List all LogGroups using cdk - amazon-web-services

I am quite new to the CDK, but I'm adding a LogQueryWidget to my CloudWatch Dashboard through the CDK, and I need a way to add all LogGroups ending with a suffix to the query.
Is there a way to either loop through all existing LogGroups and finding the ones with the correct suffix, or a way to search through LogGroups.
const queryWidget = new LogQueryWidget({
title: "Error Rate",
logGroupNames: ['/aws/lambda/someLogGroup'],
view: LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE,
queryLines: [
'fields #message',
'filter #message like /(?i)error/'
Is there anyway I can add it so logGroupNames contains all LogGroups that end with a specific suffix?

You cannot do that dynamically (i.e. you can't make this work such that if you add a new LogGroup, the query automatically adjusts), without using something like AWS lambda that periodically updates your Log Query.
However, because CDK is just a code, there is nothing stopping you from making an AWS SDK API call inside the code to retrieve all the log groups (See and then populate logGroupNames accordingly.
That way, when CDK compiles, it will make an API call to fetch LogGroups and then generated CloudFormation will contain the log groups you need. Note that this list will only be updated when you re-synthesize and re-deploy your stack.
Finally, note that there is a limit on how many Log Groups you can query with Log Insights (20 according to

If you want to achieve this, you can create a custom resource using AwsCustomResource and AwsSdkCall classes to do the AWS SDK API call (as mentioned by #Tofig above) as part of the deployment. You can read data from the API call response as well and act on it as you want.


Return all items or a single item from DynamoDB from AWS API Gateway endpoint

I am using AWS proxy with AWS API Gateway to interact with a DynamoDB table. I have an API resource, under which I have a GET method with the below configuration:
The API uses the Scan action as seen above to fetch all the items from the DynamoDB table. I also have the following request integration mapping template;
"TableName": tableName
Its really simple. But my problem is that I would like to add another GET method to get each item by their id, which will be supplied in the URL as a param. However, since I have already setup one GET method, I am not able to setup another to fetch only a single item. I am aware I can use mapping templates and Scan as given in the docs to conditionally fetch items if a param is given, but that would mean scanning the entire table, which is a waste each time I want to fetch a single item.
Is there any other way to do this?

AWS Personalize: Dumping User-item interaction Dataset Created By PutEvent

Following AWS Personalize documents, I successfully imported my datasets (User, Item, Interaction) from S3, created an EventTrcker, trained the model, and deployed the campaign. The solution works without any issue and I get the recommendations.
I rely on Putevent to add new user-item interaction events. I also dump those interaction events using Lambda+firehose in my s3. But I am wondering if AWS Personalize internally creates/augments the original user-item interaction dataset? How I can access and download the revised version of the dataset? I cannot see any new dataset in "Dataset groups > Datasets" rather than my original 3 datasets...
I prefer to dump it regularly from AWS Personalize to my S3 storage rather than using my own Lambda+Firehose solution.
This is the output of my Putevent call. I see 200...but not sure it works fine or not...should I see any new dataset in "Dataset groups > Datasets" created by putevents?
"ResponseMetadata": {
"RequestId": "a6c96496-cbd6-4ad8-9183-371d1794cbd8",
"HTTPStatusCode": 200,
"HTTPHeaders": {
"content-type": "application/json",
"date": "Mon, 04 Jan 2021 18:04:28 GMT",
"x-amzn-requestid": "a6c96496-cbd6-4ad8-9183-371d1794cbd8",
"content-length": "0",
"connection": "keep-alive"
"RetryAttempts": 0
Update: Now it's possible
AWS documentation:
You can use this AWS CLI command for exporting only interactions, that were added but PutEvents/PutUsers/PutItems API calls:
aws personalize create-dataset-export-job \
--job-name job name \
--dataset-arn dataset ARN \
--job-output "{\"s3DataDestination\":{\"kmsKeyArn\":\"kms key ARN\",\"path\":\"s3://bucket-name/folder-name/\"}}" \
--role-arn role ARN \
--ingestion-mode PUT
In that case --ingestion-mode PUT will make sure, that:
Specify PUT to export only data that you imported incrementally using the console or the PutEvents, PutUsers, or PutItems operations.
So I believe it covers your use case.
No, it's not possible
It's simply impossible right now to export this data.
There is no API to retrieve a dump of your Interactions dataset in Personalize.
I believe Lambda + Firehose workaround for this is correct approach.
But how to test, if PutEvents works?
To make sure, that Interactions added through PutEvents, you can make use of Filters feature:
Pretty much create a new Filter, with similar expression:
EXCLUDE ItemID WHERE Interactions.EVENT_TYPE IN ("your_event_type_name")
Which will exclude from recommendations any item, that user previously interacted with.
Then you can test, if events added through PutEvents API are recognized correctly:
Create Filter expression as described above.
Create any campaign for simple recommendations (User-Personalization recipe).
Connect the filter to campaign.
Get recommendations for any user and save them somewhere.
Call PutEvents API with any of the recommended items, that was returned in 4 and user id from 4.
Again get recommendations for the same user as in 4.
If the item, that you did added with PutEvents call is no longer recommended, then you have a proof, that events added through PutEvents call are correctly added to Interactions dataset.
What if PutEvents call doesn't affect recommendations in that case?
Then simply you are providing incorrect values in API call. Personalize might return 200 response, even if event provided was invalid.
To fix that, try:
Make sure date is in correct format. Personalize might ignore events with very old timestamps, if there are much more newer events (it's possible to configure it in Solution config).
Check if you are not passing any strange values like "null" or "undefined" for sessionId, userId, trackingId in PutEvents params. It might cause ignoring the event by Personalize (
Make sure, you are passing correct eventType value (should match eventType in Solution and Filter).
If it still doesn't work, raise a support ticket to AWS with an example PutEvents API call params.
Are there any simpler solutions?
Well, maybe there are, but in our project we use this approach and it also tests, if filtering feature is working correctly. You will probably make use of Filtering anyways in the future, so I believe it's good enough method.

