stateless authentication and permissions in the JWT token - amazon-web-services

Users in the applications have permissions based on the groups they are in
We would like to store the list of groups a user is in, in the JWT token
When a user gets added or removed from the groups, that effectively means the permissions change and this is what should happen at the user's end:
If they have been removed entirely from the system, the user immediately is kicked back out to the login screen
If they have just been removed from a group, for example, the user is not kicked out
They are notified that their rights have been updated, they are told to please refresh the page
when the user refreshes, they stay on the page they are looking at
If the user is on a screen they no longer have access to, they are sent to the home page
1. We have so far been writing REST APIs that are all stateless but this seems to break that. What is the best way to achieve it?
2. If we were to keep it simple and ensure statelessness, What's the best approach?

With stateless authentication your ID token which contains your group information, isn't renewed until it expires (usually an hour). You can reduce this duration to 5 minutes. This would be the simplest way to make sure any update to group is reflected on the front end quickly. These tokens are independent and cannot be revoked once they are issued. Even if you run the global sign out API call or the forget device API call, only the refresh token is revoked, while the ID and access tokens are still valid until they expire.
The requirements you mention aren't compatible with a stateless authentication method. Sure, you can create a "hacky" flow where you have a database that records the id of users who are kicked out and before every call it checks the database but it would be a lot of unnecessary work and you would be defeating the whole point of using stateless authentication.
My suggestion, if you want to keep using cognito, is to reduce the expiration time of all tokens to the minumum. You can also eliminate refresh tokens from your flow but that would mean user needs to sign in every 5 minutes.
But if you really need to implement this, I would suggest using stateful authentication methods.


Preventing multiple simultaneous logins with Cognito

We have React Native app that uses Cognito for authentication. We would like to prevent the same user ID from logging in simultaneously from multiple devices.
We were hopefully that we could use a Cognito pre-authentication trigger for this. Unfortunately it seems that we can't just call globalSignOut for the user since that wouldn't invalidate tokens that have already been issued and are currently active (see
The other idea was to reject the login if the user is logged in elsewhere. But we can't see a reliable way to tell whether the user is already logged in. We can see if there are valid tokens issued for that user but not if they are currently associated with an active session.
We also thought of maintaining our own DB of active sessions but there is no sign-out trigger so we wouldn't know when to remove a session from the DB.
You can use a token authentication system,
Issue a brand new token for each login, and check for available tokens.
if any token is available for the user that means He/She is logged in some other device, for this case you can prompt user that You are logged in other device.. are you sure you want to log out from that device ? and after clicking yes, you can clear all tokens for that user. And issue a brand new token.
AUTO LOGOUT : this token should be passed all over the back-end i.e. in headers of each and every API call token should be there... and should be checked before doing anything in back-end. if token is not available then throw 401. In your app if any API throws 401 then it means user is UNAUTHORIZED and should be logged out.
your app should be listening to one socket that responds to log out when it receives a message of same. so whenever your user logs in, a logout message will be passed across sockets and appropriate device with some token id or unique id will get that message and will log out a particular user from all other devices.
have a notification receiver which will be used to log out whenever necessary same as socket.
Reading the link you provided the API token / session system seems being faulty by design since long time already.
So without an own token-system inside cognito you won't have reliable results probably, at least in the current state of the system (as the repository is archived it won't be developed further by the owner).
What I propose is an own field in the database-table for users where each login is honored with an own token. A second own field in the same table with a timestamp, where the last access is saved.
If last access is older than a predefined time of 30, 60 or 120 minutes any user gets logged out.
If the last access is younger than the time-limit then the login-mask has to provide a random access token which is compared with that in the database:
- if the access-token in the database is too old for an active session, or just no access-token is stored, then access can be granted which means login is successful.
- the comparison of the current time with the time-stamp saved in the database is for cases where users never have been logged out by purpose but just by being disconnected or passive. I think this case will happen regularly, so it's no exception.
- logging out by click on a button should destroy the access-token in the database, so that the user can immediately login from any device, even from another one then before.
- if there exists a valid access-token in the database then no new access will be granted and the user should get shown a message that he has to sign out first at another login.
- The access-token could be stored together with a third own field for the session-id to make it more reliable and safe. On logout that session-token-field can be cleared too. The session-token can be copied from the global session if required to be saved in the user-record.
- Any checks are only done on login, tokens never have to be included on every page.
- On active logout the token(s) have to be destroyed to allow a direct login again, else the users had to wait till the max. age of the time-limit is reached to login again - at least on another device then before.
As the login itself is currently done independent from the check that has to be implemented, it would be possible to leave the new access-token completely away but use only the session-id as that differs on any device and browser. But perhaps there exists a situation where one of session-id and access-token can change but the other one not - I don't think so but perhaps I missed something in my considerations.
If you provide the access-token on every page like proposed by #Jadeep Galani or in a cookie - beside the corresponding check - you also can offer a button to sign out from all devices. This would enable the users to change login any time even without logging out at the last used device. Without access-token on every page or in a cookie this general logout-function solution is not possible as else access is only checked on login but not on all pages.
A general question is if it's still worth it to rely on the buggy cognito for login or just replace it completely by an own solution. You even could implement the desired authentication in your site in form of a wrapper-class and the concrete login-system could be replaced without changing that implementation.
You can use the UUID of the device to identify whether it is the same user. Add a UUID to each request header to record it in the DB, and then you can do what you want.

Is there a way that we can avoid multiple token generations for a single user if he/she try to login on different browsers?

I am using django-rest-framework-jwt in my backend and calling API's from Angular Project.
When user try to login on multiple Browsers, each time a new token is generated for the user on new browser. And every token is valid.
What I want is that when user is already logged in in one browser and he/she tries to login on second different browser the previous token for first browser should be invalidated.
In a simple word, NO, you can't just avoid generating tokens unless you made a little twist in django-rest-framework-jwt module. But that's not pure jwt anymore.
JWT stands for JSON Web Tokens and it's a mechanism for exchanging data between computer systems that happens to be convenient for generating authorization headers that can be used to implement statless auth in web apps.
stateless means that you don't track user tokens, You just verify them. If token is valid and the payload is valid, then OK. It doesn't care how many tokens are generated and it doesn't care that they are related to one user. The token is created based on timestamp and will be verified compared to lifetime and timestamp of it.
It means that django rest jwt module, will create a token based on current timestamp of system, whenever user request for it.
Remember you can't delete a jwt token. Because it's not stored in database. So if your token is spoofed, that's it. You can't do anything with it, unless life cycle of the token ends and token expire.
If you want to track these tokens and be able to control them and for example don't create redundant tokens for a user as you asked:
consider changing to another token based authentication that stores token in database so you could track it.
change jwt system to what is suitable for you (I did it before). For example add a lookup id in database and check tokens by that bounded to each user. I know it's not jwt anymore, But you can still use some goodies of it. Like don't hit database on not valid jwt tokens and store some payload in it, if verified don't hit database for that info. Like permissions and ...

JSON Web Token expiration and remember me functionality

I am starting to work on an authentication system for an angular 2 Single Page Application using django-rest framework as back-end. I'd also like to have some kind of "remember me" functionality that is going to keep users logged in for a certain amount of time.
From what I have read so far, it seems that the best authentication method for this kind of Angular 2 SPA/REST API is using jwt (json web token). For jwt authentication, I looked at the django-rest-framework-jwt (
The problem that I see is that the token needs to have a short life span (few minutes to a few hours...) in order to minimize security issues if the token get stolen. The token now needs to be refreshed frequently to avoid the user from being disconnected while using the application. In this case, a "remember me" functionality is posing problem since the token have a short life span.
I thought about a solution involving a second token that would serve as a refresh token. It would be opaque, have a longer life span and would contain information specific to the user (ip address or something like that) so that if it get stolen, the information specific to the user being different would render this refresh token invalid.
So here are my questions:
1- I would like to know if they are existing solutions addressing this problem. As any security/authentication issues, I prefer to rely on well tested solutions to avoid getting my API compromised.
2- Would the refresh token based on specific user infos be a good idea?
3- Any other ideas how I could implement what I want?
For your situation, you really need a way to store issued tokens.
I always use an OAuth2.0 server setup that manages the auth and returns tokens the OAuth setup uses a database to manage everything so it's easy to manage and revoke tokens.
The database schema would be like this the problem with using just JWT without any management over the issued tokens with long expiration you have that security issue of not being able to revoke easily.
I would advise against including any such thing as a password in the JWT and requiring them to change it what if they use that password everywhere, then they would have to change that everywhere.
Updated from comments
Sessions Authentication use session_id which most the time is stored in a cookie and this is attached to every outgoing request. It is stateful. It is nothing more than a unique identifier that associates a user account that the server has in memory/database. For example, this can course problems when running multiple servers/instances when scaling your infrastructure.
Token Authentication no session is persisted on the server so this means it is stateless. It normally uses the header Authorization: Bearer REPLACE-WITH-TOKEN . This means that this token can be passed to multiple different servers/instances because the authentication is not limited to the server that you initiated the authentication on. This helps with scaling your infrastructure. Tokens can also be passed to other clients.
RESTful API's are stateless so there must not be a session state stored on the server. Instead, it must the handled entirely by the client so that's why token authentication is used.
I had the exact problem when trying to use JWT with an application that needed a lot more than JWT was designed for. OAuth2.0 has a lot more options that I believe are necessary to meet your requirement in the safest manner possible and even features that you may find very useful in the future as your Application may grow and need more features with regards authentication.

