How to Synchronize function calls with callbacks? - c++

I am using a SDK that provides some functions and one callback to send the results. Code is in C++.
typedef void(*onSdkCallBackFn)(int cmdType, const char *jsonResult);
void SetCallback(onSdkIotCallBackFn Fn);
void SetCommand(int commandId);
There is no return value for SetCommand, so need to wait for SDK to send the result through callback.
I need to provide my own API for upper layer, but they expect to get the result by function call and do not intend to receive it through callback.
here is my sample code:
void MyCallback(int cmdType, const char *jsonResult)
int result;
if (cmfType == 5)
result = 100;
result = 0;
int DoCommandNo5()
int result = -1; // need to be updated in callback function
// here I need to wait for result through SDK callback and return it.
// How to handle it?
return result;
Can I do this without using threads? What is the best way to handle this task?
I checked these approaches: WaitForSingleObject and std::condition_variable but seems for both need create separate thread.
Any advise and help is appreciated.

Well one way to do it is to e.g. wait on std::condition_variable:
int DoCommandNo5()
int result = -1;
bool resultReady = false;
std::mutex m;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m);
std::condition_variable cv;
auto getResult = [&](int commandResult) {
resultReady = true;
result = commandResult;
cv.wait(lk, [&]{return resultReady;});
return result;
You can also call cv.wait_for method so DoCommandNo5 function doesn't block infinitely.

Since the details are vague, I will answer from a very general perspective of how to wrap an event driven based functionality into a standard function.
I expect result to be accessible globally or passed somehow to the callback function. Therefore, in the function expecting the callback to set an actual result, one can just do waiting while loop. e.g.:
int result;
void TheCallback() {
result = 255;
int TheCallbackWrapper() {
result = -1; // let's assume -1 means result is not yet set
while (result == -1) {
sleep(1); // an assumption of system call to sleep the execution for 1 ms, just not to eat CPU time too much
return result; // if we reach this point, then the callback has set a result ready to be returned


How to get local hour efficiently?

I'm developing a service. Currently I need to get local hour for every request, since it involves system call, it costs too much.
In my case, some deviation like 200ms is OK for me.
So what's the best way to maintain a variable storing local_hour, and update it every 200ms?
static int32_t GetLocalHour() {
time_t t = std::time(nullptr);
if (t == -1) { return -1; }
struct tm *time_info_ptr = localtime(&t);
return (nullptr != time_info_ptr) ? time_info_ptr->tm_hour : -1;
If you want your main thread to spend as little time as possible on getting the current hour you can start a background thread to do all the heavy lifting.
For all things time use std::chrono types.
Here is the example, which uses quite a few (very useful) multithreading building blocks from C++.
#include <chrono>
#include <future>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
#include <atomic>
#include <iostream>
// building blocks
// std::future/std::async, to start a loop/function on a seperate thread
// std::atomic, to be able to read/write threadsafely from a variable
// std::chrono, for all things time
// std::condition_variable, for communicating between threads. Basicall a signal that only signals that something has changed that might be interesting
// lambda functions : anonymous functions that are useful in this case for starting the asynchronous calls and to setup predicates (functions returning a bool)
// std::mutex : threadsafe access to a bit of code
// std::unique_lock : to automatically unlock a mutex when code goes out of scope (also needed for condition_variable)
// helper to convert time to start of day
using days_t = std::chrono::duration<int, std::ratio_multiply<std::chrono::hours::period, std::ratio<24> >::type>;
// class that has an asynchronously running loop that updates two variables (threadsafe)
// m_hours and m_seconds (m_seconds so output is a bit more interesting)
class time_keeper_t
time_keeper_t() :
m_delay{ std::chrono::milliseconds(200) }, // update loop period
m_future{ std::async(std::launch::async,[this] {update_time_loop(); }) } // start update loop
// wait until asynchronous loop has started
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock{ m_mtx };
// wait until the asynchronous loop has started.
// this can take a bit of time since OS needs to schedule a thread for that
m_cv.wait(lock, [this] {return m_started; });
// threadsafe stopping of the mainloop
// to avoid problems that the thread is still running but the object
// with members is deleted.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock{ m_mtx };
m_stop = true;
m_cv.notify_all(); // this will wakeup the loop and stop
// future.get will wait until the loop also has finished
// this ensures no member variables will be accessed
// by the loop thread and it is safe to fully destroy this instance
// inline to avoid extra calls
inline int hours() const
return m_hours;
// inline to avoid extra calls
inline int seconds() const
return m_seconds;
void update_time()
m_now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::chrono::steady_clock::duration tp = m_now.time_since_epoch();
// calculate back till start of day
days_t days = duration_cast<days_t>(tp);
tp -= days;
// calculate hours since start of day
auto hours = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::hours>(tp);
tp -= hours;
m_hours = hours.count();
// seconds since start of last hour
auto seconds = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(tp);
m_seconds = seconds.count() % 60;
void update_time_loop()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock{ m_mtx };
// loop has started and has initialized all things time with values
m_started = true;
// stop condition for the main loop, put in a predicate lambda
auto stop_condition = [this]()
return m_stop;
while (!m_stop)
// wait until m_cv is signaled or m_delay timed out
// a condition variable allows instant response and thus
// is better then just having a sleep here.
// (imagine a delay of seconds, that would also mean stopping could
// take seconds, this is faster)
m_cv.wait_for(lock, m_delay, stop_condition);
if (!m_stop) update_time();
std::atomic<int> m_hours;
std::atomic<int> m_seconds;
std::mutex m_mtx;
std::condition_variable m_cv;
bool m_started{ false };
bool m_stop{ false };
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point m_now;
std::chrono::steady_clock::duration m_delay;
std::future<void> m_future;
int main()
time_keeper_t time_keeper;
// the mainloop now just can ask the time_keeper for seconds
// or in your case hours. The only time needed is the time
// to return an int (atomic) instead of having to make a full
// api call to get the time.
for (std::size_t n = 0; n < 30; ++n)
std::cout << "seconds now = " << time_keeper.seconds() << "\n";
return 0;
You don't need to query local time for every request because hour doesn't change every 200ms. Just update the local hour variable every hour
The most correct solution would be registering to a timer event like scheduled task on Windows or cronjobs on Linux that runs at the start of every hour. Alternatively create a timer that runs every hour and update the variable
The timer creation depends on the platform, for example on Windows use SetTimer, on Linux use timer_create. Here's a very simple solution using boost::asio which assumes that you run on the exact hour. You'll need to make some modification to allow it to run at any time, for example by creating a one-shot timer or by sleeping until the next hour
#include <chrono>
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
int32_t get_local_hour()
time_t t = std::time(nullptr);
if (t == -1) { return -1; }
struct tm *time_info_ptr = localtime(&t);
return (nullptr != time_info_ptr) ? time_info_ptr->tm_hour : -1;
static int32_t local_hour = get_local_hour();
bool running = true;
// Timer callback body, called every hour
void update_local_hour(const boost::system::error_code& /*e*/,
boost::asio::deadline_timer* t)
while (running)
t->expires_at(t->expires_at() + boost::posix_time::hour(1));
boost::asio::placeholders::error, t, count));
local_hour = get_local_hour();
int main()
boost::asio::io_service io;
// Timer that runs every hour and update the local_hour variable
boost::asio::deadline_timer t(io, boost::posix_time::hour(1));
boost::asio::placeholders::error, &t));
running = true;;
running = false; // stop the timer
Now just use local_hour directly instead of GetLocalHour()

