Infinite loop while implementing Runge-Kutta method with step correction - fortran

I'm implementing the Runge-Kutta-4 method for ODE approximation with a step correction procedure.
Here's the code:
function RK4 (v,h,cant_ec) !Runge-Kutta 4to Orden
k1 = h*vprima(v)
k2 = h*vprima(v+k1/2.0)
k3 = h*vprima(v+k2/2.0)
k4 = h*vprima(v+k3)
v = v + (k1+2.0*k2+2.0*k3+k4)/6.0 !la aproximación actual con paso h
RK4 = v
end function RK4
subroutine RK4h1(v,h,xf,tol,cant_ec) !Runge-Kutta con corrección de paso por método 1
n = int((xf-v(0))/h +0.5)
open(2,file = "derivada.txt",status="replace")
error = 2*tol
do i = 1,n, 1
do while(error > tol)
v1 = RK4(v,h,cant_ec)
v2 = RK4(v,h/2,cant_ec)
v2 = v2 + RK4(v+v2,h/2,cant_ec)
error = MAXVAL(ABS(v1-v2))
if (error > tol) then
h = h/2
end if
end do
end do
call system("gnuplot -persist 'derivada.p'")
end subroutine Rk4h1
Where h is the step size, v is a vector of cant_ec components that corresponds to the order of the ODE (that is: v(0) = x,v(1) = y,v(2) = y', etc), tol is the tolerance of error and xf is the end of the x interval (assuming it starts at 0). All these values are inputted by the user before the subroutine call. The initial values given for this particular function are y(0) = -1. Everything else is defined by the user when running the script.
The differential equation is given by:
function vprima(v,x,y) !definición de la función derivada
vprima(0) = 1.0
vprima(1) = (-v(1)/(v(0)**2+1))
end function vprima
noting that on the main program this assignment occurs:
v(0) = x
v(1) = y
where x and y are the initial values of the function, given by the user.
My issue is, the script seems to get stuck on an infinite loop when I call RK4h1.
Any help, or clue, would be appreciated. Thank you.

v2 = v2 + RK4(v+v2,h/2,cant_ec) is wrong, it should be v2 = RK4(v2,h/2,cant_ec), as the result of RK4 is the next point, not the update to the next point. As the error calculation is thus wrong, the step size gets reduced indefinitely. After some 50 reductions, the RK4 step will no longer advance the state, the increment being too small.
It will lead to problems if you have a fixed step number with a variable step size.
The inner loop does not make any sense whatsoever. The overall effect is that after each step size reduction i gets incremented by one. So theoretically, if n<50 the program should terminate, but with a final state very close to the initial state.
The local error should be compared to tol*h, so that the global error becomes proportional to tol.
There should also be an instruction that increases h if the local error becomes too small.
See How to perform adaptive step size using Runge-Kutta fourth order (Matlab)? for another example of using RK4 with step-size control by double steps.


