I want to change the default tab widget close button and set my icon instead. The problem is that it draws the icon on the text. I want to draw the X to the right.
void AppTabBar::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
QStylePainter painter(this);
QStyleOptionTab opt;
for (int i = 0; i < this->count(); i++) {
initStyleOption(&opt, i);
opt.text = painter.fontMetrics().elidedText(opt.text, Qt::ElideRight, 70);
painter.drawControl(QStyle::CE_TabBarTabShape, opt);
QSize s = opt.rect.size();
if (tabPos != AppTabPosition::Top && tabPos != AppTabPosition::Bottom) {
QRect r(QPoint(), s);
opt.rect = r;
QPoint c = tabRect(i).center();
if (tabPos == AppTabPosition::Left) {
} else if (tabPos == AppTabPosition::Right) {
painter.rotate(270); //90 - left pos, 270 - right pos
painter.drawControl(QStyle::CE_TabBarTabLabel, opt);
void AppTabStyle::drawPrimitive(QStyle::PrimitiveElement element, const QStyleOption *option, QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget) const
if (element == PE_IndicatorTabClose) {
int size = proxy()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_SmallIconSize);
QIcon::Mode mode = option->state & State_Enabled ? (option->state & State_Raised ? QIcon::Active : QIcon::Normal) : QIcon::Disabled;
if (!(option->state & State_Raised) && !(option->state & State_Sunken) && !(option->state & QStyle::State_Selected)) {
mode = QIcon::Disabled;
QIcon::State state = option->state & State_Sunken ? QIcon::On : QIcon::Off;
QPixmap pixmap = QIcon(":/Icons/cross_icon.png").pixmap(size, mode, state);
proxy()->drawItemPixmap(painter, option->rect, Qt::AlignRight, pixmap);
} else {
QProxyStyle::drawPrimitive(element, option, painter, widget);
This issue only appears on the vertical tabs (AppTabPosition::Left or AppTabPosition::Right). Any ideas how to draw it to the right?
Edited (15.05.2021):
I have set setTabsClosable(false);, then created the TabBarLabel class and set it to setTabButton method. It closes the tabs but the issue with overlapping the tab text still exists:
It is a lot of code, so I have created and uploaded to Mega the test example to illustrate this issue. Here is my test example: TabExample.zip (6kb)
Any ideas how to change position of tab bar close button? Thank you.
Thank you.
Finally! I have fixed the issue with vertical tab close button position.
if (tabPos != AppTabPosition::Top && tabPos != AppTabPosition::Bottom) {
if (this->tabsClosable()) { // check if tab is closable
QRect optRect = opt.rect;
optRect.setX(90); // set X pos of close button
optRect.setY(optRect.y() + 8); // calcs the Y pos of close button
optRect.setSize(QSize(12, 12));
this->tabButton(i, QTabBar::RightSide)->setGeometry(optRect);
Here I do not change the default opt.rect but instead I copy it to new QRect. Then I change the size and position of optRect and finally set geometry to tabButtton .
The issue is resolved.
In most examples, customizing the Qt slider is done like this (with a stylesheet):
mySlider = new QSlider(centralWidget);
mySlider->setGeometry(QRect(645, 678, 110, 21));
mySlider->setStyleSheet("QSlider::groove:horizontal {background-image:url(:/main/graphics/mySliderBackround.png);}"
"QSlider::handle:horizontal {background-image:url(:/main/graphics/mySliderHandle.png); height:21px; width: 21px;}");
This works fine for me as well.
I have a situation where I need to programmatically set the background using a dyamically created pixmap. Using the code below, this is how I accomplished it. The problem is that when I am on Fedora Linux, this slider works fine. When I'm on OSX or Windows, the slider handle goes off the goove.
Here's what it looks like on OSX. Notice how the handle is off the groove. The left side is customized with a stylesheet, the right is customized with the Style object below.
Create the slider and assign the style:
mySlider = new QSlider(centralWidget);
mySlider->setGeometry(QRect(645, 678, 110, 21));
mySlider->setStyle(new MySliderStyle(mySlider->style()));
The custom slider style code:
#ifndef MYSTYLE_H
#define MYSTYLE_H
#include <QObject>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QProxyStyle>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QStyleOption>
#include <QtWidgets/QCommonStyle>
class MySliderStyle : public QProxyStyle
QPixmap groovePixmap;
QPixmap handlePixmap;
LightingSliderStyle(QStyle *style)
: QProxyStyle(style)
this->handlePixmap = <snip initialize the pixmap>;
this->grooveMaskPixmap = <snip initialize the pixmap>;
void drawComplexControl(QStyle::ComplexControl control, const QStyleOptionComplex *option, QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget) const;
QRect subControlRect(ComplexControl cc, const QStyleOptionComplex *opt, SubControl sc, const QWidget *widget) const;
void setColor(QColor color);
#endif // MYSTYLE_H
#include "MySliderStyle.h"
QRect MySliderStyle::subControlRect(ComplexControl control,
const QStyleOptionComplex *option,
SubControl subControl,
const QWidget *widget) const
QRect rect;
rect = QCommonStyle::subControlRect(control, option, subControl, widget);
if (control == CC_Slider && subControl == SC_SliderHandle)
// this is the exact pixel dimensions of the handle png files
else if (control == CC_Slider && subControl == SC_SliderGroove)
// this is the exact pixel dimensions of the slider png files
return rect;
void MySliderStyle::drawComplexControl(QStyle::ComplexControl control,
const QStyleOptionComplex *option,
QPainter *painter,
const QWidget *widget) const
if (control == CC_Slider)
if (const QStyleOptionSlider *slider = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionSlider *>(option))
QRect groove = subControlRect(CC_Slider, slider, SC_SliderGroove, widget);
QRect handle = subControlRect(CC_Slider, slider, SC_SliderHandle, widget);
if ((slider->subControls & SC_SliderGroove) && groove.isValid())
Qt::BGMode oldMode = painter->backgroundMode();
painter->drawPixmap(groove, groovePixmap);
if ((slider->subControls & SC_SliderHandle) && handle.isValid())
Qt::BGMode oldMode = painter->backgroundMode();
painter->drawPixmap(handle, handlePixmap);
QProxyStyle::drawComplexControl(control, option, painter, widget);
void MySliderStyle::setColor(QColor color)
QImage myGrooveImage;
// <snip>
// Code to create the custom pixmap
// <snip>
groovePixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(myGrooveImage);
The code for this project is open source and available here
A call to QCommonStyle::subControlRect and adjusting the width/height is not enough. You must also recalculate the x/y position.
You can therfore use the QCommonStyle::subControlRect function as reference to calculate the proper rectangle:
QRect LightingSliderStyle::subControlRect(ComplexControl control,
const QStyleOptionComplex *option,
SubControl subControl,
const QWidget *widget) const
if (control == CC_Slider)
if (const QStyleOptionSlider *slider = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionSlider *>(option)) {
QRect ret;
int tickOffset = 0;
int thickness = 21; // height
int len = 21; // width
switch (subControl) {
case SC_SliderHandle: {
int sliderPos = 0;
bool horizontal = slider->orientation == Qt::Horizontal;
sliderPos = sliderPositionFromValue(slider->minimum, slider->maximum+1,
(horizontal ? slider->rect.width()
: slider->rect.height()) - len,
if (horizontal)
ret.setRect(slider->rect.x() + sliderPos, slider->rect.y() + tickOffset, len, thickness);
ret.setRect(slider->rect.x() + tickOffset, slider->rect.y() + sliderPos, thickness, len);
break; }
case SC_SliderGroove:
if (slider->orientation == Qt::Horizontal)
ret.setRect(slider->rect.x(), slider->rect.y() + tickOffset,
slider->rect.width(), thickness);
ret.setRect(slider->rect.x() + tickOffset, slider->rect.y(),
thickness, slider->rect.height());
return visualRect(slider->direction, slider->rect, ret);
return QCommonStyle::subControlRect(control, option, subControl, widget);
I must use hover event on Qt label, but I can't found no information about that.
I try use something like ui->label->setText("<a>ads</a>") and onLinkHovered but it's not work correct.
I must change text on hover.
The most flexible solution would be to create your own widget which inherits from QLabel. This way, you could override the enterEvent and leaveEvent #Jeremy and #Moe are writing about which are protected. As a part of these methods implementation you could change the text or decoration accordingly. For example:
class CustomLabel : public QLabel
CustomLabel(QWidget* parent = nullptr) : QLabel(parent){ }
void enterEvent(QEvent *ev) override
setStyleSheet("QLabel { background-color : blue; }");
void leaveEvent(QEvent *ev) override
setStyleSheet("QLabel { background-color : green; }");
Another approach, but a lot less flexible would be to set the href attribute for the link tag you have specified in label text. This way text would be treated as actual link and you could use the linkHovered signal to connect to. For example:
ui->label->setText("<a href='www.google.com'>link</a>");
connect(ui->label, &QLabel::linkHovered, this, [this](const QString&)
// do smth with the widget/text
However, please denote that this way you could only make a modification on the hover event.
So if you need to bring the label back to its original state, the first option is the way to go.
Make use of enterEvent and leaveEvent of QLabel.
Create a subclass of QLabel like this for example:
class MyLabel : public QLabel
MyLabel(char* text, MainWindow* w) : QLabel(text, w) { }
void enterEvent(QEvent *event);
void leaveEvent(QEvent *event);
and override enterEvent and leaveEvent like this:
void MyLabel::enterEvent(QEvent *event) {
qDebug() << "Entered!";
// Change your text here
void MyLabel::leaveEvent(QEvent *event) {
qDebug() << "Left!";
You can create instances of this class now like this:
MainWindow w;
MyLabel myLabel("A Test Label", &w);
If you want to determine whether mouse hovers over text inside the QLabel you can use
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event);
and check inside it whether mouse cursor is in bounding rectangle of text.
void PressLabel::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event) {
QRect bRect = getTextComponentRectangle();
m_mouseCoord = event->pos();
if(bRect.contains(event->pos())) {
// Mouse pointer over text.
} else {
// Mouse pointer outside text.
Turn on mouse tracking for your widget to make mouseMoveEvent occur also when mouse button is not pressed.
And finally the function that does the calculation of text bounding rectangle. Code below take into account some unexpected cases, too. I tried it with Qt 5.9.1.
For calculation of effective indent in negative case refer to http://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-4.8/qlabel.html#indent-prop .
QRect PressLabel::getTextComponentRectangle() const {
if(frameWidth() < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("Negative frame width.");
int effectiveIndent = indent();
int trueMargin = margin();
if(effectiveIndent < 0) {
if(frameWidth() == 0 || margin() > 0) { // (1)
effectiveIndent = 0;
} else if(frameWidth() > 0) {
QFontMetrics fm(font());
effectiveIndent = fm.width(QChar('x')) / 2;
if(frameWidth() > 0 && margin() < 0) { // (2)
trueMargin = 0;
QFontMetrics fm(font());
QRect bRect = fm.boundingRect(text());
int indentOffset = effectiveIndent + trueMargin + frameWidth();
int offsetX = 0;
int offsetY = 0;
if(alignment() & Qt::AlignHCenter) {
offsetX = rect().width() / 2 - bRect.width() / 2;
} else if(alignment() & Qt::AlignRight) {
offsetX = rect().width() - bRect.width() - indentOffset;
} else if(alignment() & Qt::AlignJustify) {
offsetX = trueMargin + frameWidth();
} else if(alignment() & Qt::AlignLeft) {
offsetX = indentOffset;
if(alignment() & Qt::AlignVCenter) {
offsetY = rect().height() / 2 - bRect.height() / 2;
} else if(alignment() & Qt::AlignBottom) {
offsetY = rect().height() - bRect.height() - indentOffset;
} else if(alignment() & Qt::AlignTop) {
offsetY = indentOffset;
bRect.setX(bRect.x() + offsetX);
bRect.setWidth(bRect.width() + offsetX);
bRect.setY(bRect.y() + offsetY);
bRect.setHeight(bRect.height() + offsetY);
return bRect;
Unexpected cases:
(1) For indent < 0 and margin > 0 effective indent is 0, not width('x')/2 as it is intended to be for negative indent.
(2) For indent < 0 and margin < 0 true margin is 0 and isn't summed to make offset.
I have found that you can also achieve this through the style sheet.
self.label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Toast")
self.label.setStyleSheet("QLabel{color: white;} QLabel:hover {color: blue;}")
I have a QToolButton. I'm using it instead of QPushButton because I need a label-like looking button. QPushButton is too chunky even after setting stylesheet's borders and paddings to None-0px.
I would like this QToolButton to contain a text (no-icon) align right.
However, text-align: right; is not working. .setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight) is also not working.
How can I align the text to right?
Thank you.
You can try to sub-class QStyle and re-implement QStyle::drawControl() to align the text to the right. Check the file qt/src/gui/styles/qcommonstyle.cpp to see how it's done. (Sorry I'm using C++ not Python)
case CE_ToolButtonLabel:
if (const QStyleOptionToolButton *toolbutton
= qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionToolButton *>(opt)) {
QRect rect = toolbutton->rect;
int shiftX = 0;
int shiftY = 0;
if (toolbutton->state & (State_Sunken | State_On)) {
shiftX = proxy()->pixelMetric(PM_ButtonShiftHorizontal, toolbutton, widget);
shiftY = proxy()->pixelMetric(PM_ButtonShiftVertical, toolbutton, widget);
// Arrow type always overrules and is always shown
bool hasArrow = toolbutton->features & QStyleOptionToolButton::Arrow;
if (((!hasArrow && toolbutton->icon.isNull()) && !toolbutton->text.isEmpty())
|| toolbutton->toolButtonStyle == Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly) {
int alignment = Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::TextShowMnemonic;
This example of align button content (icon & text) to center, but you can adopt this example to your demands (align to right). Override QToolButoon::paintEvent as next:
void CMyToolButton::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* )
QStylePainter sp( this );
QStyleOptionToolButton opt;
initStyleOption( &opt );
const QString strText = opt.text;
const QIcon icn = opt.icon;
//draw background
opt.icon = QIcon();
sp.drawComplexControl( QStyle::CC_ToolButton, opt );
//draw content
const int nSizeHintWidth = minimumSizeHint().width();
const int nDiff = qMax( 0, ( opt.rect.width() - nSizeHintWidth ) / 2 );
opt.text = strText;
opt.icon = icn;
opt.rect.setWidth( nSizeHintWidth );//reduce paint area to minimum
opt.rect.translate( nDiff, 0 );//offset paint area to center
sp.drawComplexControl( QStyle::CC_ToolButton, opt );
I want to change the color of an ellipse when I move my mouse over it.
But I haven't found anything from reference and auto-complete from Qt Creator.
Do you guys know how to do it?
Some of my code:
void DrawingWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) {
QPainter painter(this);
painter.fillRect(event->rect(), Qt::white);
for(int i = 0; i < pointList.size(); i++) {
if (pointList[i].x() >= 0 && pointList[i].y() >= 0)
painter.drawEllipse(pointList[i], 10, 10);
Mouse press event handler:
void DrawingWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) {
if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton
&& event->buttons() == Qt::LeftButton) {
Mouse move event handler:
void DrawingWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) {
if (m_mainWindow->getSelectedTool() == MainWindow::moveVertexTool) {
m_x = event->x();
m_y = event->y();
if (isPointNear(m_x, m_y)) {
Now I just need a mouse OVER event (handler).
I think what you are looking for are enter and leave events.
Use QWidget::underMouse() for check if the widget is under the mouse cursor.
For example:
void IconButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
QPainter painter(this);
// Note isDown should really use the active state but in most styles
// this has no proper feedback
QIcon::Mode mode = QIcon::Disabled;
if (isEnabled()) {
if (isDown())
mode = QIcon::Selected;
mode = underMouse() ? QIcon::Active : QIcon::Normal;
QPixmap pixmap = icon().pixmap(iconSize(), mode);
QRect pixmapRect = QRect(0, 0, pixmap.width(), pixmap.height());
if (m_autoHide)
painter.drawPixmap(pixmapRect, pixmap);
This value is not updated properly during drag and drop operations.
I have a QTableView which I am setting a custom QStyledItemDelegate on.
In addition to the custom item painting, I want to style the row's background color for the selection/hovered states. The look I am going for is something like this KGet screenshot:
KGet's Row Background http://www.binaryelysium.com/images/kget_background.jpeg
Here is my code:
void MyDelegate::paint( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& opt, const QModelIndex& index ) const
QBrush backBrush;
QColor foreColor;
bool hover = false;
if ( opt.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver )
backBrush = opt.palette.color( QPalette::Highlight ).light( 115 );
foreColor = opt.palette.color( QPalette::HighlightedText );
hover = true;
QStyleOptionViewItemV4 option(opt);
initStyleOption(&option, index);
const QStyle *style = option.widget ? option.widget->style() : QApplication::style();
const QWidget* widget = option.widget;
if( hover )
option.backgroundBrush = backBrush;
style->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &option, painter, widget);
switch( index.column() )
case 0: // we want default behavior
style->drawControl(QStyle::CE_ItemViewItem, &option, painter, widget);
case 1:
// some custom drawText
case 2:
// draw a QStyleOptionProgressBar
The result is that each individual cell receives the mousedover background only when the mouse is over it, and not the entire row. It is hard to describe so here is a screenshot:
The result of the above code http://www.binaryelysium.com/images/loader_bg.jpeg
In that picture the mouse was over the left most cell, hence the highlighted background.. but I want the background to be drawn over the entire row.
How can I achieve this?
Edit: With some more thought I've realized that the QStyle::State_MouseOver state is only being passed for actual cell which the mouse is over, and when the paint method is called for the other cells in the row QStyle::State_MouseOver is not set.
So the question becomes is there a QStyle::State_MouseOver_Row state (answer: no), so how do I go about achieving that?
You need to be telling the view to update its cells when the mouse is over a row, so I would suggest tracking that in your model. Then in the paint event, you can ask for that data from the model index using a custom data role.
void TrackDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
QStyleOptionViewItem viewOption(option);
if (viewOption.state & QStyle::State_HasFocus)
viewOption.state = viewOption.state ^ QStyle::State_HasFocus;
QImage image(m_RowBackGroundImagePath);
QPixmap pixmap(m_RowBackGroundImagePath);
QBrush brush(pixmap);
painter->fillRect(option.rect, brush/*QColor(238, 233, 233, 255)*/);
viewOption.rect = QRect(option.rect.x(), option.rect.y(), option.rect.width(), option.rect.height());
//viewOption.palette.setColor(QPalette::Text, QColor(Qt::red));
//viewOption.palette.setBrush ( QPalette::ButtonText, brush1);
QItemDelegate::paint(painter, viewOption,index);
int progress = index.model()->data(index,Qt::DisplayRole).toInt();
QStyleOptionProgressBar progressBarOption;
progressBarOption.rect = QRect(option.rect.x(), option.rect.y()+(SETHEIGHT - PROGRESSBARHEIGHT)/2, option.rect.width(), /*option.rect.height()*/PROGRESSBARHEIGHT);
progressBarOption.state |= QStyle::State_Enabled;
progressBarOption.direction = QApplication::layoutDirection();
progressBarOption.fontMetrics = QApplication::fontMetrics();
progressBarOption.minimum = 0;
progressBarOption.maximum = 100;
progressBarOption.textAlignment = Qt::AlignCenter;
progressBarOption.textVisible = true;
progressBarOption.progress = progress < 0 ? 0 : progress;
progressBarOption.text = QString().sprintf("%d%%", progressBarOption.progress);
QApplication::style()->drawControl(QStyle::CE_ProgressBar, &progressBarOption, painter);