Okay so i have an error when am trying to run/compile the code.
Am guessing the problem is that my folder is not recognised as a project folder (i do not know how to solve that) and it compiles only one cpp file when it is needed to compile two of them.
undefined reference to `Test2::fun()'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
#include <iostream>
class Test2
int a = 25;
void fun();
#include <iostream>
#include "class.h"
void Test2::fun()
std::cout << a;
#include <iostream>
#include "class.h"
int main()
Test2 e;
am not sure but that could be helpful to include my json files so... will include them
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "g++.exe - Build and debug active file",
"type": "cppdbg",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${fileDirname}\\${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe",
"args": [],
"stopAtEntry": false,
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
"environment": [],
"externalConsole": false,
"MIMode": "gdb",
"miDebuggerPath": "C:\\MinGW\\mingw64\\bin\\gdb.exe",
"setupCommands": [
"description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
"text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
"ignoreFailures": true
"preLaunchTask": "C/C++: g++.exe build active file"
"tasks": [
"type": "cppbuild",
"label": "C/C++: g++.exe build active file",
"command": "C:\\MinGW\\mingw64\\bin\\g++.exe",
"args": [
"options": {
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}"
"problemMatcher": [
"group": {
"kind": "build",
"isDefault": true
"detail": "Task generated by Debugger."
"version": "2.0.0"
I am new into vs code, sorry if that is a pretty easy to solve problem but am trying to figure it out and i can not.
As i said am thinking that vs code does not recognise it as a project and runs only main.cpp cause the error looks like that when am trying to run the code.
I was trying to run same thing on codeblocks and visualstudio2019 and it was working corretly so there is a problem with my vs code set up i guess.
Thanks for help and have a goood day <3
I recently moved to VSCode and im a little be lost.
If i compile my program with this console command
g++ -Wall -o main main.cpp src/*.cpp -I included
It compiles and generates the .exe file correctly.
But i have a bug in it, so i want to use the debugger to know what is happening.
When i hit run -> star debuggin in VSCode i get a console message of "not such file or directory" for one of my included files. So, i think i have some wrong configuration in my launch.json
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "g++.exe - Compilar y depurar el archivo activo",
"type": "cppdbg",
"request": "launch",
"program": "C:\\Users\\Don\\Desktop\\IColections\\main.exe",
"args": ["-I[included/*/*.h]"],
"stopAtEntry": false,
"cwd": "C:\\Users\\Don\\Desktop\\IColections",
"environment": [],
"externalConsole": true,
"MIMode": "gdb",
"miDebuggerPath": "C:\\MinGW\\bin\\gdb.exe",
"setupCommands": [
"description": "Habilitar la impresión con sangrÃa para gdb",
"text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
"ignoreFailures": true
"preLaunchTask": "C/C++: g++.exe compilar archivo activo"
i do not relly underestand what should i put in args or environment
this is the error message
C:\MinGW\bin\g++.exe -g *.cpp -o C:\Users\Don\Desktop\IColections\main.exe
main.cpp:2:31: fatal error: ../included/Fruta.h: No such file or directory
#include "../included/Fruta.h"
compilation terminated.
and this is main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include "../included/Fruta.h"
#include "../included/Uva.h"
#include "../included/Naranja.h"
#include "../included/List.h"
#include "../included/List_Iterator.h"
int main(){
ICollection* fruta = new List;
Uva* misUvas = new Uva;
Naranja* misNaranjas = new Naranja;
IIterator* it = dynamic_cast<List*> (fruta)->getIterator();
ICollectible* elem;
Fruta* frut;
elem = it->getCurrent();
frut = dynamic_cast <Fruta*> (elem);
return 0;
"tasks": [
"type": "cppbuild",
"label": "C/C++: g++.exe compilar archivo activo",
"command": "C:\\MinGW\\bin\\g++.exe",
"args": [
"options": {
"cwd": "${fileDirname}"
"problemMatcher": [
"group": {
"kind": "build",
"isDefault": true
"detail": "Tarea generada por el depurador."
