How to update columns in existing table by using temporary table columns in Amazon Redshift? - sql-update

Below code is developed in SQL to update target table columns. Can some one help me to rewrite below query in redshift as I am trying to execute same query on amazon redshift it is giving error as:
Amazon Invalid operation: relation "c" does not exist;
With TempTable As
SELECT Left('abcdefghijk',len(TerritoryName)/3) + Substring(TerritoryName,len(TerritoryName)-len(TerritoryName)/3-len(TerritoryName)/3+1,len(TerritoryName)-len(TerritoryName)/3-len(TerritoryName)/3) + Right('ijklmnopqrstuv',len(TerritoryName)/3) As Masked_TerritoryName
,Left('abcdefghijk',len(DistrictName)/3) + Substring(DistrictName,len(DistrictName)-len(DistrictName)/3-len(DistrictName)/3+1,len(DistrictName)-len(DistrictName)/3-len(DistrictName)/3) + Right('ijklmnopqrstuv',len(DistrictName)/3) As Masked_DistrictName
,Left('abcdefghijk',len(RegionName)/3) + Substring(RegionName,len(RegionName)-len(RegionName)/3-len(RegionName)/3+1,len(RegionName)-len(RegionName)/3-len(RegionName)/3) + Right('ijklmnopqrstuv',len(RegionName)/3) As Masked_RegionName
,Left('abcdefghijk',len(RSMTerritoryName)/3) + Substring(RSMTerritoryName,len(RSMTerritoryName)-len(RSMTerritoryName)/3-len(RSMTerritoryName)/3+1,len(RSMTerritoryName)-len(RSMTerritoryName)/3-len(RSMTerritoryName)/3) + Right('ijklmnopqrstuv',len(RSMTerritoryName)/3) As Masked_RSMTerritoryName
,Left('abcdefghijk',len(CCAName)/3) + Substring(CCAName,len(CCAName)-len(CCAName)/3-len(CCAName)/3+1,len(CCAName)-len(CCAName)/3-len(CCAName)/3) + Right('ijklmnopqrstuv',len(CCAName)/3) As Masked_CCAName
,Left('abcdefghijk',len(LCAName)/3) + Substring(LCAName,len(LCAName)-len(LCAName)/3-len(LCAName)/3+1,len(LCAName)-len(LCAName)/3-len(LCAName)/3) + Right('ijklmnopqrstuv',len(LCAName)/3) As Masked_LCAName
,Left('abcdefghijk',len(TMComp)/3) + Substring(TMComp,len(TMComp)-len(TMComp)/3-len(TMComp)/3+1,len(TMComp)-len(TMComp)/3-len(TMComp)/3) + Right('ijklmnopqrstuv',len(TMComp)/3) As Masked_TMComp
,Left('abcdefghijk',len(ASMTerritoryName)/3) + Substring(ASMTerritoryName,len(ASMTerritoryName)-len(ASMTerritoryName)/3-len(ASMTerritoryName)/3+1,len(ASMTerritoryName)-len(ASMTerritoryName)/3-len(ASMTerritoryName)/3) + Right('ijklmnopqrstuv',len(ASMTerritoryName)/3) As Masked_ASMTerritoryName
FROM TargetTable
Update C
Set C.TerritoryName = N.Masked_TerritoryName
,C.DistrictName = N.Masked_DistrictName
,C.RegionName = N.Masked_RegionName
,C.RSMTerritoryName = N.Masked_RSMTerritoryName
,C.CCAName = N.Masked_CCAName
,C.LCAName = N.Masked_LCAName
,C.TMComp = N.Masked_TMComp
,C.ASMTerritoryName = N.Masked_ASMTerritoryName
From TargetTable C
Inner Join TempTable N ON C.TerritoryCode = N.TerritoryCode

I don't believe you can use just an alias for the target table. You have "... Update C ...", I expect you need "... Update TargetTable ..." or "... Update TargetTable C ...".
Also you don't need to list TargetTable in the FROM clause as this is assumed. Your join on conditions become where conditions. So you query will look like this:
With TempTable As
FROM TargetTable
Update TargetTable C
Set ...
From TempTable N
Where C.TerritoryCode = N.TerritoryCode


