Django Request.query_parmas issue - django

Below is the url that i am going to get, i am able to retrieve the specific data with the patientName and patientNRIC. However, how should I make to be variables, using params? like I would like to pass in to values to the function but achieved the same information instead of hard coded. Thank you for your help.
import requests
def get_patient():
# patientName= {'patientName': patientName}
# patientNRIC = {'patientNRIC': patientNRIC}
p = {'patientName':'John','PatientNRIC':'S1111111A'}
django_url = ""
r = requests.get(django_url)
r = r.json()
like so

import requests
def get_patient(p):
query_string = ''
for query, value in p.items():
django_url = f'{query_string}'
r = requests.get(django_url)
r = r.json()
p = {'patientName':'John','patientNRIC':'S1111111A'}

Like docs says
import requests
def get_patient():
# patientName= {'patientName': patientName}
# patientNRIC = {'patientNRIC': patientNRIC}
p = {'patientName':'John','PatientNRIC':'S1111111A'}
django_url = ""
r = requests.get(django_url, params=p)
r = r.json()


I want to return the elements of list into a data frame as below. I am a beginner

I attempted 3 different ways:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='C:/Users/lemonade/Documents/work/chromedriver')
my_url = ""
def make_soup(url):
m_soup = soup(driver.page_source, features='html.parser')
return m_soup
main_page = make_soup(my_url)
boroughs = [borough.text.strip() for borough in'.seo_links.seo_links_country [href]')]
indexs = list(range(16,19))
london_list = [boroughs[i] for i in indexs]
boroughs1 = [bo.replace("Borough","") for bo in london_list]
boroughs2 = [b1.replace("&","and") for b1 in boroughs1]
boroughs3 = ['-'.join(b2.split()) for b2 in boroughs2]
borough_links = ["" + b3 for b3 in boroughs3]
borough_soup = [make_soup(b_link) for b_link in borough_links]
for soups in borough_soup:
titles = [title.text.strip() for title in'.home-name [href]')]
for soups in borough_soup:
addresses = [address.text.strip() for address in'.home-name>p.grey')]
df = pd.DataFrame(zip(titles, addresses), columns = ['title','address'])
I tried the code below instead: This gave |AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'text'|
title_html = ['.home-name [href]') for soups in borough_soup]
titles = [title.text.strip() for title in title_html ]
addresses_html =['.home-name>p.grey') for soups in borough_soup]
addresses = [address.text.strip() for address in addresses_html]
I tried to create and append a list and return that list. [See Below] This just outputted a single element from the list.
def func(borough_soup):
for soups in borough_soup:
titles = [title_html.text.strip() for title_html in'.home-name [href]')]
for title in titles:
titles1 = []
Any help would be much appreciated!
This was the fix. Creating function with an empty list and then appending each element to the list. After that concating each DF
def title(x):
titles1 = []
for soups in borough_soup:
titles = [title.text.strip() for title in'.home-name [href]')]
titles = title(borough_soup)
def address(x):
address1 = []
for soups in borough_soup:
addresses = [address.text.strip() for address in'.home-name>p.grey')]
addresses = address(borough_soup)
indexs2 = list(range(0,2))
df_list = [pd.DataFrame(zip(titles[i], addresses[i])) for i in indexs2]
df = pd.concat(df_list)

PYOMO: How to use abstract models with internal data

Hei all,
I am trying to set up an abstract model for a very simple QP of the form
min (x-x0)^2
A x = b
C x <= d
I would like to use an abstract model, as I need to resolve with changing parameters (mainly x0, but potentially also A, b, C, d). I am right now struggeling with simply setting the parameters in the model instance. I do not want to use an external data file, but rather internal python variables. All examples I find online use AMPL formatted data files.
This is the code I have right now
import pyomo.environ as pe
model = pe.AbstractModel()
# the sets
model.n = pe.Param(within=pe.NonNegativeIntegers)
model.m = pe.Param(initialize = 1) = pe.RangeSet(1, model.n)
model.os = pe.RangeSet(1, model.m)
# the starting point and the constraint parameters
model.x_hat = pe.Param(
model.A = pe.Param(model.os,
model.b = pe.Param(model.os)
model.C = pe.Param(model.os, model.os)
model.d = pe.Param(, model.os)
# the decision variables
model.x_projected = pe.Var(
# the cosntraints
# A x = b
def sum_of_elements_rule(model):
value = model.A * model.x_projected
return value == model.d
model.sumelem = pe.Constraint(model.os, rule=sum_of_elements_rule)
# C x <= d
def positivity_constraint(model):
return model.C*model.x_projected <= model.d
model.bounds = pe.Constraint(, rule=positivity_constraint)
# the cost
def cost_rule(model):
return sum((model.x_projected[i] - model.x[i])**2 for i in
model.cost = pe.Objective(rule=cost_rule)
instance = model.create_instance()
And somehow here I am stuck. How do I set the parameters now?
Thanks and best, Theo
I know this is an old post but a solution to this could have helped me so here is the solution to this problem:
data_init= {None: dict(
n = {None : 3},
d = {0:0, 1:1, 2:2},
x_hat = {0:10, 1:-1, 2:-100},
b = {None: 10}
# create instance
instance = model.create_instance(data_init)
This creates the instance in an equivalent way than what you did but in a more formal way.
Ok, I seemed to have figured out what the problem is. If I want to set a parameter after I create an instance, I need the
flag. Then, I can set the parameter with something like
for i in range(model_dimension):
getattr(instance, 'd')[i] = i
The model dimension I need to choose before i create an instance (which is ok for my case). The instance can be reused with different parameters for the constraints.
The code below should work for the problem
min (x-x_hat)' * (x-x_hat)
sum(x) = b
x[i] >= d[i]
with x_hat, b, d as parameters.
import pyomo.environ as pe
model = pe.AbstractModel()
# model dimension
model.n = pe.Param(default=2)
# state space set = pe.RangeSet(0, model.n-1)
# equality
model.b = pe.Param(default=5, mutable=True)
# inequality
model.d = pe.Param(, default=0.0, mutable=True)
# decision var
model.x = pe.Var(
model.x_hat = pe.Param(, default=0.0, mutable=True)
# the cost
def cost_rule(model):
return sum((model.x[i] - model.x_hat[i])**2 for i in
model.cost = pe.Objective(rule=cost_rule)
# each x_i bigger than d_i
def lb_rule(model, i):
return (model.x[i] >= model.d[i])
model.state_bound = pe.Constraint(, rule=lb_rule)
# sum of x == P_tot
def sum_rule(model):
return (sum(model.x[i] for i in == model.b)
model.state_sum = pe.Constraint(rule=sum_rule)
# define model dimension
model_dimension = 3
model.n = model_dimension
# create instance
instance = model.create_instance()
# set d
for i in range(model_dimension):
getattr(instance, 'd')[i] = i
# set x_hat
xh = (10,1,-100)
for i in range(model_dimension):
getattr(instance, 'x_hat')[i] = xh[i]
# set b
instance.b = 10
# solve
solver = pe.SolverFactory('ipopt')
result = solver.solve(instance)

