Multiple Django admin site on same server ,login abnormal - django

I deploy serveral django web sites on windows with IIS on same server,such as A,B,C. Each site works,but when I login django admin on site A,the login of django admin on site B and C will logout and each operation need relogin. Browser is chrome.
I want these sites don't interfere each other. Is there lack of django configuration?


Can I access Django Admin Site using deployed URL?

I just deploy my first Django Rest Framework into Heroku. Site URL is
I already can access admin site using through created superuser account.
But How I am gonna access the admin site using the deployed url?.
The contents in the databases are not identically the same if you have not synced those databases yet. You might find this thread useful.
Just Visit
Dont need to do anything.

How to direct a user from a page in a Django app to a static web page found on the same server

Assume that I have my Django app running at '/var/project/my_django_project/' and I want to direct the user to '/var/project/static_website/index.html' when a button is clicked in a template located at '/var/project/my_django_project/templates/my_template.html'. How can I achieve this?
Edit: I am using apache2 web server

How can I direct to different apps with different logins in Django project?

I have different apps for different clients in a Django project. And I have a login page. A client can log in and the login credentials will direct to the respective app. Something like the app is created for a particular client and other clients can't access to that particular app.
How can I do that? I am confused in redirecting to the particular app in in Django main project folder (not in of each app).

Unable to login to django admin on production

I am unable to login to my django admin site on an app that is on production on an apache2 server. When I run python runserver xx.xx.xx.xx:8000 (xx:xx:xx:xx is my remote IP) on the remote server, everything works fine and I'm able to login to the django admin site. On my local machine, I'm also able to login well. However when the site is served by apache on the remote server, I am unable to login to the admin site despite using valid credentials.
What could be the problem? I am not sure what setting(s) may be wrong so I don't know what code snippet to post!
Clear your admin site cookies. Your production site cookie is probably mismatched with the production secret key, or you're using the same secret key which can also cause a mismatch.

Django powered site and micro sites – do I have to create a separate project for each microsite?

I'm looking to build a Django website with the main site on On this domain, a user can register using an email and password and start writing blog posts at Admins will be able to login into the Django Admin to alter posts and change content on the other pages of
The website will have one microsite each year on subdomains, e.g.,,, etc. Admins will be able to edit content using the Django Admin.
I'm going to deploy the Django project onto Heroku.
The question that I would answered is whether I should create a new Django app and Heroku deployment for each microsite and the main site? Or, whether I can create it all as one Django project?
The latter seems to make more sense to me, but unsure how I would go about it.