Handling expiry/"remember me" functionality with JWT

Conceptually, I really like JWT as it is in line with the statelessness of REST etc (no state saved server-side, all relevant data is contained in the token).
What I am unsure about: how would you handle token expiry when not connected (ie, a "remember me" functionality)?
There's an emerging coverage of JWT on the web, but I couldn't find anyone that answered the expiry question yet.
Clarification: I am not asking how to handle a token soon-to-expire, but what to do when a token has already expired (user closed website/app for a while). The simplest solution that comes to my mind is caching the user's credentials, which is rather insecure.
There isn't a black and white answer to the given problem of how to implement the remember-me functionality theoretical wise. Lots of theoretical arguments are given on why something should not be done, while at the same time there is no clear answer given to the problem as for how it should practically be done.
Remember-me implicitly comes with the problem that you need a longer time window of token expiration, there is just no way around this. The most secure way is to have the user login regularly given brief expiry; nobody practically likes this though, so a tradeoff is made where theoretical secure perfection is weighed against practical measures.
The way this tradeoff works is by patching the imperfections that come with having a long expiry for a token. But make no mistake about it, you will need a jwt / cookie with long expiry (whether you use two tokens, implement some secondary refreshing mechanism or whatever, at the end you run into the same problem)!
Based on articles I've read on how others did it, this is how it's done.
The way I will implement this is by offering a 3-month expiry on a jwt stored in an httpOnly / secure cookie when the user checks remember-me.
On logout just clear the cookie.
Obviously protect using https / CSRF measures on top.
If you don't agree with it, stop fussing and offer an alternative solution - which there clearly isn't from the infinite number of discussions I've read on it.
If there were a straightforward solution to the problem, there probably wouldn't be so many discussions about it in the first place.
You can use a refresh token mechanism, but it only works if you verify the time intervals when the refresh token gets used. For example, depending on the lifetime of the access token, you can govern how often you allow a user to refresh the token. If the intervals show suspicious activity, you should revoke both the tokens for all clients.
The problem revolves around the idea that either access token or refresh token would theoretically be stolen. So merely having a refreshing mechanism without additional security is essentially useless. If you can steal an access token, you can steal a refresh token too.
I am not so sure if I follow but I will write what I think.
Imagine the token as a hotel card, you pay in advance for 5 days (remember me set to expire on 5 days). I can enter the building, garage, room, etc. within those 5 days, after those 5 days, it won't work anymore.
What to do when token has already expired? Nothing at all.
Imagine I pay those 5 days and meh, I had an urgency and I go back home (with the card on the pocket). The hotel doesn't care at all, when the 5 days pass, the card is just an useless piece of plastic and if you try to use it on the hotel, it will do nothing.
So back to web development. If you offer a remember me service, you can put an expiry date to let's say 7 days. As long as the user has the token, he can access the service without any problem. If he loses the token, he needs to login again. If he uses the token and it have expired, he will need to login again too.
If he login, he gets a token for 7 days, if he doesn't use it anymore and after 20 days he comes again, he would need to login again, the server will just decline your petitions until you do so.
What I would do if you use something like angular on the frontend is to check the token validation on startup so you can have a nice user experience.
What I don't understand about your question is de caching thing though.
In addition to #Jesus answer, you can think about implementing a refresh token system:
In the hotel-example, your hotel-card (access-token) would be invalid after time X, but at the reception you can use your passport (refresh-token) to get a new hotel card again.
You could store the refresh token in the database with additional data about the device the user is using, allowing him to disable the device in case it gets stolen.
first correct client login: Create a refresh token which is valid forever (until it gets deleted or invalidated)
store refresh token in database
return access token (JWT) with expiration time to client ( this token gets not stored in database)
for the next request, the client sends the access token
Now Check if the access token is expired:
5.1 Access Token not expired, all okay
5.2 Access Token expired, check if there is a refresh token in database
5.2.1 Refresh Token is in database, return new Access Token
5.2.2 No Refresh Token in database, return 401 / logout, User has to login again
Hope this helps.
You need to persist the JWT on the client so that it’s available across page loads, the most secure strategy is an HTTPS-only cookie. This will send the JWT to your server on every request and the server can check the validity of the token and reject it if it's expired. How you handle the expiration is dependent on the type of web app you have.
For a single-page application (e.g. Angular.js apps) you would want to structure the application so that it makes an initial request of the server before it bootstraps the rest of the application. If the server sees that the JWT in this request is expired it would issue a 401 response. You application would respond to this response by rendering a login form. Otherwise it would continue with the assumption that the JWT is valid and can be used to access the required resources. If, at any time, the app sees a 401 it should bring the user back to the login form.
For traditional web apps that render their pages on the server: for any request that has an expired JWT (as read from the cookie) the server should issue a 302 redirect to a login form.
I think what you are asking is how to invalidate a JWT server side for long expiry tokens (e.g. "remember me" functionality)?
I ran into this issue myself recently and ended up using a unique user secret to invalidate the token, when the user attempts to validate a token that was produced with an old secret it will fail. The username can be found in the decoded JWT pre verification.
You could probably even use the users password salt for this, that way any current JWT's would be invalidated when a user changes their password (assuming you also change the salt at the same time), this may be problematic though as the password hash and JWT's would become tightly coupled
I can think of one way, but it is not really defined the standard.
What about adding another kind of expiration date with different lifespan to the claims? With two claims, we can treat the shorter one of it as the resource access expiration date, and the longer one as the refresh expiration date, e.g.
"iat": /* current time */,
"bbf": /* current time + 1 hour -- expired means no resource access */
"exp": /* current time + 1 week -- expired means cannot refresh */
(Note: I use bbf for the shorter expiration date. No specific reason, just because it has 3 characters in length.)
So with "remember me" checked, when the user reconnects, he can use the same token to request for a new one, but not to access the resource. With this, all relevant data is contained within the token -- no extra token required.
And lastly, when "remember me" not checked, just use the same lifespan for bbf and exp.

