Running an external text editor in a console app - C++ - c++

I'm building a console app in C++, and need a way to call a terminal text editor for the user's editing pleasure, and knowing when they are done.
For example, in git when you run git rebase --interactive, it launches a text editor right there in the terminal (Nano by default) wherein which you can easily edit commits. When you close the editor, git resumes its operations in the console.
I believe what I need to do is launch an editor as a child process, continuously pass through cin and cout to it, and finally resume the program when the editor exits.
I've looked into popen, but that only sends one stream (stdout). I even read through git's rebase implementation, but couldn't figure out how they did it.
Any suggestions?

How you invoke the editor depends on the system. On a Unix system, you would spawn a process with standard input, standard output, and standard error passed through to the child process, since presumably all three of those are connected to the terminal. This is usually the default behavior if you don't redirect these streams.
Usually this is done by using fork and one of the exec* family of functions on Unix, but you could also use the posix_spawn family of functions. There are different ways to do it on Windows.
You should use the VISUAL environment variable if it is set and TERM is set to something other than dumb, and EDITOR otherwise, falling back to a system default (usually vi) if neither is set. The value of these environment variables must always be passed to /bin/sh (or a POSIX sh if that is not one) for evaluation; for example, it is always acceptable to set VISUAL or EDITOR to f() { vim "$0" "$#"; };f and all programs using those variables must support that. Git does the same thing, plus searching for an editor in some additional locations.
Below is a rough C (and valid C++) program that does nothing but spawn an editor with the arguments on the command line. It should demonstrate approximately how to spawn an editor correctly:
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
bool is_dumb(void)
const char *term = getenv("TERM");
return !term || !strcmp(term, "dumb");
const char *editor(void)
const char *ed = NULL;
if (!is_dumb())
ed = getenv("VISUAL");
if (!ed)
ed = getenv("EDITOR");
if (!ed)
ed = "vi";
return ed;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
const char *ed = editor();
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid < 0) {
perror("Failed to spawn editor");
if (!pid) {
const char *append = " \"$#\"";
size_t len = strlen(ed) + strlen(append) + 1;
char *final_editor = (char *)malloc(len);
snprintf(final_editor, len, "%s%s", ed, append);
const char **args = (const char **)malloc(sizeof(const char *) * (argc + 3));
if (!args)
args[0] = "sh";
args[1] = "-c";
args[2] = final_editor;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
args[i + 2] = argv[i];
args[argc + 2] = NULL;
execvp("sh", (char *const *)args);
} else {
int wstatus;
waitpid(pid, &wstatus, 0);
if (WIFEXITED(wstatus)) {
} else {

It seems there is an extremely easy and convenient way to do just this:
system("vim file.txt");
The statement runs the command and takes over terminal input and output until the user exits the editor, at which point it unblocks and execution continues in the console.
Thanks to the commenters for inspiration.
If you don't want blocking behaviour, see bk2204's answer.


How to a run command on Linux terminal from a C/C++ program [duplicate]

I want to execute another program within C code.
For example, I want to execute a command
./foo 1 2 3
foo is the program which exists in the same folder, and 1 2 3 are arguments.
foo program creates a file which will be used in my code.
How do I do this?
For a simple way, use system():
#include <stdlib.h>
int status = system("./foo 1 2 3");
system() will wait for foo to complete execution, then return a status variable which you can use to check e.g. exitcode (the command's exitcode gets multiplied by 256, so divide system()'s return value by that to get the actual exitcode: int exitcode = status / 256).
The manpage for wait() (in section 2, man 2 wait on your Linux system) lists the various macros you can use to examine the status, the most interesting ones would be WIFEXITED and WEXITSTATUS.
Alternatively, if you need to read foo's standard output, use popen(3), which returns a file pointer (FILE *); interacting with the command's standard input/output is then the same as reading from or writing to a file.
The system function invokes a shell to run the command. While this is convenient, it has well known security implications. If you can fully specify the path to the program or script that you want to execute, and you can afford losing the platform independence that system provides, then you can use an execve wrapper as illustrated in the exec_prog function below to more securely execute your program.
Here's how you specify the arguments in the caller:
const char *my_argv[64] = {"/foo/bar/baz" , "-foo" , "-bar" , NULL};
Then call the exec_prog function like this:
int rc = exec_prog(my_argv);
Here's the exec_prog function:
static int exec_prog(const char **argv)
pid_t my_pid;
int status, timeout /* unused ifdef WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION */;
if (0 == (my_pid = fork())) {
if (-1 == execve(argv[0], (char **)argv , NULL)) {
perror("child process execve failed [%m]");
return -1;
timeout = 1000;
while (0 == waitpid(my_pid , &status , WNOHANG)) {
if ( --timeout < 0 ) {
return -1;
printf("%s WEXITSTATUS %d WIFEXITED %d [status %d]\n",
argv[0], WEXITSTATUS(status), WIFEXITED(status), status);
if (1 != WIFEXITED(status) || 0 != WEXITSTATUS(status)) {
perror("%s failed, halt system");
return -1;
return 0;
Remember the includes:
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <stdio.h>
See related SE post for situations that require communication with the executed program via file descriptors such as stdin and stdout.
You can use fork() and system() so that your program doesn't have to wait until system() returns.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc,char* argv[]){
int status;
// By calling fork(), a child process will be created as a exact duplicate of the calling process.
// Search for fork() (maybe "man fork" on Linux) for more information.
if(fork() == 0){
// Child process will return 0 from fork()
printf("I'm the child process.\n");
status = system("my_app");
// Parent process will return a non-zero value from fork()
printf("I'm the parent.\n");
printf("This is my main program and it will continue running and doing anything i want to...\n");
return 0;
system() executes a shell which is then responsible for parsing the arguments and executing the desired program. To execute the program directly, use fork() and exec() (which is what system() uses to execute the shell as well as what the shell itself uses to execute commands).
#include <unistd.h>
int main() {
if (fork() == 0) {
* fork() returns 0 to the child process
* and the child's PID to the parent.
execl("/path/to/foo", "foo", "arg1", "arg2", "arg3", 0);
* We woundn't still be here if execl() was successful,
* so a non-zero exit value is appropriate.
return 1;
return 0;
In C
#include <stdlib.h>
system("./foo 1 2 3");
In C++
#include <cstdlib>
std::system("./foo 1 2 3");
Then open and read the file as usual.
How about like this:
char* cmd = "./foo 1 2 3";
Here's the way to extend to variable args when you don't have the args hard coded (although they are still technically hard coded in this example, but should be easy to figure out how to extend...):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int argcount = 3;
const char* args[] = {"1", "2", "3"};
const char* binary_name = "mybinaryname";
char myoutput_array[5000];
sprintf(myoutput_array, "%s", binary_name);
for(int i = 0; i < argcount; ++i)
strcat(myoutput_array, " ");
strcat(myoutput_array, args[i]);

Is it possible a kill a command launched using system api in C? If not any alternatives?

