I am curious as to how I can make the following code actually work. I currently have an event system in place but it is using the observer pattern. I want my window events to work as such :
window win("Engine");
win.on_event(KEY_PRESSED, []{
// key pressed
win.on_event(KEY_RELEASED, []{
// key released
win.on_event(MOUSE_CLICKED, []{
// mouse clicked
The problem is I don't know where to start. I also want to be able to get specific information on an event, for example the (x, y) coords of where the mouse was clicked in the window. Any input would be greatly appreciated, even if it's just a general idea of what I need to do. Thank you.
I think you are going along the right lines so far, but an event system is not a simple thing to build. There is a lot to think about in an events system. I Am assuming you are doing this as a learning exercise so lets not use any libraries. However I would reccommend looking at a few existing event systems to get some inspiration, you might find features you didn't even know you wanted until you see them. These are the steps / thought exercises i suggest for you to take.
Define your events:
It sounds like you have done this, but do consider if you want events to be unrelated types or part of an inheritance hierarchy, there are pros and cons to each approach.
Define your publishing mechanism:
You said you have observer pattern and thats a good first choice, but consider if it's everything you want. Maybe also consider these things; Should one object only deliver directly to it's indended destination or maybe there is some kind of indirection or delegation involved like a message bus or central event queue. Good news is that designing to an interface like observer pattern suggests makes this easy to change later.
Define your event model in time space:
do you need or want immediate, deferred or asynchronous processing of the events? do you need to store them? What about threadding? is this a single threaded system? If it is then thats an additional layer of complexity to consdier.
Define receipt of messages:
Kind of linked to 2, Consider object A wants to publish an event but how does it know whom to deliver it to, it might be looked up in some kind of registry it knows about, it might be the argument to a function call, it could be something else you can imagine. Traditionally i've seen this done in two ways one where you can register an event handler with some object who will receive the event then invoke your handler. This mechanism requires you to consider if handlers can be unregistered as well, and if so how. The other is the "function" argument, where a function might be a class member function, or a strategy object or similar.
I think at that stage you will have asked most of the hard questions
heres a quick example of a single threaded event system with events based in a hierarchy: (NOTE, this is NOT following best practices and its not production quality, its the absolute bare minimum to demonstrate the concept, [using c++17 standard for my convienance])
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
// Lets define a base event type
struct event_base {
explicit event_base(std::string const& event_type) : type{event_type} {}
std::string type;
// Now a more specific event type
struct name_changed : public event_base {
constexpr static auto event_type = "name_changed_event";
name_changed(std::string old_name, std::string new_name) :
std::string old_name;
std::string new_name;
// Next our observer interface
using event_handler = std::function<void(event_base const&)>;
/* could do these the traditional way with a class interface but i
* prefer a std::function when there only one method to implement
* and it means i dont have to bring out unique_ptrs or anything
* for this example
// And a structure to associate an observer with an event type
struct registered_handler {
std::string event_type;
event_handler handler;
// A simple example observable person
class person_info {
person_info(int age, std::string name) :
void add_handler(std::string const& event_type, event_handler const& handler) {
m_handlers.push_back({event_type, handler});
void set_name(std::string new_name) {
// check for change
if(new_name == m_name) {
// build event
name_changed const event {m_name, new_name};
// make change
std::swap(m_name, new_name);
// publish events
if(auto *const handler = get_handler_for_event_type(event.type); handler != nullptr) {
void set_age(int new_age) {
// same thing here but using age and age change event
registered_handler* get_handler_for_event_type(std::string const& event_type) {
auto const& existing_handler = std::find_if(std::begin(m_handlers), std::end(m_handlers), [&](auto const& h){
return h.event_type == event_type;
if(existing_handler != std::end(m_handlers)) {
return &(*existing_handler);
} else {
return nullptr;
int m_age;
std::string m_name;
std::vector<registered_handler> m_handlers;
// And a main to exercise it
int main() {
person_info my_guy{25, "my guy"};
my_guy.add_handler(name_changed::event_type, [](event_base const& event) {
auto const& name_change_event = reinterpret_cast<name_changed const&>(event);
std::cout << "My guy changed his name from: " << name_change_event.old_name << " to: " << name_change_event.new_name << "\n";
my_guy.set_name("someone else");
Unfortunately thats a fair amount of boiler plate for a simple event system, but once you have it and have tweaked it to be what you want then you can just keep re-using it.
If you run this example output should be quite simply:
My guy changed his name from: my guy to: someone else
Some time ago I've had similar problem to yours.
For my window I decided to inherit from entt::emitter
class Win32Window : public entt::emitter<Win32Window>
then inside WndProc
LRESULT Win32Window::_wndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
switch (uMsg) {
if (!empty<MouseMoveEvent>()) {
publish<MouseMoveEvent>(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam));
return 0;
// other messages ...
And the final result looks like this:
window.on<ResizeWindowEvent>([](const auto &evt, auto &) {
ImGui::GetIO().DisplaySize = glm::vec2{evt.width, evt.height};
window.on<MouseMoveEvent>([](const auto &evt, auto &) {
ImGui::GetIO().MousePos = glm::vec2{evt.x, evt.y};
Ofcourse you gonna need some event types:
struct MouseMoveEvent {
int32_t x, y;
struct CloseWindowEvent {};
// and so on ...
This is not a complete example, it is a simple snippet to give you a generic idea on what you're trying to do.
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <thread>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <map>
enum class MOUSE_EVENT_TYPE {
struct window
std::thread *th;
bool loop{ true };
std::map < MOUSE_EVENT_TYPE, std::function<void()>> func;
th = new std::thread([this]() {
while (loop)
if (func[MOUSE_EVENT_TYPE::MOUSE_MOVE] && GetCursorPos())
void on_event(MOUSE_EVENT_TYPE event, std::function<void(POINT)> fn)
if (!func[event])
func[event] = fn;
int main()
window win;
win.on_event(MOUSE_EVENT_TYPE::MOUSE_MOVE, []() {
std::cout << "mouse moved" << std::endl;
win.on_event(MOUSE_EVENT_TYPE::MOUSE_CLICKED, []() {
std::cout << "mouse clicked" << std::endl;
I am going from C development to C++ on the STM32 platform and simply cant find a suitable solution for my problem.
Please have a look at the simplified example code attached to this post.
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
class Pipeline {
std::list<std::function<void(Pipeline*)>> handlers;
//add handler to list --> works fine
void addHandler(std::function<void(Pipeline*)> handler) {
void ethernetCallback(void) {
//handle received data and notify all callback subscriptions --> still works fine
// this callback function is normally sitting in a child class of Pipeline
int len = handlers.size();
for (auto const &handler : this->handlers) {
void removeHandler(std::function<void(Pipeline*)> handler) {
// Here starts the problem. I can not use handlers.remove(handler) here to
// unregister the callback function. I understood why I can't do that,
// but I don't know another way of coding the given situation.
class Engine {
void callback(Pipeline *p) {
// Gets called when new data arrives
cout<<"I've been called.";
void assignPipelineToEngine(Pipeline *p) {
p->addHandler(std::bind(&Engine::callback, this, std::placeholders::_1));
int main()
Engine *e = new Engine();
Pipeline *p = new Pipeline();
// the ethernet callback function would be called by LWIP if new udp data is available
// calling from here for demo purposes only
return 0;
The idea is that when the class "Pipeline" receives new data over ethernet, it informs all registered callback functions by calling a method. The callback functions are stored in a std::list. Everything works fine till here, but the problem with this approach is that I can't remove the callback functions from the list, which is required for the project.
I know why I can't simply remove the callback function pointers from the list, but I don't know another approach at the moment.
Probably anybody could give me a hint where I could have a look for solving this problem. All resources I've researched don't really show my specific case.
Thank you all in advance for your support! :)
One option would be to have addHandler return some sort of identifier that can later be passed to removeHandler. For example:
class Pipeline {
std::map<int, std::function<void(Pipeline*)>> handlers;
int nextId = 0;
//add handler to list --> works fine
void addHandler(std::function<void(Pipeline*)> handler) {
handlers[nextId++] = handler;
void ethernetCallback(void) {
for (auto const& entry : handlers) {
void removeHandler(int handlerToken) {
class Engine {
void callback(Pipeline *p) {
// Gets called when new data arrives
cout<<"I've been called.";
void assignPipelineToEngine(Pipeline *p) {
handlerToken = p->addHandler(
void unregisterPipelineFromEngine(Pipeline *p) {
int handlerToken;
Perhaps you could attach an ID to each handler. Very crude variant would just use this address as an ID if you have at most one callback per instance.
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
class Pipeline {
using ID_t = void *; // Or use integer-based one...
struct Handler {
std::function<void(Pipeline *)> callback;
ID_t id;
// Not necessary for emplace_front since C++20 due to agreggate ctor
// being considered.
Handler(std::function<void(Pipeline *)> callback, ID_t id)
: callback(std::move(callback)), id(id) {}
std::list<Handler> handlers;
// add handler to list --> works fine
void addHandler(std::function<void(Pipeline *)> handler, ID_t id) {
this->handlers.emplace_front(std::move(handler), id);
void ethernetCallback(void) {
// handle received data and notify all callback subscriptions --> still
// works fine
// this callback function is normally sitting in a child class of
// Pipeline
int len = handlers.size();
for (auto const &handler : this->handlers) {
void removeHandler(ID_t id) {
handlers.remove_if([id = id](const Handler &h) { return h.id == id; });
class Engine {
void callback(Pipeline *p) {
// Gets called when new data arrives
cout << "I've been called.";
void assignPipelineToEngine(Pipeline *p) {
//p->addHandler(std::bind(&Engine::callback, this, std::placeholders::_1), this);
//Or with a lambda
void removePipelineFromEngine(Pipeline *p) { p->removeHandler(this); }
int main() {
Engine *e = new Engine();
Pipeline *p = new Pipeline();
// the ethernet callback function would be called by LWIP if new udp data is
// available calling from here for demo purposes only
return 0;
You might also consider std::map<ID_t,std::function<...>> instead of list, not sure how memory/performance constrained you are.
