Rotating a 3D object at a (fast) constant rate in QT - c++

This seems like a pretty simple problem, but I have tried a implementation of what I think would work and it works "kind of".
What I expect:
To be able to rotate an object about an axis at a constant rate that is rather fast. (Roughly around 120 *RPM or 2 *RPS.)
What I have tried:
My basic implementation was a QTimer that would timeout (emit timeout signal as well) after a certain amount of milliseconds. The timeout would rotate the 3D object a set amount, like 0.1 degrees.
Sample code that could do the following would be something like this:
//Setup timer and 3d object (Q3DObject is just an example and may not even exist, doesn't matter)
QTimer *rotationTimer = new QTimer();
Q3DObject *object = new Q3DObject(...)
void main()
//Connect signal and slot
connect(rotationTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateRotation()))
rotationTimer->start(10); //Timeout every 10 ms
//This is a slot
void updateRotation()
//Get current rotation from object then "add" a quaternion rotation about the -x axis of 0.1 degree.
object->setRotation(object->rotation * QQuaternion::fromAxisAndAngle(-1.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.1f));
Problem with this though implementation is that even with a timeout of 1ms, it is very slow, since its increasing it by 0.1 every 1ms. That would mean its MAX change in angle is 100 angle every 1s. This is far too slow. Changing the 0.1 degree increase to something bigger does help the speed, but at the performance of how smooth the transition from each increase, higher numbers result in a jittery looking rotation.
I feel that there is a far better way of achieving my goal here but I just cant think of anything. I also think this approach is not the most computationally efficient way of rotating an object either.
Does anyone know a better way of achieving this effect? I'll keep researching to see if I can find a better solution in the mean time.

It seems that what you want is to make an animation of the rotation so in that case it is better to use a QVariantAnimation, that class will interpolate the values between the ranges that are established so it is no longer necessary to define a minimum change (the 0.1 degrees that you use).
Q3DFoo foo;
QVariantAnimation animation;
animation.setDuration(5 * 1000);
QObject::connect(&animation, &QVariantAnimation::valueChanged, &foo, [&foo](const QVariant & value){
foo.setRotation(QQuaternion::fromAxisAndAngle(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, value.toFloat()));


Box2D: how can I get same physics simulation if I use slow motion?

I have a functional personal 2D game engine that uses Box2D. I am trying to implement fast and slow motion effects for my physics simulation. The fast motion I implemented by calling the Step function more frequently. This way, I get same simulation result no matter how fast I increase the physics update rate. However, the problem lies when I slow down the simulation. If I use the same technique, the simulation provides same result, but it looks like the frames dropped due to physics not updating as frequent, which is expected, but not what I am looking for.
I tried implementing a new way to update the physics world by stepping the world by updateRate * timeScale if timeScale is less than 1. It fixed the laggy updates, but now my simulation provides a different result compared to the ones with time scales of 1 or above.
I am looking to get the same simulation results for a time scale of 1, any number above 1, and any number below 1 and have the simulation still look smooth for slow motion. This is the code I have for reference.
bool slowMotion = false;
float physicsScaledTimeFactor = Time::getPhysicsScaledTimeFactor();
if (physicsScaledTimeFactor >= 1) {
float deltaUpdateTime = Time::getTimeRunningF() - Time::getPhysicsLoopRunTimeF();
if (deltaUpdateTime < physicsTimeStep / physicsScaledTimeFactor)
else {
slowMotion = true;
float deltaUpdateTime = Time::getTimeRunningF() - Time::getPhysicsLoopRunTimeF();
if (deltaUpdateTime < physicsTimeStep)
// Update / step physics world
if (slowMotion)
physicsWorld->Step(physicsTimeStep * physicsScaledTimeFactor, physicsVelocityIterations, physicsPositionIterations);
physicsWorld->Step(physicsTimeStep, physicsVelocityIterations, physicsPositionIterations);
Here is how the simulation result for time scales of 1 or above look like:
Here is how the simulation result for time scales of less than 1 look like:
As you can see, the squares end up in different positions. Is there a way to get same simulation results with the provided quality conditions or is this acceptable and leave it like that?
I checked other engines and they also contain the laggy effect. But, would there be a way to get same simulation results? The slow motion effect look very smooth and would be nice to have it work as expected.