I am launching a command using system api (I am ok with using this api with C/C++). The command I pass may hang at times and hence I would like to kill after certain timeout.
Currently I am using it as:
I want to use it something like this:
Run a command using a system independent API (I don't want to use CreateProcess since it is for Windows only) Kill the process if it does not exit after 'X' Minutes.
Since system() is a platform-specific call, there cannot be a platform-independent way of solving your problem. However, system() is a POSIX call, so if it is supported on any given platform, the rest of the POSIX API should be as well. So, one way to solve your problem is to use fork() and kill().
There is a complication in that system() invokes a shell, which will probably spawn other processes, and I presume you want to kill all of them, so one way to do that is to use a process group. The basic idea is use fork() to create another process, place it in its own process group, and kill that group if it doesn't exit after a certain time.
A simple example - the program forks; the child process sets its own process group to be the same as its process ID, and uses system() to spawn an endless loop. The parent process waits 10 seconds then kills the process group, using the negative value of the child process PID. This will kill the forked process and any children of that process (unless they have changed their process group.)
Since the parent process is in a different group, the kill() has no effect on it.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
pid_t pid;
pid = fork();
if(pid == 0) { // child process
setpgid(getpid(), getpid());
system("while true ; do echo xx ; sleep 5; done");
} else { // parent process
printf("Sleep returned\n");
kill(-pid, SIGKILL);
printf("killed process group %d\n", pid);
There is no standard, cross-platform system API. The hint is that they are system APIs! We're actually "lucky" that we get system, but we don't get anything other than that.
You could try to find some third-party abstraction.
Check below C++ thread based attempt for linux. (not tested)
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
// execute system command and get output
std::string exec(const char* cmd) {
FILE* pipe = popen(cmd, "r");
if (!pipe) return "ERROR";
char buffer[128];
std::string result = "";
while(!feof(pipe)) {
if(fgets(buffer, 128, pipe) != NULL)
result += buffer;
return result;
void system_task(string& cmd){
int main(){
// system commad that takes time
string command = "find /";
// run the command in a separate thread
std::thread t1(system_task, std::ref(command));
// gives some time for the system task
// get the process id of the system task
string query_command = "pgrep -u $LOGNAME " + command;
string process_id = exec(query_command.c_str());
// kill system task
cout << "killing process " << process_id << "..." << endl;
string kill_command = "kill " + process_id;
if (t1.joinable())
cout << "continue work on main thread" << endl;
return 0;
I had a similar problem, in a Qt/QML development: I want to start a bash command, while continuing to process events on the Qt Loop, and killing the bash command if it takes too long.
I came up with the following class that I'm sharing here (see below), in hope it may be of some use to people with a similar problem.
Instead of calling a 'kill' command, I call a cleanupCommand supplied by the developper. Example: if I'm to call and want to check that it won't last run for more than 10 seconds, I'll call it the following way:
SystemWithTimeout systemWithTimeout("", 10, "killall");
class SystemWithTimeout {
bool m_childFinished = false ;
QString m_childCommand ;
int m_seconds ;
QString m_cleanupCmd ;
int m_period;
void startChild(void) {
int rc = system(m_childCommand.toUtf8().data());
if (rc != 0) SYSLOG(LOG_NOTICE, "Error SystemWithTimeout startChild: system returned %d", rc);
m_childFinished = true ;
SystemWithTimeout(QString cmd, int seconds, QString cleanupCmd)
: m_childFinished {false}, m_childCommand {cmd}, m_seconds {seconds}, m_cleanupCmd {cleanupCmd}
{ m_period = 200; }
void setPeriod(int period) {m_period = period;}
void start(void) ;
void SystemWithTimeout::start(void)
m_childFinished = false ; // re-arm the boolean for 2nd and later calls to 'start'
QTime dieTime= QTime::currentTime().addSecs(m_seconds);
std::thread child(&SystemWithTimeout::startChild, this);
while (!m_childFinished && QTime::currentTime() < dieTime)
QTime then = QTime::currentTime();
QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, m_period); // Process events during up to m_period ms (default: 200ms)
QTime now = QTime::currentTime();
int waitTime = m_period-(then.msecsTo(now)) ;
QThread::msleep(waitTime); // wait for the remaning of the 200 ms before looping again.
if (!m_childFinished)
SYSLOG(LOG_NOTICE, "Killing command <%s> after timeout reached (%d seconds)", m_childCommand.toUtf8().data(), m_seconds);
int rc = system(m_cleanupCmd.toUtf8().data());
if (rc != 0) SYSLOG(LOG_NOTICE, "Error SystemWithTimeout 164: system returned %d", rc);
m_childFinished = true ;
I do not know any portable way to do that in C nor C++ languages. As you ask for alternatives, I know it is possible in other languages. For example in Python, it is possible using the subprocess module.
import subprocess
cmd = subprocess.Popen("COMMAND", shell = True)
You can then test if COMMAND has ended with
if cmd.poll() is not None:
# cmd has finished
and you can kill it with :
Even if you prefere to use C language, you should read the documentation for subprocess module because it explains that internally it uses CreateProcess on Windows and os.execvp on Posix systems to start the command, and it uses TerminateProcess on Windows and SIG_TERM on Posix to stop it.

