How to expose multiple services with TCP using nginx-ingress controller? - amazon-web-services

I have multiple deployments running of RDP application and they all are exposed with ClusterIP service. I have nginx-ingress controller in my k8s cluster and to allow tcp I have added --tcp-services-configmap flag in nginx-ingress controller deployment and also created a configmap for the same that is shown below
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: tcp-services
namespace: ingress-nginx
3389: “demo/rdp-service1:3389”
This will expose “rdp-service1” service. And I have 10 more such services which needed to be exposed on the same port number but if I add more service in the same configmap like this
3389: “demo/rdp-service1:3389”
3389: “demo/rdp-service2:3389”
Then it will remove the previous service data and since here I have also deployed external-dns in k8s, so all the records created by ingress using host: ... will starts pointing to the deployment attached with the newly added service in configmap.
Now my final requirement is as soon as I append the rule for a newly created deployment(RDP application) in the ingress then it starts allowing the TCP connection for that, so is there any way to achieve this. Or is there any other Ingress controller available that can solve such type of use case and can also easily be integrated with external-dns ?
Note:- I am using AWS EKS Cluster and Route53 with external-dns.

Posting this answer as a community wiki to explain some of the topics in the question as well as hopefully point to the solution.
Feel free to expand/edit it.
NGINX Ingress main responsibility is to forward the HTTP/HTTPS traffic. With the addition of the tcp-services/udp-services it can also forward the TCP/UDP traffic to their respective endpoints: Ingress nginx: User guide: Exposing tcp udp services
The main issue is that the Host based routing for Ingress resource in Kubernetes is targeting specifically HTTP/HTTPS traffic and not TCP (RDP).
You could achieve a following scenario:
Ingress controller:
3389 - RDP Deployment #1
3390 - RDP Deployment #2
3391 - RDP Deployment #3
Where there would be no Host based routing. It would be more like port-forwarding.
A side note!
This setup would also depend on the ability of the LoadBalancer to allocate ports (which could be limited due to cloud provider specification)
As for possible solution which could be not so straight-forward I would take a look on following resources: Questions: Nxing TCP forwarding based on hostname Traefik: Routing: Routers: Configuring TCP routers Bolkedebruin: Rdpgw
I'd also check following links: Quickstart: Architecture: Rd gateway - AWS specific Kubernetes ingress controller: 1.2.X: Guides: Using tcpingress
Haproxy: Documentation: Aloha: 12-0: Deployment guides: Remote desktop: RDP gateway Documentation: Aloha: 10-5: Deployment guides: Remote desktop Blog: Microsoft remote desktop services rds load balancing and protection

Actually, I really don't know why you are using that configmap.
In my knowledge, nginx-ingress-controller is routing traffic coming in the same port and routing based on host. So if you want to expose your applications on the same port, try using this:
kind: Ingress
name: {{ .Chart.Name }}-ingress
namespace: your-namespace
annotations: nginx
- host: your-hostname
- pathType: Prefix
path: "/"
serviceName: {{ .Chart.Name }}-service
servicePort: {{ .Values.service.nodeport.port }}
Looking in your requirement, I feel that you need a LoadBalancer rather than Ingress


AWS Ingress for socket application

I have multiple microservices deployed on aws eks. one the microservices has external http access configured with my ingress file as below:
kind: Ingress
name: cc-ingress
annotations: internet-facing ip
ingressClassName: alb
- http:
- path: /api
pathType: Prefix
name: microservice-name
number: 3001
I want to deploy another microservice which interacts with socket protocol and in my local environment I call the service with postman like below:
so I need to deploy this microservice in aws and provide external access for it. I would be appreciated if anyone could help me.
Thanks for any comments or guides.
web socket works on top of https protocol, by adding an upgrade:connection header to the request. So, you don't have to rewrite the ingress specifically for web sockets. Just make sure you have https ports opened and the app is listening to it.

