Delete a namespace label that has invalid characters - kubectl

My namespace has a label "some-param=some-value" that I want to remove.
kubectl label namespace/myNamespace some-param=some-value-
error: invalid label value: "some-param=some-value": a valid label must be an empty string or consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character (e.g. 'MyValue', or 'my_value', or '12345', regex used for validation is '(([A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9_.]*)?[A-Za-z0-9])?')
The invalid character is "=" but I was able to add this label. I just can't remove it.
kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"20", GitVersion:"v1.20.2", GitCommit:"faecb196815e248d3ecfb03c680a4507229c2a56", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-01-13T13:28:09Z", GoVersion:"go1.15.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"18+", GitVersion:"v1.18.16-gke.2100", GitCommit:"36d0b0a39224fef7a40df3d2bc61dfd96c8c7f6a", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-03-16T09:15:29Z", GoVersion:"go1.13.15b4", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

The correct command to remove a label is:
kubectl label namespace <namespace_name> <label>-
So in your use case it should be:
kubectl label namespace myNamespace some-param-
You should not use the full key/value pair with the = sign in between like some-param=some-value.
If you wish to check out more kubectl label options than check out these docs.


Cisco CSR user-data bootstrap to allow multiline in banner

The user data format for the IOS appliance uses the following:
ios-config-0001="hostname test-csr-deployment-001"
ios-config-0002="banner exec |Hostname: test-csr-deployment-001\r\nRegion: eu-west-2|"
The commands are accepted, but the returned value is not split to multiline
show banner exec
Hostname: test-csr-deployment-001rnRegion: eu-west-2
How do I split the multiline?
I've also tried:
ios-config-0002="banner exec |Hostname: test-csr-deployment-001\015\012Region: eu-west-2|"
Hostname: test-csr-deployment-001015012Region: eu-west-2
ios-config-000x="set NEWL "\0""
ios-config-000x="set NEWL1 "12""
ios-config-000x="set NEWL $NEWL$NEWL1"
ios-config-000x="banner exec |Hostname: test-csr-deployment-001$NEWLRegion: eu-west-2|"
Invalid input detected at '^' marker
Hostname: test-csr-deployment-001$NEWLRegion: eu-west-2
ios-config-0002="banner exec |Hostname: test-csr-deployment-001"
ios-config-0003="Region: eu-west-2|"
Invalid input detected at '^' marker
Hostname: test-csr-deployment-001
I also tried double escapes, but the config then doesn't load at all.
Ideally output should be:
show banner exec
Hostname: test-csr-deployment-001
Region: eu-west-2
While configuring via CLI, we use the delimiter marks the beginning and the end of the message and new lines are accepted as far they are within the delimiter.
I don't know what language you are using in typical python way we could do something like this
ios-config-0002='''banner exec # Line 1
Line 2 # '''

Appending strings to output of jsonpath expression when listing pod labels using kubectl

I have a json path command to get all the labels of my pods.
kubectl get pods -o jsonpath="{.items[*].metadata.labels}"
This will output:
"app": "api-dogs-v1",
"release": "0.0.119"
} {
"app": "api-cats-v1",
"release": "0.0.16"
I want to do some simple manipulation of the command so that it outputs valid json and surround inside a json object.
I'm trying the below:
kubectl get pods -o jsonpath='{"{"}{{range .items[*]}{.metadata.labels}{"}"}{end}'
But this gives me back:
unrecognized character in action: U+007B '\'
Can anyone help me with this? Desired output below:
"app": "api-dogs-v1",
"release": "0.0.119"
} {
"app": "api-cats-v1",
"release": "0.0.16"
kubectl get pods -o jsonpath='"richard"{range .items[*]}{.metadata.labels}{end}"}"'
Almost gets me there but I get an error when i change to add curly braces at the start of the json path expression (instead of my name) i believe it thinks i'm starting the function...
kubectl get pods -o jsonpath='"{"{range .items[*]}{.metadata.labels}{end}"}"'
error: error parsing jsonpath {{range .items[*]}{.metadata.labels}{end}}, unrecognized character in action: U+007B '{'
i have remove extra { infront of {range .items[*]} and moved {"}"} after {end} as following :
kubectl get pods -o jsonpath='{"{"}{range .items[*]}{.metadata.labels}{end}{"}"}'
Output(your desired output format):
I found that you have opened one extra open brace in your command. Kindly recheck the command and try once.
