How to allocate memory fo array of objects - c++

I am trying to create an array of objects in C++. As C++ Supports native objects like int, float, and creating their array is not a problem.
But when I create a class and create an array of objects of that class, it's not working.
Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
class Employee
string name;
int age;
int salary;
Employee(int agex, string namex, int salaryx)
name = namex;
age = agex;
salary = salaryx;
int getSalary()
return salary;
int getAge()
return age;
string getName()
return name;
int main(void)
Employee **mycompany = {};
//Create a new Object
mycompany[0] = new Employee(10, "Mayukh", 1000);
string name = mycompany[0]->getName();
cout << name << "\n";
return 0;
There is no compilation error, but when I'm running the Program, it is crashing. I don't know exactly what is happening here.
Please Help.
Here are some more details:
OS: 64bit Windows 8.1 on Intel x64 (i3) Architecture of Compiler: MinGW64 G++ Compiler

The advice here, as always, is to use some STL container, like an std::vector.
That said you're probably going to need a default Employee constructor (unless you always initialize all the elements of the container with the constructor you already have, which is unlikely what you'll do, if you are to manually allocate memory, but more likely if you use a std::vector).
Employee() = default; // or Employee(){}
Employee(int agex, string namex, int salaryx)
name = namex;
age = agex;
salary = salaryx;
If you really, absolutely, must do it by manual memory allocation, it would look roughly like this:
// Employee array with 5 employees, with the first two initialized with your constructor
Employee *mycompany = new Employee[5] {{10, "Mayukh1", 1000}, {20, "Mayukh2", 2000}};
//adding an employee
mycompany[2] = {30, "Mayukh3", 3000};
// it still has space for 2 more
Don't forget to delete the memory afterwards:
delete [] mycompany;
Live demo

this is how you would do that:
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
class Employee
string name;
int age;
int salary;
Employee(int agex, string namex, int salaryx)
name = namex;
age = agex;
salary = salaryx;
int getSalary()
return salary;
int getAge()
return age;
string getName()
return name;
int main(void)
//Create an Array length of 10
// in c++ its static you have to give the length of the array while declaring
Employee mycompany [10];
//Create a new Object
mycompany[0] = new Employee(10, "Mayukh", 1000);
string name = mycompany[0]->getName();
cout << name << "\n";
return 0;


Code exiting when Dynamic Array of class allocated

I am trying to dynamically allocate an array and whenever it gets to the part where it dynamically allocates the program exits. I would rather not use vectors as I am trying to learn how to do this using dynamic arrays.
This is the simplified code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Student
double calcAverage(double* testArray);
char calcGrade(double average);
int nTests, sameTests, idNum;
string name;
double average, *testArray;
char grade;
int i;
Student fillStudentArray(int nStudents);
int main()
*studentArray = fillStudentArray(nStudents);
return 0;
Student fillStudentArray(int nStudents)
Student *newStudentArray = new Student[nStudents];
cout << "If you can see this I worked. ";
delete[] studentArray;
return *newStudentArray;
I have tried the solution posted here Creation of Dynamic Array of Dynamic Objects in C++ but it also exits in a similar way. The main for the code looks like this.
int main()
int nStudents = 3; //this number is just for testing, in actual code it has user input
Student** studentArray = new Student*[nStudents];
cout << "1 ";
for(i = 0; i < nStudents; i++)
cout << "2 ";
studentArray[i] = new Student[25];
cout << "3 ";
return 0;
close (heres a cigar anyway)
Student* fillStudentArray(int nStudents); <<== function must return pointer to students
int main()
int nStudents = 3; <<<=== declared nstudents
Student *studentArray = fillStudentArray(nStudents); <<< declare studentArray
return 0;
Student *fillStudentArray(int nStudents) <<<== return pointer
Student* newStudentArray = new Student[nStudents];
cout << "If you can see this I worked. ";
// delete[] studentArray; <<<== what were you trying to delete?
return newStudentArray; <<<=== return pointer
the second code you showed is not relevant, its creating a 2d array

