pointer in a Java long field. In the ..._onEventActivated function you then extract the field from thiz and call it like a regular functino pointer.


Call method String java from ndk with languge c++

i want to call method inside java and retrun a string to ndk but my app will crash when i calling java method .
i checked more stackoverflow site but when im using other codes,it dont work.
help me thanks
inside ndk code :
extern "C"
Java_com_hppni_battleword_view_SplashScreen_tkk(JNIEnv *env, jclass type) {
jclass jClass = env->FindClass("com/hppni/battleword/view/SplashScreen");
if (jClass != nullptr) {
jmethodID mid2 = env->GetStaticMethodID(jClass, "encryptThisString",
"(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;"); // app will crash here
if (mid2 != nullptr) {
env->CallStaticVoidMethod(jClass, mid2, (jstring) "ali"); // app will crash here
return env->NewStringUTF(getSignature(env));
inside java class/Activity :
public static String encryptThisString(String input) {
Log.d("NDK", input);
return input;
You can't just cast char * string to jstring. You need to create jstring object using JNI functions like NewStringUTF, for example.

Using GoogleMock to mock an instance created by code under test

I have create an interface (here's an example):
class DataStream
virtual std::string read(std::string terminator) = 0;
virtual size_t write(std::string data) = 0;
For which there exists a concrete implementation, such as:
class SerialDataStream : public DataStream
// NOTE: This constructor will throw an exception if the
// serial port cannot be opened.
SerialDataStream(string port, int baudrate);
std::string read(std::string terminator);
size_t write(std::string data);
And the interface is used, for example:
class SomeThing
SomeThing(std::shared_ptr<DataStream> stream);
Using GoogleMock, testing the SomeThing class is fairly straight forward, all you need to do is create a mock implementation for the interface, for example:
class MockDataStream : public DataStream
MOCK_METHOD1(read, size_t(std::vector<uint8_t>&));
MOCK_METHOD1(write, size_t(std::vector<uint8_t>&));
Where the test would look something like this:
std::shared_ptr<MockDataStream> mock_stream(nullptr);
mock_stream = std::make_shared<MockDataStream>();
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_stream, write("START")).Times(AtLeast(1));
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_stream, read("\n")).Times(AtLeast(1));
SomeThing some_thing = SomeThing(mock_stream);
Which is pretty cool as it easily allows me to unittest how the SomeThing class uses the DataStream interface.
However, there also exists some code whose job it is to create new (concrete) DataStream objects and I'm finding using GoogleMock to test this a little more tricky. For example, here is a snippet of some code that needs to be tested:
std::shared_ptr<DataStream> datastream(nullptr);
// Try and open the serial port:
std::shared_ptr<SerialDataStream> serialstream =
std::make_shared<SerialDataStream>("/dev/tty99", 115200);
catch (...)
// Returns a nullptr
return datastream;
// Check if there is a known device on the other end:
datastream = std::static_pointer_cast<DataStream>(serialstream);
if (!device_is_connected(datastream))
datastream = nullptr;
return datastream;
I'm struggling to find an effective method to test this code with GoogleMock:
I would like to mock the constructor (of SerialDataStream) so it throws an exception and the failure path is executed as expected.
I would like to test the successful path where the private API "device_is_connected" uses the newly created datastream object.
Is it the case that I have no option other than to create a fake SerialDataStream implementation and use dependency injection to test the code which creates concrete DataStream objects?
If this is the case, I'll just have to make the API "device_is_connected" public so I can simply test it with a mock implementation of the interface (as above) to test, for example:
string response ="\n");
if (discovery_ok(response))
// do stuff
I'm fairly certain I've answered my own question and will have no option but to fake the SerialDataStream class and use dependency injection, and make private APIs public and simply test them via GoogleMock, but I'm open to suggestions if there's a better way I could/should be doing things here.
Looking at the code snipped you provided, I found myself asking:
What exactly should the function do? It seems like it
(1) creates a SerialDataStream and
(2) checks if a device is connected.
You may could break the function into two (individually testable) parts.
Still there is the question on how to handle the std::shared_ptr<SerialDataStream> serialstream = std::make_shared<SerialDataStream>("/dev/tty99", 115200); - at some point you will need to tackle the (hidden) new there.
And I agree with you - dependency injection might be the solution there. Turning whatever class or function ends up responsible for creating into a template class/function would allow to write you (e.g.)
template<typename T>
std::shared_ptr<DataStream> createDatastream()
std::shared_ptr<DataStream> datastream(nullptr);
std::shared_ptr<T> datastream = std::make_shared<T>("/dev/tty99", 115200);
return datastream;
And then instantiate the class/function with SerialDataStream in your application, while using a MockDataStream to test the function(s).