I have reproduced the use case and successfully got the expected output.while running the following jsonpath command, I have got all the labels of my pods.
kubectl get pods -o jsonpath="{.items[*].metadata.labels}"
I have removed the curly braces of the jsonpath expression “{“ before the {range .items[*]} and added a newline expression before the {end}
So, the final range function for the json object that surrounds the inside json object is
kubectl get pods -o jsonpath='{"{"}{range .items[*]}{.metadata.labels}{"}"}{"\n"}{end}'
Expected Output:

ansible playbook : Error to connect to a windows host (winrm) using aws secret manager

i try to connect my ansible host to a windows server using winrm
my ansible version :
ansible 2.10.8
config file = None
configured module search path = ['/home/ec2-user/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
ansible python module location = /home/ec2-user/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible
executable location = /home/ec2-user/.local/bin/ansible
python version = 3.6.8 (default, Dec 5 2019, 15:45:45) [GCC 8.3.1 20191121 (Red Hat 8.3.1-5)]
it work when the password is in vars
- hosts: win
ansible_user: "ansible"
ansible_password: "Itismypassword"
and it is not working with this configuration :
- hosts: win
ansible_user: "ansible"
ansible_password: "{{ lookup('', 'ansible_password', bypath=true) | regex_search ('ansible_password\\\":\\\"(.*)\\\"','\\1')}}"
i retrieve the password ( i used a regex to get only the password, i'm not sure that is the correct way to do that)
when i want to use it i get this error:
fatal: [win_server]: FAILED! => {
"msg": "Invalid type for configuration option plugin_type: connection plugin: winrm setting: remote_password : Invalid type provided for \"string\": ['Itismypassword']"
thanks for your help !
The error message is pretty clear: list[str] != str; while I don't have an AWS Secret Manager to test against, thankfully the error message makes knowing the fix pretty obvious: grab the | first of the resulting list
ansible_password: "{{
lookup('', 'ansible_password', bypath=true)
| regex_search ('ansible_password\\\":\\\"(.*)\\\"','\\1')
| first }}"
As for your aside, the answer is for sure not to use regex to extract those values; based on the regex you're using, I'm guessing the output of that aws_secret lookup is in fact JSON, and thus the correct behavior is to | from_json to turn it back into a dict (or list[dict]), then extract the key you want
something like this, but without knowing the actual shape this is likely not 100% correct:
ansible_password: >-
{{ lookup('', 'ansible_password', bypath=true)
| from_json | map(attribute='ansible_password') | first }}
thanks to mdaniel i progress in my understanding of ansible and aws secret manager: it's working with regex but i try to figure out how to do it in a proper way...
when i get secret from aws secret manager with this commands :
debug: msg="{{ lookup('', 'ansible_secret', bypath=true) | dict2items }} "
i have this answer :
"msg": [
"key": "ansible_secret",
"value": "{\"password\":\"itismypassword\",\"user\":\"ansible_user\"}"
i don't know how to get "itismypassword" from value field >< a jquery maybe ?

Argo giving x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs error

I've installed Argo on a managed k8 service following the guidelines here.
