REGEX string extraction between underscore and file extension - regex

I have a series of string like the following one:
from which I would like to extract the string '312' i.e. everything between the 3rd underscore and the file extension'.tif' string.
I'm trying using this website
inserting this regular expression: (\d{3})(\.tif$)
but I'm not getting what I would like to have.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

To get the last 3 digits after an underscore with extension .tif you can also use lookarounds asserting _ to the left, and .tif to the right at the end of the string.
Regex demo

Assuming what you want to capture would always be the last underscore-separated term in your file name, you could use:


Regex to MATCH number string (with optional text) in a sentence

I am trying to write a regex that matches only strings like this:
These strings are embedded in sentences and sometimes there are 2 potential matches in the sentence like this:
In section 10-123 which references section 122-311(a) there is a phone number 456-234-2222
I do not want to match the phone. Here is my current working regex
see DEMO
I've been looking on Stack and have not found anything yet. Any help would be appreciated. Will be using this in a google sheet and potentially postgres.
Based on regex, suggested by #Wiktor Stribiżew:
=REGEXEXTRACT(A1,REPT("\b(\d{2,3}-\d{2,3}\b(?:\([A-Za-z0-9]\))*)(?:[^-]|$)(?:.*)",LEN(REGEXREPLACE(REGEXREPLACE(A1,"\b(\d{2,3}-\d{2,3}\b(?:\([A-Za-z0-9]\))*)(?:[^-]|$)", char (9)),"[^"&char(9)&"]",""))))
The formula will return all matches.
In 22-311(a)(1)(d)(4) section 10-123 which ... 122-311(a) ... number 456-234-2222
22-311(a)(1)(d)(4) 10-123 122-311(a)
To extract all matches from a string, use this pattern:
REPT(basic_regex & "(?:.*)",
LEN(REGEXREPLACE(REGEXREPLACE(A1,basic_regex, char (9)),"[^"&char(9)&"]",""))))
The tail of a function:
LEN(REGEXREPLACE(REGEXREPLACE(A1,basic_regex, char (9)),"[^"&char(9)&"]","")))
is just for finding number 3 -- how many entries of a pattern in a string.
To not match the phone number you have to indicate that the match must neither be preceded nor followed by \d or -. Google spreadsheet uses RE2 which does not support look around assertion (see the list of supported feature) so as far as I can tell, the only solution is to add a character before and after the match, or the string boundary:
(?:^|[^-\d]) means either the start of a line (^) or a character that is not - or \d (you might want to change that, and forbid all letters as well). $ is the end of a line. ^ and $ only do what you want with the /m flag though
As you can see here this finds the correct strings, but with additional spaces around some of the matches.

With a regular expression, how can I get the file's name?

I've got this file here:
With the regular expression, I want this part: FW_A_enviar_correio_electronico_Imagem_(384).jpg-1-52FFN8.msg
I'm using the following regex:
However, I get .jpg-1-52FFN8.msg instead of what I want.
However if the file name was without the dot before the jpg, I would get FW_A_enviar_correio_electronico_Imagem_(384)jpg-1-52FFN8.msg instead.
Basically, I want the filename with the extension.
Just try with following regex:
It will match all characters from the end to the first occurence of \.
You can use the following regex and refer the first capturing group which is (.*):
Match all things which is not followed by \

How to match either a subset (preferred), or the whole line in a regex?

I have a string that looks something like this:
"Element 1 | Element 2| Element 3: element 4"
I want to substring the portion of the source string that follows the colon (to the end of the source string), but if there is no colon, then I want to grab the whole string.
What I've tried so far are variations around this:
However, while they'll match if either the colon is present or not, they don't prefer the substring when the colon is found.
I've been playing with this on
Ultimately, this will be used in a CMDB tool for matching CIs - so a general solution would be ideal, rather than language- or engine-specific.
You can use the following:
if there is no colon, then I want to grab the whole string
This if condition can be specified using a negitive character class of colon
You can use:
RegEx Demo

REGEXP to grab all text before second underscore, including second underscore

So I have strings that come across like this:
The text before the first underscore can be any combo of Letters or Numbers.
The text before the second underscore can also be any combo of letters or numbers.
I want to be able to grab the whole string before the 2nd underscore, including the second underscore.
I have come up with this for now:
It works for the first one, and finds:
But for the other two it stops at a number that it finds:
I need this to work in REGEXP because this is being included in a spreadsheet for grabbing data.
How can I adjust it so that it works with numbers and would have a result of:
Here is a quick tester for anyone that can help:
You can use this regex for this:
Online Demo:
You can use this :
You can use this regex:

Regex to match _ or end of string

I'm working with MATLAB's regexp() and I'm trying to find a regular expression that would match only file names containing Cyto but not CytoBlue. My problem is that the file names look either like Texture_Variance_Cyto_4_90 and Texture_Variance_CytoBlue_4_90, or HIST_9BinsHistBin7_Cyto and HIST_9BinsHistBin7_CytoBlue.
If I just try to match Cyto, I also capture all the files containing CytoBlue. If I try to match Cyto_, I miss the file names where Cyto is the last element. I guess I'd need something that says "match either _ or the end of the string". I tried Cyto[_\Z] but that does not work, I again miss all the elements that ends with Cyto.
This matches Cyto, followed by ("(?=...)") the end of the string ("$") or _. Note that the underscore is not returned as part of the match.
use this regex: Cyto(_.*?(?= ))?\b
MATLAB supports positive and negative lookaheads, so this this should work:
...meaning "Cyto" not followed by "Blue".