How do you give admin to specific users using HDAdmin? - admin

I want to give admin on Roblox to a few friends, but I have HDAdmin and I don't know how to give admin to a people since I transferred from Khol's Admin Infinite to HDAdmin. I have tried searching through the commands list but I haven't found anything regarding giving admin to another user. I've also searched the internet and I haven't found anything about doing this either.
Help much appreciated.

I believe you can do it on their config page, they should have a mini tutorial or like a link somewhere in the HD Admin folder explaining it.

;rank #anyone {rank}
or if you want the pernament use the "workspace/hd admin/settings" and do this to the rank names & specific users
Ranks = {
{5, "Owner", };
{4, "HeadAdmin",{"#anyone",0},};
{3, "Admin", {"",0}, };
{2, "Mod", {"",0}, };
{1, "VIP", {"",0}, };
{0, "NonAdmin", };


Sitecore and Azure Search: support for Edm.ComplexType

I am using Sitecore 9.3, and I would like to add the structured computed field to the Azure Search index.
I discovered that the most "complex" cloud type supported by Sitecore is the Collection of simple-type values, for example, Collection(Edm.String).
Is there any existing way to extend Sitecore Search capabilities (third-party library or just reconfiguration?) and start supporting Edm.ComplexType to allow me to add structured data like below to get them searched by the sub-field (for example, someList/any(list: list/id eq '1')), faceted by the sub-field, etc.
"someList": [
{"id":"1", "name": "One"},
{"id":"2", "name": "Two"}
I can add Collection(Edm.ComplexType) to the index, and the Azure Search works fine. However, I am searching for an easy way to fill the index from Sitecore.
Thank you in advance.

REST-ish URI design for multiple dependent resources

I'm trying to design a REST-ish based Web Service to interface with a farm animal management system I am working on.
To explain the problem in detail, I have a collection of animals belonging to a farm. Each animal has its own information - such as name, ID number, breed age, etc. Therefore, I would assume a URI such as the following would suit:
/animals <- retrieve list of animals
/animals/{animal-id} <- Retrieve only one animal
/animals?breed=sheep <- Search/query
The problem arises when I try to link in other dependent resources to each animal. An animal can have a collection of weight information, as well as what I call comments (observations made for a particular animal). Each of these are dependent and only exist to that one particular animal, but are themselves a resource I want to access.
The easiest approach IMO would be to nest the resources within the animal URI:
However, I see a need to access and query the weights and comments directly, without referencing the animal. Examples in usage would be to retrieve the most recent (or all) weight(s) from all animals of a particular breed ...?breed=sheep or even return weights/comments for a selection of individual animal ID's ...?animals={ID1},{ID2},{...}.
Further complications arise when I want to add one comment to multiple animals at once. (please excuse my representation of a POST and JSON)
POST ....
"comment":"Animal moved to paddock B",
"animals":[{id1}, {id2}, ...]
I understand that the obvious solution to this problem would be to GET and POST (for example) to each animal that I wanted to retrieve/edit. I would prefer not to do this though, as eventually I want this service accessed from mobile devices, and therefore decreasing the number of calls seems wise.
I believe that the web standards allow CSV in the URI, so something like this could work,
But, I am expecting cases where ten(s) of animals may need to be referenced at once (or queried), and that would lead to a messy and unfriendly URI.
My current perceived solution is to expose weights and comments as their own resource, which allows me to access and query them directly
and even post directly to the collection
POST /comments
"comment":"Animal moved to paddock B",
"animals":[{id1}, {id2}, ...]
But what would /animals/{animal-id}/weights return? Is it even needed, or would I just reference a link to the /weights?animal={animal-id} resource itself? But is it okay to link to a queried resource?
Am I making one redundant, or just providing "another" way to access the information?
Is there something that I am doing wrong, am I letting my database influence my service model, or am I just missing the point completely?
I am quite new to this, and have read quite a few contradicting arguments regarding these issues, and so am quite confused as to what is best for my requirements.
It would be better to define top level resources for your other entities if you want to address them as such (/weights, /comments etc). You can then POST to those endpoints in a batch fashion.
POST /comments
"animals" : [
{"id" : 1},
{"id" : 2},
{"id" : 3},
{"id" : 4},
"commentText" : "Sent to Hamburger Hamlet"
Note that including long lists of id's in your URL is not good design for several reasons, including that most browsers and HTML proxies have restrictions on URL length (the good rule of thumb is to try and keep URL lengths at 2083 characters in length or less).
I have had similar issues to you, but in the end we were able to remove the complexities you are getting by having specific url namespaces (so to speak) for different user types using the API.
For example it might be a farm worker client app that would perform your /weights, /comments actions (POST, PUT, DELETE etc) that you are describing, so you could keep their functionality clean via something like:
And then still keep the /animals/{animal-id}/weights URL within some other "namespace".
Another thing to consider is embedding resources using something like the HAL format (, which could allow you to embed multiple animal resources within the request etc. Hope this helps.