How to use string as column name in Bigquery

There is a scenario where I receive a string to the bigquery function and need to use it as a column name.
here is the function
(SELECT column from WORK.temp WHERE rownumber = row_number)
When I call this function as select METADATA.GET_VALUE("TXCAMP10",149); I get the value as TXCAMP10 so we can say that it is processed as SELECT "TXCAMP10" from WORK.temp WHERE rownumber = 149 but I need it as SELECT TXCAMP10 from WORK.temp WHERE rownumber = 149 which will return some value from temp table lets suppose the value as A
so ultimately I need value A instead of column name i.e. TXCAMP10.
I tried using execute immediate like execute immediate("SELECT" || column || "from WORK.temp WHERE rownumber =" ||row_number) from this stack overflow post to resolve this issue but turns out I can't use it in a function.
How do I achieve required result?
I don't think you can achieve this result with the help of UDF in standard SQL in BigQuery.
But it is possible to do this with stored procedures in BigQuery and EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement. Consider this code, which simulates the situation you have:
create or replace table d1.temp(
c1 int64,
c2 int64
insert into d1.temp values (1, 1), (2, 2);
create or replace procedure d1.GET_VALUE(column STRING, row_number int64, out result int64)
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT ' || column || ' from d1.temp where c2 = ?' into result using row_number;
DECLARE result_c1 INT64;
call d1.GET_VALUE("c1", 1, result_c1);
select result_c1;
After some research and trial-error methods, I used this workaround to solve this issue. It may not be the best solution when you have too many columns but it surely works.
(SELECT case
when column_name = 'a' then a
when column_name = 'b' then b
when column_name = 'c' then c
when column_name = 'd' then d
when column_name = 'e' then e
end from WORK.temp WHERE rownumber = row_number)
And this gives the required results.
Point to note: the number of columns you use in the case statement should be of the same datatype else it won't work

Doctrine 2 how to increment a column for multiple rows at once?

i'm looking for a way to increment a value for multiple rows at once without looping , is it possible in doctrine ?
here is the query in simple sql :
$sql = "UPDATE table set compteur = compteur + 1 where id in ('1','2','3') ";
using doctrine for updating many rows ( not incrementing ) , i have this :
$qb = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
$query = $qb->update('Application\Entity\Table', 'l')
->set('l.compteur', $qb->expr()->literal('8'))
->where(" in ('$ids')")
$retour = $query->execute();
Thanks for any idea !!
Use DQL for this:
UPDATE Application\Entity\Table t
SET t.compteur = t.compteur + 1
You can also do it with the querybuilder like so:
$qb->set('l.compteur', $qb->expr()->sum('l.compteur', 1));

SELECT Statement within IF statement

I would like to get a different result to my select statement when a parameter is 0, 1 or 2. I am not very skilled in PLSQL so I am not sure if my code would give the expected result. If i run this code i get a "SQL statement ignored" on line 3.
WHERE to_date(date) >= (Select to_date(sysdate)from DNV.dual)
WHERE to_date(date) <= (Select to_date(sysdate)from DNV.dual)
This is just a example of my SELECT statement. Later this statement will become longer and more complex but I think this shows which results I am trying to get.
Below is a copy of my entire code but because I am not allowed to show this it has become very unreadable:
Select table1.Column1
, table1.Column2
, table1.Column3
, table1.Column4
, table1.Column5
, table1.Column6
, table1.Column7
, table1.Column8
, table1.Column9
, table1.Column10
, table1.Column11
, table1.Column12
, (Select table2.ColumnX From x2 table2 Where somthing) as "something" From x1 table1
WHERE to_date(date) >= (Select to_date(sysdate)from DNV.dual)
Order by columnX
Select table1.Column1
, table1.Column2
, table1.Column3
, table1.Column4
, table1.Column5
, table1.Column6
, table1.Column7
, table1.Column8
, table1.Column9
, table1.Column10
, table1.Column11
, table1.Column12
, (Select table2.ColumnX From x2 table2 Where somthing) as "something" From x1 table1
WHERE to_date(date) <= (Select to_date(sysdate)from DNV.dual)
Order by columnX
I have created some new code with which i am trying to learn how a case statement works. This might help me with the code above. Unfortunately this code also doesn't work but I think it explanes my situation better. In this excample i use a separate table with data i made up. In some cases user2 is null but user1 is always filled. I want to get all items where user2 equals the parameter but if user2 is null and user1 does equal the paramter i still need that item to apear.
Select t1.user1,
From table t1
Where (Case
When t1.user2 IS NULL Then t1.user1 in (:PARUSER)
ELSE t1.user2 in (:PARUSER)
End Case)
Since the relational operator of the where clause depends on the partype, you cannot do the traditional CASE statement charm here. I'll have to resort with this one:
WHERE (to_date(date) >= (Select to_date(sysdate)from DNV.dual) AND :PARTYPE = 1)
OR (to_date(date) <= (Select to_date(sysdate)from DNV.dual) AND :PARTYPE != 1)

Select nth to nth row while table still have values unselected with python and pyodbc