Exposing a service on EKS using NGINX ingress and issues with load balancer

I am trying to set up a service and expose it externally on EKS. I have already done it on GKE pretty easily but now AWS is giving me a hard time.
My NGINX yaml looks something like that:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: myapp-ingress
annotations: "nginx" "letsencrypt-prod"
- hosts:
secretName: myapp-tls
- host:
- path: /
serviceName: myapp-service
servicePort: 80
And then I have my domain on Google Domains pointing at the ingress external address. There is also a cert-manager service running in order to support HTTPS.
However, while basically the same setup worked completely out of the box on GKE, EKS gives me a hard time.
From what I understand it has something to do with EKS default LoadBalancer being layer 4 in comparison to Google's layer 7 (Which explains HTTPS not working) but there is also issues with redirections of the domain as it just resolves as the ingress address instead of my desired address and thus my app doesn't show up.
The domain is registered over Google Domains and I'm creating Synthetic Records (for my subdomain) that points to my ingress external address on EKS. The same scheme works perfectly fine on GKE but here it resolves the address as the ingress address instead of my domain which results in 404 on the ingress side.
I was wondering if someone could please point me to how to properly set it up? Should I give up on nginx ingress on EKS and move onto ALB? and how to properly associate the domain?
Thank you very much in advance!
output of kubectl describe ingress myapp-ingress:
Name: myapp-ingress
Namespace: default
Address: ********************************-****************
Default backend: default-http-backend:80 (<error: endpoints "default-http-backend" not found>)
myapp-tls terminates
Host Path Backends
---- ---- --------
/ myapp-service:80 (
Annotations: myapp-letsencrypt-prod nginx
Events: <none>
Should I give up on nginx ingress on EKS and move onto ALB
No. NGinX ingress controllers work perfectly well on EKS. It is possible to configure them as either layer 4 or layer 7; we use it in layer 7 mode.
Can you update your question with the output of
kubectl get ingress myapp-ingress
I think your ingress path is also incorrect. Unless I'm mistaken that's just routing the root of your app, not all uris. We use the scheme
- host: service.d.tld
- path: /?(.*) # <---
serviceName: my-service
servicePort: http
Are you seeing errors in the nginx ingress controller's logs? That + kubectl events are both useful for debugging purposes.
I'd disable TLS everywhere and get your service working on http, then work stepwise on getting TLS enabled on the ingress controller.
Edit: Based on your response above,
curl -H "Host:" http://<elb-address>:80
SHOULD call through to your service behind the ingress.
How is defined? Is it a CNAME to the dns entry?

What is the purpose of a VirtualService when defining an wildcard ServiceEntry in Istio?

The Istio documentation gives an example of configuring egress using a wildcard ServiceEntry here.
kind: ServiceEntry
name: wikipedia
- "*"
- number: 443
name: tls
protocol: TLS
kind: VirtualService
name: wikipedia
- "*"
- match:
- port: 443
- "*"
- destination:
host: "*"
number: 443
What benefit/difference does the VirtualService give? If I remove the VirtualService nothing seems to be affected. I am using Istio 1.6.0
The VirtualService is not really doing anything, but if you take a look at this or this istio docs.
creating a VirtualService with a default route for every service, right from the start, is generally considered a best practice in Istio.
Virtual services play a key role in making Istio’s traffic management flexible and powerful. They do this by strongly decoupling where clients send their requests from the destination workloads that actually implement them. Virtual services also provide a rich way of specifying different traffic routing rules for sending traffic to those workloads.
Service Entry adds those wikipedia sites as an entry to istio internal service registry, so auto-discovered services in the mesh can route to these manually specified services.
Usually that's used to allow monitoring and other Istio features of external services from the start, when the Virtual Service would allow the proper routing of request.
Take a look at this istio documentation.
Service Entry makes sure your mesh knows about the service and can monitor it.
Using Istio ServiceEntry configurations, you can access any publicly accessible service from within your Istio cluster.
Virtual Service manage traffic to external services and controls traffic which go to the service, which in this case is all of it.
I would say the benefit is that, you can use istio routing rules, which can also be set for external services that are accessed using Service Entry configurations. In this example, you set a timeout rule on calls to the service.