Generate a bunch of tkinter checkbuttons and read the status of all those radio buttons at once

I have a tkinter class which reads some data into a couple of lists. From this now i have created a dictionary for creating checkbuttons.
I'm trying to create those checkbuttons in a new window() with a button to submit and read the stutus of those. I want this data to process.
def get_data(self):
self.flags = ["one","two","three", "four"]
self.tests = ["Jack","Queen","King","Ace"]
self.value = [11,12,13,1]
self.dict1 = {k:v for k,v in enumerate(self.flags,1)}
def get_status(self):
self.selectWindow = Toplevel(root)
self.selectWindow.title("Select Test Cases")
Submit_btn = Button(selectWindow, text="Submit", command=read_status )
for testcase in self.dict1:
self.dict1[testcase] = Variable()
l = Checkbutton(self.selectWindow,text=self.dict1[testcase], variable=self.dict1[testcase])
def read_status(self):
From here I'm not able go ahead and read the status of checkbuttons and get those are checked. I need this data for further processing on tests(not actual lists given here I have few more). How to solve? Please let me know.
Checkbutton has a built in command function that can solve this problem. Every time you press a button that function is called, and you can print out the values of the buttons (0,1)
def get_data(self):
self.flags = ["one","two","three", "four"]
self.tests = ["Jack","Queen","King","Ace"]
self.value = [11,12,13,1]
self.dict1 = {k:v for k,v in enumerate(self.flags,1)}
def get_status(self):
self.selectWindow = Toplevel(self)
self.selectWindow.title("Select Test Cases")
Submit_btn = Button(self.selectWindow, text="Submit", command=read_status ) # This button should be packed
for testcase in self.dict1:
self.dict1[testcase] = Variable()
l = Checkbutton(self.selectWindow,text=self.dict1[testcase], variable=self.dict1[testcase], command=self.read_status) # Note the command
# Here comes the interesting part
def read_status(self):
for i,j in self.dict1.iteritems():
print j.get()
You forgot to use self and pack method:
Submit_btn = Button(self.selectWindow, text="Submit", command=self.read_status )
Checkbutton's states are (0, 1) so use IntVar() to inspect the state:
self.dict1[testcase] = IntVar()
Then use IntVar get method:
def read_status(self):
for v in self.dict1:
print self.dict1[v].get()

getting indexerror : list index out of range

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import mechanize
import re
def price_walmart_match(keyword):
url = ""+keyword
br = mechanize.Browser()
html = br.response().read()
result_soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
found_results = result_soup.findAll('div' , attrs={'class':'js-tile tile-landscape'})
for result in found_results:
title = result.find('a' , attrs={'class':'js-product-title'})
links = result.find('a' , href=True)
before_decimal= str(result.find('span', attrs={'class':'price price-display'})).split('<span class="sup">$</span>')[1].split('<span class="visuallyhidden">')[0]
after_decimal= str(result.find('span', attrs={'class':'price price-display'})).split('</span><span class="sup">')[1].split('</span>')[0]
prices = before_decimal+'.'+after_decimal
inArray = [float(prices), ""+links['href']]
Sorry it is full code where i get error.
Thats Because the mentioned class is not there in the page.
Try to Represent query term which is constant.

Python AttributeError instance has no attribute, When I add a new method.

I am Trying to call a another method within my class, for some reason I am getting the AttributeError: portfinder instance has no attribute 'generatePortNumber' See my code below:
when I tried to call the generatePortNumber I'm getting the same error. I have never come across this issue.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sqlite3 as lite
import sys
import random
class portfinder:
"""docstring for ClassName"""
def __init__(self):
self.portsToCheck = ['agentport','BatchProcessingAgentPort','databaseport','indexserviceport','monitorport','servicefacadeport','webdriverport']
self.dataBasePort = (u'60025',)
self.portInUse = False
self.x = 0
def generatePortNumber(self):
self.newPortNumber = random.randrange(8000, 9000)
print self.newPortNumber
return self.newPortNumber
def findUsedPortsinDB(self):
con = lite.connect('D:\play\Opes\db.sqlite3')
with con:
cur = con.cursor()
sqlStatement = "Select " + self.portsToCheck[2] +' From Jobs_jobs'
print sqlStatement
rows = cur.fetchall()
for row in rows:
print row
if row == self.dataBasePort:
self.portInUse = "true"
if __name__ == "__main__":
m = portfinder()
Found what was wrong I had a extra indentation in my method