How to resize a dynamically allocated array inside a class? - c++

I have a private array inside a class, allocated dynamically. As I insert more and more items, I need to resize the array at some point. The question is how to do that correctly? The code below ends in an error: munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer while inserting a third item.
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
template<typename T>
class Set
T * array;
size_t arraySize;
unsigned int itemCount;
Set() {
arraySize = 1;
itemCount = 0;
array = new T[arraySize];
bool Insert(const T item) {
if (itemCount == arraySize) {
T * tmpArray = new T[arraySize * 2];
memcpy(tmpArray, array, arraySize * sizeof(T));
arraySize *= 2;
delete [] array;
array = tmpArray;
array[itemCount] = item;
return true;
int main ()
Set<string> x0;
assert( x0 . Insert( "apple" ) );
assert( x0 . Insert( "orange" ) );
assert( x0 . Insert( "pineapple" ) );
return 0;
I know I could use for example a vector to don't care about the allocation, but I would like to know how to do that properly this way.
Please forgive, if the question is somehow inappropriate. It is my first time questioning

What the commenters said, plus the fact that you can replace your memcpy with a call to std::copy to get the correct behaviour:
std::copy (array, array + arraySize, tmpArray);
Don't forget to #include <algorithm>.


My vector works sometimes and othertimes it doesn't

I'm trying to make my own vector, but i've got the following problem: When I push_back 100 times there's no problem. When I push_back 1000 the program does not work
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
struct Exception {
static const char* out_of_range;
const char* Exception::out_of_range = "[Error]: Out of range";
template < typename T >
struct vector {
typedef T myType;
vector() {
m_vector = (myType*) malloc ( sizeof( myType ) );
m_position = 0;
template < typename ... Ts >
vector(myType head, Ts ... tail) {
m_position = 0;
m_vector = (myType*) malloc( (sizeof ...( tail ) + 1) * sizeof( myType ) );
~vector() {
m_vector = NULL;
void push_back( myType value ) {
m_vector[ m_position ] = value;
m_vector = (myType*) realloc(m_vector, m_position * sizeof(myType));
void pop_back() {
m_vector = (myType*)realloc( m_vector, m_position * sizeof (myType) );
myType at( size_t pos ) {
try {
if (pos < m_position)
return m_vector[ pos ];
else throw Exception::out_of_range;
} catch (const char* e) {
printf("%s", e);
return (myType){};
inline myType& front() { return *m_vector; }
inline myType& back() { return *(m_vector + size() -1); }
inline myType* data() { return m_vector; }
inline myType* begin() { return m_vector; }
inline myType* end() { return (m_vector + size()); }
inline myType operator[](size_t pos) { return m_vector[ pos ]; }
inline size_t size() { return m_position; }
inline bool empty () { return (begin() == end()? true:false); }
myType* m_vector;
size_t m_position;
Here is my main that use push_back by 100 times:
int main() {
vector<int> v;
for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) v.push_back(i);
for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) std::cout << v[i];
And here the hunted code ahah:
int main() {
vector<int> v;
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) v.push_back(i);
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) std::cout << v[i];
With "doesn't work" I'm trying to say that when I have 100 values inserted by push_back the program show me all the values from 0 to 99... but when I've got 1000 values (I don't know why) the program show only a black screen and nothing more
Consider the first call of
void push_back(myType value) {
m_vector[m_position] = value; // Store into 0
++m_position; // set `m_position` to 1
m_vector = (myType*)realloc(m_vector, m_position * sizeof(myType)); // Allocate more space.
How much more space is allocated on that last line? m_position * sizeof(myType). This resolves to 1 * sizeof(myType). Enough space for 1 myType. In other words the same amount of space the program already had. This is not useful.
Let's look at the next push_back
void push_back(myType value) {
m_vector[m_position] = value; // Store into 1. There is no 1. Program now broken
++m_position; // set `m_position` to 2
m_vector = (myType*)realloc(m_vector, m_position * sizeof(myType)); // Allocate more space.
The next push_back writes into invalid storage. Program now officially broken and no further point debugging.
How do we fix this?
Let's ignore the fact that malloc and family don't handle complex data structures and vector does not observe the Rules of Three and Five. Those are best handled in other questions. How do we fix this with realloc?
m_vector = (myType*) realloc(m_vector, (m_position +1) * sizeof(myType));
smooths over the immediate rough spot. But this is inefficient as hell. Every addition triggers a realloc. This really, really hurts performance. Aggregate O(1) goes right out the window replaced by O(n), copy every time, plus a potentially very expensive memory allocation.1
Worse, what happens when you remove an item? You lose track of how much was in the vector and may find yourself reallocing smaller buffers. Yuck.
To do this right, first add a m_capacity member to track how much data can be stored so that we don't have to reallocate if the amount needed is less than the amount required.
Then we test for amount of space and possibly reallocate before trying to store.
void push_back( myType value ) {
if (m_position >= m_capacity)
{ // need to reallocate
m_capacity *= 2;
myType * temp = (myType*) realloc(m_vector, m_capacity *sizeof(myType));
// ask for more than is needed. Reduce number of reallocations needed
// do not overwrite m_vector. realloc can fail to allocate and then where are you?
if (temp != NULL)
m_vector = temp;
// handle error. Probably throw exception. Definitely exit function
// before trying to add new element
m_vector[ m_position ] = value; // now guarantied to have space.
1This isn't strictly true. One of the things you'll find is that memory provided often isn't as granular as what you asked for. When the program asks for X bytes, it might get a convenient block of free memory larger than X bytes. You ever noticed that sometimes you can run off the end of a buffer and the program doesn't notice and immediately crash? This extra space is one of the reasons. Quite often realloc can take advantage of this and keep using the same allocation over and over, allowing the program to legally see more of it. You can't count on this, though.
I assume the idea behind your code is that m_vector should always be able to hold one more value than it currently does. Your push_back funtion is wrong then, it should realloc for m_position + 1.

