AWS call particular instance behind ASG and ALB - amazon-web-services

We have a usecase where we want to make an http call to a particular EC2 instance behind an ALB. I tried finding solution for this on AWS docs but was unable to find one. Can anyone suggest me how i can achieve this?
Why i want to do this?
So, Basically we have a service which is scaled out using ASG and we have a load balancer to balance the load of various clients that will connect to it. This is a persistent long running connection.
Now, we also have another service which wants to send request to the instance where a particular client is connected.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!

Is your question how to ensure that a client is always connecting to the same backend-instance? If yes, then Sticky Sessions are your answer.
If you want to be able to address and particular instance in the backend that's not possible. A big part of the reason to use a Load Balancer is to make the number of backend instances an implementation detail that's not exposed to the client.
In principle you could create a DNS-Record for each EC2-Instance, route that to the ALB and then do Host-based-routing to map each of them to a particular instance, but in that case you might as well expose the instances directly (unless you need encryption and stuff like that).


Reaching GCP Cloud Run instance through VPC with "only internal range" egress

The current setup is as follows:
I have a Cloud Run service, which acts as "back-end", which needs to reach external services but wants to be reached ONLY by the second Cloud Run instance. which acts as a "front-end", which needs to reach auth0 and the "back-end" and be reached by any client with a browser.
I recognize that the setup is not optimal, but I've inherited as is and we cannot migrate to another solution (maybe k8n). I'm trying to make this work with the least amount of impact on the infrastructure and, ideally, without having to touch the services themselves.
What I've tried is to restrict the ingress of the back-end service to INTERNAL and place two serverless VPC connectors (one per service), so that the front-end service would be able to reach the back-end but no one else could.
But I've encountered a huge issue: if I set the egress of the front-end all on the VPC it works, but now the front-end cannot reach auth0 and therefore the users cannot authenticate. If I place the egress as "mixed" (only internal ip ranges go through the VPC) the Google Run URL (* is resolved not through the VPC and therefore it returns a big bad 403.
What I tried so far:
Placing a load balancer in front of the back-end service. But the serverless NEG only supports the global http load balancer and I'd need an internal one if I wanted an internal ip to resolve against
Trying to see if the VPC accessor itself MAYBE provided an internal (static) ip, but it doesn't seem so
Someone in another question suggested a "MIG as a proxy" but I haven't managed to figure that out (Can I run Cloud Run applications on a private IP (inside dedicated VPC network)?)
Fooled around with the Gateway API, but it seems that I'd have to provide a openAPI specification for the back-end, and I'm still under the delusion that this might be resolved with a cheaper (in terms of effort) approach.
So, I get that the Cloud Run instance cannot possibly have an internal IP by itself, but is there any kind of GCP product that can act as a proxy? Can someone elaborate on the "MIG as a proxy" approach (Managed Instance Group? Of what, though?), which might be the solution I'm looking for? (Sadly, I do not have the reputation needed to comment on that question or I would have).
Any kind of pointer is, as always, deeply appreciated.
You are designing this wrong. Use Cloud Run's identity-based access control instead of trying to route traffic. Google IAP (Identity Aware Proxy) will block all traffic that is not authorized.
Authenticating service-to-service

Is that possible to sticky a AWS Classic Load Balancer session forever?

This question is for the infrastructure pros, hope anyone reaches this text.
I’m currently using a setup with one EC2 instance behind a classic load balancer on AWS running a websocket express based server. I always planed to scale my application so I started it behind a LB.
Now I’m on time to startup another instance, but I have this major problem: My websocket leaves a program running on the server - even when the user is out of the website - and return to show the program log to the user when he comes back to the website.
Of course if the user connects to another instance on the load balancer, he will not be able to access a program running on another instance. So the only solution is to connect a user to the same EC2 instance, always.
I searched a lot but I didn’t find anything related, besides sticky sessions based on cookies. The problem of this solution is that it expires after sometime, and I want my user to access the program log again no matter how much time he spent without doing it.
So my question is: Is there a way to sticky a user connection with the same EC2 instance using a AWS classic load balancer?
In a way that new users follow the standard algorithm, going to be connected to the lower used instance, and old users keeps going to the same EC2 every new connection. Is that possible?
Otherwise I’ll not be able to scale my application delivering, because the main purpose of this server is to connect this running program with a specific user.
I don't think you can customize CLB for that. But ALB just recently introduced Application Cookie Stickiness:
Application Load Balancer (ALB) now supports Application-based cookie stickiness. This new feature helps customers ensure that clients connect to the same load balancer target for the duration of their session using application cookies. This enables customers to achieve a consistent client-server experience with greater controls such as the flexibility to set custom cookie names and criteria for client-target stickiness within a target group.
Thus maybe, if you can migrate from CLB into ALB, the application-level cookies could be solution to your issue.

