How to publish related items of sitecore programmatically - sitecore

Please suggest any way to publish related items in sitecore programmatically.
P.S: Deep = true did not work.

PublishOptions class has "PublishRelatedItems" property.
You can use it e.g. with this extension method written by Brian Pedersen ( )
public static void PublishItem(
this Item item,
PublishMode publishMode,
bool publishAsync = false,
bool deepPublish = false,
bool publishRelatedItems = false,
bool compareRevisions = false)
if (item == null)
PublishOptions publishOptions = new PublishOptions(item.Database, Database.GetDatabase("web"), publishMode, item.Language, DateTime.Now);
publishOptions.RootItem = item;
publishOptions.Deep = deepPublish;
publishOptions.PublishRelatedItems = publishRelatedItems;
publishOptions.CompareRevisions = compareRevisions;
var handle = PublishManager.Publish(new PublishOptions[] { publishOptions });
if (publishAsync)

I did it by getting all references of the item and published it using publish manager. I used GetReferences() to get the references.


Search in agresso Query Engine

Is it possible to search/filter on columns with Agresso's QueryEngineService? I've been playing around with SearchCriteria.SearchCriteriaPropertiesList and TemplateResultOptions.Filter but without any luck. I havn't been able to locate any documentation on this matter either.
QueryEngineService.TemplateList templateList = QueryEngineService.GetTemplateList(null, null, Credentials);
var template = templateList.TemplateHeaderList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == strViewName);
if (template == null)
return null;
QueryEngineService.SearchCriteria searchProp = QueryEngineService.GetSearchCriteria(template.TemplateId, false, Credentials);
QueryEngineService.TemplateResultOptions options = QueryEngineService.GetTemplateResultOptions(Credentials);
options.RemoveHiddenColumns = true;
QueryEngineService.InputForTemplateResult input = new QueryEngineService.InputForTemplateResult();
input.TemplateResultOptions = options;
input.TemplateId = template.TemplateId;
input.SearchCriteriaPropertiesList = searchProp.SearchCriteriaPropertiesList;
QueryEngineService.TemplateResultAsDataSet result = QueryEngineService.GetTemplateResultAsDataSet(input, Credentials);
return result.TemplateResult;
You can try to start with this:
List<SearchCriteriaProperties> searchCriteriaProperties = searchCriteria.getSearchCriteriaPropertiesList().getSearchCriteriaProperties();
SearchCriteriaProperties columnFilter = null;
for (SearchCriteriaProperties criteria : searchCriteriaProperties) {
if(criteria.getColumnName().equalsIgnoreCase("ColumnNameHere")) {
columnFilter = criteria;
Next is add the columnFilter variable to an instance of the ArrayOfSearchCriteriaProperties() object by using the getSearchCriteriaProperties().add()
ArrayOfSearchCriteriaProperties filter = new ArrayOfSearchCriteriaProperties();
You can now add the filter object to an instance of the InputForTemplateResult() object.
Working solution (for me)
QueryEngineService.SearchCriteria searchProp = QueryEngineService.GetSearchCriteria(template.TemplateId, false, Credentials);
foreach (QueryEngineService.SearchCriteriaProperties criteria in searchProp.SearchCriteriaPropertiesList)
if(criteria.ColumnName.Equals("column_name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
criteria.RestrictionType = "=";
criteria.FromValue = "value";
//Rest of the code from question above

SPAlert.Filter not working

Can anybody help with SPAlert filters on Sharepoint 2013?
If I set Filter property on SPAlert instance the alert has not been sent
SPAlert newAlert = user.Alerts.Add();
SPAlertTemplateCollection alertTemplates = new SPAlertTemplateCollection(
newAlert.AlertType = SPAlertType.List;
newAlert.List = list;
newAlert.Title = alertTitle;
newAlert.DeliveryChannels = SPAlertDeliveryChannels.Email;
newAlert.EventType = eventType;
newAlert.AlertFrequency = SPAlertFrequency.Immediate;
newAlert.AlertTemplate = alertTemplates[Constants.AlertTemplates.GenericListCustom];
var wsm = new WorkflowServicesManager(web);
var wss = wsm.GetWorkflowSubscriptionService();
var subscriptions = wss.EnumerateSubscriptionsByList(list.ID);
bool assotiationExist = false;
var guid = Constants.Workflows.ApprovalWF.Guid;
foreach (var subs in subscriptions)
assotiationExist = subs.DefinitionId == guid;
if (assotiationExist)
newAlert.Filter = "<Query><Eq><FieldRef Name=\"ApprovalStatus\"/><Value type=\"string\">Approved</Value></Eq></Query>";
If I set Filter property on SPAlert instance the alert has not been sent
What do you need exactly ?
If you just want to change the filter (alert condition), did you simply try :
newAlert.AlertType = SPAlertType.List;
newAlert.List = list;
newAlert.Title = alertTitle;
newAlert.DeliveryChannels = SPAlertDeliveryChannels.Email;
newAlert.EventType = eventType;
newAlert.AlertFrequency = SPAlertFrequency.Immediate;
newAlert.AlertTemplate = alertTemplates[Constants.AlertTemplates.GenericListCustom];
newAlert.Filter = "<Query><Eq><FieldRef Name=\"ApprovalStatus/New\"/><Value type=\"string\">Approved</Value></Eq></Query>";
I have just added a /New in your filter query. Query filter in alert need to get a /New or a /Old in your field.
If your alert still doesn't work, it might be something else than the filter.
The problem was in line newAlert.EventType = eventType. eventType was SPEventType.Add. That was the reason of not sending alert after Workflow set the ApprovalStatus field to «Approved».
I’ve modified algourithm. Now eventType is SPEventType.Modify and I added new field "IsNewAlertSent" to list. When event fires the first time then I send email and set the "IsNewAlertSent" field
Final code is shown below.
class UserAlertManager:
newAlert.EventType = (eventType == SPEventType.Add? SPEventType.Modify: eventType);
newAlert.AlertFrequency = SPAlertFrequency.Immediate;
newAlert.AlertTemplate = alertTemplates[Constants.AlertTemplates.GenericListCustom];
if (assotiationExist)
newAlert.Filter = "<Query><Eq><FieldRef name=\"ApprovalStatus\"/><Value type=\"Text\">Approved</Value></Eq></Query>";
newAlert.Properties.Add("grcustomalert", "1");
class GRCustomAlertHandler:
string subject = string.Empty;
string body = string.Empty;
bool grCustomAlert = Utils.IsSPAlertCustom(ahp.a);
if (ahp.eventData[0].eventType == (int)SPEventType.Modify && grCustomAlert)
SPListItem item = list.GetItemById(ahp.eventData[0].itemId);
var isNewAlertSentField = item.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName(Constants.Fields.IsNewAlertSent);
if (isNewAlertSentField != null && (item[Constants.Fields.IsNewAlertSent] == null || !(bool)item[Constants.Fields.IsNewAlertSent]))
Utils.SendMail(web, new List<string> { ahp.headers["to"].ToString() }, subject, body);
item[Constants.Fields.IsNewAlertSent] = true;
using (new DisabledItemEventScope())

CRM Late Bound - Cleaner Approach

I have the following code and I'm trying to find a more elegant approach to this. activityParty is a DataCollection. I am basically trying to get a list of recipients for an email, which can be of type users or contacts.
I am familiar with early bound but in this scenario must use late bound.
Is there a better approach to this?
var recipientParty = activityParty.Where(x => x.GetAliasedValueOrDefault<OptionSetValue>("ap.participationtypemask").Value == 2).ToList();
var recipientList = new List<string>();
foreach (var to in recipientParty)
if (to.Attributes.Contains("u.internalemailaddress"))
if (to.Attributes.Contains("c.emailaddress1"))
Have a look at AddressUsed property of ActivityParty entity. It should contain email address, regardless which entity is source of party involved.
So, in your code you can use to.AddressUsed instead whole if {...} statement.
Try this:
using (var serviceContext = new OrganizationServiceContext(this.OrganizationService)) // if you are writing custom code activity
//using (var serviceContext = new OrganizationServiceContext(localContext.OrganizationService)) // if you are writing plugin
var activityPartySet = serviceContext.CreateQuery<ActivityParty>();
var activityParties = activityPartySet.Where(
ap => ap.PartyId != null &&
ap.ParticipationTypeMask != null &&
ap.ParticipationTypeMask.Value == 2).ToList();
var userSet = serviceContext.CreateQuery<SystemUser>();
var contactSet = serviceContext.CreateQuery<Contact>();
var recipientList = new List<string>();
foreach (var ap in activityParties)
var partyRef = ap.PartyId;
if (partyRef.LogicalName == SystemUser.EntityLogicalName)
var user = (from u in userSet
where u.Id == partyRef.Id
select new SystemUser
InternalEMailAddress = u.InternalEMailAddress
if (user != null)
else if (partyRef.LogicalName == Contact.EntityLogicalName)
var contact = (from c in contactSet
where c.Id == partyRef.Id
select new Contact
EMailAddress1 = c.EMailAddress1
if (contact != null)
Hope it helps!

How to sort the selected items in a Sitecore Treelist?