Obligatory: do not use new, use std::unique_ptr, or better use automatic storage whenever you can. Although in this case a pointer is appropriate for e as you need stable address due to this capture/bind/ID.
std::functions are not comparable as there isn't a good generic way how to define this comparison.
I've written the most basic Event System I can think of. I come from a javascript background so I followed the On, Off, Emit syntax. The intention is to be able to create an EventSystem that can Emit any type of derived Event object and have the appropriate handlers called.
Please note, I am stuck in C++98 for reasons
So far my best idea is to have a simple Event object and a typedef for each Event type to handle it.
class Event {};
class AlarmEvent : Event {};
class ErrorEvent : Event {};
typedef void (*EventHandler)(Event event);
typedef void (*AlarmEventHandler)(AlarmEvent event);
typedef void (*ErrorEventHandler)(ErrorEvent event);
My issue is I want my modules to be able to attach as easy as possible.
int main()
Module module;
EventSystem es;
Event shutdown_event("shutdown");
AlarmEvent alarm_event("alarm", "Oh crap");
es.On("shutdown", module.OnEvent);
es.On("shutdown", module.OnEvent);
es.On("alarm", module.OnAlarmEvent);
But looking at the EventSystem
class EventSystem {
void On(std::string id, EventHandler handler);
void Emit(Event event);
void GetEventHandlers(std::string id, std::vector<EventHandler> *&handlers);
std::map<std::string, std::vector<EventHandler> > events;
I'd need an On, GetEventHandlers, and events property for every event type. This would quickly become terrible. Is there a better path where I can use a template to allow EventSystem to stay as simple as possible?
C++98 is old, older than variadic templates. The following emulates variadic templates with linked lists, which is very much suboptimal, but it should work.
// linked lists for "variadic" templates
struct Nil { };
template<typename X, typename XS>
struct Cons { };
// utility type
struct BlackHole {
template<typename T>
BlackHole(const T&) { }
// anything can be converted to a BlackHole implicitly, but it's a "worse"
// conversion than being converted to a base class
// I would template your event system over every event type
// this implementation only works properly if more derived events appear before their bases
template<typename Events> // e.g. Events = Cons<AlarmEvent, Cons<ErrorEvent, Cons<Event, Nil>>>
class EventSystem;
class EventSystem<Nil> {
// see below for Emit/EmitEmitted thing
// usage of BlackHole means that e.g. if calling with AlarmEvent
// and only overloads for Event and BlackHole are visible
// then the former will be chosen, since the latter conversion is worse
// can't just say template<typename T> EmitEmitted(T const&) { }
void EmitEmitted(BlackHole) { }
// these overloads exist so the using declarations ahead don't fail
// for maximum type-safety, create a private type and
// make it an argument of each, so they can never be called
// using Emit/EmitEmitted creates type safety; again, see below
void Emit() { }
// On has easy type safety: you just can't call it for an unknown type
void On() { }
// GetEventHandlers doesn't really make sense anyway
// I don't think you need it, you can't have a vector of mixed handlers
// so why bother?
template<typename X, typename XS>
class EventSystem<Cons<X, XS> > : public EventSystem<XS> {
std::vector<void (*)(X)> handlers;
// "forward" all the EmitEmitted overloads made for XS
using EventSystem<XS>::EmitEmitted;
// overload for the specific case of an X
void EmitEmitted(X x) {
// fire all of the X-specific handlers
for(typename std::vector<void (*)(X)>::iterator i = handlers.begin(); i != handlers.end(); ++i) {
// call the rest of the handlers
// more "forwarding"
using EventSystem<XS>::Emit;
void Emit(X x) {
return EmitEmitted(x);
// suppose you have an EventSystem<Cons<std::string, Nil> >
// if you Emit an int, say, then you want this to fail
// thus the overload of Emit in EventSystem<Nil> should not be
// a catch-all or anything
// however, if you emit a std::string, then you need to recursively
// emit from EventSystem<Nil>, to handle any handlers for superclasses
// now you don't want it to explode
// solution? two functions
// Emit is the public entry point, and fails on unknown types
// EmitEmitted is named so because, once it's called, the type
// is known to be known, and will/has been emitted by at least one layer
// it no-ops once the base case is reached
// it is protected, and it is where the actual logic is
// easy now, right?