"version": "2.0.0"
If you already have a compiled version with debug information (-g) then you do not need to include the header files again.
Just remove the line "preLaunchTask": "C/C++: g++.exe compilar archivo activo" from the configuration since your program is already compiled.
I want to be able to debug my program when using different directories .
Let's take this example below :
Where main.c contains :
#include <stdio.h>
#include "lib/A.h"
int main()
return 0;
A.h :
#pragma once
#include <stdio.h>
void test();
A.c :
#include "A.h"
void test()
When I try to debug this program(Breakpoint in the main program), I get this error below :
The prelaunchtask C/C++ g++.exe build active file temrinated with exit code -1
However when if I remove A.c and write the whole function in the header file , debugging will work correctly :
A.h :
#pragma once
#include <stdio.h>
void test()
I might have to change something in tasks.json or settings.json, but I don't know what should be modified so that I could debug a program with A.c - A.h - main.c .
"tasks": [
"type": "cppbuild",
"label": "C/C++: g++.exe build active file",
"command": "C:\\msys64\\mingw64\\bin\\g++.exe",
"args": [
"options": {
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}"
"problemMatcher": [
"group": {
"kind": "build",
"isDefault": true
"detail": "Task generated by Debugger."
"version": "2.0.0"
launch.json :
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "g++.exe - Build and debug active file",
"type": "cppdbg",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${fileDirname}\\${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe",
"args": [],
"stopAtEntry": false,
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
"environment": [],
"externalConsole": true,
"MIMode": "gdb",
"miDebuggerPath": "C:\\msys64\\mingw64\\bin\\gdb.exe",
"setupCommands": [
"description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
"text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
"ignoreFailures": true
"preLaunchTask": "C/C++: g++.exe build active file"
I tried some solutions that I found but none of them worked that's why I wanted to post this question
I'm trying to debug my C++ file but whenever I press the Run >> start debugging option, it just runs and quit without any errors or anything. My program is not running...
Here's my code:
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int rows, question;
std::string length;
cin >> rows;
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
cin >> length;
return 0;
Here's what it shows in the terminal after clicking on debug:
cmd /C "c:\Users\intel\.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode.cpptools-0.29.0\debugAdapters\bin\WindowsDebugLauncher.exe --stdin=Microsoft-MIEngine-In-oxw2rz3u.v3w --stdout=Microsoft-MIEngine-Out-5me5n3jp.wq2 --stderr=Microsoft-MIEngine-Error-wg1xnokk.ddw --pid=Microsoft-MIEngine-Pid-kfv0gezm.4wp --dbgExe=C:\MinGW\bin\gdb.exe --interpreter=mi "
C:\Users\intel\Desktop\Python programs>
Here's what it shows in the output window:
Here's my tasks.json:
"version": "2.0.0",
"_runner": "terminal",
"tasks": [
"type": "shell",
"label": "C/C++: g++.exe build active file",
"command": "C:\\MinGW\\bin\\g++.exe",
"args": [
"options": {
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}"
"problemMatcher": [
"group": {
"kind": "test",
"isDefault": true
Here's my launch.json
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "(gdb) Launch",
"type": "cppdbg",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${fileDirname}/a.exe",
"args": [],
"stopAtEntry": false,
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
"environment": [],
"externalConsole": false,
"MIMode": "gdb",
"miDebuggerPath": "C:\\MinGW\\bin\\gdb.exe",
"setupCommands": [
"description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
"text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
"ignoreFailures": true
"name": "Python: Current File",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${file}",
"console": "integratedTerminal"
I am using a windows machine and a MinGW for C++
I use VSCode to develop in C++ too, but not tryed to use with MinGW yet. I use it with MSVC and GCC (Linux).
My launch configuration is sligh different from yours, using GCC.