What is the easiest way to initialize a 2d array from a vector of strings?

I have:
vector<string> myVector = {0};
char *list[] = ????
I want it to be initialized like if I was doing this
char *list[] = { "first", "second", NULL };
I know I can start allocating memory based on the size and of the vector and the size of the longest string in the vector (list[v.size()+1][longest_string_in_vector]) but I wanted to see I'm not thinking of something that might be easier/faster.
If the legacy code requires a char **, then to create a variable list, you can create a vector as you initially are doing in your question.
After that, create a std::vector<char *>, where the pointers are pointers within the vector for each item. Of course, you have to ensure that the vector doesn't go out of scope or is resized. It has to be fully "set up" before creating the std::vector<char *>.
In addition, since you are certain that the legacy function does not attempt to alter the strings sent to it, we should take away the "constness" of the strings.
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
void legacy_function(char **myList)
for (int i = 0; myList[i]; ++i)
std::cout << myList[i] << "\n";
using namespace std;
int main()
vector<string> myVector;
// create the pointer vector
vector<char *> myPtrVector;
// add pointer to string to vector
for (size_t i = 0; i < myVector.size(); ++i)
// stick the null at the end
// ...
// call legacy function
Basically, we created the strings in a vector, and created another vector that stores pointers to the strings.
Note that the function legacy_function takes a char **, and all we need to do is pass it the address of the first element in our pointer vector.
Live Example:
Edit: Rather than having the code strewn in different areas of your program, a better approach in terms of code organization is to encapsulate the creation of the array:
#include <vector>
#include <string>
class CharPtrPtr
std::vector<std::string> m_args;
std::vector<char *> m_argsptr;
void add(const std::string& s) { m_args.push_back(s); }
char ** create_argsPtr()
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_args.size(); ++i)
return &m_argsptr[0];
char **get_argsPtr() { return m_argsptr.empty()?NULL:&m_argsptr[0]; }
void clear_args() { m_args.clear(); m_argsptr.clear(); }
#include <iostream>
void legacy_function(char **myList)
for (int i = 0; myList[i]; ++i)
std::cout << myList[i] << "\n";
int main()
CharPtrPtr args;
Live Example:
I tried these two ways,
1.Initialize manually
char *list[] = { (char*)&myVector[0][0], (char*)&myVector[1][0] };
2.Initialize in a loop
char **list2 = new char*[ myVector.size() ];
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < myVector.size(); ++i ) {
list2[ i ] = (char*)&myVector[ i ][0];
However these lists only have pointers to the each string in the vector and don't actually have a copy. If you change the strings, you'll see the changes from the lists. But if you empty the vector then the lists will have a dangling pointer.
3.If you want a copy of the strings then,
char **list = new char*[ myVector.size() ];
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < myVector.size(); ++i ) {
list[ i ] = new char[myVector[i].size()+1];
strcpy( list[ i ], &myVector[i][0] );
I wouldn't write this code but, there you go..