When i launch the following example task i get an error (if you have argo installed you should be able to copy paster the below code):
# create a.yml
cat >> a.yml<<EOL
kind: Workflow
generateName: hello-world- # Name of this Workflow
entrypoint: whalesay # Defines "whalesay" as the "main" template
- name: whalesay # Defining the "whalesay" template
image: docker/whalesay
command: [cowsay]
args: ["hello world"] # This template runs "cowsay" in the "whalesay" image with arguments "hello world"
# submit a.yml
argo --insecure-skip-tls-verify --insecure-skip-verify -n argo submit a.yml
# monitor
$ argo list
# hello-world-hxrcp Succeeded 4m 10s 0
argo watch --insecure-skip-tls-verify --insecure-skip-verify -v -n argo hello-world-hxrcp
# DEBU[2021-06-09T19:37:22.125Z] CLI version version="{v3.0.7 2021-05-25T18:57:09Z e79e7ccda747fa4487bf889142c744457c26e9f7 v3.0.7 clean go1.16.3 gc linux/amd64}"
# DEBU[2021-06-09T19:37:22.125Z] Client options opts="(argoServerOpts=(url=,path=,secure=true,insecureSkipVerify=true,http=true),instanceID=)"
# DEBU[2021-06-09T19:37:22.125Z] curl -H 'Accept: text/event-stream' -H 'Authorization: ******' ''
# FATA[2021-06-09T19:37:22.536Z] Get "": x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs
Why am i seeing this error ?
The install process was this:
kubectl create namespace argo
kubectl apply -n argo -f
CLI (taken from the latest version here):
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Unzip
gunzip argo-linux-amd64.gz
# Make binary executable
chmod +x argo-linux-amd64
# Move binary to path
sudo mv ./argo-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/argo
# Test installation
argo version
# link with server
# recommended on user panel in interface
cat >> ~/.bashrc <<EOL
export ARGO_SERVER=''
export ARGO_HTTP1=true
export ARGO_SECURE=true
export ARGO_TOKEN=''
export ARGO_NAMESPACE=argo
# check it works:
argo list
Heyo, I ran into this issue when setting up with the argo helm chart on kind. The problem is that you have to disable tls verification for the executor (the thing that executes the workflow) using the ARGO_KUBELET_INSECURE env var. Here are the docs
Sorry I don't have the exact code change you need for your setup, but I'm sure you can figure that out now that you know what the problem is ;).
Here's what my helm values.yaml file looks like in case that helps anyone else:
serviceType: LoadBalancer
- --auth-mode=server
containerRuntimeExecutor: k8sapi
value: true

telegraf - exec plugin - aws ec2 ebs volumen info - metric parsing error, reason: [missing fields] or Errors encountered: [ invalid number]

Machine - CentOS 7.2 or Ubuntu 14.04/16.xx
Telegraf version: 1.0.1
Python version: 2.7.5
Telegraf supports an INPUT plugin named: exec. First please see EXAMPLE 2 in the README doc there. I can't use JSON format as it only consumes Numeric values for metrics. As per the docs:
If using JSON, only numeric values are parsed and turned into floats. Booleans and strings will be ignored.
So, the idea is simple, you specify a script in exec plugin section, which should spit some meaningful info(in either JSON -or- influx data format in my case as I have some metrics which contains non-numeric values) which you would want to catch/show somewhere in a cool dashboard like for example Wavefront Dashboard shown here:
Basically one can use these metrics, tags, sources from where these metrics are coming from to find out various info about memory, cpu, disk, networking, other meaningful info and also create alerts using those if something unwanted happens.
OK, I came up with this python script available here:
# sudo pip install boto3 if you don't have it on your machine.
import boto3
def generate(key, value):
Creates a nicely formatted Key(Value) item for output
return '{}="{}"'.format(key, value)
#return '{}={}'.format(key, value)
def main():
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name="us-west-2")
volumes = ec2.volumes.all()
for vol in volumes:
# You don't need to wrap everything in `str` unless it is not a string
# By default most things will come back as a string
# unless they are very obviously not (complex, date time, etc)
# but since we are printing these (and formatting them into strings)
# the cast to string will be implicit and we don't need to make it
# explicit
# vol is already a fully returned volume you are essentially DOUBLING
# your API calls when you do this
#iv = ec2.Volume(
output_parts = [
# Volume level details
generate('create_time', vol.create_time),
generate('availability_zone', vol.availability_zone),
generate('volume_id', vol.volume_id),
generate('volume_type', vol.volume_type),
generate('state', vol.state),
generate('size', vol.size),
generate('iops', vol.iops),
generate('encrypted', vol.encrypted),
generate('snapshot_id', vol.snapshot_id),
generate('kms_key_id', vol.kms_key_id),
for _ in vol.attachments:
# Will get any attachments and since it is a list
# we should write this to handle MULTIPLE attachments
generate('InstanceId', _.get('InstanceId')),
generate('InstanceVolumeState', _.get('State')),
generate('DeleteOnTermination', _.get('DeleteOnTermination')),
generate('Device', _.get('Device')),
# only process when there are tags to process
if vol.tags:
for _ in vol.tags:
# Get all of the tags
generate(_.get('Key'), _.get('Value')),
# output everything at once..
print ','.join(output_parts)
if __name__ == '__main__':
This script will talk to AWS EC2 EBS volumes and outputs all values it can find (usually what you see in AWS EC2 EBS volume console) and format that info into a meaningful CSV format which I'm redirecting to a .csv log file.
We don't want to run the python script all the time (AWS API limits / cost factor).
So, once the .csv file is created, I created this small shell script which I'll set in Telegraf's exec plugin's section.
Shell script /tmp/ set in Telegraf exec plugin is:
cat /tmp/aws-vol-info.csv
Telegraf configuration file created using exec plugin (/etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/exec-plugin-aws-info.conf):
commands = ["/tmp/"]
## Timeout for each command to complete.
timeout = "5s"
# Data format to consume.
# NOTE json only reads numerical measurements, strings and booleans are ignored.
data_format = "influx"
name_suffix = "_telegraf_execplugin"
I tweaked the .py (Python script for generate function) to generate the following three type of output formats (.csv file) and wanted to test how telegraf would handle this data before I enable the config file (/etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/catch-aws-ebs-info.conf) and restart telegraf service.
Format 1: (with double quotes " wrapped for every value)
create_time="2017-01-09 23:24:29.428000+00:00",availability_zone="us-east-2b",volume_id="vol-058e1d47dgh721121",volume_type="gp2",state="in-use",size="8",iops="100",encrypted="False",snapshot_id="snap-06h1h1b91bh662avn",kms_key_id="None",InstanceId="i-0jjb1boop26f42f50",InstanceVolumeState="attached",DeleteOnTermination="True",Device="/dev/sda1",Name="[company-2b-app90] secondary",hostname="company-2b-app90-i-0jjb1boop26f42f50",high_availability="1",mirror="secondary",cluster="company",autoscale="true",role="app"
Testing telegraf configuration on the telegraf directory gives me the following error.
Command: $ telegraf --config-directory=/etc/telegraf --test --input-filter=exec
[vagrant#myvagrant ~] $ telegraf --config-directory=/etc/telegraf --test --input-filter=exec
2017/03/10 00:37:48 I! Using config file: /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
* Plugin: inputs.exec, Collection 1
