process non csv, json and parquet files from s3 using glue - amazon-web-services

Little disclaimer have never used glue.
I have files stored in s3 that I want to process using glue but from what I saw when I tried to start a new job from a plain graph the only option I got was csv, json and parquet file formats from s3 but my files are not of these types. Is there any way processing those files using glue? or do I need to use another aws service?
I can run a bash command to turn those files to json but the command is something I need to download to a machine if there any way i can do it and than use glue on that json


How can we rename the generated/output parquet file in PYSPARK or Dynamic Frames in AWS Glue?

This is a generated output parquet file in S3 from AWS Glue with PySpark, we want to give a specific name like abcd.parquet not auto-generated characters. Any help would be great. Thanks!
This is unfortunately not possible. Glue is using Spark under the hood which assigns those names to your files.
The only thing you can do is to rename it after writing.

AWS S3 file format

While writing files in S3 through Glue job, how to give custom file-name and also with timestamp format ( for example - file-name_yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss) format ??
As by default, glue writes the output files in format part-0**
Since Glue is using Spark in the background it is not possible to change the file names directly.
There is the possibility to change it after you have written to S3 though. This answer provides a simple code snippet that should work.

No extension while using from_options' in DynamicFrameWriter in AWS Glue spark context

I am new to AWS. I am writing **AWS Glue job** for some transformation and I could do it. But now after the transformation I used **'from_options' in DynamicFrameWriter Class** to transfer the data frame as csv file. But the file copied to S3 without any extension. Also is there any way to rename the file copied, using DynamicFrameWriter or any other. Please help....
Step1: Triggered an AWS glue job for trnsforming files in S3 to RDS instance..
Step2: On successful job completion transfer the contents of file to another S3 using from_options' in DynamicFrameWriter class. But the file dosen't have any extension.
you have to set the format of the file you are writing.
eg: format=csv
This should set the csv file extension.. You however cannot choose the name of the file that you want to write it as. The only option you have is to have some sort of s3 operation where you change the key name of the file.

How do I import JSON data from S3 using AWS Glue?

I have a whole bunch of data in AWS S3 stored in JSON format. It looks like this:
It's all the same schema. I want to get all that JSON data into a single database table. I can't find a good tutorial that explains how to set this up.
Ideally, I would also be able to perform small "normalization" transformations on some columns, too.
I assume Glue is the right choice, but I am open to other options!
If you need to process data using Glue and there is no need to have a table registered in Glue Catalog then there is no need to run Glue Crawler. You can setup a job and use getSourceWithFormat() with recurse option set to true and paths pointing to the root folder (in your case it's ["s3://my-bucket/"] or ["s3://my-bucket/store-1", "s3://my-bucket/store-2", ...]). In the job you can also apply any required transformations and then write the result into another S3 bucket, relational DB or a Glue Catalog.
Yes, Glue is a great tool for this!
Use a crawler to create a table in the glue data catalog (remember to set Create a single schema for each S3 path under Grouping behavior for S3 data when creating the crawler)
Read more about it here
Then you can use relationalize to flatten our your json structure, read more about that here
Json and AWS Glue may not be the best match. Since AWS Glue is based on hadoop, it inherits hadoop's "one-row-per-newline" restriction, so even if your data is in json, it has to be formatted with one json object per line [1]. Since you'll be pre-processing your data anyway to get it into this line-separated format, it may be easier to use csv instead of json.
Edit 2022-11-29: There does appear to be some tooling now for jsonl, which is the actual format that AWS expects, making this less of an automatic win for csv. I would say if your data is already in json format, it's probably smarter to convert it to jsonl than to convert to csv.

Decompress a zip file in AWS Glue

I have a compressed gzip file in an S3 bucket. The files will be uploaded to the S3 bucket daily by the client. The gzip when uncompressed will contain 10 files in CSV format, but with the same schema only. I need to uncompress the gzip file, and using Glue->Data crawler, need to create a schema before running a ETL script using a dev. endpoint.
Is glue capable to decompress the zip file and create a data catalog. Or any glue library available which we can use directly in the python ETL script? or should I opt for an Lambda/any other utility so that as soon as the zip file is uploaded, I run a utility to decompress and provide as a input to Glue?
Appreciate any replies.
Glue can do decompression. But it wouldn't be optimal. As gzip format is not splittable (that mean only one executor will work with it). More info about that here.
You can try to decompression by lambda and invoke glue crawler for new folder.
Use gluecontext.create_dynamic_frame.from_options and mention compression type in connection options. Similarly output can also be compressed while writing to s3. The below snippet worked for bzip, please change format to gz|gzip and try.
I tried the Target Location in UI of glue console and found bzip and gzip are supported in writing dynamic_frames to s3 and made changes to the code generated to read a compressed file from s3. In docs it is not directly available.
Not sure about the efficiency. It took around 180 seconds of execution time to read, Map transform, change to dataframe and back to dynamicframe for a 400mb compressed csv file in bzip format. Please note execution time is different from start_time and end_time shown in console.
datasource0 = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame
'paths': ['s3://bucketname/folder/filename_20180218_004625.bz2'],
'separator': ';'
I've written a Glue Job that can unzip s3 files and put them back in s3.
Take a look at