Error declaring a parameter constructor in a c++ class

Consider the stretch of code below:
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::string;
using std::endl;
class SuperPower{
string name;
int category;
string getName(){return name;}
int getCategory(){return category;}
SuperPower(string name, int category){
this->name = name;
this->category = category;
class Person{
string name, nameRealLife;
SuperPower **powers;
SuperPower *powers2;
int nPowers;
Person(string name, string nameRealLife){
this->name = name;
this->nameRealLife = nameRealLife;
powers = new SuperPower*[4];
powers2 = new SuperPower[4]("",0);
nPowers = 0;
delete []powers;
Person(const Person& p){
name =;
nameRealLife = nameRealLife;
powers = new SuperPower*[4];
nPowers = p.nPowers;
for (int i=0;i<nPowers;i++)
powers[i] = p.powers[i];
string getName(){
return name;
bool addSuperPower(SuperPower &sp){
if (nPowers>=4)
return false;
powers[nPowers++] = &sp;
return true;
virtual double getTotalPower(){
double totalPower = 0;
for (int i=0;i<nPowers;i++){
totalPower += powers[i]->getCategory();
return totalPower;
My professor asked to solve a Objected Oriented Problem and I am struggling with the compiler to finish it because of this line:
powers2 = new SuperPower[4]("",0);
Trying to compile the code results in error: parenthesized initializer in array new [-fpermissive]
powers2 = new SuperPower4;
Why is it wrong? Isn't it just definning the constructor's parameters? Why does it happen? How should I fix it?
Do not use raw pointers. Use std::vector. It makes the life easier.
std::vector<SuperPower> powers2; // declaration
powers2(4, SuperPower("",0)), // in constructors's initialisation list
You can make it work by using: powers2 = new SuperPower[4]{{"", 0},{"", 0},{"", 0},{"", 0}}; instead of powers2 = new SuperPower[4]("",0); but don't do this, instead I insist you on using std::vector like this:
std::vector<Superpower> powers2;
and then in ctor:
powers2(4, Superpower("", 0));

String in struct in struct in C++

So I've to do another exercise. This time I need to define a struct and a 100-elements array, which will store information about the book (title, author, ID number, price) and a simple function which will print info about all of the books stored. I started with that code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
struct name_surname {string name, surname;};
struct book {string title; name_surname author_name, author_surname; int ID; int price;};
return 0;
And, well, what now? How can I store this in an array?
You just create an array of type book or name_surname or whatever you want.
book arr[100];
arr[0].title = "The last robot";
arr[0].ID = 2753;
It's good programming practice if your structs/classes begin with with capital letter, so it's easier to distinguish them and so it is easier to name the variable the same name just without the capital letter. Example.
struct Name_surname
string name, surname;
Name_surname name_surname[100];
name_surname[0].name = "MyName";
Another tip is that I'd really suggest you learn how to research, this question has been answered millions of times and answers are all over the internet.
Here is my suggestion :
struct book
string title;
string name_surname;
string author_name;
string author_surname;
int ID;
int price;
struct Database
book *array;
void printDatabase()
for(int i = 0 ; i < 100 ;i++)
array = new string [100];
Your name structure seems a little confused but creating an array is simply a case of declaring a variable with [] appended to it giving the size.
For example:
struct full_name
std::string firstname;
std::string surname;
struct book
std::string title;
full_name author;
int ID;
int price;
int main()
// Declare an array using []
book books[100]; // 100 book objects
// access elements of the array using [n]
// where n = 0 - 99
books[0].ID = 1;
books[0].title = "Learn To Program In 21 years";
books[0].author.firstname = "Idont";
books[0].author.surname = "Getoutalot";
What do you think about that:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct book {string title; string name; int ID; int price;} tab[100];
void input(book[]);
void print(book[]);
int main()
print (tab);
return 0;
void input(book tab[])
for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
cout<<"\nBook number: "<<i+1<<endl;
cout<<"title: ";cin>>tab[i].title;
cout<<"name: ";cin>>tab[i].name;
cout<<"ID: ";cin>>tab[i].ID;
cout<<"price: ";cin>>tab[i].price;
void print (book tab[])
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
cout<<"\nBook number: "<<i+1<<endl;
cout<<"title: "<<tab[i].title;
cout<<"\nname: "<<tab[i].name;
cout<<"\nID: "<<tab[i].ID;
cout<<"\nprice: \n"<<tab[i].price;
I've done this with help from some Yt video. It works, but, is there a way to do it better, or just leave it how it is? And I have a question: Why those function parameters? Can't I just say tab[] or something else?
Computer languages are based on general and recursive rules. Just try to experiment and extrapolate with the basic understanding to build seemingly complex stuff. Coming to what you are trying to achieve:
We know, an array can be declared for any data-type (primitive or derived, one might call them POD and ADT).
We know, struct can comprise of any number of elements of any data-types.
Now, we can see that it is just as natural to say MyStruct[] as it is to int[].
It is better to prefer std::array if using modern compiler.