2017-03-10T00:37:48Z E! Errors encountered: [ metric parsing error, reason: [invalid field format], buffer: [create_time="2017-01-09 23:24:29.428000+00:00",availability_zone="us-east-2b",volume_id="vol-058e1d47dgh721121",volume_type="gp2",state="in-use",size="8",iops="100",encrypted="False",snapshot_id="snap-06h1h1b91bh662avn",kms_key_id="None",InstanceId="i-0jjb1boop26f42f50",InstanceVolumeState="attached",DeleteOnTermination="True",Device="/dev/sda1",Name="[company-2b-app90] secondary",hostname="company-2b-app90-i-0jjb1boop26f42f50",high_availability="1",mirror="secondary",cluster="company",autoscale="true",role="app"], index: [372]]
[vagrant#myvagrant ~] $
Format 2: (without any " double quotes)
create_time=2017-01-09 23:24:29.428000+00:00,availability_zone=us-east-2b,volume_id=vol-058e1d47dgh721121,volume_type=gp2,state=in-use,size=8,iops=100,encrypted=False,snapshot_id=snap-06h1h1b91bh662avn,kms_key_id=None,InstanceId=i-0jjb1boop26f42f50,InstanceVolumeState=attached,DeleteOnTermination=True,Device=/dev/sda1,Name=[company-2b-app90] secondary,hostname=company-2b-app90-i-0jjb1boop26f42f50,high_availability=1,mirror=secondary,cluster=company,autoscale=true,role=app
Getting same error while testing Telegraf's configuration for exec plugin:
2017/03/10 00:45:01 I! Using config file: /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
* Plugin: inputs.exec, Collection 1
2017-03-10T00:45:01Z E! Errors encountered: [ metric parsing error, reason: [invalid value], buffer: [create_time=2017-01-09 23:24:29.428000+00:00,availability_zone=us-east-2b,volume_id=vol-058e1d47dgh721121,volume_type=gp2,state=in-use,size=8,iops=100,encrypted=False,snapshot_id=snap-06h1h1b91bh662avn,kms_key_id=None,InstanceId=i-0jjb1boop26f42f50,InstanceVolumeState=attached,DeleteOnTermination=True,Device=/dev/sda1,Name=[company-2b-app90] secondary,hostname=company-2b-app90-i-0jjb1boop26f42f50,high_availability=1,mirror=secondary,cluster=company,autoscale=true,role=app], index: [63]]
Format 3: (this format doesn't have any " double quote and space character in the values). Substituted space with _ character.
Still didn't work, getting same error:
[vagrant#myvagrant ~] $ telegraf --config-directory=/etc/telegraf --test --input-filter=exec
2017/03/10 00:50:30 I! Using config file: /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
* Plugin: inputs.exec, Collection 1
2017-03-10T00:50:30Z E! Errors encountered: [ metric parsing error, reason: [missing fields], buffer: [create_time=2017-01-09_23:24:29.428000+00:00,availability_zone=us-east-2b,volume_id=vol-058e1d47dgh721121,volume_type=gp2,state=in-use,size=8,iops=100,encrypted=False,snapshot_id=snap-06h1h1b91bh662avn,kms_key_id=None,InstanceId=i-0jjb1boop26f42f50,InstanceVolumeState=attached,DeleteOnTermination=True,Device=/dev/sda1,Name=[company-2b-app90]_secondary,hostname=company-2b-app90-i-0jjb1boop26f42f50,high_availability=1,mirror=secondary,cluster=company,autoscale=true,role=app], index: [476]]
Format 4: If I follow influx line protocol as per this page:
awsebs,Name=[company-2b-app90]_secondary,hostname=company-2b-app90-i-0jjb1boop26f42f50,high_availability=1,mirror=secondary,cluster=company,autoscale=true,role=app create_time=2017-01-09_23:24:29.428000+00:00,availability_zone=us-east-2b,volume_id=vol-058e1d47dgh721121,volume_type=gp2,state=in-use,size=8,iops=100,encrypted=False,snapshot_id=snap-06h1h1b91bh662avn,kms_key_id=None,InstanceId=i-0jjb1boop26f42f50,InstanceVolumeState=attached,DeleteOnTermination=True,Device=/dev/sda1
I'm getting this error:
[vagrant#myvagrant ~] $ telegraf --config-directory=/etc/telegraf --test --input-filter=exec
2017/03/10 02:34:30 I! Using config file: /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
* Plugin: inputs.exec, Collection 1
2017-03-10T02:34:30Z E! Errors encountered: [ invalid number]
HOW can I get rid of this error and get telegraf to work with exec plugin (which runs the .sh script)?
Other Info:
Python script will run once/twice per day (via cron) and telegraf will run every 1 minute (to run exec plugin - which runs .sh script - which will cat the .csv file so that telegraf can consume it in influx data format).
It seems like the rules are very strict, I should have looked more closely.