using EventSystem<XS>::On;
void On(void (*handler)(X)) {
Example usage:
struct Event {
std::string message;
Event(std::string message) : message(message) { }
void HandleEvent(Event e) {
std::cerr << e.message << "\n";
class AlarmEvent : public Event {
int hour;
int minute;
static std::string BuildMessage(int hour, int minute) {
std::stringstream builder;
builder << "Alarm: " << std::setfill('0');
builder << std::setw(2) << hour << ":";
builder << std::setw(2) << minute;
return builder.str();
friend void HandleAlarm(AlarmEvent);
AlarmEvent(int hour, int minute) : Event(BuildMessage(hour, minute)), hour(hour), minute(minute) { }
void HandleAlarm(AlarmEvent a) {
// please ignore the fact that this is very stupid
if((a.hour + (a.minute / 60)) % 24 < 12) std::cerr << "AM Alarm\n";
else std::cerr << "PM Alarm\n";
struct ErrorEvent : Event {
ErrorEvent(std::string message) : Event(message) { }
void HandleError(ErrorEvent) {
static int count = 1;
std::cerr << "Error " << count++ << "\n";
int main() {
EventSystem<Cons<AlarmEvent, Cons<ErrorEvent, Cons<Event, Nil> > > > system;
// all handled by overload resolution
// no need to say what type you're dealing with
// doesn't work
// system.On(std::exit)
system.Emit(ErrorEvent("Bad things"));
system.Emit(AlarmEvent(2, 30));
system.Emit(Event("Something happened"));
system.Emit(ErrorEvent("More bad things"));
system.Emit(AlarmEvent(11, 67));
// doesn't work
// system.Emit(5);
Not sure that all the example code is C++98, but that doesn't matter. It appears to work nicely. Also, there's a lot of copying going on here. It may be advisable to change handlers from void (*)(T) (which necessitates a copy) to void (*)(T&) or void (*)(T const&).
If your functions took references or pointers, then you would be able to pass polymorphic child types into them. So then you only need one type of function ptr.
typedef void (*EventHandler)(Event& event);
typedef void (*EventHandler)(Event* event);
I am trying to design a multithreaded event system in C++. In it, the objects may be located in different threads and every object should be able to queue events for other threads. Each thread has its own event queue and event dispatcher, as well as an event loop. It should be possible to change the thread affinity of the objects.
Let's say we have two threads: A and B, and an object myobj, which belongs to B. Obviously, A needs a pointer to myobj in order to be able to send events to it. A doesn't have any pointer to B, but it needs some way to get a reference to it in order to be able to lock the event queue and add the event to it.
I could store a pointer to B in myobj, but then I obviously need to protect myobj. If I place a mutex in myobj, myobj could be destructed while the mutex is being locked, thus causing a segmentation fault.
I could also use a global table where I associate each object with its corresponding thread. However, this would consume a lot of memory and cause any thread that wants to send an event to block until A has finish
What is the most efficient safe strategy to implement this? Is there perhaps some kind of design pattern for this?
Thanks in advance.
I've implemented a thread wrapper base class ThreadEventComponent for sending and processing events between instances of itself. Each ThreadEventComponent has it's own event queue that is automatically locked internally whenever used. The events themselves are negotiated by a static map of type map<EventKey, vector<ThreadEventComponent*>> that is also automatically locked whenever used. As you can see, multiple ThreadEventComponent derived instances can subscribe to the same event. Each event sent with SendEvent(Event*) is copied per instance to insure that multiple threads aren't fighting over the same data held within the event.
Admittedly, this is not the most efficient strategy, opposed to sharing memory. There are optimizations to be made regarding the addEvent(Event&)method. With drawbacks aside, it does work well for configuring a thread to do some operation outside of the main thread.
Both MainLoop() and ProcessEvent(Event*) are virtual functions to be implemented by the derived class. ProcessEvent(Event*) is called whenever an event is available in the queue. After that, MainLoop() is called regardless of the event queue state. MainLoop() is where you should tell your thread to sleep and where any other operations such as file reading/writing or network reading/writing should go.
The following code is something I've been working on for my own person use to get my head wrapped around threading in C++. This code has never been reviewed, so I'd love to hear any suggestions you have. I am aware of two elements that are less than desirable in this code sample. 1) I'm using new at run-time, the drawback being that finding memory takes time, but this can be mitigated by creating a memory buffer to construct new events over in the ThreadEventComponent base class. 2)Event casting to TEvent<T> can cause run-time errors if not implemented correctly in ProcessEvent. I'm not sure what the best solution for this is.
Note: I have EventKey implemented as a string, but you can change it to whatever type you wish as long as it has a default value along with the equality and assignment operators available.
#include <string>
using namespace std;
typedef string EventKey;
class Event
: mKey()
Event(EventKey key)
: mKey(key)
Event(const Event& e)
: mKey(e.mKey)
virtual ~Event()
EventKey GetKey()
return mKey;
EventKey mKey;
template<class T>
class TEvent : public Event
: Event()
TEvent(EventKey type, T& object)
: Event(type), mObject(object)
TEvent(const TEvent<T>& e)
: Event(e.mKey), mObject(e.mObject)
virtual ~TEvent()
T& GetObject()
return mObject;
T mObject;
#include "Event.h"
#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <assert.h>
class ThreadEventComponent
void Start(bool detached = false);
void Stop();
void ForceStop();
void WaitToFinish();
virtual void Init() = 0;
virtual void MainLoop() = 0;
virtual void ProcessEvent(Event* incoming) = 0;
template<class T>
void SendEvent(TEvent<T>& e)
EventKey key = e.GetKey();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sEventList[key].size(); i++)
assert(sEventList[key][i] != nullptr);
void SendEvent(Event& e);
void Subscribe(EventKey key);
void Unsubscribe(EventKey key);
template<class T>
void addEvent(TEvent<T>& e)
// The event gets copied per thread
mEventQueue.push(new TEvent<T>(e));
void addEvent(Event& e);
thread mThread;
atomic<bool> mShouldExit;
void threadLoop();
queue<Event*> mEventQueue;
mutex mQueueLocker;
typedef map<EventKey, vector<ThreadEventComponent*>> EventMap;
static EventMap sEventList;
static mutex sEventListLocker;
#include "ThreadEventComponent.h"
ThreadEventComponent::EventMap ThreadEventComponent::sEventList = ThreadEventComponent::EventMap();
std::mutex ThreadEventComponent::sEventListLocker;
mShouldExit = false;
void ThreadEventComponent::Start(bool detached)
mShouldExit = false;
mThread = thread(&ThreadEventComponent::threadLoop, this);
if (detached)
void ThreadEventComponent::Stop()
mShouldExit = true;
void ThreadEventComponent::ForceStop()
while (!mEventQueue.empty())
delete mEventQueue.front();
mShouldExit = true;
void ThreadEventComponent::WaitToFinish()
void ThreadEventComponent::SendEvent(Event& e)
EventKey key = e.GetKey();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sEventList[key].size(); i++)
assert(sEventList[key][i] != nullptr);
void ThreadEventComponent::Subscribe(EventKey key)
if (find(sEventList[key].begin(), sEventList[key].end(), this) == sEventList[key].end())
void ThreadEventComponent::Unsubscribe(EventKey key)
// Finds event listener of correct type
EventMap::iterator mapIt = sEventList.find(key);
assert(mapIt != sEventList.end());
// Finds the pointer to itself
std::vector<ThreadEventComponent*>::iterator elIt =
std::find(mapIt->second.begin(), mapIt->second.end(), this);
assert(elIt != mapIt->second.end());
// Removes it from the event list
void ThreadEventComponent::addEvent(Event& e)
// The event gets copied per thread
mEventQueue.push(new Event(e));
void ThreadEventComponent::threadLoop()
bool shouldExit = false;
while (!shouldExit)
if (mQueueLocker.try_lock())
if (mEventQueue.empty())
shouldExit = true;
Event* e = mEventQueue.front();
delete e;
Example Class - A.h
#include "ThreadEventComponent.h"
class A : public ThreadEventComponent
A() : ThreadEventComponent()
void Init()
Subscribe("a stop");
void MainLoop()
void ProcessEvent(Event* incoming)
if (incoming->GetKey() == "a")
auto e = static_cast<TEvent<vector<int>>*>(incoming);
mData = e->GetObject();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mData.size(); i++)
mData[i] = sqrt(mData[i]);
SendEvent(TEvent<vector<int>>("a done", mData));
else if(incoming->GetKey() == "a stop")
vector<int> mData;
Example Class - B.h
#include "ThreadEventComponent.h"
int compare(const void * a, const void * b)
return (*(int*)a - *(int*)b);
class B : public ThreadEventComponent
B() : ThreadEventComponent()
void Init()
Subscribe("b stop");
void MainLoop()
void ProcessEvent(Event* incoming)
if (incoming->GetKey() == "b")
auto e = static_cast<TEvent<vector<int>>*>(incoming);
mData = e->GetObject();
qsort(&mData[0], mData.size(), sizeof(int), compare);
SendEvent(TEvent<vector<int>>("b done", mData));
else if (incoming->GetKey() == "b stop")
vector<int> mData;
Test Example - main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include "A.h"
#include "B.h"
class Master : public ThreadEventComponent
Master() : ThreadEventComponent()
void Init()
Subscribe("a done");
Subscribe("b done");
void MainLoop()
void ProcessEvent(Event* incoming)
if (incoming->GetKey() == "a done")
TEvent<vector<int>>* e = static_cast<TEvent<vector<int>>*>(incoming);
cout << "A finished" << endl;
mDataSetA = e->GetObject();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mDataSetA.size(); i++)
cout << mDataSetA[i] << " ";
cout << endl << endl;
else if (incoming->GetKey() == "b done")
TEvent<vector<int>>* e = static_cast<TEvent<vector<int>>*>(incoming);
cout << "B finished" << endl;
mDataSetB = e->GetObject();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mDataSetB.size(); i++)
cout << mDataSetB[i] << " ";
cout << endl << endl;
vector<int> mDataSetA;
vector<int> mDataSetB;
int main()
A a;
B b;
vector<int> data;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
data.push_back(rand() % 100);
Master master;
master.SendEvent(TEvent<vector<int>>("a", data));
master.SendEvent(TEvent<vector<int>>("b", data));
master.SendEvent(TEvent<vector<int>>("a", data));
master.SendEvent(TEvent<vector<int>>("b", data));
master.SendEvent(Event("a stop"));
master.SendEvent(Event("b stop"));
// cin.get();
I have not used it myself, but Boost.Signals2 claims to be thread-safe.