Accessor Method to view private variable based on argument in a class in c++?

My problem is that I have many variables in my class and I want them to be accessed via an accessor method. Of course I could have several accessor functions to output my private variables but how can I make it so I can access any of them via an argument. My class:
class Character {
void setAttr(string Sname,int Shealth,int SattackLevel,int SdefenseLevel) {
name = Sname;
health = Shealth;
attackLevel = SattackLevel;
defenseLevel = SdefenseLevel;
int outputInt(string whatToOutput) {
return whatToOutput //I want this to either be health, attackLevel or defenseLevel
string name;
int health;
int attackLevel;
int defenseLevel;
Basically what I want to know is how do I return a private variable in regards to the outputInt function. Most OOP tutorials have one function to return each variable which seems like a very unhealthy thing to do in a large program.
C++ doesn't support what you try to accomplish: reflection or detailed runtime information about objects. There is something called "Run-Time Type Information" in C++, but it can't provide information about your variable name: the reason is because, in the compiled and linked binary this information (names of your variables) will not be necessarily present anymore.
However, you can accomplish something close to that, using i.e. std::unordered_map instead of plain integer variables. So it's possible to access values by their names, as strings.
Please consider the following code:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace std;
class Character {
void setAttr(const string& Sname, int Shealth, int SattackLevel, int SdefenseLevel) {
name = Sname;
values.insert(std::make_pair("health", Shealth));
values.insert(std::make_pair("attackLevel", SattackLevel));
values.insert(std::make_pair("defenseLevel", SdefenseLevel));
int outputInt(const string& whatToOutput) {
string name;
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> values;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
Character yourCharacter;
yourCharacter.setAttr("yourName", 10, 100, 1000);
std::cout << "Health: " << yourCharacter.outputInt("health") <<std::endl;
std::cout << "Attack level: " << yourCharacter.outputInt("attackLevel") << std::endl;
std::cout << "Defense level: " << yourCharacter.outputInt("defenseLevel") << std::endl;
return 0;
It will output as expected:
Health: 10
Attack level: 100
Defense level: 1000
Another option without dependency on unordered_map would be, to use predefined static strings for your variable names and an array or vector for your values. So we could replace the class Character above with something like:
static std::string variableNames[3] = {
class Character {
void setAttr(const string& Sname, int Shealth, int SattackLevel, int SdefenseLevel) {
name = Sname;
variableValues[0] = Shealth;
variableValues[1] = SattackLevel;
variableValues[2] = SdefenseLevel;
int outputInt(const string& whatToOutput) {
int retVal = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(variableNames)/sizeof(std::string); ++i) {
if (![i])) {
retVal = variableValues[i];
return retVal;
string name;
int variableValues[3];
And getting still same output. However, here you have to manage a list with all your variable names inside the string array manually - I don't like this solution and would prefer one of the others above personally.
Most common ways in C++ to handle such a design is to have seperate getHealth(), getAttackLevel(), getDefenseLevel() functions instead. However, this will miss one use-case, which is: if you want to let the user input a string, like i.e. "health" and display the corresponding variable then, you would need to write code by yourself to call the corresponding getXXX() function. If this is not a issue in your case, consider the following code which is much cleaner:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Character {
void setAttr(const string& Sname, int Shealth, int SattackLevel, int SdefenseLevel) {
name = Sname;
health = Shealth;
attackLevel = SattackLevel;
defenseLevel = SdefenseLevel;
int getHealth() const { return health; }
int getAttackLevel() const { return attackLevel; }
int getDefenseLevel() const { return defenseLevel; }
string name;
int health, attackLevel, defenseLevel;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
Character yourCharacter;
yourCharacter.setAttr("yourName", 10, 100, 1000);
std::cout << "Health: " << yourCharacter.getHealth() <<std::endl;
std::cout << "Attack level: " << yourCharacter.getAttackLevel() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Defense level: " << yourCharacter.getDefenseLevel() << std::endl;
return 0;
One other unrelated advice: Instead of using string as parameter types for your functions, use const string& (const reference to string; see my example code above). This allows easier calling of your functions (they can be called directly with an string literal without the need to create additional variables in the calling code) and they will not make a additional unnecessary copy. The only copy then will take place at: name = Sname; (in your code two copies took place).
I don't know if it can be a good idea for you, but you can use a public typedef struct that you pass by reference and set your value.
class Character {
typedef struct allvalues{
string vname;
int vhealth;
int vattackLevel;
int vdefenseLevel;
void getValues(allvalues& val){
val.vname = name;
val.vhealth = health;
val.vattackLevel = attackLevel;
val.vdefenseLevel = detenseLevel;
//somewhere in the code
Character myCarac;
//Here how to use it
Character::allvalues values;

C++ "No matching constructor for initializing Employee"

I am new to C++ and practicing using vector as an object. However, I got an error "No matching constructor for initializing Employee" when I tried running the following program.
Please tell me how I could modify my program!
Also, when I write
staff[0] = Employee{"Harry Potter" 55000};
does this mean that I am storing string and double data in one of 10 open boxes in vector object of type Employee?
I apologize for such a basic question.
Thank you so much in advance!!
using namespace std;
class Employee
Employee(string, double);
double get_salaries();
string get_name();
void set_salaries(double);
string name;
double salaries;
Employee::Employee(string n, double s)
name = n;
salaries = s;
double Employee::get_salaries()
return salaries;
string Employee::get_name()
return name;
void Employee::set_salaries(double s)
salaries = s;
int main()
// using vector as an object
int i;
vector<Employee> staff(10);
staff[0] = Employee{"Harry Potter", 55000};
if (staff[i].get_salaries() < 100000)
cout << staff[i].get_salaries();
return 0;
Your Employee class does not have a default, parameterless, constructor.
When you create the staff vector, it will create 10 Employee objects, thus invoking the default constructor.
To support this,
vector<Employee> staff(10);
you have to provide default constructor in your class.
Your main method
int main()
// using vector as an object
int i; // [i] not initialized anywhere.
vector<Employee> staff(10); // Incorrect way of declaring a vector
staff[0] = Employee{"Harry Potter", 55000}; // Incorrect way of creating a instance of class
if (staff[i].get_salaries() < 100000)
cout << staff[i].get_salaries();
return 0;
Change your main method like this
int main()
vector<Employee> staff;
staff.push_back(Employee("Harry Potter", 55000));
if (staff[0].get_salaries() < 100000)
cout << staff[0].get_salaries();
return 0;