"linux": {
"MIMode": "gdb",
"miDebuggerPath": "/usr/bin/gdb",
"setupCommands": [
"description": "Enable pretty-printing",
"text": "-enable-pretty-printing"
"name": "Run gcc (linux) x64 debug",
"request": "launch",
"program": "/projects/CPP/GHDWS/build/gcc-linux/x64/debug/GHDWS",
"cwd": "/projects/CPP/GHDWS/build/run",
"args": [],
"preLaunchTask": "Build gcc x64 debug",
"type": "cppdbg",
"externalConsole": false
I made my own system build, that automatically configure VSCode to your project. If you're willing, you can try use it.
According to the instruction: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/cpp/config-mingw, .vscode files are set. Then, I add the MinGW64 path to the system path. But, when I start debugging, VS Code hangs and no finish, I also scan the Console by the steps: Help->Toggle Developer Tools, and the Console displays the following error, and I don't know how to solve.
enter image description here
The followings are my source code and both JSON files:
// source code file
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
vector<string> msg {"Hello", "C++", "World", "from", "VS Code", "and the C++ extension!"};
for (const string& word : msg)
cout << word << " ";
cout << endl;
// launch.json
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "g++.exe build and debug active file",
"type": "cppdbg",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${fileDirname}\\${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe",
"args": [],
"stopAtEntry": false,
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
"environment": [],
"externalConsole": true,
"MIMode": "gdb",
"miDebuggerPath": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\mingw-w64\\i686-7.2.0-win32-sjlj-rt_v5-rev1\\mingw32\\bin\\gdb.exe",
"setupCommands": [
"description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
"text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
"ignoreFailures": true
"preLaunchTask": "g++.exe build active file"
// tasks.json
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"type": "shell",
"label": "g++.exe build active file",
"command": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\mingw-w64\\i686-7.2.0-win32-sjlj-rt_v5-rev1\\mingw32\\bin\\g++.exe",
"args": [
"options": {
"cwd": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\mingw-w64\\i686-7.2.0-win32-sjlj-rt_v5-rev1\\mingw32\\bin"
"problemMatcher": [
"group": {
"kind": "build",
"isDefault": true
New to visual studio code. I've setup a basic opencv project and am trying to get it to compile. I've setup my include path in the c_cpp_properties.json and get auto-completion correctly. However, when I go to compile g++ says it doesn't know of the included directory. What is the best way to fix this issue? My assumption is I need to also pass it to the tasks.json, but i'm unsure of a good way to do that for include directories.
"configurations": [
"name": "Linux",
"includePath": [
"defines": ["_DEBUG"],
"compilerPath": "/usr/bin/g++",
"cStandard": "c11",
"cppStandard": "c++17",
"intelliSenseMode": "clang-x64"
"version": 4
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"label": "build hello world",
"type": "shell",
"command": "g++",
"args": [
"-g", "main.cpp"
"group": {
"kind": "build",
"isDefault": true
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "(gdb) Launch",
"type": "cppdbg",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/a.out",
"args": [],
"stopAtEntry": false,
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
"environment": [],
"externalConsole": true,
"MIMode": "gdb",
"setupCommands": [
"description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
"text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
"ignoreFailures": true
"preLaunchTask": "build hello world"
Basic code to show an image
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
using namespace cv;
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
Mat image;
image = imread("./images/test.jpg");
std::cout << "No image data" << std::endl;
return -1;
namedWindow("Display Image",WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
imshow("Display Image", image);
return 0;
> Executing task: g++ -g main.cpp <
main.cpp:2:10: fatal error: opencv2/opencv.hpp: No such file or directory
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
compilation terminated.
The terminal process terminated with exit code: 1
Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.
c_cpp_properties.json is the config for IntelliSense only. You have to configure required compiler arguments (include dirs) in tasks.json separately.
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"label": "build hello world",
"type": "shell",
"command": "g++",
"args": [
"group": {
"kind": "build",
"isDefault": true