Syntax of the output of any program that you can to consume MUST match or follow INFLUX LINE PROTOCOL format shown below and also all the RULES which comes with it.
For ex:
weather,location=us-midwest temperature=82 1465839830100400200
| -------------------- -------------- |
| | | |
| | | |
|measurement|,tag_set| |field_set| |timestamp|
You can read more about what's measurement, tag, field and optional(timestamp) here:
Important rules are:
1) There must be a , and no space between measurement and tag set.
2) There must be a space between tag set and field set.
3) For tag keys, tag values, and field keys always use a backslash character \ to escape if you want to escape any character in measurement name, tag or field set name and their values!
4) You can't escape \ with \
5) Line Protocol handles emojis with no problem :)
6) TAG / TAG set (tags comma separated) in OPTIONAL
7) FIELD / FIELD set (fields, comma separated) - At least ONE is required per line.
8) TIMESTAMP (last value shown in the format) is OPTIONAL.
9) VERY IMPORTANT QUOTING rules are below:
a) Never double or single quote the timestamp. It’s not valid Line Protocol. '123123131312313' or "1231313213131" won't work if that # is valid.
b) Never single quote field values (even if they’re strings!). It’s also not valid Line Protocol. i.e. fieldname='giga' won't work.
c) Do not double or single quote measurement names, tag keys, tag values, and field keys. NOTE: THIS does say !!! tag values !!!! so careful.
d) Do not double quote field values that are ONLY in floats, integers, or booleans format, otherwise InfluxDB will assume that those values are strings.
e) Do double quote field values that are strings.
f) AND the MOST IMPORTANT one (which will save you from getting BALD): If a FIELD value is set without double quote / i.e. you think it's an integer value or float in one line (for ex: anyone will say fields size or iops) and in some other lines (anywhere in the file that telegraf will read/parse using exec plugin) if you have a non-integer value set (i.e. a String), then you'll get the following error message Errors encountered: [ invalid number error.
So to fix it, the RULE is, if any possible FIELD value for a FIELD key is a string, then you MUST make sure to use " to wrap it (in every lines), it doesn't matter whether it has value 1, 200 or 1.5 in some lines (for ex: iops can be 1, 5) and in some other lines that value (iops can be None).
Error message: Errors encountered: [ invalid number
[vagrant#myvagrant ~] $ telegraf --config-directory=/etc/telegraf --test --input-filter=exec
2017/03/10 11:13:18 I! Using config file: /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
* Plugin: inputs.exec, Collection 1
2017-03-10T11:13:18Z E! Errors encountered: [ invalid number metric parsing error, reason: [invalid field format], buffer: [awsebsvol,host=myvagrant ], index: [25]]
So, after all this learning, it's clear that first I was missing the Influx Line protocol format and ALSO the RULES!!
Now, my output that I want my python script to generate should be like this (acc. to the INFLUX LINE PROTOCOL). You can just change the .sh file and use sed "s/^/awsec2ebs,/" or also do sed "s/^/awsec2ebs,sourcehost=$(hostname) /" (note: the space before the closing sed / character) and then you can have " around any key=value pair. I did change .py file to not use " for size and iops fields.
Anyways, if the output is something like this:
awsec2ebs,volume_id=vol-058e1d47dgh721121 create_time="2017-01-09 23:24:29.428000+00:00",availability_zone="us-east-2b",volume_type="gp2",state="in-use",size="8",iops="100",encrypted="False",snapshot_id="snap-06h1h1b91bh662avn",kms_key_id="None",InstanceId="i-0jjb1boop26f42f50",InstanceVolumeState="attached",DeleteOnTermination="True",Device="/dev/sda1",Name="[company-2b-app90] secondary",hostname="company-2b-app90-i-0jjb1boop26f42f50",high_availability="1",mirror="secondary",cluster="company",autoscale="true",role="app"
In the above final working solution, I created a measurement named awsec2ebs then gave , between this measurement and tag key volume_id and for tag value, I did NOT use any ' or " quotes and then I gave a space character (as I just wanted only one tag for now otherwise you can have more tag using command separated way and following the rules) between tag set and field set.