I have a table with 10,000 rows and I want to select the first 1000 rows and then select again and this time, the next set of rows, which is 1001-2001.
I am using the BETWEEN clause in order to select the range of values. I can also increment the values. Here is my code:
count = cursor.execute("select count(*) from casa4").fetchone()[0]
ctr = 1
ctr1 = 1000
str1 = ''
while ctr1 <= count:
sql = "SELECT AccountNo FROM ( \
SELECT AccountNo, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Accountno) rownum \
FROM casa4 ) seq \
WHERE seq.rownum BETWEEN " + str(ctr) + " AND " + str(ctr1) + ""
ctr = ctr1 + 1
ctr1 = ctr1 + 1000
sleep(2) #interval in printing of the rows.
for row in cursor:
str1 = str1 + '|'.join(map(str,row)) + '\n'
print "Records:" + str1 #var in storing the fetched rows from database.
print sql #prints the sql statement(str) and I can see that the var, ctr and ctr1 have incremented correctly. The way I want it.
What I want to achieve is using a messaging queue, RabbitMQ, I will send this rows to another database and I want to speed up the process. Selecting all and sending it to the queue returns an error.
The output of the code is that it returns 1-1000 rows correctly on the 1st but, on the 2nd loop, instead of 1001-2001 rows, it returns 1-2001 rows, 1-3001 and so on.. It always starts on 1.
I was able to recreate your issue with both pyodbc and pypyodbc. I also tried using
WITH seq (AccountNo, rownum) AS
SELECT AccountNo, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Accountno) rownum
FROM casa4
SELECT AccountNo FROM seq
WHERE rownum BETWEEN 11 AND 20
When I run that in SSMS I just get rows 11 through 20, but when I run it from Python I get all the rows (starting from 1).
The following code does work using pyodbc. It uses a temporary table named #numbered, and might be helpful in your situation since your process looks like it would do all of its work using the same database connection:
import pyodbc
cnxn = pyodbc.connect("DSN=myDb_SQLEXPRESS")
crsr = cnxn.cursor()
sql = """\
CREATE TABLE #numbered (rownum INT PRIMARY KEY, AccountNo VARCHAR(10))
sql = """\
INSERT INTO #numbered (rownum, AccountNo)
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Accountno) AS rownum,
FROM casa4
sql = "SELECT AccountNo FROM #numbered WHERE rownum BETWEEN ? AND ? ORDER BY rownum"
batchsize = 1000
ctr = 1
while True:
crsr.execute(sql, [ctr, ctr + batchsize - 1])
rows = crsr.fetchall()
if len(rows) == 0:
for row in rows:
ctr += batchsize

Doctrine 2: how do you use a subquery column (in the SELECT clause)

I'm trying to do a simple select query with a subquery in the SELECT clause and have simply not found a way to do it. I've tried with both DQL and with the QueryBuilder, neither work. The code follows, please don't say I could just use a join, this is a simplified example just to illustrate the problem, I have legitimate use cases for subqueries.
// With QueryBuilder
$query = $qb->select(array('a',
'(SELECT at.addresstypeName
FROM e:Addresstype at
WHERE at.addresstypeId = a.addresstypeId
) AS addresstypeName'))
->from('e:Address', 'a')
->where('a.addressId = :addressId')
->setParameter('addressId', 1);
// With DQL
$dql = "SELECT a,
(SELECT at.addresstypeName
FROM e:Addresstype at
WHERE at.addresstypeId = a.addresstypeId
) AS addresstypeName
FROM e:Address a
WHERE a.addressId = :addressId";
$query = $em->createQuery($dql)->setParameter(':addressId', 1);
The following relationship is defined on the Address table:
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Addresstype")
* #ORM\JoinColumns({
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="addresstype_id", referencedColumnName="addresstype_id")
* })
protected $addresstype;
In native SQL, the query would look like this:
SELECT at.addresstype_name
FROM addresstype at
WHERE at.addresstype_id = a.addresstype_id
) AS addresstype_name
FROM address a
WHERE a.address_id = 1
Any ideas?
$query = $qb->select('a')
->addSelect('(SELECT at.addresstypeName
FROM e:Addresstype at
WHERE at.addresstypeId = a.addresstypeId) AS addresstypeName'
->from('e:Address', 'a')
->where('a.addressId = :addressId')
->setParameter('addressId', 1);
For me subquery with doctrine works with this query :
->addSelect('(SELECT count(mv.nm)
FROM Clt\Bundle\MyBundle\Entity\MV mv
LEFT JOIN Clt\Bundle\MyBundle\Entity\M ma WITH mv.nm=ma.nm
WHERE and ma.nm is null
) AS nm'
->from($this->_entityName, 'e')
->leftJoin('e.m', 'm')
->where($qb->expr()->eq(''.$typeModule, $idElementModule));
Note that in the left join you must use WITH instead of ON...
I know this is an old question, but if you want, you could have used another query builder as your subquery:
->addSelect("(" . $qb2->select("at.addresstypeName")
->from("e:Addresstype", "at")
->where("at.addresstypeId = a.addresstypeId")
->getDQL() . ") AS addresstypeName"
->from('e:Address', 'a')
->where('a.addressId = :addressId')
->setParameter('addressId', 1);
In my scenario what I needed was to look into a join and find an Id and use it as boolean, found 1 otherwise 0, then applying this to orderBy. DQL expressions worked only when combined with Where clause, which wasn't my case. So, a DQL subselect saved me.
Adapted more or less to your scenario, it would look like this:
// With QueryBuilder
// In AddressRepository
// Where one address may belong to several addressTypes
public function getWithType($addressType){
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('a1');
$qb->addSelect('a1.someField', 'a1.otherField')
'(SELECT at.addressTypeName
FROM App\Entity\Address a2
JOIN a2.addressType at
WHERE = '.$addressType.' AND =
) AS addressTypeName')
//The rest part of the query