Sidekiq Upstart on AmazonLinux 2018.03 - amazon-web-services

My goal is to add the sidekiq service to upstart on AmazonLinux 2018.03.
Since I want to upgrade sidekiq to version 6, There are needs to manage the process by OS like upstart.
I put a file to /etc/init/sidekiq.conf from here.
After that, initctl list | grep sidekiq command shows nothing, so I tried sudo initctl reload-configuration, but nothing changed.
status sidekiq command shows status: Unknown job: sidekiq.
What else do I need to do to add the sidekiq service to upstart?


How to run Procfile on EC2 instance for rails application?

I want to run Procfile on EC2 instace.
Procfile content
worker: bundle exec sidekiq -e production
On local it is working, I used Foreman and below commands on local system
foreman start -f Procfile
foreman start
But for EC2 I have no idea, tried with foreman on EC2 but after running start command it stuck.
Main purpose is to auto start sidekiq on EC2 instance with load balancer any other suggestions are also welcome.
Currently I have to start sidekiq manually after Auto-scaling in AWS.
sidekiq start command is written in launch-configuration script(user data) All other script commands are working except to start sidekiq
Any help would be appreciated.

Cron job openshift error

I have a rails 4 openshift application. I am trying to run a cron job. The script runs completely fine when I run it by itself. The script is:
/bin/bash -l -c 'cd $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR && bundle exec bin/rails runner -e production "Payment.charge_customers_pay_experts"'
The problem is the log file gives me the following error
Wed Feb 3 22:57:05 EST 2016: START minutely cron run
Warning: You're using Rubygems 2.0.14 with Spring. Upgrade to at least Rubygems 2.1.0 and run `gem pristine --all` for better startup performance.
/var/lib/openshift/56a438107628e18b30000111/app-root/runtime/repo/vendor/bundle/ruby/gems/spring-1.6.2/lib/spring/sid.rb:39:in `getpgid': Permission denied (Errno::EACCES)
from /var/lib/openshift/56a438107628e18b30000111/app-root/runtime/repo/vendor/bundle/ruby/gems/spring-1.6.2/lib/spring/sid.rb:39:in `pgid'
from /var/lib/openshift/56a438107628e18b30000111/app-root/runtime/repo/vendor/bundle/ruby/gems/spring-1.6.2/lib/spring/server.rb:78:in `set_pgid'
from /var/lib/openshift/56a438107628e18b30000111/app-root/runtime/repo/vendor/bundle/ruby/gems/spring-1.6.2/lib/spring/server.rb:34:in `boot'
from /var/lib/openshift/56a438107628e18b30000111/app-root/runtime/repo/vendor/bundle/ruby/gems/spring-1.6.2/lib/spring/server.rb:14:in `boot'
from -e:1:in `<main>'
Wed Feb 3 22:57:06 EST 2016: END minutely cron run - status=0
I have made sure the script was executable. I'm not sure if I am missing something. Does anyone have any thoughts?
I don't know that the script being executable necessarily has anything to do with this. It looks like a permissions error more than anything. Does the system user that runs the cron job have the correct permissions to run? You can test this by logging into that user (or sudo su - <user>) and then execute the command in the script manually.
/bin/bash -l -c 'cd $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR && bundle exec bin/rails runner -e production "Payment.charge_customers_pay_experts"'
Be sure to replace your $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR variable with the correct path to your OpenShift repo directory.
You may just need to either add the user your cronjob runs as to the group that has permissions over the files, or perhaps run the cronjob as a more privileged user (privileged in that it has permissions over the required files).
BTW, I could only post this as an answer as Stack Overflow is telling me I need 50 reputation points to comment.
I fixed this by commenting out the 'spring' gem in my gemfile. But apparently this is a known issue.
There is a workaround for the time being until this issue is resolved. You can edit the /usr/libexec/openshift/cartridges/cron/bin/ to add setsid in front of timeout so that it runs setsid timeout ... as this allows for the timeout command to actually change the sid.

Sidekiq - job stuck in enqueued

I have a rails 4 app. I'm using paperclip and delayed_paperclip with sidekiq. The background job is being picked up by sidekiq but it just hangs forever in the Enqueued queue.
This is what I see on sidekiq:
{"job_class"=>"DelayedPaperclip::Jobs::ActiveJob", "job_id"=>"946856ca-c90e-4bb4-9f41-1f1e59269acb", "queue_name"=>"paperclip", "arguments"=>["User", 109, "avatar"]}
In my User model I have:
process_in_background :avatar
worker: bundle exec sidekiq
I have read all related issues to this question and still couldn't figure out the issue. Thoughts anyone?
You've enqueued the job to the paperclip queue but you have not configured Sidekiq to pull jobs from that queue:
bundle exec sidekiq -q default -q paperclip

Sidekiq logging to both terminal and log file

I'm using Sidekiq to queue up some jobs in my Rails server. As per the Logging wiki, it's as simple as adding the following in config/sidekiq.yml
:verbose: false
:pidfile: ./tmp/pids/
:logfile: ./log/sidekiq.log
:concurrency: 25
However, now this only logs to that log file, what if I do want to write out to STDOUT as well (atleast in development)?
Get rid of the logfile statement.
bundle exec sidekiq | tee ./log/sidekiq.log

Puma - Rails on linux // Restart when process dies

Using puma on a rails app; it sometimes dies without any articular reason; also often dies (does not restart after being stopped) when deployed
What would be a good way to monitor if the process died, and restart it right way ?
Being called within a rails app; I'd be useful to have a way to defines it for any apps.
I did not found any useable ways to do it (looked into systemd, other linux daemons… no success)
Thanks if any feedback
You can use puma control to start/stop puma server. If you know where file placed (for Mac it's usually "#{Dir.pwd}/tmp/pids/") you could do:
bundle exec pumactl -P path/ stop
To set pid file path or to other options (like daemonizing) you could create puma config. You can found an example here. And then start and stop server just with config file:
bundle exec pumactl -F config/puma.rb start
You can also restart and check status in this way:
bundle exec pumactl -F config/puma.rb restart
bundle exec pumactl -F config/puma.rb status