How to handle condition variable missed signal from another thread

So in the compilable code below, I'm sending a Query message to be handled by another thread and I want to wait for a response or timeout if it hits a certain timeout. I don't know why the wait_until is missing the signal and hitting the timeout period when it should not be doing that. It only happens if the handler is returning a response REALLY fast. How do you propose I fix the code below?
#include <mutex>
#include <memory>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <atomic>
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <zconf.h>
class Question
class Answer
bool isAnswered = false;
class Query
std::condition_variable _cv;
std::mutex _mutex;
std::atomic_bool _questionAnswered;
std::atomic_bool _questionSet;
std::shared_ptr<Question> _question;
std::shared_ptr<Answer> _answer;
void setQuestion(std::shared_ptr<Question> & question)
_question = question;
_questionSet = true;
void setAnswer(std::shared_ptr<Answer> answer)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);
// Set the answer and notify the getAnswerWithTimeout() to unlock if holding
_answer = answer;
_questionAnswered = true;
std::shared_ptr<Answer> getAnswerWithTimeout(uint64_t micros)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
// When timeout occurs, lock down this class, set the answer as null, and set error to timeout
if (!_cv.wait_until(lock, now + std::chrono::microseconds(micros), [&]() { return (bool)_questionAnswered; }) )
_answer = nullptr;
_questionAnswered = true;
return _answer;
void function_to_run(std::shared_ptr<Query> query)
// Respond to query and set the answer
auto answer = std::make_shared<Answer>();
answer->isAnswered = true;
// Set the response answer
std::queue<std::shared_ptr<Query>> queryHandler;
bool keepRunning = true;
std::mutex queryHandlerMutex;
std::condition_variable queryHandlerCv;
void handleQueryHandler()
while (true)
std::shared_ptr<Query> query;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(queryHandlerMutex);
queryHandlerCv.wait(lock, [&] { return !keepRunning || !queryHandler.empty(); });
if (!keepRunning) {
// Pop off item from queue
query = queryHandler.front();
// Process query with function
void insertIntoQueryHandler(std::shared_ptr<Query> & query)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(queryHandlerMutex);
// Insert into Query Handler
// Notify query handler to start if locked on empty
ask(std::shared_ptr<Query> query, uint64_t timeoutMicros=0)
std::shared_ptr<Answer> answer = nullptr;
// Send Query to be handled by external thread
// Hold for the answer to be returned with timeout period
answer = query->getAnswerWithTimeout(timeoutMicros);
return answer;
int main()
// Start Up Query Handler thread to handle Queries
std::thread queryHandlerThread(handleQueryHandler);
// Create queries in infinite loop and process
for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
auto question = std::make_shared<Question>();
auto query = std::make_shared<Query>();
auto answer = ask(query, 1000);
std::cout << "Query Timed out after 1000us" << std::endl;
// Stop the thread
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(queryHandlerMutex);
keepRunning = false;
return 0;
As discussed in the comments, the main issue here is the timeout period you're using (1ms), in this interval:
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
.... another thread may sneak in here ....
if (!_cv.wait_until(lock, now + std::chrono::microseconds(micros), [&]() { return (bool)_questionAnswered; }) )
another thread can sneak in and consume a timeslice (e.g. 10ms) and the wait_until would timeout immediately. Furthermore there are reports of unexpected behaviour with wait_until as described here:
std::condition_variable wait_until surprising behaviour
Increasing the timeout to something in the order of several timeslices will fix this. You can also adjust thread priorities.
Personally I advocate polling a condition variable with wait_for which is efficient and also bails in a timely fashion (as opposed to polling a flag and sleeping).
Time slices in non-RTOS systems tend to be in the order of 10ms, so I would not expect such short timeouts to work accurately and predictably in general-purpose systems. See this for an introduction to pre-emptive multitasking:
as well as this:
As jtbandes points out, it's worth using tools such as Clang's thread sanitiser to check for potential logic races:

What's the good way to pass data to a thread in c++?

I'm learning multi-thread coding using c++. What I need to do is continuously read word from keyboard, and pass it to a data thread for data processing. I used global variable word[] to pass the data. When word[0] != 0 means a new input from keyboard. And the data thread will set word[0] to 0 once it read the data. It works! But I'm not sure if it safe or not, or there are better ways to do this. Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
static const int buff_len = 32;
static char* word = new char[buff_len];
static void data_thread () { // thread to handle data
while (1)
if (word[0]) { // have a new word
char* w = new char[buff_len];
strcpy(w, word);
cout << "Data processed!\n";
word[0] = 0; // Inform the producer that we consumed the word
static void read_keyboard () {
char * linebuf = new char[buff_len];
thread * worker = new thread( data_thread );
while (1) //enter "end" to terminate the loop
if (!std::fgets( linebuf, buff_len, stdin)) // EOF?
linebuf[strcspn(linebuf, "\n")] = '\0'; //remove new line '\n' from the string
word = linebuf; // Pass the word to the worker thread
while (word[0]); // Wait for the worker thread to consume it
worker->join(); // Wait for the worker to terminate
int main ()
return 0;
The problem with this type of multi threading implementation is busy waiting. The input reader & the data consumer both are busy waiting and wasting the cpu cycles. To overcome this you need Semaphore.
Semaphore s_full(0);
Semaphore s_empty(1);
void data_processor ()
while (true) {
// Wait for data availability.
// Data is available to you, consume it.
// Unblock the data producer.
void input_reader()
while (true) {
// Wait for empty buffer.
// Read data.
// Unblock data com=nsumer.
In addition this solution will work only for a single data consumer thread. But for multiple data consumer threads you'll need thread safe buffer queue and proper implementation of producer - consumer problem.
See below blog links for additional information to solve this problem:
Thread safe buffer queue:
Producer - consumer problem:
There are a few problems with your approach:
This method is not scalable. What if you have more than 1 processing thread?
You would need a mutex to synchronise read-write access to the memory stored by word. At the scale of this example, not a big deal. In a "serious" application you might not have the luxury of waiting till you get the data thread stops processing. In that case, you might be tempted to remove the while(word[0]) but that is unsafe.
You fire off a "daemon" thread (not exactly but close enough) to handle your computations. Most of the time the thread is waiting for your input and cannot proceed without it. This is inefficient, and modern C++ gives you a way around it without explicitly handling raw threads using std::async paradigm.
#include <future>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
static std::string worker(const std::string &input)
// assume this is a lengthy operation
return input.substr(1);
int main()
while (true)
std::string input;
std::getline (std::cin, input);
if (input.empty())
std::future<std::string> fut= std::async(std::launch::async, &worker, input);
// Other tasks
// size_t n_stars = count_number_of_stars();
std::string result = fut.get(); // wait for the task to complete
printf("Output : %s\n", result.c_str());
return 0;
Something like this in my opinion is the better approach. std::async will launch a thread (if std::launch::async option is specified) and return a waitable future. The computation will continue in the background, and you can do other work in the main thread. When you need to get the result of your computation, you can get() the result of the future(btw the future can be void too).
Also there are a lot of C-isms in your C++ code. Unless there is a reason to do so, why would you not use std::string?
In modern CPP multithreading, u should be using condition_variable, mutex, and queue to handle this. the mutex prevents mutual reach to the queue and the condition variable makes the reader thread sleep until the writer writes what it write. the following is an example
static void data_thread (std::queue<char> & dataToProcess, std::mutex & mut, std::condition_variable & cv, std::atomic<bool>& finished) { // thread to handle data
std::string readData;
while (!finished)
std::unique_lock lock{mut};
cv.wait(lock, [&] { return !dataToProcess.empty() || finished; });
if (finished) {
while (!dataToProcess.empty()){
readData += dataToProcess.front();
readData += dataToProcess.front();
std::cout << "\nData processed\n";
std::cout << readData;
static void read_keyboard () {
std::queue<char> data;
std::condition_variable cv;
std::mutex mut;
std::atomic<bool> finished = false;
std::thread worker = std::thread( data_thread, std::ref(data), std::ref(mut), std::ref(cv), std::ref(finished) );
char temp;
while (true) //enter "end" to terminate the loop
if (!std::cin.get(temp)) // EOF?
finished = true;
std::lock_guard lock {mut};
worker.join(); // Wait for the worker to terminate
int main ()
return 0;
What you are looking for is a message queue. This needs mutex and condition variable.
Here is one on github (not mine but it popped up when I searched)
and another
I will get told off for posting links, but I am not going to type the entire code here and github's not going anywhere soon