How call a method without any parameter? [duplicate]

I am trying to pass back a string from a Java method called from C++. I am not able to find out what JNI function should I call to access the method and be returned a jstring value.
My code follows:
C++ part
main() {
jclass cls;
jmethodID mid;
jstring rv;
/** ... omitted code ... */
cls = env->FindClass("ClassifierWrapper");
mid = env->GetMethodID(cls, "getString","()Ljava/lang/String");
rv = env->CallStatic<TYPE>Method(cls, mid, 0);
const char *strReturn = env->GetStringUTFChars(env, rv, 0);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(rv, strReturn);
Java Code
public class ClassifierWrapper {
public String getString() { return "TEST";}
The Method Signature (from "javap -s Class")
public java.lang.String getString();
Signature: ()Ljava/lang/String;
You should have
cls = env->FindClass("ClassifierWrapper");
Then you need to invoke the constructor to get a new object:
jmethodID classifierConstructor = env->GetMethodID(cls,"<init>", "()V");
if (classifierConstructor == NULL) {
return NULL; /* exception thrown */
jobject classifierObj = env->NewObject( cls, classifierConstructor);
You are getting static method (even though the method name is wrong). But you need to get the instance method since getString() is not static.
jmethodID getStringMethod = env->GetMethodID(cls, "getString", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
Now invoke the method:
rv = env->CallObjectMethod(classifierObj, getStringMethod, 0);
const char *strReturn = env->GetStringUTFChars(env, rv, 0);
The complete working solution is as below:
Java Side
public class ClassifierWrapper {
public ClassifierWrapper(){}
public String getString() { return "TEST";}
Native Side
jclass cls;
jmethodID mid;
jstring rv;
cls = jniEnv->FindClass("ClassifierWrapper"); //plase also consider your package name as package\name\classname
jmethodID classifierConstructor = jniEnv->GetMethodID(cls,"<init>", "()V");
if (classifierConstructor == NULL) {
return NULL; /* exception thrown */
jobject classifierObj = jniEnv->NewObject( cls, classifierConstructor);
jmethodID getStringMethod = jniEnv->GetMethodID(cls, "getString", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
rv = (jstring)(jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(classifierObj, getStringMethod));
const char *strReturn = jniEnv->GetStringUTFChars( rv, 0);
jniEnv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(rv, strReturn);
The signature ()Ljava/lang/String is wrong, due that a class name into JVM must terminate with ;, then in this case signature must be ()Ljava/lang/String;
The first problem is that ClassifierWrapper.getString() is not static. You will need to make it static or instantiate ClassifierWrapper.
The second problem is that you are using GetMethodId instead of GetStaticMethodId.
To invoke a method that returns an Object (such as a String) you would call CallStaticObjectMethod(). That will return a jobject local reference to the String that the method returned. You can safely cast the jobject to a jstring (see and use GetStringUTFChars to retrieve the characters and GetStringUTFLength to get the number of characters.
JNI is very tricky. You need to check the error code for everything (use ExceptionCheck() when there is no error code). If you don't check for errors it will fail silently in most cases and usually not at the point where the actual bug is.
You also need to understand the difference between local and global references (and what methods generate new references) in order to not leak memory and run into the reference limit. For instance, FindClass returns a local reference to a class object, but GetMethodId returns a MethodID.
Good luck

Call back on JNI

How can I register call back on JNI from android app? My requirement is, I want to make a JNI call from Android application and want to register a call back, so that I can get call back on java application from JNI.
First, check out Swig. It wraps C++ in Java and also has a "director" fcility that makes it easier to call C++ methods from Java.
With raw JINI, you cannot do this directly. Although the RegisterNatives() call can be made to bind a native method, it cannot be changed. If you want to call a C function by pointer, you will need to do this in two steps. I am glossing over a lot, because JNI is incredibly verbose and tedious. The basic trick is, wrap the C function pointer in a java long.
First declare a java class:
public class Callback {
public Callback(long cMethodPointer) { this.cMethod = cMethod; }
public void doCallback() { callCMethod(cMethod); }
public static native void callCMethod(long cMethod);
public long cMethod;
Run javah on that class file, and you'll get a stub header generated that looks like:
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_Callback_callCMethod
(JNIEnv *, jclass, jlong);
Implement that method in a DLL/so:
typedef void (*FP)();
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_Callback_callCMethod
(JNIEnv *, jclass, jlong pointer) {
and call System.loadLibrary() on that DLL/so in your Java main() method.
Finally, from your C/C++ code, you will need to create an instance of the Callback object via JNI, and pass the pointer to an actual method to it:
void MyFunction() { ... }
void Register() {
jclass cls = env->FindClass("Callback");
jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(cls, "<init>", "(J)V");
jvalue arg;
arg.j = (jlong)(void*)MyFunction;
jobject callback = env->NewObjectA(confCls, mid, &arg);
So this gives you a brand new Callback object that points to your C function! But then, how do you do anything with that? Well, you have to pass the Callback object to Java via JNI (step omitted), so that your Java code has the Callback object from which to call your C method:
public class Foo {
public Callback callback;
public void doSomeStuff() {