if statement to determine steady-state

My code below correctly solves a 1D heat equation for a function u(x,t). I now want to find the steady-state solution, the solution that no longer changes in time so it should satisfy u(t+1)-u(t) = 0. What is the most efficient way to find the steady-state solution? I show three different attempts below, but I'm not sure if either are actually doing what I want. The first and third have correct syntax, the second method has a syntax error due to the if statement. Each method is different due to the change in the if structure.
Method 1 :
program parabolic1
integer, parameter :: n = 10, m = 20
real, parameter :: h = 0.1, k = 0.005 !step sizes
real, dimension (0:n) :: u,v
integer:: i,j
u(0) = 0.0; v(0) = 0.0; u(n) = 0.0; v(n) =0.0
pi = 4.0*atan(1.0)
pi2 = pi*pi
do i=1, n-1
u(i) = sin( pi*real(i)*h)
end do
do j = 1,m
do i = 1, n-1
v(i) = 0.5*(u(i-1)+u(i+1))
end do
t = real(j)*k !increment in time, now check for steady-state
!steady-state check: this checks the solutions at every space point which I don't think is correct.
do i = 1,n-1
if ( v(i) - u(i) .LT. 1.0e-7 ) then
print*, 'steady-state condition reached'
end if
end do
do i = 1, n-1 !updating solution
u(i) = v(i)
end do
end do
end program parabolic1
Method 2 :
program parabolic1
integer, parameter :: n = 10, m = 20
real, parameter :: h = 0.1, k = 0.005 !step sizes
real, dimension (0:n) :: u,v
integer:: i,j
u(0) = 0.0; v(0) = 0.0; u(n) = 0.0; v(n) =0.0
pi = 4.0*atan(1.0)
pi2 = pi*pi
do i=1, n-1
u(i) = sin( pi*real(i)*h)
end do
do j = 1,m
do i = 1, n-1
v(i) = 0.5*(u(i-1)+u(i+1))
end do
t = real(j)*k !increment in time, now check for steady-state
!steady-state check: (This gives an error message since the if statement doesn't have a logical scalar expression, but I want to compare the full arrays v and u as shown.
if ( v - u .LT. 1.0e-7 ) then
print*, 'steady-state condition reached'
end if
do i = 1, n-1 !updating solution
u(i) = v(i)
end do
end do
end program parabolic1
Method 3 :
program parabolic1
integer, parameter :: n = 10, m = 20
real, parameter :: h = 0.1, k = 0.005 !step sizes
real, dimension (0:n) :: u,v
integer:: i,j
u(0) = 0.0; v(0) = 0.0; u(n) = 0.0; v(n) =0.0
pi = 4.0*atan(1.0)
pi2 = pi*pi
do i=1, n-1
u(i) = sin( pi*real(i)*h)
end do
do j = 1,m
do i = 1, n-1
v(i) = 0.5*(u(i-1)+u(i+1))
end do
t = real(j)*k !increment in time, now check for steady-state
!steady-state check: Perhaps this is the correct expression I want to use
if( norm2(v) - norm2(u) .LT. 1.0e-7 ) then
print*, 'steady-state condition reached'
end if
do i = 1, n-1 !updating solution
u(i) = v(i)
end do
end do
end program parabolic1
Without discussing which method to determine "closeness" is best or correct (not really being a programming problem) we can focus on what the Fortran parts of the methods are doing.
Method 1 and Method 2 are similar ideas (but broken in their execution), while Method 3 is different (and broken in another way).
Note also that in general one wants to compare the magnitude of the difference abs(v-u) rather than the (signed) difference v-u. With non-monotonic changes over iterations these are quite different.
Method 3 uses norm2(v) - norm2(u) to test whether the arrays u and v are similar. This isn't correct. Consider
instead of the more correct
Method 2's
if ( v - u .LT. 1.0e-7 ) then
has the problem of being an invalid array expression, but the "are all points close?" can be written appropriately as
if ( ALL( v - u .LT. 1.0e-7 )) then
(You'll find other questions around here about such array reductions).
Method 1 tries something similar, but incorrectly:
do i = 1,n-1
if ( v(i) - u(i) .LT. 1.0e-7 ) then
print*, 'steady-state condition reached'
end if
end do
This is incorrect in one big way, and one subtle way.
First, the loop is exited when the condition tests true the first time, with a message saying the steady state is reached. This is incorrect: you need all values close, while this is testing for any value close.
Second, when the condition is met, you exit. But you don't exit the time iteration loop, you exit the closeness testing loop. (exit without a construct name leaves the innermost do construct). You'll be in exactly the same situation, running again immediately after this innermost construct whether the tested condition is ever or never met (if ever met you'll get the message also). You will need to use a construct name on the time loop.
I won't show how to do that (again there are other questions here about that), because you also need to fix the test condition, by which point you'll be better off using if(all(... (corrected Method 2) without that additional do construct.
For Methods 1 and 2 you'll have something like:
if (all(v-u .lt 1e-7)) then
print *, "Converged"
end if
And for Method 3:
if (norm2(v-u) .lt. 1e-7) then
print *, "Converged"
end if