Forward clients to a specific ENI through ALB

I don't know if it's even possible to do so, but I will still ask. The thing is that I want to have (using ECS) one service A with tasks that do some job with the clients (create TCP connection, then form a group from multiple players and send to each player that they are formed in this group). Then I want this clients to make request to some specific task (some ENI with private IP, because I use awsvpc) from other service B behind an ALB (and then that task sends a response to those clients and starts working with them).
So my question is: "How can I forward multiple clients to the same specific ENI if that ENI is behind ALB?". Maybe in service's A tasks I should use AWS SDK to figure out the IPs of a service B tasks? But I still don't know how to reach that task by private IP. Is that even possible to "tell" ALB that I want to connect to some specific ENI?
Yes, you can configure the ALB to route to a specific IP. The listener on your ALB has routing rules that you can edit. Rules can be based on the domain name and path to which the HTTP request was sent.
Here is a detailed Tutorial on how to do that.

Websocket Load Balancing on AWS EC2

We are building a scaled application that uses WebSockets on AWS EC2. We were considering using the default ELB (Elastic Load Balancing) for this, but that, unnecessarily, makes the load balancer itself a bottleneck for traffic-heavy operations (see this related thread), so we are currently looking into a way to send the client the connection details of a "good instance" to connect to instead. However, the Elastic Load Balancer API does not seem to support a query of the sort "give me (public) connection details of a good instance", which is odd because that is the core functionality of any load balancer. Maybe I have just not looked at the right place?
Currently, we are investigating two simple solutions using default implementations:
Use ELB in TCP mode which tunnels all traffic through the ELB.
Simply connect to the public IP of the instance that the ELB connected you to for your GET request. The second solution requires public IPs to be enabled, but does not route all traffic through the ELB.
I was concerned about that very last part because I assumed that the ELB is not in the same building as the instance it gave you. But I assume, it usually is in the same building or has some other high-speed connection to the instances? In that case, the tunneling overhead is negligible.
Both solutions seem to be equally viable, or am I overseeing something?
If your application manages to make the ELB a bottleneck, then you are a pretty big fish. Why don't you try first using their load balancer trusting that they do their job right? It is difficult to make it "better", and the most difficult part about this is to define what is "better" in the first place. You definitely did not very well define that in your question, so I am pretty sure that you are well off using just their load balancer.
In some cases it might make sense to develop your own load balancing logic, especially if your machine usage depends on very special metrics not per se accessible to the ELB system.
Yes, I'd say both solutions are viable.
The upside of the second is that it allows greater customization of the load balancing logic you may want to implement (providing an improvement over ELBs round robin), dispatching requests to a server of your convenience after an initial HTTP GET request.
The downside may be on the security front. It's not clear whether security, and SSL is part of your requirements, but in case it is, the second solution forces you to handle it at the ec2 instances level, which can be inconvenient and affect each node's performance. Otherwise websocket communications may be left unsecured.

Setting up a loadbalancer behind a proxy server on Google Cloud Compute engine

I am looking to build a scalable REST webservice on the Google Cloud Compute Engine but have a couple of requirements that I am not sure how best to implement.
Structure so far:
2 Instances running a REST webservice connected to a MySQL Cloud database.
(number of instances to scale up in the future)
Load balancer to split request between the two or more Instances.
this part is fine.
What I need next is that the traffic (POST requests from instances to an external webservice) must come from a single IP address. I assume these requests can not route back through the public IP of the load balancer?
I get the impression the solution to this is to route all requests from instances though a 3rd instance running squid. Is this the best way to do this? (side question)
Now to my main question:
I have been reading about ApiAxle which sounds like a nice proxy for Web Services, giving some good access control, throttling and reporting capabilities.
Can I have an instance running ApiAxle followed by a google cloud Load Balancer which shares the request from the proxy to the backend instances that do the leg work and feed the response back through the ApiAxle proxy, thus having everything though a single IP visible to clients using the API? (letting me add new instances to the pool to add capacity.)
and Would the proxy be much of a bottle neck?
Thanks in advance.
(new to this, so sorry if its a stupid question because I cant find anything like this on the web)
Sounds like you need to NAT on your outbound traffic so it appears to come from one IP address. You need to do that via a third instance since Google LB stack doesn't provide this. GCLB works only with inbound connections on the load-balanced IP.
You can setup source-NAT using advanced routing, or you can use a proxy as you suggested.