Get all items in DynamoDB with API Gateway's Mapping Template

Is there a simple way to retrieve all items from a DynamoDB table using a mapping template in an API Gateway endpoint? I usually use a lambda to process the data before returning it but this is such a simple task that a Lambda seems like an overkill.
I have a table that contains data with the following format:
roleAttributeName roleHierarchyLevel roleIsActive roleName
"admin" 99 true "Admin"
"director" 90 true "Director"
"areaManager" 80 false "Area Manager"
I'm happy with getting the data, doesn't matter the representation as I can later transform it further down in my code.
I've been looking around but all tutorials explain how to get specific bits of data through queries and params like roles/{roleAttributeName} but I just want to hit roles/ and get all items.
All you need to do is
create a resource (without curly braces since we dont need a particular item)
create a get method
use Scan instead of Query in Action while configuring the integration request.
Configurations as follows :
enter image description here
now try should get the response.
to try it out on postman deploy the api first and then use the provided link into postman followed by your resource name.
API Gateway allows you to Proxy DynamoDB as a service. Here you have an interesting tutorial on how to do it (you can ignore the part related to index to make it work).
To retrieve all the items from a table, you can use Scan as the action in API Gateway. Keep in mind that DynamoDB limits the query sizes to 1MB either for Scan and Query actions.
You can also limit your own query before it is automatically done by using the Limit parameter.
AWS DynamoDB Scan Reference

AWS-CDK - DynamoDB Initial Data

Using the AWS CDK for a Serverless project but I've hit a sticking point. My project deploys a DynamoDB table which I need to populate with data prior to my Lambda function executing.
The data that needs to be loaded is generated by making API calls and isn't static data that can be loaded by a .json file or something simple.
Any ideas on how to approach this requirement for a production workload?
You can use AwsCustomResource in order to make a PutItem call to the table.
AwsSdkCall initializeData = AwsSdkCall.builder()
.physicalResourceId(PhysicalResourceId.of(tableName + "_initialization"))
Map.entry("TableName", tableName),
Map.entry("Item", Map.ofEntries(
Map.entry("id", Map.of("S", "0")),
Map.entry("data", Map.of("S", data))
Map.entry("ConditionExpression", "attribute_not_exists(id)")
AwsCustomResource tableInitializationResource = AwsCustomResource.Builder.create(this, "TableInitializationResource")
The PutItem operation will be triggered if the stack is created or if table is updated (tableName is supposed to be different in that case). If it doesn't work for some reason, you can set physicalResourceId to random value, i.e. UUID, to trigger the operation for each stack update (the operation is idempotent due to ConditionExpression)
CustomResource allows you to write custom provisioning logic. In this case you could use something like a AWS Lambda Function in a Custom Resource to read in the custom json and update DynamoDb.

AWS Amplify filter for #searchable annotation

Currently I am using a DynamoDB instance for my social media application. While designing the schema I sticked to the "one table" rule. So I am putting every data in the same table like posts, users, comments etc. Now I want to make flexible queries for my data. Here I found out that I could use the #searchable annotation to create an Elastic Search instance for a table which is annotated with #model
In my GraphQL schema I only have one #model, since I only have one table. My problem now is that I don't want to make everything in the table searchable, since that would be most likely very expensive. There are some data which don't have to be added to the Elastic Search instance (For example comment related data). How could I handle it ? Do I really have to split my schema down into multiple tables to be able to manage the #searchable annotation ? Couldn't I decide If the row should be stored to the Elastic Search with help of the Partitionkey / Primarykey, acting like a filter ?
The current implementation of the amplify-cli uses a predefined python Lambda that are added once we add the #searchable directive to one of our models.
The Lambda code can not be edited and currently, there is no option to define a custom Lambda, you read about it
If you want a custom Lambda where you can filter what goes to the Elasticsearch Instance, you can follow the steps described here
The closest you can get is by creating a template in amplify\backend\api\myapiname\stacks\ where you can manage all the resources related to Elasticsearch. A good start point is to
Add #searchable to one of your model in the schema.grapql
Run amplify api gql-compile
Copy the generated template in the build folder, \amplify\backend\api\myapiname\build\stacks\SearchableStack.json to amplify\backend\api\myapiname\stacks\
Remove the #searchable directive from the model added in step 1
Start editing your new template copied in step 3
Add a Lambda and use it in the template as the resolver for the DynamoDB Stream
Using this approach will give you total control of the resources related to the Elasticsearch service, but, will also require to do it all by your own.
Or, just go by creating a table for each model.
Hope it helps
It is now possible to override the generated streaming function code as well.
thanks to the AWS Support for the information provided
leaved a message on the related github issue as well
All you need is to run
amplify override api
edit the corresponding overrode.ts
change the code with the resources.opensearch.OpenSearchStreamingLambdaFunction.code
resources.opensearch.OpenSearchStreamingLambdaFunction.functionName = 'python_streaming_function';
resources.opensearch.OpenSearchStreamingLambdaFunction.handler = 'index.lambda_handler';
resources.opensearch.OpenSearchStreamingLambdaFunction.code = {
zipFile: `
# python streaming function customized code goes here
[2]AWS::Lambda::Function Code - Properties -