The primary motivation for Boost.Signals2 is to provide a version of the original Boost.Signals library which can be used safely in a multi-threaded environment.
Of course, using this would make your project depend on boost, which might not be in your interest.
[edit] It seems slots are executed in the emitting thread (no queue), so this might not be what you had in mind after all.
I'd consider making the thread part of classes to encapsulate them. That way you can easily design your interfaces around the thread loops (provided as member functions of these classes) and have defined entry points to send data to the thread loop (e.g. using a std::queue protected with a mutex).
I don't know if this is a designated, well known design pattern, but that's what I'm using for my all day productive code at work, and I (and my colleagues) feel and experience pretty good with it.
I'll try to give you a point:
class A {
A() {}
bool start();
bool stop();
bool terminate() const;
void terminate(bool value);
int data() const;
void data(int value);
std::thread thread_;
void threadLoop();
bool terminate_;
mutable std::mutex internalDataGuard_;
int data_;
bool A::start() {
thread_ = std::thread(std::bind(this,threadLoop));
return true;
bool A::stop() {
return true;
bool A::terminate() const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(internalDataGuard_);
return terminate_;
void A::terminate(bool value) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(internalDataGuard_);
terminate_ = value;
int A::data() const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(internalDataGuard_);
return data_;
void A::data(int value) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(internalDataGuard_);
data_ = value;
// Notify thread loop about data changes
void A::threadLoop() {
// Wait (blocking) for data changes
To setup signalling of data changes there are several choices and (OS) constraints:
The simplest thing you could use to wake up the thread loop to process changed/new data is a semaphore. In c++11 the nearest approx for a semaphore is a condition variable. Advanced versions of the pthreads API also provide condition variable support. Anyway since only one thread should be waiting there, and no kind of event broadcasing is necessary, it should be easy to implement with simple locking mechanisms.
If you have the choice to use an advanced OS, you might prefer implementing event signalling using s.th. like poll(), which provides lock-free implementation at the user space.
Some frameworks like boost, Qt, Platinum C++, and others also support event handling by signal/slot abstractions, you might have a look at their documentation and implementation to get a grip what's necessary/state of the art.
Obviously, A needs a pointer to myobj in order to be able to send
events to it.
I question the above assumption -- To me, allowing thread A to have a pointer to an object that is controlled/owned/accessed by thread B is kind of asking for trouble... in particular, some code running in thread A might be tempted later on to use that pointer to directly call methods on myobj, causing race conditions and discord; or B might delete myobj, at which point A is holding a dangling-pointer and is thereby in a precarious state.
If I was designing the system, I would try to do it in such a way that cross-thread messaging was done without requiring pointers-to-objects-in-other-threads, for the reasons you mention -- they are unsafe, in particular such a pointer might become a dangling-pointer at any time.
So then the question becomes, how do I send a message to an object in another thread, if I don't have a pointer to that object?
One way would be to give each object a unique ID by which it can be specified. This ID could be an integer (either hard-coded or dynamically assigned using an atomic counter or similar), or perhaps a short string if you wanted it to be more easily human-readable.
Then instead of the code in thread A sending the message directly to myobj, it would send a message to thread B, and the message would include a field indicating the ID of the object that is intended to receive the message.
When thread B's event loop receives the message, it would use the included ID value to look up the appropriate object (using an efficient key-value lookup mechanism such as std::unordered_map) and call the appropriate method on that object. If the object had already been destroyed, then the key-value lookup would fail (because you'd have a mechanism to make sure that the object removed itself from its thread's object-map as part of its destructor), and thus trying to send a message to a destroyed-object would fail cleanly (as opposed to invoking undefined behavior).