What C++'s equivalent to winapi's MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx

I'm making the transition from using native Win32 API calls to manage my thread's message queue to using my own C++ code. I have encountered a question which I can't fully answer.
Given the following code snippet
LRESULT QueueConsumeThread()
MSG msg = { 0 };
HANDLE hHandles[] = { hHandle1, hHandle2 };
while (true)
DWORD dwRes;
switch (dwRes = ::MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(_countof(hHandles), hHandles, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_ALLEVENTS))
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 :
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1:
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + _countof(hHandles):
ATLASSERT(msg.message == WM_QUIT);
return 1;
return 1;
I have read in many sources that a particular thread should be a associated with a single condition_variable, also that using multiple condition_variables or invoking wait_for() or wait_until() doesn't sound too efficient.
The following source suggested implementing a safe_queue using condition_variables. I guess that PeekMessage/GetMessage/MsgWaitForMultipleObject work similarly, but what kind of data should each cell of the queue hold and be able to receive event signals?
Edit: I'm asking this as I have to write a cross-platform application.
Contrary to windows synhronization events (which can be in signalled state) std::condition_variable is decoupled from the state. So, the most natural approach would be to define several conditions and wait/report them with the single condition_variable:
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);
cv.wait(lock, []{ return ready1 || ready2 || ready3; });
if (ready1) { ... }
if (ready2) { ... }
if (ready3) { ... }
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);
ready1 = true;

c++ newbie - pthread providing it's state to another pthread

I am a newbie in c++ working on what should be a pretty basic file read and then process data functionality and I keep getting stuck on being able to at least provide a "state" of on thread to another so that data could be consumed. This just maybe something really basic that I am overlooking - could use some insight into using pthreads in c++.
Bellow is some basic extracted code that functions OK, reads the file and provides data to be processed. Another thread that will process the data needs to know the state of this one.
What would be the best strategy? I am attempting to request the state of the thread through a function from another thread but receive incorrect response.
_threadId = 1;
_msg = NONE; // enum NONE, READ, STOP
active = false;
pthread_mutex_init(&_mutex, 0);
void Reader::read(){
_msg = READ;
active = true;
pthread_create(&_threadId, 0, work, this);
void * Reader::work(void *myselfreader){
Reader * reader = (Reader*)myselfreader;
return 0;
void Reader::loop(){
case READ:
// do the reading of the IO file - which works fine
// once done reading the file - the _msg is set to STOP
case STOP:
void Reader::stopThread(){
active = false;
_msg = ENC_NONE;
pthread_join(_threadId, 0);
int Reader::getReaderState(){
// another thread needs to know the state of this thread
return _msg // ??
return active // ??
It seems that you have race condition somewhere in your code.
You need to protect your _msg variable with mutex. Every time you need to update _msg variable request mutex, update variable and close the mutex. You need to do the same thing for the reading in getReaderState() function - acquire mutex, copy variable into temp, release mutex and return temp variable.
For easy and error-prone usage, you should create getter and setter function for accessing _msg field which will be guarded by the same mutex (and not the one that you are already using):
void setMsg(int msg)
_msg = msg;
int getMsg()
int tmp;
tmp = _msg;
return tmp;