A pointer to an array of pointers

I know I should know this, but it's late and my brain just won't put the pieces together.
This is as straight forward as a question can get:
I have a struct item. I want to create a pointer to an array of pointers to that item type.
struct item {
int data;
string moreData;
I want to have an ArrayPointer that point's to an array. I want that array to contain in each element a pointer to an item.
How do I do this in C++, or more sepcifically where do I need to put how many dereferencing operators? I know how to declare basic (single indirection) pointers and am pretty fluent in their use.
I need information for the following steps if at all possible:
Declaring the ArrayPointer.
Initializing the ArrayPointer with a size s.
Initializing each element of ArrayPointer with new item.
for(int i = 0; i < s; i++)
ArrayPointer[i] = // a new item
I feel like as soon as someone posts an answer I'm going to facepalm so hard I break my nose.
If I have understood correctly then you need something like this
item **ArrayPointer = new item *[s];
for ( int i = 0; i < s; i++ )
ArrayPointer[i] = new item; { i, "More Data" };
item **ArrayPointer = new item *[s];
for ( int i = 0; i < s; i++ )
ArrayPointer[i] = new item;
ArrayPointer[i]->data = i;
ArrayPointer[i]->moreData = "More Data";
To free the allocated memory you can in reverse order
for ( int i = 0; i < s; i++ )
delete ArrayPointer[i];
delete [] ArrayPointer;
Otherewise if s is a constant then you may simply declare an array of pointers. For example
item * ArrayPointer[s];
for ( int i = 0; i < s; i++ )
ArrayPointer[i]->data = i;
ArrayPointer[i]->moreData = "More Data";
struct item {
int data;
string moreData;
item ** array;
array = new item*[s];
for(int i = 0; i < s; i++)
array[i] = new item;
array[i]->data = 10;
array[i]->moreData = "data";
What you want is an array of struct item *, which are pointers to item structs.
An array of such pointers is a struct item **.
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
struct item {
int data;
string moreData;
struct item * newItem(int data, string moreData) {
struct item *result = (struct item *) malloc(sizeof(struct item));
result->data = data;
result->moreData = moreData;
return result;
struct item ** array; // We don't know the size of the array in advance.
int main() {
int arraySize = 3; // We get this value from somewhere (user input?).
array = (struct item **) malloc(3*sizeof(struct item *));
// Now the array has been allocated. There is space for
// arraySize pointers.
array[0] = newItem(5, "ant"); // Let's make some items. Note that
array[1] = newItem(90, "bear"); // newItem() returns a pointer to
array[2] = newItem(25, "cat"); // an item.
return 0;

What's the proper way to pass a pointer to a function for deletion?

I have a matrix declared like int **matrix, and I know that the proper way to pass it to a function to allocate memory should be like this:
void AllocMat(int ***mat, int size);
But now I need to delete these memory in another function and am not sure about what to pass:
void DeallocMat(int **mat, int size);
void DeallocMat(int ***mat, int size);
I think the second one should be right, but neither way gives me segmentation fault as I tried.
The question is tagged C++, and yet the answers only use the C subset...
Well, first of all, I would recommend against the whole thing. Create a class that encapsulates your matrix and allocate it in a single block, offer operator()(int,int) to gain access to the elements...
But back to the problem. In C++ you should use references rather than pointers to allow the function to change the argument, so your original allocate signature should be:
void AllocMat(int **&mat, int size);
And call it like:
int **matrix = 0;
AllocMat( matrix, 5 );
Or better, just return the pointer:
int **AllocMat( int size );
int **matrix = AllocMat( 5 );
For the deallocation function, since you don't need to modify the outer pointer, you can just use:
void DeallocMat( int**mat, int size ); // size might be required to release the
// internal pointers
Now, for a sketch of the C++ solution:
template <typename T> // no need to limit this to int
class square_matrix {
const unsigned size;
T * data;
square_matrix( unsigned size ) : size(size), data( new T[size*size]() ) {}
square_matrix( matrix const & m ) : size( m.size ), data( new T[m.size*m.size] ) {
std::copy(,*size, data );
~matrix() {
delete [] data;
T const & operator()( unsigned x, unsigned y ) const {
// optional range check and throw exception
return data[ x + y*size ];
void set( unsigned x, unsigned y, T const & value ) {
// optional range check and throw exception
data[ x + y*size ] = value;
First is correct. But your real problem is that you are using pointers when there are better alternatives. For a 2d matrix you should use a vector of vectors
#include <vector>
typedef std::vector<std::vector<int> > Matrix;
Matix m;
Now there is no need to delete anything, so one less thing to go wrong.
void DeallocMat(int **mat, int size) - allows you to deallocate memory (since you have passed the value of mat only allowing to deallocate memory but not change mat)
void DeallocMat(int ***mat, int size) - allows you to deallocate memory and change the value of mat to NULL (since you have now passed a pointer to mat allowing you to change its value)
The extra "*" just handles the pointer to be behaved as call by reference. If you want to get the output from your function, you need an extra "*" in your declaration. In this case, you should pass the reference of your pointer (using &) to these functions.
The reason why you required to pass a pointer to double pointer because your local variable must required to reflect with the new updated memory
void Foo(int * a)
a = new int[10];
int main()
int *a = 0;
Foo( a );
Now the memory will be allocated but the pointer A will not be update because the value of pointer A is simply copied to another pointer variable which is parameter of Foo. Once the Foo is returned, a will remain 0. To make it refect that, you should write code like follows
void Foo(int ** a)
*a = new int[10];
int main()
int *a = 0;
Foo( &a );
Here you're passing the address of a pointer. The which means that, the value which contains in the pointer will be updated from the Foo function.You can debug through and see how it works.
If you're sure that you will not access the pointer anymore, please use the first type. Otherwise use the second one. Make sure that you set the pointer to NULL to avoid further memory corruptions or dangling pointers.
The thing that confuses me about your question is that most people would not declare a matrix as an int **. The reason for this is that you would be forced to then allocate it in a loop. Your allocation function would require two parameters, which are the dimensions of the array like this:
void AllocMat(int *** mat, int n, int m) {
int ** result = new int * [ n ];
for (int x=0; x<n; x++) {
result[x] = new int [ m ];
*mat = result;
If this were the case, the corresponding deallocation function would require knowledge of the size of n as follows:
void DeallocMat(int *** mat, int n) {
if (mat == NULL || *mat == NULL) return;
int ** tmp = *mat;
for (int x=0; x<n; x++) {
if (tmp[x] != NULL) delete [] tmp[x];
delete [] tmp;
*mat = NULL;
With this approach, you could access your matrix like this:
int ** mat = NULL;
AllocMat(&mat, n, m);
for (int x=0; x<n; x++) {
for (int y=0; y<m; y++) {
mat[x][y] = 1;
DeallocMat(&mat, n);
Usually, people allocate matrices as a single buffer of memory to avoid extra allocations and pointer indirections, which is how I recommend you do it. In that case, you allocation function would look like this:
void AllocMat2(int ** mat, int n, int m) {
*mat = new int [ n * m ];
And the corresponding deallocation function like this:
void DeallocMat2(int ** mat) {
if (mat != NULL && *mat != NULL) {
delete [] *mat;
*mat = NULL;
And you would access it follows:
int * mat2 = NULL;
AllocMat2(&mat2, n, m);
for (int x=0; x<n; x++) {
for (int y=0; y<m; y++) {
mat2[x * n + y] = 1;
Either way works, but if you pass a pointer to the pointer you need to dereference it first. And the size parameter is redundant.
void DeallocMat(int **mat)
delete[] mat;
void DeallocMat(int ***mat)
delete[] *mat;
*mat = NULL;