offline access. After July 5, will desktop appl. be able to have access to FB data if user, associated with access token, logged out from FB?

The situation is still unclear for me – After July 5th 2012, will desktop application be able to have access to Facebook data if user, associated with access token, logged out from Facebook?
Are talking here about TOTAL deletion of offline access AT ALL or just limitation for offline access by 60 days?
Document - doesn’t give clear answer (IMHO). Quote: “Once the migration setting has been enabled, Desktop applications will automatically get user access_tokens returned that have the longer expiration time. However, there is no way to get a long-lived user access_token without having the user login to your app again.”
As of April 30 I’m able to request access token WITH ‘offline_access’ permission for desktop application (using URL:,read_stream,publish_stream,offline_access
) . And everything work fine. Even if user logged out. In spite of “Remove offline_access permission” was enabled for the application.
Your answers will be very much appreciated.
Just completed a patch to accommodate these changes. At least in my experience, we were working within a web app where renewing the access tokens was as simple as changing everything over to the Javascript SDK and relying on the browser's login state. This seemed a much more logical approach than cross-checking a server-side saved long-expiry access token with every action to see if it was still good.
Essentially, what is going to happen for desktop implementations is the access tokens will be longer-lived by default, but still require the renewal at the end of the sixty day period. You should have logic in your app that will check that validity of the access token with facebook before taking action with it (or just try and fail with a prompt) and then prompt the user to login and revalidate if the access_token has expired. So long as this logic is in place the access tokens that expire will trigger re-validation.
If your app receives short-expiry access tokens...
If you would like to refresh a still valid long-lived access_token, you will have to get a new short-lived user access_token first and then call the same endpoint below. The returned access_token will have a fresh long-lived expiration time, however, the access_token itself may or may not be the same as the previously granted long-lived access_token.
Short-lived access tokens, the kind that only last for a session until logout, are going to need to be converted to the sixty-day, long-expiry access tokens using the endpoint documented in that article. Desktop apps configured to the new setting will receive these kind by default, but these will still need to be regenerated with a new login after 60 days.
I agree that this is a lot clumsier to implement, especially for desktop apps, but it is certainly a lot more secure from facebook's standpoint. If you start to think of the access token as a transient rather than permanent access credential and start changing your logic to check validity via curl or some other http post mechanism, rather than referencing your database, you'll have a much easier time with the adjustment. Don't allow your architecture to assume that the presence of a saved access token guarantees access, and be sure to cross check them over to the facebook endpoints and prompt for re-login where necessary.