Note that this approach does mean that thread A's code has to know which thread myobj is owned by, in order to know which thread to send the message to. Typically thread A would need to know that anyway, but if you're going for a design that abstracts away even the knowledge about which thread a given object is running in, you could include an owner-thread-ID as part of the object-ID, so that your postMessage() method could examine the destination-object-ID to figure out which thread to send the message to.
Say you were designing a C++ windowing library. It may or may not provide a callback API, but needs to provide a polling API to facilitate a functional style of programming.
What would the polling API look like?
Some options
SDL style
struct Event {
enum { MousePress, KeyPress } type;
union {
struct { Point pos; MouseButton b; } mousePress;
struct { Modifiers mods; char key; } keyPress;
void userCode() {
for(;;) {
Event e; if(pollEvent(&e)) {
switch(e.type) {
case MousePress: cout<<event.mousePress.pos.x; break; // not typesafe
case KeyPress: cout<<event.keyPress.key; break;
State style
struct Input {
enum { Mouse, Keyboard, Nothing } whatChanged;
MouseButtonsBitfield pressedButtons;
bool keysPressed[keyCount];
void userCode() {
for(;;) {
Input in = pollInput();
switch(in.whatChanged) {
// typesafe yay
case Mouse: cout << "is LMB pressed? " << bool(in.pressedButtons&LeftButton); break;
case Keyboard: cout << "is A pressed? " << in.keysPressed['A']; break;
Fun functional pseudo-C++ style
struct Event {
// transforms listener by notifying it of event,
// returns transormed listener. nondestructive.
template<class Listener> // sadly invalid, templates can't be virtual.
// a solution is to make Listener the base
// of a hierarchy and make Listener::handle virtual
// but then we're forced to use imperative style
virtual Listener transform(Listener const&) =0;
struct MousePress : Event { // yay we're extensible via inheritance
template<class Listener>
virtual Listener transform(Listener const& listener) {
return listener.handle(*this); // calls the MousePress overload
Point pos; MouseButton b;
struct KeyPress : Event {
template<class Listener>
virtual Listener transform(Listener const& listener) {
return listener.handle(*this); // calls the KeyPress overload
Modifiers mods; char key;
struct NoEvent : Event {
template<class Listener>
virtual Listener transform(Listener const& listener) {
return listener.handle(*this);
struct UserWidget {
UserWidget handle(NoEvent) {
return UserWidget();
UserWidget handle(MousePress p) {
return (UserWidget) { string("pressed at")+lex_cast<string>(p.pos)) };
UserWidget handle(KeyPress k) {
return (UserWidget) { string("pressed key=")+lex_cast<string>(k.key)) };
string pendingOutput;
void userTick(UserWidget const& w) {
void userCode() {
Answers for other languages than C++ are OK, if they provide interesting insight.
No comments on encapsulation please - yes public fields should really be accessors, i left that out for clarity.
To answer your question quickly, I prefer the simplicity of the "SDL-style code". Mainly because your slightly more complicated "State Style" wastes memory and buys you absolutely nothing (see below), and the recursion in your tortured "Functional pseudo-C++" style will overflow the stack within a few milliseconds.
"State Style": Your "typesafe yay" in the "State Style" code is a bit unwarranted. You are still deciding which member to access based on a switch on another member, so the code has all the same weaknesses that the "SDL Style" code has -- for any mistake that you could make with the SDL-style code that leads to interpreting memory as the wrong type, you would make the equally bad mistake of accessing an uninitialised member with the State-style code.
"Functional pseudo-C++ style": Now you're getting somewhere, inheriting different event types from a base event type. Obviously the silly recursion needs to become a loop, and there are a few little things to tidy up (I think your 3 methods named transform() in UserWidget want to be called handle(); I'm guessing that you can resolve the problem of no template virtual methods using Boost.Function or similar). I think this approach has potential, though I prefer the simplicity of SDL style.
But more fundamentally: I question the need for a polling interface. Is there a reason why pollEvent() cannot block? As it stands, all 3 code segments are burning CPU time doing nothing 99.99% of the time.
I've been trying to implement a C#-like event system in C++ with the tr1 function templates used to store a function that handles the event.
I created a vector so that multiple listeners can be attached to this event, i.e.:
vector< function<void (int)> > listenerList;
I'd like to be able to remove a handler from the list to stop a listener receiving events.
So, how can I find the entry in this list that corresponds to a given listener? Can I test if a 'function' object in the list refers to a particular function?