Subprocess icon bounces in dock

My application starts a subprocess program to read video using the QuickTime framework via fork() and pipes. The subprocess goes into a wait loop when it is not busy, i.e. it does usleep until there is input. The subprocess is not a GUI application and it is written in C++.
When opening AVI video coded using the MSVC codec, a second copy of the application icon shows in the dock and bounces. After about 30 seconds in the Activity Monitor I can see that the subprocess changes to "not responding" even though CPU appears to be ~0%. The subprocess is still running and responding; it's just that Activity Monitor says otherwise.
If I look at the state of the subprocess, via gdb attach or check its output; everything looks fine. I can tell the subprocess to close the file and open another one and continue using it at which point the bouncing dock icon disappears and the process is not marked as not responding.
It's as if OSX thinks my subprocess has crashed (?) but I cannot detect an exception.
How can I stop the subprocess showing an icon in the dock, bouncing and being marked as not responding ?
This is how I set up communication with the subprocess:
#include <unistd.h>
#define READ 0
#define WRITE 1
// Start process
pid_t popen2(const char *command, char * const argv[], int *infp, int *outfp)
int p_stdin[2], p_stdout[2];
pid_t pid;
// Set up pipes
if(pipe(p_stdin) != 0 || pipe(p_stdout) != 0)
pid = fork();
if(pid < 0)
else if(pid == 0)
// Set up communication via stdin/out
dup2(p_stdin[READ], READ);
dup2(p_stdout[WRITE], WRITE);
execvp(command, argv); // run subprocess
// Provide pointers to the file descriptors to the caller
if(infp == NULL)
*infp = p_stdin[WRITE];
if(outfp == NULL)
*outfp = p_stdout[READ];
See this SO question for more discussion of popen2().
Note: this code may or may not be the cause of my problem. As a first step, I would really like to prove what is the cause.
The “not responding” part is simple: Your subprocess is not running a runloop of any type, so from the POV of the system, it’s not handling events.
I’m a bit hazier on why your new process is getting a dock icon, but it basically boils down to fork() creating a process that inherits the attributes of the parent process (in this case, of it being a foreground application). OS X has a number of mechanisms to launch subprocesses in more sensible ways than fork(). If your app is in Cocoa, use NSTask, otherwise, take a look at posix_spawn(2).
This should be a drop in replacement for your routine:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <spawn.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <crt_externs.h>
#define READ 0
#define WRITE 1
#define environ (*_NSGetEnviron())
pid_t popen2(const char *command, char * const argv[], int *infp, int *outfp)
int p_stdin[2], p_stdout[2];
pid_t pid;
if(pipe(p_stdin) != 0 || pipe(p_stdout) != 0)
posix_spawn_file_actions_t file_actions;
posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&file_actions, p_stdin[READ], 0);
posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&file_actions, p_stdout[WRITE], 1);
posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&file_actions, 2, 2);
posix_spawnattr_t spawnAttributes;
sigset_t no_signals;
sigset_t all_signals;
sigemptyset (&no_signals);
sigfillset (&all_signals);
posix_spawnattr_setsigmask(&spawnAttributes, &no_signals);
posix_spawnattr_setsigdefault(&spawnAttributes, &all_signals);
posix_spawnattr_setflags(&spawnAttributes, flags);
if (posix_spawn(&pid, command, &file_actions, &spawnAttributes, argv, environ)) {
if(infp == NULL)
*infp = p_stdin[WRITE];
if(outfp == NULL)
*outfp = p_stdout[READ];
If you're using a compiler that supports c++11, I'd recommend checking out packaged_tasks.
Alternatively, you could also use condition_variables, but I'd try to get it working with packaged tasks first. Condition variables are more of the primitive than the higher-level packaged tasks. Either way, it's a lot easier (and standards compliant) to use these mechanisms than tradition IPC techniques.
That is, of course, if you don't have to have a separate process.
For further information, I'd highly recommend checking out The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition. It has simple example of a producer/consumer mechanism with a simple vector that may suit you well. If you don't spring for the book, I'm sure you can find similar examples online for using condition_variables, futures or promises.
I ended up rewriting the subprocess as a MacOS XPC service. In the XPC service's property list I added LSBackgroundOnly to get Launch Services to ignore system event handling.

linux - get pid of process

How can I get the PID of a service called abc using C++ on Linux without using a system call? I would appreciate any examples that you care to offer.
Since use of sysctl has been discouraged for ages now, the recommended way of doing this is by examining each of the process entries in /proc and reading the comm file in each folder. If, for your example, the contents of that file are abc\n, that's the process you're looking for.
I don't really speak C++, but here's a possible solution in POSIX C89:
#include <glob.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
pid_t find_pid(const char *process_name)
pid_t pid = -1;
glob_t pglob;
char *procname, *readbuf;
int buflen = strlen(process_name) + 2;
unsigned i;
/* Get a list of all comm files. man 5 proc */
if (glob("/proc/*/comm", 0, NULL, &pglob) != 0)
return pid;
/* The comm files include trailing newlines, so... */
procname = malloc(buflen);
strcpy(procname, process_name);
procname[buflen - 2] = '\n';
procname[buflen - 1] = 0;
/* readbuff will hold the contents of the comm files. */
readbuf = malloc(buflen);
for (i = 0; i < pglob.gl_pathc; ++i) {
FILE *comm;
char *ret;
/* Read the contents of the file. */
if ((comm = fopen(pglob.gl_pathv[i], "r")) == NULL)
ret = fgets(readbuf, buflen, comm);
if (ret == NULL)
If comm matches our process name, extract the process ID from the
path, convert it to a pid_t, and return it.
if (strcmp(readbuf, procname) == 0) {
pid = (pid_t)atoi(pglob.gl_pathv[i] + strlen("/proc/"));
/* Clean up. */
return pid;
Caveat: if there are multiple running processes with the name you're looking for, this code will only return one. If you're going to change that, be aware that with the naive glob written, you'll also examine /proc/self/comm, which could potentially lead to a duplicate entry.
If there are multiple processes with the same name, there isn't really a way to ensure you got the right one. Many daemons have the ability to save their pids to a file for this reason; check your documentation.
Google has this covered :)
Although it does use sysctl, which is a system call!
It's C but should work just as well in C++

Detect if stdin is a terminal or pipe?