Foucault Pendulum simulation

Program Foucault
REAL,PARAMETER :: pi=3.14159265358979323846, g=9.81
REAL :: L, vitessea, lat, h, omega, beta
INTEGER :: i , zeta
Do i= 1,zeta
IF(i==1 .OR. i==2) THEN
WRITE(40,*) t(i), x(i)
WRITE(60,*) t(i), y(i)
WRITE(50,*) x(i), y(i)
REAL Function latang(alpha)
REAL, INTENT(IN) :: alpha
REAL :: sol
End Program Foucault
I'm trying to code the original Foucault Pendulum in Paris. My code seems to be working but so far, I could only get the below right graphic, "the flower" evolution. Therefore, I changed my parameters constantly to get the left graphic but I couldn't.
I took parameters of Foucault Pendulum installed in Paris with L=67, angular velocity of earth =2*pi/86400 and latitude of 49/180*pi.
My initial conditions are as written in the code. I tried a way range of parameters varying all of my initial conditions, my latitude and angular velocity but i couldn't get the left desired results.
I used Foucault differential equations as below : i coded them with Finite difference method (more simple than Runge-Kutta) by replacing the 2nd order derivation by its central finite difference. And the first order one by it's backward finite difference. By then, i build my loop by isolating x(i+1) and y(i+1) in both equations.
My code is very sensitive to parameters such as h (=derivation step), earth angular velocity and latitude (which is normal). I tried to change a way big range of parameters from a big h step to a small one, to a minimal and high latitude, initial conditions...etc but i couldn't ever get the left graphic which i rather need.
What could be made to get the left one ?
I was able to get the two charts, by speeding up the earth's rotation 120× fold, and allowing the simulation to run for 32 swings of the pendulum. Also, I noticed that Euler integration added energy to the system making for bad results, so I reverted to a standard RK4 implementation.
and here is the code I used to solve this ODE:
program FoucaultOde
implicit none
integer, parameter :: sp = kind(1.0), dp = kind(1d0)
! Constants
real, parameter :: g=9.80665, pi =3.1415926536
! Variables
real, allocatable :: y(:,:), yp(:), k0(:),k1(:),k2(:),k3(:)
real :: lat, omega, h, L, earth, period
real :: t0,x0,y0,vx0,vy0
integer :: i, zeta, f1, swings
! Code starts here
swings = 32
zeta = 400*swings
L = 67
lat = 49*pi/180
period = 24*60*60 ! period = 86400
earth = (2*pi*sin(lat)/period)*120 !120 multiplier for roation
omega = sqrt(g/L)
allocate(yp(5), k0(5),k1(5),k2(5),k3(5))
! make pendulum complete 'swings' cycles in 'zeta' steps
h = swings*2*pi/(omega*zeta)
t0 = 0
x0 = 0.5 ! Initial displacement
y0 = 0
vx0 = 0
vy0 = 0
! Initial conditions in the state vector Y
Y(:,1) = [t0,x0,y0,vx0,vy0]
do i=2, zeta
! Euler method (single step)
! Yp = ode(Y(:,i-1))
! Runge-Kutta method (four steps)
k0 = ode(Y(:,i-1))
k1 = ode(Y(:,i-1) + h/2*k0)
k2 = ode(Y(:,i-1) + h/2*k1)
k3 = ode(Y(:,i-1) + h*k2)
Yp = (k0+2*k1+2*k2+k3)/6
! Take a step
Y(:,i) = Y(:,i-1) + h*Yp
end do
open( newunit=f1, file='results.csv', status = 'replace', pad='no')
! write header
write (f1, '(a15,a,a15,a,a15,a,a15,a,a15)') 't',',', 'x',',','y',',', 'vx',',','vy'
! write rows of data, comma-separated
do i=1, zeta
write (f1, '(g,a,g,a,g,a,g,a,g)') y(1,i),',',y(2,i),',',y(3,i),',',y(4,i),',',y(5,i)
end do
function ode(Y) result(Yp)
real, intent(in) :: Y(5)
real :: Yp(5), t,px,py,vx,vy,ax,ay
! Read state vector Y to component values
t = Y(1)
px = Y(2)
py = Y(3)
vx = Y(4)
vy = Y(5)
! Reference paper:
ax = -(omega**2)*px + 2*vy*earth ! (equation 53)
ay = -(omega**2)*py - 2*vx*earth ! (equation 54)
! State vector rate. Note, rate of time is aways 1.0
Yp = [1.0, vx, vy, ax, ay]
end function
end program FoucaultOde
The resulting file results.csv looks like this for me (for checking)
t, x, y, vx, vy
.000000 , 5.000000 , .000000 , .000000 , .000000
.4105792E-01, 4.999383 , .1112020E-06, -.3004657E-01, .8124921E-05
