In Toad for Oracle the connections can be grouped by database (among other fields as user, etc) but in some of my projects we have different databases and I would like to have all of them grouped by project in the connection manager window.
I would like some kind of custom folder functionality where I can put my connections as my needs.
In the connections manager window, clic on Edit custom fields button and add a new field. This field will be added to each connection as a new column.
You can assign values to this column for each column using it as an aggregator. Then use this column as grouping field.
You can add more custom fields to add subgrouping capabilities.
Django Admin change "history" logs
As you know Django Admin's sidebar shows a list of APP > MODELS. When you click on a MODEL, the focus area displays a list of RECORDS. Click on a RECORD, then the focus area shows a single RECORD as a form which you can change.
Here, in the upper right hand corner of the change form, is a gray pill-shaped button labeled "HISTORY" with entries like:
Dec. 9, 2021, 4:38 p.m. me Changed Table price headers.
Feb. 26, 2022, 2:06 p.m. me Changed Table date headers.
What I need is a copy of the record data before each change. Later, I need to query the Django database and--in this example--get the version of the record prior to the Feb 26 change.
How can Django Admin change "history" logs be used to also store copy of data?
Not for every Django Model
The rest of the Models & Records in Django Admin should behave normally. I only have a few Models where I need history log and data.
Not to be confused with model history
When discussing this with other Django developers I have to explain the history I need is for the record's data, and not the model. There is a third-party Django packages which does the other thing which I don't need.
Why do I need this?
In my Django site I run a script which requires settings. I'm querying a non-Django-related MongoDB database where I keep a copy of reports generated by several third-party vendors. To help me manage and utilize this data I need a record of each report's headers or schema.
There is a tight coupling between the data I'm storing in Mongo and the data's schema. For this reason I'm storing these headers as "settings" in Django's database. It's been really convient for me to use the Django Administration page to update these schema settings.
However, once in a blue moon a third-party will rename a header or add a new column to their report. When this happens I have to update the settings record in the Django Admin. Currently I don't have access to the historical schemas in my Django project, and have to write custom scripts to access historical data.
My wish is store each version of these records, so I can check the settings change history log. When the requested records needs a historical schema, I can then query the Django database to recall the valid headers for the date range.
Have you tried django-simple-history? Works fine for me.
We have created a custom list form with SharePoint designer and now the requirement is like below:
User will request server creation using this form and now server can be of any type which user can choose from a drop-down such as Production,stage,Test or multiple production servers are required. And for each server type, there will be corresponding 20-25 fields which user need to fill for that server details. so i want to know the best way to achieve this as we cant create 200-250 list columns in this list and scrolling also will be a difficult task while user will submit the request. So what is the best way to achieve this requirement?
You can create a list containing all server types that will be used to create a server type lookup. Then you can create a list with a 'Server Type' column and 'Server Requirements' (multiple lines of text) column. You can store all requirements for a particular server as a JSON object e.g.:
{"RAM":"8GB", "CPU":"4"}
OR you can create a nested JSON object for each server type e.g.
{"ServerType": "Staging", "Requirements": {"RAM":"8GB", "CPU":"4"}}
wherever you want to show/send/populate data, you just need to retrieve this json and parse.
Hope this helps.
first I think the recommended way would be to try OOTB SharePoint solutions and in Your case I think You could try to use ContentTypes and OOTB list forms.
Lets say You create a content type per server type. To each type You add only the 20-25 fields that are corresponding to this server type. Then in list settings in advanced settings You turn on content type management and You add does content types to the list (also hide the default Element content type). After that when the user will want to add a new item to the list he will be albo to chose between the content types (server types in Your case), and after that the form will have only the fields that are added to this content type. Also in edit form the user will be able to pick between content types and will see only the corresponding fields. Please see the attached screens to also understand what I mean on a very simple case:
ContentType1 (ColumnA)
ContentType2 (ColumnB, ColumnC)
if this OOTB features are not enough and You already created a custom form using SharePoint Designer
Then You should be able to attach custom javascript file to it and jQuery library. The javascript You may store under _layouts path on server. Every field in the form has its own tr (row) You could to each row attach some custom css class like- class="forServerProd allFields" and then in js You could listen onChange event of Your list and show or hide fields with $(".allFields").css('dispaly','none'); // first hide all
$(".forServerProd ").css('dispaly','table-row'); // then show only relevant
I am unable to fill data into the Sitecore/Content Field items through GatherContent module in Sitecore for content gathering mapping to Sitecore items.
I am unable to migrate the Home data items from Gathercontent to the sitecore/Content/Home data items.
I mean to field to field level data mapping or sharing.
Kindly prefer the below images.
I want to migrtate GC(Gathercontent)home item title and text data into
Sitecore fields Home items title and text.
Thanks in Advance.
I got the solutions.
In content migration from Gather content to sitecore items , doesn't
directly map with the already created Sitecore items,it create new
items to the Sitecore with new GC Content Id:,GCPath
[shared]:,MappingId: and Last syn date.
kindly prefer the below image
just update this all same data with the already created sitecore items field.
suppose want to add in the home item field ..
Now click the Update from Sitecore ribbon gathercontent update button to update the content and select the appropriate project and template.
Now confirm the locations items and click update , this update already created all Sitecore items.
comment below if you find best solutions, for this.
I'm building a products table to show all the products attributes. However I need to allow users to add/edit/remove those attributes from the products later on in production without any dev work. I thought about branch templates but when I edit the branch template, existing products are not getting updated. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong direction? Any suggestions?
In an older project we have a similar setup with product and attributes and used a custom database to help us out:
products are stored as items in Sitecore
attributes are stored as items in Sitecore
a custom database stores the values of all attributes for all products
publish events are used to keep the custom database in sync when deleting products
on a product template we added an extra tab in the content editor including an aspx page that offers an editor on our custom database for that product. We use the products Sitecore ID and display all possible attributes in an editable way.
Most attributes have simple string values but that is extendable. Our attributes have a type (string, bool, (multi-)list, ..) and we use that to create the editor. The lists refer back to Sitecore items (a parent is selected on the attribute item).
Adding an extra tab in the editor can be done by creating a new item in the core database (/sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Editors) that point towards your aspx file. In the standard values of your product template, you select the created "editor" in the Appearance section. (note that this is in Sitecore 6 - might have been changed although the path to the editors is still valid)
This solution does mean that the values of your attributes are stored outside Sitecore, but it worked for our requirements.
I've been playing around with python/django for the last couple of weeks and whilst the overall structure and makeup of the framework is making sense I'm rather confused on how to create advanced interfaces (in relation to tasks administrators would perform). One trivial example I'm playing around with at the moment is a bulk csv product import for different suppliers which will update various fields of a particular product (keeping track of any changes), creating items where they don't already exist and applying other business logic etc.
With the data successfully in the database and the models reflecting this I envisage a view whereby one could select a supplier from a drop down, which would load all the products silently in the background and display a datagrid on success. The user could then interact with each product individually, for example selecting would display a stacked line chart of pricing history above the datagrid and an optional fly-in panel to the right with options to update prices, add notes etc.
Are there any best practice approaches for achieving something along these lines, does one create custom views/templates or put some heavy lifting into overriding the default Django admin functionality?
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.
You can either:
Create a custom django admin action that will appear as an option in the changelist page dropdown menu (of the Supplier model for example.) You can then apply this action to the selected rows. You can also have intermediate pages when using admin actions
You can hook your own views into the django admin for particular models and and then overwrite the appropriate django admin templates to link the two together