Data Fusion pipelines fail without execute - google-cloud-platform

I have more than 50 datafusion pipelines running concurrently in an Enterprise istance of DataFusion.
About 4 of them randomly fail at each concurrent run, showing in the logs only the operation of provision followed by the deprovision of the Dataproc cluster, as in this log:
2021-04-29 12:52:49,936 - INFO [provisioning-service-4:i.c.c.r.s.p.d.DataprocProvisioner#203] - Creating Dataproc cluster cdap-fm-smartd-cc94285f-a8e9-11eb-9891-6ea1fb306892 in project project-test, in region europe-west2, with image 1.3, with system labels {goog-datafusion-version=6_1, cdap-version=6_1_4-1598048594947, goog-datafusion-edition=enterprise}
2021-04-29 12:56:08,527 - DEBUG [provisioning-service-1:i.c.c.i.p.t.ProvisioningTask#116] - Completed PROVISION task for program run program_run:default.[pipeline_name].-SNAPSHOT.workflow.DataPipelineWorkflow.cc94285f-a8e9-11eb-9891-6ea1fb306892.
2021-04-29 13:04:01,678 - DEBUG [provisioning-service-7:i.c.c.i.p.t.ProvisioningTask#116] - Completed DEPROVISION task for program run program_run:default.[pipeline_name].-SNAPSHOT.workflow.DataPipelineWorkflow.cc94285f-a8e9-11eb-9891-6ea1fb306892.
When a failed pipeline is restarted it completes the execution with success.
All the pipeline are started and monitored via Composer using async start and custom wait SensorOperator.
There is no warning of quota exceeded.
Additional info:
Data Fusion 6.1.4
with Dataporc ephemeral cluster with 1 master 2 workers. Image version 1.3.89
The appfabric log releted to each failed pipeline are:
WARN [program.status:i.c.c.i.a.r.d.DistributedProgramRuntimeService#172] - Twill RunId does not exist for the program program:default.[pipeline_name].-SNAPSHOT.workflow.DataPipelineWorkflow, runId f34a6fb4-acb2-11eb-bbb2-26edc49aada0
WARN [pool-11-thread-1:i.c.c.i.a.s.RunRecordCorrectorService#141] - Fixed RunRecord for program run program_run:default.[piepleine_name].-SNAPSHOT.workflow.DataPipelineWorkflow.fdc22f56-acb2-11eb-bbcf-26edc49aada0 in STARTING state because it is actually not running
Further research connected somehow the problem to an inconsistent state in the CDAP run records, when many concurrent requests (via REST API) are made.


Google Cloud Run not scaling up despite large backlog and available instances

I am seeing something similar to this post. It looked like additional detail was needed to answer that question, so I'm re-asking with my details since those details weren't provided.
I am running a modified version of the Google Cloud Run image processing tutorial example.
I am inserting tasks into a task queue using this create tasks snippet. The tasks from the queue get pushed to my cloud run instance.
The problem is it isn't scaling up and making it through my tasks in a timely manner.
My cloud run service configuration:
I have tried setting a minimum of both 0 and 50 instances
I have tried a maximum of 100 and 1000 instances
I have tried --concurrency=1 and 2, and 8
I have tried with --async and without --async
With 50 instances pre-allocated even with concurrency set to 1, I am typically seeing ~10 active container instances and ~40 idle container instances. I have ~30,000 tasks in the queue and it is getting through ~5 jobs/minute.
My tasks queue has the default settings. My containers aren't using a lot of cpu, but they are using a lot of memory.
A process takes about a minute to complete. I'm only running one process per container instance. What additional parameters should be set to get higher throughput?
Edit - adding additional logs
I enabled the logs for the queue, I'm seeing some errors for some of the jobs. The errors look like this:
insertId: "<my_id>"
jsonPayload: {
#type: ""
attemptResponseLog: {
attemptDuration: "19.453155s"
dispatchCount: "1"
maxAttempts: 0
responseCount: "0"
retryTime: "2021-10-20T22:45:51.559121Z"
scheduleTime: "2021-10-20T16:42:20.848145Z"
targetAddress: "POST <my_url>"
targetType: "HTTP"
task: "<my_task>"
logName: "<my_log_name>"
receiveTimestamp: "2021-10-20T22:45:52.418715942Z"
resource: {
labels: {
location: "us-central1"
project_id: "<my_project>"
queue_id: "<my-queue>"
target_type: "HTTP"
type: "cloud_tasks_queue"
severity: "ERROR"
timestamp: "2021-10-20T22:45:51.459232147Z"
I don't see errors in the cloud run logs.
Edit - Additional Debug Information
I tried to take the queue out of the equation to determine if it is cloud run or the queue. Instead I directly used curl to post to the url. Some of the tasks ran successfully, for others I received an error. In the below logs empty lines are successful:
upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection termination
upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection termination
upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection termination
upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection termination
upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection termination
This makes me think cloud run isn't handling all of the incoming requests.
Edit - task completion time test
I wanted to test if the time it takes to complete a task causes any issues with CloudRun and the Queue scaling up and keeping up with the tasks.
In place of the task I actually want completed I put a dummy task that just sleeps for n seconds and prints the task details to stdout (which I can read in the cloud run logs).
With n set to 0, 5, 10 seconds I see the number of instances scale up and it keeps up with the tasks being added to the queue. With n set to 20 seconds or more I see that less CloudRun instances are instantiated and items accumulate in the task queue. I see more errors with the Unavailable status in my logs.
According to this post:
Cloud Run offers a longer request timeout duration of up to 60 minutes
So it seems that long running tasks are expected. Is this a Google bug or am I missing setting some parameter?
I do not think this is a Cloud Run Service problem. I think this is an issue with how you have Tasks setup.
The dates in the log entry look odd. Take a look at the receiveTimestamp and the scheduleTime. The task is scheduled for six hours before the receive time. Do you have a timezone problem?
According to the documentation, if the response_time is not set then the task was not attempted. It looks like you are scheduling tasks incorrectly and the tasks never run.
Search for the text The status of a task attempt. in this link:
Types for Google Cloud Tasks

Why is it not provisioned when running a data pipeline in a data fusion?