My kubernetes AWS NLB integration is not working

I am trying to deploy a service in Kubernetes available through a network load balancer. I am aware this is an alpha feature at the moment, but I am running some tests. I have a deployment definition that is working fine as is. My service definition without the nlb annotation looks something like this and is working fine:
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: service1
annotations: http
type: LoadBalancer
app: some-app
- port: 80
protocol: TCP
However, when I switch to NLB, even when the load balancer is created and configured "correctly", the target in the AWS target group always appears unhealthy and I cannot access the service via HTTP. This is the service definition:
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: service1
annotations: http "nlb"
type: LoadBalancer
app: some-app
- port: 80
protocol: TCP
externalTrafficPolicy: Local
It seems there was a rule missing in the k8s nodes security group, since the NLB forwards the client IP.
I don't think NLB is the problem.
externalTrafficPolicy: Local
is not supported by kops on AWS, and there are issues with some other K8s distros that run on AWS, due to some AWS limitation.
Try changing it to
externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
There's an issue with the source IP being that of the load balancer instead of the true external client that can be worked around by using proxy protocol annotation on the service + adding some configuration to the ingress controller.
However, there is a 2nd issue that while you can technically hack your way around it and force it to work, it's usually not worth bothering.
externalTrafficPolicy: Local
Creates a NodePort /healthz endpoint so the LB sends traffic to a subset of nodes with service endpoints instead of all worker nodes. It's broken on initial provisioning and the reconciliation loop is broken as well.
^describes the problem in more depth.
^describes a workaround to force it to work using a kops hook
but honestly, you should just stick to
externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster as it's always more stable.
There was a bug in the NLB security groups implementation. It's fixed in 1.11.7, 1.12.5, and probably the next 1.13 patch.

How to define external ip for kubernetes ingress

I have question about kubernetes ingress.
I want to use ingress with my Amazon account and/or private cloud and want to assign external IP.
It is possible to assign external ip for services :
Services documentation - chapter external IP
but cannot find a way to do that for Ingress : Ingress documentation.
My question is direct especially to Kubernetes team.
Similar question was asked by Simon in this topic : How to force SSL for Kubernetes Ingress on GKE 2
but he asked about GKE while I am interested in private cloud, AWS.
Thank you in advance.
Guys found that my question may was answered already in this topic.
Actually answer that #anigosa put there is specific for GCloud.
His solution won't work in private cloud neither in AWS cloud. In my opinion the reason for that is that he use type: LoadBalancer (which cannot be used in private cloud) and use loadBalancerIP property which will works only on GCloud(for AWS it cause error : "Failed to create load balancer for service default/nginx-ingress-svc: LoadBalancerIP cannot be specified for AWS ELB
Looking at this issue, it seems you can define annotation on your service and map it to existing elastic ip.
Something like that:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-service
annotations: <>
type: LoadBalancer
app: MyApp
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 9376
Please note this will create ELB for this service, not ingress.
As an ingress is simply one service (=ELB) handling requests for many other services, it should be possible to do something similar for ingress, but I couldn't find any docs for it.
There are two main ways you can do this. One is using a static IP annotation as shown in Omer's answer (which is cloud specific, and normally relies on the external IP being setup beforehand), the other is using an ingress controller (which is generally cloud agnostic).
The ingress controller will obtain an external IP on its service and then pass that to your ingress which will then use that IP as its own.
Traffic will then come into the cluster via the controller's service and the controller will route to your ingress.
Here's an example of the ingress:
kind: Ingress
name: my-ingress
annotations: my-ingress-class
- hosts:
- host:
- backend:
serviceName: backend-service
servicePort: 8080
The line my-ingress-class
Tells the cluster we want only an ingress controller that handles this "class" of ingress traffic -- you can have multiple ingress controllers in the cluster, each declaring they are handling a different class of ingress traffic so when you install the ingress controller, you also need to declare which ingress class you want it to handle.
Caveat: If you do not declare the ingress class on an ingress resource, ALL the ingress controllers in the cluster will attempt to route traffic to the ingres
Now if you want an external IP that is private, you can do that via the controller. For AWS and GCP you have annotations that tell the cloud provider you want an IP that is internal only by adding a specific annotation to the loadbalancer of the ingress controller
For AWS: "internal"
For GCP: "Internal"
or (< Kubernetes 1.17) "Internal"
Your ingress will inherit the IP obtained by the ingress controller's loadbalancer