.8211584E-01, 4.997533 , .8895339E-06, -.6008571E-01, .3249567E-04
.1231738 , 4.994450 , .3001796E-05, -.9011002E-01, .7310022E-04
.1642317 , 4.990134 , .7114130E-05, -.1201121 , .1299185E-03
.2052896 , 4.984587 , .1389169E-04, -.1500844 , .2029225E-03
.2463475 , 4.977810 , .2399832E-04, -.1800197 , .2920761E-03
.2874054 , 4.969805 , .3809619E-04, -.2099106 , .3973353E-03
from which I plotted the 2nd and 3rd columns in one chart, and the 4th and 5th for the second chart.
There is one thing that may be wrong depending on how you manage different step sizes, and an observation on the physics of the real-world example. With the initialization of the arrays, you imply an initial velocity of about 0.9/0.01=90 [m/s] in x direction away from the center. To get compatible results for different step sizes, you would need to adapt the calculation of x(2). However, in the graphs the plot starts from a point with zero velocity. This you can implement to first order by setting x(2)=x(1)=1. As the used integration method is also first order, this is sufficient.
For the second point, note that one can write the system using complex coordinates z=x+iy as
z'' = -w^2*z - 2*i*E*z', E = Omega*sin(theta)
This is a linear ODE with constant coefficients, the solution of it is
z(t) = exp(-i*E*t) * (A*cos(w1*t)+B*sin(w1*t)), w1 = sqrt(w^2+E^2)
This describes a pendulum motion of frequency w1 whose plane rotates with frequency E clockwise. The grand rotation has period T=2*pi/E, during which w1*T/(2*pi)=w1/E pendulum swings occur.
Now insert your numbers, w=sqrt(g/L)=0.383 and E=2*pi*sin(49°)/86400=5.49e-05, so that essentially w1=w. The number of pendulum cycles per full rotation is w/E=6972, so that you can expect a densely filled circle in the plot. Or a very narrow double wedge if only a few cycles are plotted. As each cycle takes 2*pi/w=16.4 [s], and the integration goes 1000 steps of step size 0.01, in the plot as it is you can expect a swing forth and part of the swing back.
To be more realistic, set the initial velocity to zero, that is, the pendulum is taken to its start position and then let go. Also increase the time to 30 [s] to have more than one pendulum cycle in the plot.
It from this we can see that the solutions converge, and with some imagination, that they converge linearly.
To get a plot like in the cited images, one needs a much smaller fraction of w/E, counting the swings, it has to be around 15. Note that you can not get this ratio anywhere on earth with a realistically scaled pendulum. So set w=pi, E=pi/16 and integrate over 15 time units using the first order method.
This detoriorates really fast, even for the smallest step size with 40 points in a pendulum cycle.
For a better result, increase the local truncation order to the next higher by using the central difference in the first derivative approximation.
z(i+1) - 2*z(i) + z(i-1) = -w^2*z(i)*dt^2 - i*E*(z(i+1)-z(i-1))*dt
z(i+1) = ( 2*z(i) - z(i-1) - w^2*z(i)*dt^2 + i*E*z(i-1)*dt ) / (1+i*E*dt)
The division by the complex number can also be easily carried out in the real components of the trajectory,
! x(i+1)-2*x(i)+x(i-1) = h^2*(-omega**2*x(i)) + h*earth*(y(i+1)-y(i-1))
! y(i+1)-2*y(i)+y(i-1) = h^2*(-omega**2*y(i)) - h*earth*(x(i+1)-x(i-1))
t(i) = t(i-1) + h
cx = (2-(h*omega)**2)*x(i) - x(i-1) - h*earth*y(i-1)
cy = (2-(h*omega)**2)*y(i) - y(i-1) + h*earth*x(i-1)
den = 1+(h*earth)**2
x(i+1) = (cx + h*earth*cy)/den
y(i+1) = (cy - h*earth*cx)/den
Now to respect the increased order, also the initial points need to have an order of accuracy more, using again zero initial speed, this gives in the second order Taylor expansion
z(2) = z(1) - 0.5*w^2*z(1)*dt^2
All the step sizes that gave deviating and structurally deteriorating results in the first order method now give a visually identical, structurally stable results in this second order method.