CUDA - copy to array within array of Objects

I have a CUDA application I'm working on with an array of Objects; each object has a pointer to an array of std::pair<int, double>. I'm trying to cudaMemcpy the array of objects over, then cudaMemcpy the array of pairs to each of the objects, however this is giving me all kinds of grief. It crashes attempting to copy to the inner array; I don't understand how to move this over...
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Object
int id;
float something;
std::pair<int, float> *somePairs;
Object *objects;
void initObjects()
objects = new Object[10];
for( int idx = 0; idx < 10; idx++ )
objects[idx].id = idx;
objects[idx].something = (float) idx;
objects[idx].somePairs = new std::pair<int, float>[10];
for ( int jdx = 10; jdx < 10; jdx++ )
objects[idx].somePairs[jdx] = std::pair<int, float>( jdx, (float) jdx );
void cudaMemcpyObjects()
Object *devObjects;
cudaMalloc( &devObjects, sizeof(Object) * 10 );
cudaMemcpy( devObjects, objects, sizeof(Object) * 10, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );
for ( int idx = 0; idx < 10; idx++ )
size_t pairSetSize = sizeof(std::pair<int, float>) * 10;
// CRASH HERE ... v
cudaMalloc( &(devObjects[idx].somePairs), pairSetSize );
cudaMemcpy( devObjects[idx].somePairs, objects[idx].somePairs,
sizeof( std::pair<int, float> ) * 10, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );
int main()
return 0;
My CUDA experience is only in its infancy, but I believe the error is like this:
cudaMalloc is a host function that wants to write the pointer into host memory. However, you are passing to it a pointer in device memory!
To fix this, you should first create the device pointers and fill them into your host object structure, and only then copy the whole thing over to the device, and also copy the individual pairs over to the device as well.
struct Bar;
struct Foo
int tag;
Bar * bp;
void setup()
Foo * hFoo = new Foo[10];
Foo * dFoo;
cudaMalloc(dFoo, sizeof(Foo) * 10);
for (size_t i = 0; i != 10; ++i)
Bar * dBar;
cudaMalloc(&dbar, sizeof(Bar));
Bar b; // automatic temporary -- we never keep a host copy of this
cudaMemcpy(dBar, &b, sizeof(Bar));
hFoo[i].bp = dBar; // this is already a device pointer!
cudaMemcpy(dFoo, hFoo, sizeof(Foo) * 10);
On the return, don't forget that the Foo::bp are device pointers that you still need to copy back one by one!
It would probably be easier to just have one self-contained class that you can move in one go, but that may not be practical, or desirable for reasons of memory locality. You have to thing carefully about this. If the member is just a pair, why not put the two items in the main class directly?