EDIT: Having looked into the boost::signal approach, it seems it's probably implemented using a token system as some of you have suggested. Here's some info on this. An observer retains a "Connection" object when they attach to an event, and this connection object is used to disconnect if needed. So it looks like whether you use Boost or roll your own with tr1, the basic principle's the same. i.e. it will be a bit clumsy :)
I don't know if you're locked into std C++ and tr1, but if you aren't, it seems like your problem could be completely avoided if you just used something like boost::signal and boost::bind to solve your original problem - creating an event system - instead of trying to roll your own.
Okay, you got me working. The hard part is trying to match the exact usage pattern of C# events. If you skip that, there are MUCH easier ways to do what you're asking. (My co-worker Jason uses a Notifier object all over the place.) Anyway, here's the incredibly boring code which does what you want. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow you to pass parameters from the Subject to the Observer. To do that, you'd need to add even more smarts.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/tr1/functional.hpp>
#include <boost/tr1/memory.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace std::tr1;
template <typename T>
class ObserverHandle
typedef boost::function<void (T*)> const UnderlyingFunction;
ObserverHandle(UnderlyingFunction underlying)
: _underlying(new UnderlyingFunction(underlying))
void operator()(T* data) const
bool operator==(ObserverHandle<T> const& other) const
return (other._underlying == _underlying);
shared_ptr<UnderlyingFunction> const _underlying;
class BaseDelegate
virtual bool operator==(BaseDelegate const& other)
return false;
virtual void operator() () const = 0;
template <typename T>
class Delegate : public BaseDelegate
Delegate(T* observer, ObserverHandle<T> handle)
: _observer(observer),
virtual bool operator==(BaseDelegate const& other)
BaseDelegate const * otherPtr = &other;
Delegate<T> const * otherDT = dynamic_cast<Delegate<T> const *>(otherPtr);
return ((otherDT) &&
(otherDT->_observer == _observer) &&
(otherDT->_handle == _handle));
virtual void operator() () const
T* _observer;
ObserverHandle<T> _handle;
class Event
template <typename T>
void add(T* observer, ObserverHandle<T> handle)
_observers.push_back(shared_ptr<BaseDelegate>(new Delegate<T>(observer, handle)));
template <typename T>
void remove(T* observer, ObserverHandle<T> handle)
// I should be able to come up with a bind2nd(equals(dereference(_1))) kind of thing, but I can't figure it out now
Observers::iterator it = find_if(_observers.begin(), _observers.end(), Compare(Delegate<T>(observer, handle)));
if (it != _observers.end())
void operator()() const
for (Observers::const_iterator it = _observers.begin();
it != _observers.end();
typedef list<shared_ptr<BaseDelegate>> Observers;
Observers _observers;
class Compare
Compare(BaseDelegate const& other)
: _other(other)
bool operator() (shared_ptr<BaseDelegate> const& other) const
return (*other) == _other;
BaseDelegate const& _other;
// Example usage:
class SubjectA
Event event;
void do_event()
cout << "doing event" << endl;
cout << "done" << endl;
class ObserverA
void test(SubjectA& subject)
cout << endl;
subject.event.add(this, _observe);
subject.event.remove(this, _observe);
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
subject.event.add(this, _observe);
subject.event.add(this, _observe);
subject.event.remove(this, _observe);
subject.event.remove(this, _observe);
cout << endl;
void observe()
cout << "..observed!" << endl;
static ObserverHandle<ObserverA> _observe;
// Here's the trick: make a static object for each method you might want to turn into a Delegate
ObserverHandle<ObserverA> ObserverA::_observe(boost::bind(&ObserverA::observe, _1));
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
SubjectA sa;
ObserverA oa;
return 0;
And here's the output:
doing event
doing event
doing event
doing event
doing event
FAQ #1 in the boost function documentation seems to address your question - and the easy answer is "no".
The proposal (section IIIb.) states they will not be comparable in any way. If you attach some extra information to them, you can easily identify each callback. For instance, if you simply define a struct wrapping the function pointer, you can remove them (assuming you have the same struct you inserted). You can also add some fields to the struct (like an automatically generated guid the client can hold on to) and compare against that.
If you are storing function pointers only (and not other functors that match the signature required), this is easy (see code below). But in general, the answer, like other posters have said, is no. In that case, you probably want to store your functors in a hash, as values, with keys being something the user supplies on adding and removing.
The code below demonstrates how to get the functor/pointer object that is to be called. To use it, you must know the exact type of the object to extract (i.e., the typeid of the type you specify must match the typeid of the contained functor/pointer).
#include <cstdio>
#include <functional>
using std::printf;
using std::tr1::function;
int main(int, char**);
static function<int (int, char**)> main_func(&main);
main(int argc, char** argv)
printf("%p == %p\n", *main_func.target<int (*)(int, char**)>(), &main);
return 0;
What about
map<key-type, function<void (int)> > listeners;
I had a similar problem and found a solution to it. I used some C++0x features, but only for convenience, they are not an essential part. Take a look here:
> Messaging system: Callbacks can be anything