Create a Partial Stub in Microsoft Moles

I am pulling my hair out with this one. I have looked and cannot find a simple, clear example of creating and using a partial stub with Microsoft Moles. Maybe I'm missing somethimg, or have my code architected poorly, but I can't seem to get this to work.
Here's my class (simplified):
public class AccountService : IAccountService {
private readonly webServiceProxy IExternalWebServiceProxy;
public AccountService(IExternalWebServiceProxy webServiceProxy) {
this.webServiceProxy = webServiceProxy;
public List<AccountModel> GetAccounts(string customerId) {
var returnList = new List<AccountModel>();
var xmlResponse = webServiceProxy.GetAllCustomerAccounts(customerId);
var accountNodes = xmlResponse.SelectNodes("//AccountNodes");
if (accountNodes != null)
foreach (XmlNode node in accountNodes)
var account = this.MapAccountFromXml(node);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(account.AccountNumber))
return returnList;
public AccountModel MapAccountFromXml(XmlNode node) {
if (!IsValidAccount(node) {
return null;
// This performs a lot of XML manipulation getting nodes based on attributes
// and mapping them to the various properties of the AccountModel. It's messy
// and I didn't want it inline with the other code.
return populatedAccountModel;
public bool IsValidAccount(XmlNode node)
var taxSelectValue = node.SelectSingleNode("//FORMAT/Field[#taxSelect='1']").First().Value;
var accountStatus = // similar to first line in that it gets a single node using a specific XPath
var maturityDate = // similar to first line in that it gets a single node using a specific XPath
var maturityValue = // similar to first line in that it gets a single node using a specific XPath
return taxSelectValue != string.Empty && taxSelectValue != "0" && (accountStatusValue != "CL" || (maturityDate.Year >= DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1).Year));
What I want to do is test my GetAccounts() method. I can stub out the IExternalWebServiceProxy call and return fake XML, but I have internal calls happening in my service since my GetAccounts() method calls MapAccountFromXml() which in turn calls IsValidAccount().
Perhaps the solution is to not worry about breaking out the long and involved MapAccountFromXml() and IsValidAccount() code and just put them inline into the GetAccount() call, but I would rather leave them broken out for code readability.
I have my Moles assembly created, and know I can create a stub version of my class like this
var stubWebService = SIExternalWebServiceProxy {
GetAllCustomerAccounts = delegate {
return SomeHelper.GetFakeXmlDocument();
var stubAccountService = new SAccountService() { callsBase = true; }
My problem is I don't know how to then override the internal calls to MapAccountFromXml and IsValidAccount and I don't want my Unit Test to be testing thos methods, I'd like to isolate GetAccounts for the test. I read somewhere the methods need to be virtual to be overriden in a partial stub, but could not find anything that then showed how to create a stub that overrides a few methods while calling the base for the one I want to test.
Peer put me on the right track, thank you.
It turned out that what I was looking for is called Detours in Moles. Rather than stub an interface using
var stubAccountService = new SIAccountService();
what I needed to do was create an instance of my AccountService and then detour all calls to the methods I wanted to mock, like this
var accountService = new AccountService();
MAccountService.AllInstances.MapAccountFromXmlXmlNode = delegate {
return new AccountModel();
The MAccountService is provided by Moles when you Mole your assembly. The only missing piece to this is that for this to work you need to add the following attribute to your test method:
This worked for me locally, but in the end I had trouble getting TFS to do automated builds
I just stumbled on another way of doing this, while looking at Rhino Mocks. If the methods in the class being mocked are virtual then you can override them in the mock, like this:
var accountService = new SAccountService();
accountService.MapAccountFromXmlXmlNode = delegate
return new AccountModel();
Now I can call
and when accountService makes its call to MapAccountFromXml it will be caught by the stub and processed as I deem necessary. No messing with HostType and it works like a charm.
To test methods in you class in issolation you do this with moles by making a mole for the IsValidAccount and MapAccountFromXml methods. Or make a stub implementation with stubs where you let the stub call the orriginal methode using base. Or what I think is a nicer solution, make a test class which overrides the methods you do want to stub (this is the same what a stub would do, except you see all what is happening in your own code):
public class TestHelperAccountService : AccountService {
public override AccountModel MapAccountFromXml(XmlNode node) {
return new AccountModel(){
public override bool IsValidAccount(XmlNode node)
return true;
This way you can do your test for the GetAccount method on your TestHelperAccountService class where you GetAccount method runs in full issolation. You can do the same for the methods like MapAccountFromXml to test them seperatly.