Runge Kutta in Fortran

I'm trying to implement the Runge Kutta method in Fortran and am facing a convergence problem. I don't know how much of the code I should show, so I'll describe the problem in detail, and please guide me as to what I should add/remove to/from the post to make it answerable.
I have a 6-dimensional vector of position and velocity of a ball, and a corresponding system of diff. eqs. that describe the equations of motions, from which I want to calculate the trajectory of the ball, and compare results for different orders of the RK method.
Let's focus on 3rd order RK. The model I use is implemented as follows:
k1 = h * f(vec_old,omega,phi)
k2 = h * f(vec_old + 0.5d0 * k1,omega,phi)
k3 = h * f(vec_old + 2d0 * k2 - k1,omega,phi)
vec = vec_old + (k1 + 4d0 * k2 + k3) / 6d0
Where f is the function that constitutes the equations of motion (or equivalently the RHS of my system of diff. eqs). Note that f is time independent, therefore has only 1 argument. h takes the role of a small time step dt.
If we wish to calculate the trajectory of the ball for a finite time total_time, and allow for a total error of epsilon, then we need to ensure each step takes a proportional fraction of the error. For the first step, I then did the following:
vec1 = solve(3,vec_old,h,omega,phi)
vec2 = solve(3,vec_old,h/2d0,omega,phi)
do while (maxval((/(abs(vec1(i) - vec2(i)),i=1,6)/)) > eps * h / (tot_time - current_time))
h = h / 2d0
vec1 = solve(3,vec_old,h,omega,phi)
vec2 = solve(3,vec_old,h/2d0,omega,phi)
end do
vec = (8d0/7d0) * vec2 - (1d0/7d0) * vec1
Where solve(3,vec_old,h,omega,phi) is the function that calculates the single RK step described above. 3 denotes the RK order we are using, vec_old is the current state of the position-velocity vector, h, h/2d0 both represent the time step being used, and omega,phi are just some extra parameters for f. Finally, for the first step we set current_time = 0d0.
The point is that if we use a 3rd order RK, we should have an error in $O(h^3)$, and thus fall off faster than linearly in h. Therefore, we should expect the while loop to eventually come to a halt for small enough h.
My problem is that the loop doesn't converge, and not even close - the ratio
maxval(...) / eps * (...)
remains pretty much constant, all the way until eps * h / (tot_time - current_time)) becomes zero due to finite precision.
For completeness, this is my definition for f:
function f(vec_old,omega,phi) result(vec)
real(8),intent(in) :: vec_old(6),omega,phi
real(8) :: vec(6)
real(8) :: v,Fv
v = sqrt(vec_old(4)**2+vec_old(5)**2+vec_old(6)**2)
Fv = 0.0039d0 + 0.0058d0 / (1d0 + exp((v-35d0)/5d0))
vec(1) = vec_old(4)
vec(2) = vec_old(5)
vec(3) = vec_old(6)
vec(4) = -Fv * v * vec_old(4) + 4.1d-4 * omega * (vec_old(6)*sin(phi) - vec_old(5)*cos(phi))
vec(5) = -Fv * v * vec_old(5) + 4.1d-4 * omega * vec_old(4)*cos(phi)
vec(6) = -Fv * v * vec_old(6) - 4.1d-4 * omega * vec_old(4)*sin(phi) - 9.8d0
end function f
Does anyone have any idea as to why the while loop doesn't converge?
If anything else is needed (output, other pieces of code etc.) please tell me and I'll add it. Also, if trimming is required, I'll cut whatever would be considered unnecessary. Thanks!
To compute the step error using the half step method, you need to compute the approximation at t+h in both cases, which means two steps with step size h/2. As it is now you compare the approximation at t+h to the approximation at t+h/2 which gives you an error of size f(vec(t+h/2))*h/2.
Thus change to a 3-step procedure
vec1 = solve(3,vec_old,h,omega,phi)
vec2 = solve(3,vec_old,h/2d0,omega,phi)
vec2 = solve(3,vec2 ,h/2d0,omega,phi)
in both locations, the difference of vec2-vec1 should then be of order h^4.

Difference of finite difference solution between two timesteps

I have a solution to a discretized differential equation given by
where i is a spatial index. How can I find the difference between the solution at each adjacent time step? To be more clear:
The solution is defined by an array
real,dimension(0:10) :: f
I discretize the differential equation and solve it by stepping forward in time. If the time index is k, a portion of my code is
do k=1,25
do i = 1,10
f(i) = f(i+1)+f(i-1)+f(i)
end do
end do
I can print the solution, f(i) at each time step k by the following code
print*, "print f(i) for k=, k
print "(//(5(5x,e22.14)))", f
How can I find the difference between the solution at each adjacent time step? That is, time steps k+1,k. I will store this value in a new array g, which has a dimension given by
real,dimension(0:10) :: g
So I am trying to find
!g(i)=abs(f(i;k+1)-f(i;k))...Not correct code.
How can I do this? What is the way to implement this code? I am not sure how to do this using if /then statements or whatever code would need be needed to do this. Thanks
Typically, in explicit time integration methods or iterative methods, you have to save the last time-step last solution, the current time-step solution and possibly even some more.
So you have
real,dimension(0:10) :: f0, f
where f0 is the previous value
You iterate your Jacobi or Gauss-Seidel discretization:
f = f0
do k=1,25
do i = 1,9
f(i) = f(i+1)+f(i-1)+f(i)
end do
max_diff = maxval(abs(f-f0))
if (diff small enough) exit
f0 = f
end do
If you have a time-evolving problem like a heat equation:
f = f0
do k=1,25
do i = 1,9
f(i) = f0(i) + dt * viscosity * (f0(i+1)+f0(i-1)+f0(i))
end do
max_diff = maxval(abs(f-f0))
f0 = f
end do
You have a spatial mesh at each point time. Transient problems require that you calculate the value at the end of a time step based on the values at the start:
f(i, j+1) = f(i, j) + f(dot)(i, j)*dt // Euler integration where f(dot) = df/dt derivative
i is the spatial index; j is the temporal one.

2D rigid body physics using runge kutta

Does anyone know any c++/opengl sourcecode demos for 2D rigid body physics using runge kutta?
I want to build a physics engine but I need some reference code to understand better how others have implemented this.
There are a lot of things you have to take care to do this nicely. I will focus on the integrator implementation and what I have found works good for me.
For all the degrees of freedom in your system implement a function to return the accelerations a as a function of time t, positions x and velocities v. This should operate on arrays or vectors of quantities and not just scalars.
a = accel(t,x,v);
After each RK step evaluate the acceleration to be ready for the next step. In the loop then do this:
// assume t,x[],v[], a[] are known
// step time t -> t+h and calc new values
float h2=h/2;
vec q1 = v + h2*a;
vec k1 = accel(t+h2, x+h2*v, q1);
vec q2 = v + h2*k1;
vec k2 = accel(t+h2, x+h2*q1, q2);
vec q3 = v + h*k2;
vec k3 = accel(t_h, x+h*q2, q3);
float h6 = h/6;
t = t + h;
x = x + h*(v+h6*(a+k1+k2));
v = v + h6*(a+2*k1+2*k2+k3);
a = accel(t,x,v);
Why? Well the standard RK method requires you to make a 2xN state vector, but the derivatives of the fist N elements are equal to the last N elements. If you split the problem up to two N state vectors and simplify a little you will arrive at the above scheme for 2nd order RK.
I have done this and the results are identical to commercial software for a plan system with N=6 degrees of freedom.