Scaling rolling ball controls with it's size

I am editing the rollingball example map from Unreal (in Unreal Engine). I changed it so my ball you grow and melt (it's a snowball), gaining and losing size and mass.
My problem is the control of it. The example map moves the ball by adding torque. My problem is that my mass changes a lot, so I need a torque the changes depending on the size of my ball (not 1:1 as a bigger snowball should still moves slower).
My problem is that my ball seems to accumulate torque and spins a lot (I added a lot of friction to the ball, it did not helped, it just moved the problem a bit). As an example, if I press left for a while, it's gonna go left. Then if I press right, it goes right. But when I stop pressing right, it spins and goes left again.
This is my current code:
void ASnowballBall::MoveRight(float Val)
const FVector Torque = FVector(-1.f * getNewTorque(Val), 0.f, 0.f);
void ASnowballBall::MoveForward(float Val)
const FVector Torque = FVector(0.f, getNewTorque(Val), 0.f);
float ASnowballBall::getNewTorque(float Val)
return (Val * RollTorque * (log2(Ball->GetMass()))) / 10000;
Note: The log was a test to increase the torque slowly with the mass. It's not working well at all. Right now I am using return Val * RollTorque instead, but it's almost as bad.
The control is horrible and I would like to get an idea on how to fix it. If removing the torque would be better, I will change it. I simply want a responsive control that is fun, and where the player still have a sense of the size of the ball (slower when big compared to small).
PS: My original mass is about 500 kg and can go up to 20 000 kg (it's a puzzle game). I did not set the original mass, it's set by Unreal relative to it's size. I could change the mass scale though.
You could try using AddForce instead of AddTorque.
So the speed of the ball is modified every tick like this:
void APlayerBallBearing::Tick(float deltaSeconds)
BallMesh->AddForce(FVector(InputLongitude, InputLatitude, 0.0f) * ControllerForce * BallMesh->GetMass());
InputLongitude and InputLatitude are the values that are put in by the user in the current frame for movement in cardinal directions, they correspond to your MoveForward and MoveRight values I reckon.
The controller force is something you need to tweak in order to find the right value for your ball movement. With a value of at least 600.0f I started getting "decent" behaviour.
I cannot help you with the mass though you would need to try that out yourself, the default mass of the ball mesh I used was ~110.

Cocos2D BezierBy with increasing speed over time

I'm pretty new to C++/Cocos2d, but I've been making pretty good progress. :)
What I want to do is animate a coin 'falling off' the screen after a player gets it. I've managed to successfully implement it 2 different ways, but each way has major downsides.
The goal: After a player gets a coin, the coin should 'jump', then 'fall' off of the screen. Ideally, the coin acts as if acted upon by gravity, so it jumps up with a fast speed, slows down to a stop, then proceeds to go downward at an increasing rate.
Attempts so far:
void Coin::tick(float dt) {
velocityY += gravity * dt;
float newX = coin->getPositionX() + velocityX;
float newY = coin->getPositionY() + velocityY;
coin->setPosition(newX, newY);
// using MoveBy(dt, Vec2(newX, newY)) has same result
// This is run on every 'update' of the main game loop.
This method does exactly what I would like it to do as far as movement, however, the frame rate gets extremely choppy and it starts to 'jump' between frames, sometimes quite significant distances.
ccBezierConfig bz;
bz.controlPoint_1 = Vec2(0, 0);
bz.controlPoint_2 = Vec2(20, 50); // These are just test values. Will normally be randomized to a degree.
bz.endPosition = Vec2(100, -2000);
auto coinDrop = BezierBy::create(2, bz);
This one has the benefit of 'perfect' framerate, where there is no choppiness whatsoever, however, it moves at a constant rate which ruins the experience of it falling and just makes it look like it's arbitrarily moving along some set path. (Which, well, it is.)
Has anybody run into a similar situation or know of a fix? Either to better handle the frame rate of the first one (MoveBy/To don't work- still has the choppy effect) or to programmatically set speeds of the second one (change speeds going to/from certain points in the curve)
Another idea I've had is to use a number of different MoveBy actions with different speeds, but that would have awkward 'pointy' curves and awkward changes in speed, so not really a solution.
Any ideas/help are/is greatly appreciated. :)
Yes, I have run into a similar situation. This is where 'easing' comes in handy. There are many built in easing functions that you can use such as Ease In or Ease Out. So your new code would look something like:
This page shows the graphs for several common easing methods:
For your purposes (increasing speed over time) I would recommend trying the 'EaseIn' method.