I am using DataFusion Enterprise.
Datafusion>system admin>configuration>system compute profiles>create new profile
on this route
I set the configuration value of Master Node, Worker Node.
And I set configuration for each data pipeline. (Executor, Driver)
Now, while deploying and running the data pipeline, the provisioning state does not move on to the next startup phase.
The issue is as follows.
Multiple Errors: - Timeout waiting for instance cdap-eventgmkt-7e769e35-182d-11b-9d9d-ce8dcdf88803-m to report in. - Timeout waiting for instance cdap-eventgmt-7769-9d-1d-1d1
Cannot delete cluster 'cdap-eventgmkt-7e769e35-182d-11eb-9d9d-ce8dcdf88803' when it has other pending delete operations.
In short, the data pipeline is running, but it's no longer being provisioned.
How do you solve these problems?
Thank you.

Cloud Run finishes but Cloud Scheduler thinks that job has failed

I have a Cloud Run service setup and I have a Cloud Scheduler task that calls an endpoint on that service. When the task completes (http handler returns), I'm seeing the following error:
The request failed because the HTTP connection to the instance had an error.
However, the actual handler returns HTTP 200 and successfully exists. Does anyone know what this error means and under what circumstances it shows up?
I'm also attaching a screenshot of the logs.
Does your job take longer than 120 seconds? I was having the same issue and figured out node versions prior to 13 has 120 seconds server.timeout limit. I installed node 13 on docker and problem is gone.
Error 503 is returned by the Google Frontend (GFE). The Cloud Run service either has a transient issue, or the GFE has determined that your service is not ready or not working correctly.
In your log entries, I see a POST request. 7 ms later is the error 503. This tells me your Cloud Run application is not yet ready (in a ready state determined by Cloud Run).
One minute, 8 seconds before, I see ReplaceService. This tells me that your service is not yet in a running state and that if you retry later, you will see success.
I've run an incremental sleep test on my FLASK endpoint which returns 200 within 1 min, 2 min and 10 min of waiting time. Having triggered the endpoint via the Cloud Scheduler, the job failed only in the 10 min test. I've found that it was one of the properties of my Cloud Scheduler job causing the failure. The following solved my issue.
gcloud scheduler jobs describe <my_test_scheduler>
There, you'll see a property called 'attemptDeadline' which was set to 180 seconds by default.
You can update that property using:
gcloud scheduler jobs update http <my_test_scheduler> --attempt-deadline 1000s
Ref: scheduler update

spark ui shows zero executors

I am running spark 2.0.1 using below options in
opts.put("spark.executor.extraJavaOptions","-verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+UseG1GC");
Spark master is running in AWS on ec2 instance. In spark master ui I can see memory, cores all. But when running job in Job UI executors as below
Also while looking at thread dump I see lots of connection related threads awaiting.
Can someone please point to me what's happening and where to look. As commented here is spark master's snapshot showing allocated resources.
On logs the system seems waiting for resources providing below link
16/11/08 12:46:37 WARN TaskSchedulerImpl: Initial job has not accepted any resources; check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and have sufficient resources

Cannot do simple task on ec2 spark cluster from local pyspark

I am trying to execute pyspark from my mac to do compute on a EC2 spark cluster.
If I login to the cluster, it works as expected:
$ ec2/spark-ec2 -i ~/.ec2/spark.pem -k spark login test-cluster2
$ spark/bin/pyspark
Then do a simple task
>>> data=sc.parallelize(range(1000),10)`
>>> data.count()
Works as expected:
14/06/26 16:38:52 INFO spark.SparkContext: Starting job: count at <stdin>:1
14/06/26 16:38:52 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Got job 0 (count at <stdin>:1) with 10 output partitions (allowLocal=false)
14/06/26 16:38:52 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Final stage: Stage 0 (count at <stdin>:1)
14/06/26 16:38:53 INFO spark.SparkContext: Job finished: count at <stdin>:1, took 1.195232619 s
But now if I try the same thing from local machine,
$ MASTER=spark:// bin/pyspark
it can't seem to connect to the cluster
14/06/26 09:45:43 INFO AppClient$ClientActor: Connecting to master spark://
14/06/26 09:45:47 WARN TaskSchedulerImpl: Initial job has not accepted any resources; check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and have sufficient memory
File "/Users/anthony1/git/incubator-spark/python/lib/", line 300, in get_return_value
py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o20.collect.
: org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted: Spark cluster looks down
14/06/26 09:53:17 WARN TaskSchedulerImpl: Initial job has not accepted any resources; check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and have sufficient memory
I thought the problem was in the ec2 security but it does not help even after adding inbound rules to both master and slave security groups to accept all ports.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Others are asking same question on mailing list
The spark-ec2 script configure the Spark Cluster in EC2 as standalone, which mean it can not work with remote submits. I've been struggled with this same error you described for days before figure out it's not supported. The message error is unfortunately incorrect.
So you have to copy your stuff and log into the master to execute your spark task.
In my experience Initial job has not accepted any resources; check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and have sufficient memory usually means you have accidentally set the cores too high, or set the executer memory too high - i.e. higher than what your nodes actually have.
Other, less likely causes, could be you got the URI wrong and your not really connecting to the master. And once I saw that problem when the /run partition was 100%.
Even less likely, your cluster may actually be down, and you need to restart your spark workers.