Finally ran the command:
$ telegraf --config-directory=/etc/telegraf --test --input-filter=exec which worked like a shenzi!
2017/03/10 03:33:54 I! Using config file: /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
* Plugin: inputs.exec, Collection 1
> awsec2ebs_telegraf_execplugin,volume_id=vol-058e1d47dgh721121,host=myvagrant volume_type="gp2",iops="100",kms_key_id="None",role="app",size="8",encrypted="False",InstanceId="i-0jjb1boop26f42f50",InstanceVolumeState="attached",Name="[company-2b-app90] secondary",snapshot_id="snap-06h1h1b91bh662avn",DeleteOnTermination="True",mirror="secondary",cluster="company",autoscale="true",high_availability="1",create_time="2017-01-09 23:24:29.428000+00:00",availability_zone="us-east-2b",state="in-use",Device="/dev/sda1",hostname="company-2b-app90-i-0jjb1boop26f42f50" 1489116835000000000
[vagrant#myvagrant ~] $ echo $?
In the above example, size is the only field which will always be a number/numeric value, so we don't need to wrap it with " but it's up to you. Recall the MOST IMPORTANT rule.. above and the error it generates.
So final python file is:
#Do `sudo pip install boto3` first
import boto3
def generate(key, value, qs, qe):
Creates a nicely formatted Key(Value) item for output
return '{}={}{}{}'.format(key, qs, value, qe)
def main():
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name="us-west-2")
volumes = ec2.volumes.all()
for vol in volumes:
# You don't need to wrap everything in `str` unless it is not a string
# By default most things will come back as a string
# unless they are very obviously not (complex, date time, etc)
# but since we are printing these (and formatting them into strings)
# the cast to string will be implicit and we don't need to make it
# explicit
# vol is already a fully returned volume you are essentially DOUBLING
# your API calls when you do this
#iv = ec2.Volume(
output_parts = [
# Volume level details
generate('volume_id', vol.volume_id, '"', '"'),
generate('create_time', vol.create_time, '"', '"'),
generate('availability_zone', vol.availability_zone, '"', '"'),
generate('volume_type', vol.volume_type, '"', '"'),
generate('state', vol.state, '"', '"'),
generate('size', vol.size, '', ''),
#The following vol.iops variable can be a number or None so you must wrap it with double quotes otherwise "invalid number" error will come.
generate('iops', vol.iops, '"', '"'),
generate('encrypted', vol.encrypted, '"', '"'),
generate('snapshot_id', vol.snapshot_id, '"', '"'),
generate('kms_key_id', vol.kms_key_id, '"', '"'),
for _ in vol.attachments:
# Will get any attachments and since it is a list
# we should write this to handle MULTIPLE attachments
generate('InstanceId', _.get('InstanceId'), '"', '"'),
generate('InstanceVolumeState', _.get('State'), '"', '"'),
generate('DeleteOnTermination', _.get('DeleteOnTermination'), '"', '"'),
generate('Device', _.get('Device'), '"', '"'),
# only process when there are tags to process
if vol.tags:
for _ in vol.tags:
# Get all of the tags
generate(_.get('Key'), _.get('Value'), '"', '"'),
# output everything at once..
print ','.join(output_parts)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Final is:
cat aws-vol-info.csv | sed "s/^/awsebsvol,host=`hostname|head -1|sed "s/[ \t][ \t]*/_/g"` /"
Final telegraf exec plugin config file is (/etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/exec-plugin-aws-info.conf) give any name with .conf:
commands = ["/some/valid/path/where/csvfileexists/"]
## Timeout for each command to complete.
timeout = "5s"
# Data format to consume.
# NOTE json only reads numerical measurements, strings and booleans are ignored.
data_format = "influx"
name_suffix = "_telegraf_exec"
Run: and everything will work now!
$ telegraf --config-directory=/etc/telegraf --test --input-filter=exec