multiple opencart login/logout issue

I have 2 stores built in OpenCart. I have built a store and put it on domain 1, then copied everything from store 1 to store 2. When I login to store 1's admin, store 2's admin gets logged out.
Problem found :
$this->session->data['token'] - here the values of store 2 gets changed when logged in to store 1.
Is there any way to overcome this?
The simplest solution would be to have two separate users. Any user should not be using two logins the same on two separate stores at once. If you're really want to stop it, you can find this code in your /admin/controller/common/home.php
|| ($this->request->get['token'] != $this->session->data['token'])
And remove it but I would advise against it since that will stop any token checking which is there to stop CSRF attacks on your site

Real example of Ember.js

Please give me real example of emberjs. This example will help me understand how to write in emberjs.
Description of example:
Please open this link first:
(this is prototype to better understand what i am talking about)
And then read:
Emberjs download Groups.owner by JSON from json.php?name=groups-owner&user_id=58 and Groups.member from json.php?name=groups-member&user_id=58. Both in Groups.all.
In object Groups i have all values of arrays what i read from JSON. I want example read something like that: owner[2][name].
Then from CreateGroupsSelect i want read Groups.all and create ListBox with values group_id and names name. And when i change select i want change <p>You select {{name}} with id {{id}}</p> and refresh data in other View emberjs objects.
I will be really gratefull for help. I am trying learn emberjs but i totally block with this example.
Ok, so i have many questions :)
How to bind value form input select to attribute in controller
var val = $('select option:selected').val();
Where can i find list of possible ussage like a "select option:selected". Any documentatin for that? Where?
How can i know i should use this? How should i looking in documentation to know that? Why not Ember.Select.Change for that?
Why author use "View", i thought for select i should use class "select"?
Seriously this is my first language when i fill all is so random and i dont have any idea how to know what i can write and where. I fill really stupid with that. Any hint how to understand that?
Ok so step by step...
First of all i want read JSON and prepare data to use.
Organizer.Groups = Ember.Object.extend({
owner: [],
member: [],
all: function(){
var owner = this.get('owner');
var member = this.get('member');
return owner.concat(member);
}.property('owner', 'member'),
a) "Object" is good choice for that?
b) I want fill "owner" by array from "json.php?name=groups-owner&user_id=58". How to do that? Did i define "owner" corretly or i should write "ArrayController" or something else for that? Mayby just "Array" or "ArrayProxy"? I am filling so confuse now.
c) How should i initiate load data from JSON? I want do this only one time on the beginning.
PS Sorry if you fill my questions are so stupid but i really dont know answers and i dont hide this :)
Here is an example of how to work with select menu in Ember js
select dropdown with ember
Here is an example of working with routes and outlet helper
Right way to do navigation with Ember
If you use routing make sure you have ember latest, routing is still not released.
Router / StateManager - can't make it work
When using latest emberjs refer to documentation in source code, the documentation in ember site will be for present stable release.
The links to routing is provided from your fidle title "Router with dynamic routes"
It will be hard to solve your complete problem, give it a try starting with the routing example from above, when you are stuck ask more specific questions, we'll be happy to help.
EDIT : Some of the links are already outdated.

Community Page Graph Picture Requires User Access Token?

Starting last month, it appears that community pages either require a user access token to access the graph image, or will not allow application to access the image.
As an example: The community page for Harold and Maude (105636526135846), last month would return a picture -- now calls to the graph do not include the picture string.
"id": "105636526135846",
"name": "Harold and Maude",
"link": "",
"likes": 143886,
"category": "Movie",
"is_community_page": true,
At one point it appeared that using an access token would work, however, now requesting '/105636526135846/picture' returns no picture and Facebook's embedded image is
Alternatively FQL appears to return the proper information
>> {
>>> "pic": "",<br />
>>> "pic_large": ""<br />
>> }<br />
Is there something I'm missing with the graph? I'm concerned that the FQL method may stop working.
Wikipedia have started blocking certain images, based on their licensing. So Facebook runs it through a filter (safe_image.php) to check if it is allowed or not. If not, you get a default image. So using FQL will 'sometimes' return you a usable image, but the graph no longer will.
I have no idea if Facebook plan to continue offering the FQL call. Sorry!