When I execute "python" from the terminal with no arguments it brings up the Python interactive shell.
When I execute "cat | python" from the terminal it doesn't launch the interactive mode. Somehow, without getting any input, it has detected that it is connected to a pipe.
How would I do a similar detection in C or C++ or Qt?
Use isatty:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>
if (isatty(fileno(stdin)))
printf( "stdin is a terminal\n" );
printf( "stdin is a file or a pipe\n");
(On windows they're prefixed with underscores: _isatty, _fileno)
For many use cases the POSIX function isatty() is all what it is needed to detect if stdin is connected to a terminal. A minimal example:
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (isatty(fileno(stdin)))
puts("stdin is connected to a terminal");
puts("stdin is NOT connected to a terminal");
return 0;
The following section compares different methods that can be used if different degrees of interactivity have to be tested.
Methods in Detail
There are several methods to detect if a program is running interactively.
Following table shows an overview:
cmd\method ctermid open isatty fstat
./test /dev/tty OK YES S_ISCHR
./test < /dev/tty OK NO S_ISREG
cat | ./test /dev/tty OK NO S_ISFIFO
echo ./test | at now /dev/tty FAIL NO S_ISREG
The results are from a Ubuntu Linux 11.04 system using the following program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main() {
char tty[L_ctermid+1];
printf("ID: %s\n", tty);
int fd = open(tty, O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) perror("Could not open terminal");
else {
printf("Opened terminal\n");
struct termios term;
int r = tcgetattr(fd, &term);
if (r < 0) perror("Could not get attributes");
else printf("Got attributes\n");
if (isatty(fileno(stdin))) printf("Is a terminal\n");
else printf("Is not a terminal\n");
struct stat stats;
int r = fstat(fileno(stdin), &stats);
if (r < 0) perror("fstat failed");
else {
if (S_ISCHR(stats.st_mode)) printf("S_ISCHR\n");
else if (S_ISFIFO(stats.st_mode)) printf("S_ISFIFO\n");
else if (S_ISREG(stats.st_mode)) printf("S_ISREG\n");
else printf("unknown stat mode\n");
return 0;
Terminal device
If the interactive session needs certain capabilities, you can open the
terminal device and (temporarily) set terminal attributes you need
via tcsetattr().
Python Example
The Python code that decides whether the interpreter runs interactively uses isatty(). The Function PyRun_AnyFileExFlags()
/* Parse input from a file and execute it */
PyRun_AnyFileExFlags(FILE *fp, const char *filename, int closeit,
PyCompilerFlags *flags)
if (filename == NULL)
filename = "???";
if (Py_FdIsInteractive(fp, filename)) {
int err = PyRun_InteractiveLoopFlags(fp, filename, flags);
calls Py_FdIsInteractive()
* The file descriptor fd is considered ``interactive'' if either
* a) isatty(fd) is TRUE, or
* b) the -i flag was given, and the filename associated with
* the descriptor is NULL or "<stdin>" or "???".
Py_FdIsInteractive(FILE *fp, const char *filename)
if (isatty((int)fileno(fp)))
return 1;
which calls isatty().
There are different degrees of interactivity. For checking if stdin is connected to a pipe/file or a real terminal isatty() is a natural method to do that.
Probably they are checking the type of file that "stdin" is with fstat, something like this:
struct stat stats;
fstat(0, &stats);
if (S_ISCHR(stats.st_mode)) {
// Looks like a tty, so we're in interactive mode.
} else if (S_ISFIFO(stats.st_mode)) {
// Looks like a pipe, so we're in non-interactive mode.
Of course Python is open source, so you can just look at what they do and know for sure:
On Windows you can use GetFileType.
DWORD type = GetFileType(hIn);
switch (type) {
// it's from a character device, almost certainly the console
// redirected from a file
// piped from another program, a la "echo hello | myprog"
// this shouldn't be happening...
Call stat() or fstat() and see if S_IFIFO is set in st_mode.
You can call stat(0, &result) and check for !S_ISREG( result.st_mode ). That's Posix, not C/C++, though.