Is there a way to always have the selected items in a Sitecore Treelist sorted alphabetically?
No, but you could look in to creating your own 'sorted treelist'. Someone asked a different question earlier today but it has basically the same answer:
Sitecore Tree list datasource - VersionExist
Sitecore lets you create custom field types. They can be based on existing ones, but with some added tweaks.
As mentioned in the answers to the other question, here are 2 articles which are good places to start:
Creating a Composite Custom Field
Apply Dynamic TreeList Source Parameters with the Sitecore ASP.NET CMS
Here's my implementation, which although long, is mostly copy-and-pasted from the decompiled Treelist code. I've highlighted which bits which are new in the Value property and the Add method:
namespace CustomFieldTypes
public class Treelist : Sitecore.Shell.Applications.ContentEditor.TreeList
public override string Value
// ---------- New code here -----------
var ids = base.Value.Split('|');
var db = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master");
var items = ids.Select(id => db.GetItem(id)).Where(item => item != null);
var orderedItems = items.OrderBy(item => item.Name);
var orderedIds = orderedItems.Select(item => item.ID.ToString());
return String.Join("|", orderedIds);
// ---------------------------------------
base.Value = value;
protected void Add()
if (this.Disabled)
string viewStateString = this.GetViewStateString("ID");
TreeviewEx treeviewEx = this.FindControl(viewStateString + "_all") as TreeviewEx;
Assert.IsNotNull((object) treeviewEx, typeof (DataTreeview));
Listbox listbox = this.FindControl(viewStateString + "_selected") as Listbox;
Assert.IsNotNull((object) listbox, typeof (Listbox));
Item selectionItem = treeviewEx.GetSelectionItem();
if (selectionItem == null)
SheerResponse.Alert("Select an item in the Content Tree.", new string[0]);
if (this.HasExcludeTemplateForSelection(selectionItem))
if (this.IsDeniedMultipleSelection(selectionItem, listbox))
SheerResponse.Alert("You cannot select the same item twice.", new string[0]);
if (!this.HasIncludeTemplateForSelection(selectionItem))
SheerResponse.Eval("scForm.browser.getControl('" + viewStateString + "_selected').selectedIndex=-1");
ListItem listItem = new ListItem();
listItem.ID = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("L");
// ----- New Code Here -----------------------
bool listItemAdded = false;
for (int i = 0; i < listbox.Controls.Count; i++ )
ListItem control = (ListItem)listbox.Controls[i];
if (control == null)
if (String.Compare(GetHeaderValue(selectionItem), control.Header) < 0)
listbox.Controls.AddAt(i, listItem);
listItemAdded = true;
if (!listItemAdded)
Sitecore.Context.ClientPage.AddControl((System.Web.UI.Control)listbox, (System.Web.UI.Control)listItem);
// ------------------------------------------
listItem.Header = this.GetHeaderValue(selectionItem);
listItem.Value = listItem.ID + (object) "|" + (string) (object) selectionItem.ID.ToString();
SheerResponse.Refresh((Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control) listbox);
protected static void SetModified()
Sitecore.Context.ClientPage.Modified = true;
private bool HasIncludeTemplateForSelection(Item item)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull((object)item, "item");
if (this.IncludeTemplatesForSelection.Length == 0)
return true;
return HasItemTemplate(item, this.IncludeTemplatesForSelection);
private bool HasExcludeTemplateForSelection(Item item)
if (item == null)
return true;
return HasItemTemplate(item, this.ExcludeTemplatesForSelection);
private bool IsDeniedMultipleSelection(Item item, Listbox listbox)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull((object)listbox, "listbox");
if (item == null)
return true;
if (this.AllowMultipleSelection)
return false;
foreach (Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control control in listbox.Controls)
string[] strArray = control.Value.Split(new char[1]
if (strArray.Length >= 2 && strArray[1] == item.ID.ToString())
return true;
return false;
private static bool HasItemTemplate(Item item, string templateList)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull((object)templateList, "templateList");
if (item == null || templateList.Length == 0)
return false;
string[] strArray = templateList.Split(new char[1]
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(strArray.Length);
for (int index = 0; index < strArray.Length; ++index)
return arrayList.Contains((object)item.TemplateName.Trim().ToLowerInvariant());
When this is compiled and in your application you need to go to /sitecore/system/Field types/List Types/Treelist in the core database. In there, you need to fill in the Assembly and Class fields, and clear out the Control fields.
You could create a custom field and sort the items in the selected list using generics, then save the guids back to the field. I covered this in a recent blog post. There isn't that much coding involved.

I need to list out the Custom list and library from SharePoint Site?

I need to list out the Custom list and library from SharePoint Site?
How to identify the content is comes under the custom created?
This code will help you
using (SPWeb web = currentSite.OpenWeb())
foreach (SPList list in web.Lists)
if (list.BaseType == SPBaseType.DocumentLibrary
list.BaseTemplate == SPListTemplateType.DocumentLibrary
ListItem li = new ListItem();
li.Text = list.Title;
li.Value = list.ID.ToString();
else if(list.BaseType == SPBaseType.GenericList
list.BaseTemplate == SPListTemplateType.GenericList)
ListItem li = new ListItem();
li.Text = list.Title;
li.Value = list.ID.ToString();
Below code should help you
SPList myList=SPContext.Current.Web.Lists["YourList"];
if (myList.BaseType == SPBaseType.DocumentLibrary)
//My List is Document Library
if (myList.BaseType == SPBaseType.GenericList)
//My List is Custom List