Lerping issue with timers

I have been having an issue related to timers when I am lerping objects in my game engine. The lerping is almost correct and when I am applying the lerping to an object moving or rotating it is fine except every few seconds it appears as if the object quickly flashes to it's previous position before continuing to move smoothly.
Running the engine in windowed mode gives me 1500~fps but if I run in full screen with vsync clamping to 60fps the glitch happens a lot more often.
I have been trying to find either a good resource or explanation on lerping and how I can improve what I have.
For working out the tick gap I use:
float World::GetTickGap()
float gap = (float) (TimeMs() - m_lastTick) / m_tickDelay;
return gap > 1.f ? 1.f : gap;
My update function:
m_currentTick = TimeMs();
if(m_currentTick > m_lastTick+m_tickDelay)
m_lastTick = m_currentTick;
//Update actors
Then when rendering each actor I am giving the tick gap for them to lerp between their positions.
My lerping function:
float math::Lerp(float a, float b, float t)
return a + t*(b-a);
And an example of the lerping function being called:
renderPosition.x = (math::Lerp(m_LastPosition.x, m_Position.x, tickDelay));
I'm unsure where to start on trying to fix this problem. As far as I'm aware it is the timing issues with the functions. Though could anything else cause a small dip in performance at a constant rate?
Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated. :)
I'm not really able to reconstruct your code from what you posted
But I remember that calling your time function more than once per frame is bad idea generally.
You seem to do that. Try thinking about what effect that has.
E.g. It might mean that the "update Actors" loops are out of sync with the "tickGap" intervals and actors are updated a second time with 0 gap.

Getting the velocity vector from position vectors

I looked at a bunch of similar questions, and I cannot seem to find one that particularly answers my question. I am coding a simple 3d game, and I am trying to allow the player to pick up and move entities around my map. I essentially want to get a velocity vector that will "push" the physics object a distance from the player's eyes, wherever they are looking. Here's an example of this being done in another game (the player is holding a chair entity in front of his eyes).
To do this, I find out the player's eye angles, then get the forward vector from the angles, then calculate the velocity of the object. Here is my working code:
void Player::PickupOtherEntity( Entity& HoldingEntity )
QAngle eyeAngles = this->GetPlayerEyeAngles();
Vector3 vecPos = this->GetEyePosition();
Vector3 vecDir = eyeAngles.Forward();
Vector3 holdingEntPos = HoldingEntity.GetLocation();
// update object by holding it a distance away
vecPos.x += vecDir.x * DISTANCE_TO_HOLD;
vecPos.y += vecDir.y * DISTANCE_TO_HOLD;
vecPos.z += vecDir.z * DISTANCE_TO_HOLD;
Vector3 vecVel = vecPos - holdingEntPos;
vecVel = vecVel.Scale(OBJECT_SPEED_TO_MOVE);
// set the entity's velocity as to "push" it to be in front of the player's eyes
// at a distance of DISTANCE_TO_HOLD away
All that is great, but I want to convert my math so that I can apply an impulse. Instead of setting a completely new velocity to the object, I want to "add" some velocity to its existing velocity. So supposing I have its current velocity, what kind of math do I need to "add" velocity? This is essentially a game physics question. Thank you!
A very simple implementation could be like this:
velocity(t+delta) = velocity(t) + delta * acceleration(t)
acceleration(t) = force(t) / mass of the object
velocity, acceleration and force are vectors. t, delta and mass scalars.
This only works reasonably well for small and equally spaced deltas. What you are essentially trying to achieve with this is a simulation of bodies using classical mechanics.
An Impulse is technically F∆t for a constant F. Here we might want to assume a∆t instead because mass is irrelevant. If you want to animate an impulse you have to decide what the change in velocity should be and how long it needs to take. It gets complicated real fast.
To be honest an impulse isn't the correct thing to do. Instead it would be preferable to set a constant pick_up_velocity (people don't tend to pick things up using an impulse), and refresh the position each time the object rises up velocity.y, until it reaches the correct level:
while(entPos.y < holdingEntPos.y)
entPos.y += pickupVel.y;
//some sort of short delay
And as for floating in front of the player's eyes, set an EyeMovementEvent of some sort that also sends the correct change in position to any entity the player is holding.
And if I missed something and that's what you are already doing, remember that when humans apply an impulse, it is generally really high acceleration for a really short time, much less than a frame. You wouldn't see it in-game anyways.
basic Newtonian/D'Alembert physics dictate:
and also backwards:
so for your engine you can use:
rectangle summation instead of integration (numerical solution of integral). Define time constant dt [seconds] which is the interval between updates (timer or 1/fps). So the update code (must be periodically called every dt:
a{x,y,z} [m/s^2] is actual acceleration (in your case direction vector scaled to a=Force/mass)
v{x,y,z} [m/s] is actual velocity
x,y,z [m] is actual position
These values have to be initialized a,v to zero and x,y,z to init position
all objects/players... have their own variables
full stop is done by v=0; a=0;
driving of objects is done only by change of a
in case of collision mirror v vector by collision normal
and maybe multiply by some k<1.0 (0.95 for example) to account energy loss on impact
You can add gravity or any other force field by adding g vector:
also You can add friction and anything else you need
PS. the same goes for angles just use angle/omega/epsilon/I instead of x/a/v/m
to be clear by angles I mean rotation (pitch,yaw,roll) around mass center