AWS EBS Volume usage issue - amazon-web-services

I am running an EC2 instance and have attached a 30gb volume to it. First off, here is my usage summary-
I ran df -h and came up with this-
CLI says 2gb used but on dashboard it says 10gb used? Why this discrepancy?

CLI says 2gb used but on dashboard it says 10gb used? Why this discrepancy?
2GB is irrelevant, as this is what you instance is using. You provisioned a 30GB EBS volume and this will be counted towards for free-tier limit.
The dashboard is not real-time. You may need to wait for a day or two for it to update and correctly reflect your free-tier usage.
So if you have nothing else that uses EBS, your free-tier usage is 30 GB at the moment.


AWS 1 gb of EBS snapshot storage at 100%, but I don't have any snapshots or AMIs

I created an EC2 on AWS (everything in the free tier) and today I got an alert about it exceeding the snapshot storage limit. Now what bugs me is that my machine has not run for over a day, nor have I created new ones. As the title says I don't have any snapshots or images either. I know it's only 5c/gb, but still, I don't want to see random charges from AWS.
Hope someone can explain this to me, thanks for any input!
I had snapshot in a different region and it wasn't displaying on the global view.

Amazon Web services: Why my used elastic compute cloud storage is at 8.35 GB out of 30 GB?

So I am running a nodejs discord bot on AWS EC2 (free tier). I would want to stay in free range as much as possible. In the billing section I came across my usage and found that I am using 8.35 gb.
There are 2 instances linked to my account out of which only 1 is running (I used other one to host an AI app which is in stop state). Both instances are allocated 30 gb separately. I ran df -h in both instances, one reported 2.8 gb occupied and other reported 2gb occupied. So the quick question is why is it 8.35 gb when it should be around 5gb?
Attached a screenshot of bills section.
Please help. What is it that I am missing?
I assume you are referring to Amazon EBS Volumes, for which the AWS Free Tier provides 30GB per month for the first 12 months of your account.
This can be one 30GB volume for an entire month, or 2x15GB volumes for one month, or 1x900GB volume for one day (900* 1/30 = 30). Hence the term "GB-month", which means "Gigbytes for a month".
The fact that you are 8/30 for the allocation means that your account has consumed 8GB-month our of the free 30GB-month.
Don't panic too much -- the cost is only 10c/GB-month, so a 30GB volume for an entire month would cost $3.
Please note that Amazon EBS Volumes are charged based on provisioned storage. So, as soon as you create the volume, the space has been allocated and your account will be charged for it, even if nothing has yet been stored in the volume.
If you wish to minimise costs, then minimise the size of each volume and minimise the number of volumes. The purpose of the Free Tier is to provide a trial of AWS services -- it is not intended to be enough to run your on-going applications.
You are probably looking in the wrong place. When you say "I am using 8.35 gb" I assume you are talking about EBS storage, right? What you see in AWS billing, it is provisioned storage (that is, what you allocated when you launched the instance). It doesn't matter how much you are using - that's what df -h shows you inside the box. Also, it doesn't matter whether the instance is running or stopped - you are still incurring charges for EBS (if it is beyond free tier).
By the way, 8.3GB is what is usually allocated for each Linux instance; so having 8.3GB for two looks suspiciously small
UPDATE: It's not 8 GB that you see - it is 8GB-Mo. So, if you provisioned 30GB, then on the 8th of the month you will see 8GB-Mo (I think AWS updates every 4 hours). Therefore, by the end of the month you will have approximately 30GB-Mo, which is the limit for free tier.

Amazon EC2 1 GB of Amazon Elastic Block Storage snapshot storage being used quickly

It seems that my EC2 usage limit is being reached rather quickly. I have deleted all of my EC2 instances and most of my S3 buckets, and none of my EC2 instances even exist in the terminated state. Are there any other services other than EC2 that use the EBS storage? Thanks in advance.
Amazon EBS is only used by Amazon EC2 instances. (Well, it is also used by Amazon RDS, but it shows up as an RDS charge, not EBS.)
We are currently about a third of the way through the month, so you'd want to be around 30% of usage.
The Amazon EBS snapshot usage is ahead of that (58%). If this worries you, then you can delete snapshots under the Snapshots section in the EC2 console. Amazon Machines Images (AMIs) also use EBS snapshots, so check the Images section too.
The amounts are "growing" because they are based on a month of usage. So, 1GB for 1 day is ~ 3% of the month's total.
However, there is little need to panic — EBS Snapshots are charged at 5c/GB/month, so at the current rate of usage you might be charged 10c.
There can be another possibility where you run an instance with EBS volumes 'not deleted' even after the termination of instance, it can accrue storage charges also. So delete those ones also in the 'Volumes' section of EC2 instance if its still unused.

How to stop Amazon EBS charge

I created some EBS volumes on some Linux instances. Then I terminated the instances but the volumes were still there (I forgot to check the Delete on Termination setting).
When I went to billing I saw that I was charged for the IOPS of those EBS volumes -- approximately US$8. So then I removed them, even though they were no longer attached to the instances (they were just there but with an available state).
Today after almost a day without EBS volumes in my AWS account I see that the billing is US$13!!! I checked the billing details and it all charged to IOPS of the EBS volumes even though I already removed them yesterday! I need to stop this right away.
I opened a case yesterday in AWS and the case is still unassigned. Anybody knows how EBS volumes are being charged? HELP! Thank you!
Sometimes AWS support takes some time to get back to you, this depends on your support level. If you have the free tier it may take 48 hours.
EBS is charged monthly and the charges do not instantly show up. So more than likely the $8-$13 charge was already there when you terminated the volumes.
You can view the EBS pricing here:

Charges for "traffic" in EC2 instance?

Is there any changes for "traffic" when using basic version of EC2 instance, by basic I mean:
750 hours per month of Linux, RHEL, or SLES t2.micro instance usage
Traffic: If we setup a server and there are some hits on my server then is there any charge for this setup. I am not using ELB, just EC2 instance with a server on it.
The full pricing for On-Demand Amazon EC2 instances can be found at:
The AWS Free Usage Tier gives 750 hours per month of a t2.micro instance. This means you could run one instance for a full month, or two instances for half a month. Simply stop the instance(s) to stop the charges.
You can have this free usage tier for a Linux AND a Windows instance.
However, please note that there are additional charges that also apply:
Data Transfer: This is charged for data leaving the AWS Region going to the Internet. The free usage tier includes "15 GB of bandwidth out aggregated across all AWS services" in the first 12 months. The EC2 pricing page also says that the first 1 GB/month is free, but I'm not sure if they overlap.
EBS Volume storage: Elastic Block Store (EBS) runs the disks attached to your instance. The free usage tier includes "30 GB of Amazon Elastic Block Storage in any combination of General Purpose (SSD) or Magnetic, plus 2 million I/Os (with EBS Magnetic) and 1 GB of snapshot storage", so you will be charged if your disk storage exceeds this (which is likely if you run both a Windows and a Linux instance). This storage charge continues to apply when an instance is Stopped, but not when an instance is Terminated.
Bottom line: Stop or turn off things when you don't need them. You can also activate a billing alert to warn you when you have been charged some actual money.
Yes, there are varying charges for traffic into and out of your EC2 instance.
in very rough numbers, if you budgeted $0.01 per GB of traffic, you would come in under that, but the complete breakdown is here: