is it possible to create a api which a particular website can access only and no other website can access it? - django

Let me explain in detail
I've 2 servers hosted and one of them for Back-end and other is for Front-end.
Back-end server : (just for explaining)
Front-end server :
User requests UI from Front-end server and if he wants to create an account on my website he needs to send POST request to and this works fine
but if I open console of other website or make use of Postman, I'm able to achieve the same results.
So I want to prevent this thing and only allow anyone to create account from my website only.
Methods which I've tried
I've used windows.location() and sent it to server and then verify if domain name matches. But in this method everyone can just pass it simply via fetch()
I've used allow only IP address, But if I push my website in production Other visitors get 403 error.
I develop back-end with help of Django and rustlang

It isn't possible. You can make it hard for entry-level programmers to reverse-engineer your solution, but there isn't any way to prevent access to your API if you are going to allow access to it from some public UI.
IP address-based restriction will not work here because your backend will receive the IP of the user. In this case, you will be blocking access to users, not to any UI. Even the host header verification doesn't work here as anyone can use a proxy server, i.e. NGINX, to override the headers and can fake the request to originate from an intended website.
IP address-based authorization can work only if API calls originate from a server and your API server receives the same IP address for each API call. But for your use case, it isn't applicable.
The older techniques like CSRF are useless too as anyone can easily retrieve the token and can send it. In short, if you make something public, it can be reverse-engineered. If you are accepting public registrations, there shouldn't be anything to worry about the registration source. You should think about solutions like email verification etc. to reduce the spam if that's the concern.

You could have your frontend solve a recaptcha and send the solution to the backend. Verify the solution before accepting the request. It is still possible to bypass although a bit harder.


Securing publicly accessible REST endpoints

We have a REST endpoint that provides some back end services to our publicly available Web site. The web site does not require any user authentication to access its content. Anyone can access it anonymously.
Given this scenario, we would still like to protect the back-end REST api to be somewhat secured in the sense that only users using our Web site can call it.
We dont want a malicious user to run a script outside the browser bombarding it for example.
We dont even want him to run a script automating the UI to access the endpoint.
I understand that a fully public endpoint without user authentication is somewhat impossible to secure. But can we restrict usage to valid scenarios?
Some ideas:
Use TLS/SSL for the communication - this protects the channel only.
Use some Api key (that periodically expires) that the client/browser needs to pass to the server. (a malicious user can still use the key)
Use the key to throttle the number of requests.
Use it with conjunction of a CSRF token??
Use CAPTCHA on the web site to ensure human user ( adds an element of annoyance to the final user).
Use IP whitelisting.
Use load balancing and scaling of server to handle loads.
I suppose this should be a scenario occurring in the wild.
What security steps are prevalent?
Is it possible to restrict usage via only the website and not via a script?
If its not possible to secure, what kind of mitigations are used with such public rest endpoints?

Secure centralized HMAC-based authentication service

I need to centralize authentication to my rest web services and make this authentication the same for all of our webservices. So I started writing an external web service to take care about the authentication.
To keep compatibility, since the authentication was performed using a HMAC signature (signed using a private key) alongside the single request (so there is no token of any sort) I thought to make all web services to send the HMAC included inside the incoming request and the StringToSign (a representation of data used to generate the HMAC).
So the Authorization service can (knowing the private key) try to compose the same signature, if it matches then answers with 200 OK and with a JSON object saying "authorized".
All this communication happens over HTTPS, but I'm trying to figure out what could happen if someone would intercept or modify this answer, making a 403 Forbidden to become 200 OK...
Should I use some sort of way to recognize this is the original answer? If so, what could I do?
I do agree that ssl certificates released by CA's are secure, but how could I make sure my HTTPS layer has not been compromised allowing an attacker to modify authorization responses?
P.S. please provide some standard solution if any, I don't want it to be related to the technology I'm using right now, since each service may use its own stack and I don't really want it to be .NET or something else because there's a proprietary implementation for the authentication mechanism.
All this communication happens over HTTPS, but I'm trying to figure
out what could happen if someone would intercept or modify this answer
This is what the S in HTTPS is for: SSL guarantees integrity of the message. If the attacker forges the request, the client will notice it.
You can ask the experts at #security.

Secure way to contact REST API for use with Html 5 / Javascript

This is a similar situation to the one raised in this question:
Javascript Calling a Rest API with App Name and App Password - How Can i Secure it
Here is the architecture overview:
The site is Html5/jquerymobile
It contacts what I call a "Wrapper" service.... This is a REST API I wrote in C#, to contact another 3rd party REST API. I do this because there are credentials in the Header and the API uses Basic Authentication. Credentials are therefore not publicized as they are only known server-side.
My "Wrapper" service does not currently implement any additional security. It is currently accessible from anywhere. The easiest and quickest way to lock it down is to restrict by IP, so no other IP anywhere except the server can actually contact my wrapper service.
The questions:
Is the locking by IP the only way to ensure that the API won't get hammered if it was otherwise accessible from anywhere?
If I convert this using Phonegap (which I have... and deployed successfully on Android), obviously the native app won't work if the web service is restricted.
Is there a way around this so I can allow traffic only from the mobile app, and not from any other source? I'm thinking along the lines of MD5 hash or something that could be sent to the wrapper API.. but unfortunately I'm thinking that info can easily be "sniffed".
Is my only viable option here to release the app as a web app, forcing browser use, thereby removing any concerns about allowing my web service to be hammered??
I believe the answer to this is a combination of a user token and encrypting the message through SSL.
The server can issue a valid user a token so we can identify him in future requests.
Encrypting it via SSL will ensure that this token cannot be sniffed.

Why is my program sending 'Anonymous IP Packets' and how do I stop that?

So, we just got word today that one of our clients firewall is blocking our HTTP requests because "The [software] is sending anonymous packets to our firewall (a Microsoft TMG firewall) so the firewall is dropping the packets as anonymous access is [not] allowed."
For our connection code we are using c++ with curl and we fallback to IEDownloadToFile if needed. I didn't write the original code nor am I really a network programmer so I came here for help. So, my questions are: What are anonymous packets? What am I doing in curl that could cause anonymous packets? Where can I find more information about solving this problem? Thanks!
What they mean is your app has to authenticate with the firewall. That link provides a wealth of information concerning the TMG product. Your client probably has this configuration:
Require users to authenticate whenever
they request Web access. Every Web
session requires authentication.
When using this method, note the
Anonymous Web access is disabled.
Forefront TMG requests user
credentials and validates them before
it checks the request against the
Firewall policy. If users fail to
authenticate, their access request is
This method is defined per network.
Most non-interactive clients, such as,
the Windows Update client, cannot
authenticate, and are therefore denied
So when the user opens their web browser and tries to access a web page, they'll get a pop-up window asking for credentials because the firewall has intercepted their web request and sent its own authentication page. When the user authenticates, the firewall passes web traffic.
Your automated app does not authenticate with the firewall, so the firewall drops packets and your traffic is classified as anonymous.
Sorry, I don't know the solution on how to make your application authenticate with the firewall. If your app goes to specific URLs, the site operators could whitelist them.
According to this page, you should be getting error 407: proxy authentication required from curl. Try adding these options to the curl initialization, but you still have the problem of asking the user for their network credentials interactively:
There is no such thing as an 'anonymous packet' in standard networking parlance. Your client's firewall is making up terms, or there was a miscommunication somewhere along the line before the message got to you. Either way, you're going to need to get clarification from your client or the firewall's vendor or documentation.
I agree with bdonlan. In the context of http requests, "anonymous packets" is vague and ambiguous at best. Maybe they mean there is no referrer code? Or they require http-authentication? Or you need to establish a session key before being able to access the specific url you are requesting? You need actual technical details from your client.

How to stop people stealing from my website?

I consider myself newbie when it comes to securing my web applications.
I have built a website which updates the webpages regularly through an AJAX call. The Ajax call returns a decent JSON object to be used at the client side.
There is a simple problem I need to overcome: How can I prevent other people to use the same AJAX call without permission? What if they build a website, AND at the client side they allow their users to make the same AJAX call to my servers and grab what they need.. AND THEN parse it to their own needs at the client side?
I cannot put an extra layer of security like user authentication.
They won't be able to actually do this from the client directly because the browser will prevent cross domain AJAX requests for anything other than JSONP (scripts). That said, they can proxy it on their server if they want so it doesn't buy you much.
ASP.NET MVC has an antiforgery token mechanism that you should look at for inspiration. The basic idea is that you use both an encrypted cookie and an encrypted, hidden form input containing the same data that you write to each page that you want to secure. Do your AJAX calls using a POST and make sure to send back the form input. On the server-side decrypt the cookie and input and compare the data to ensure they're the same. Since the cookie is tied to your domain, it will be much harder to inject in the request that is being sent back. Use SSL and regenerate the cookie/input content periodically to make it even harder to fake the cookie/input.
You can check the HTTP_REFERER http header and see if the request originates from your page. This can however be spoofed, so don't think of it as a bulletproof solution. The best counter-meassure is user authentication, really.
You can't. That's because you can't differenciate between an AJAX call from your web app and another user's webapp.
Here are some things that might help a little bit.
Obscuring/encrypting your AJAX response. This fails mainly because you have to include the decryption code in your app as well.
Check the IP origin. If the IP didn't access your server before, you can assume that the AJAX call is not from your website. This doesn't work if a) the user switches the IP while being on your site / timing out or b) if another website sends a fake http request first before using your AJAX API.
Another idea would be to send Javascript instead of a JSON object. The Javascript should contain all the logic needed to update your website, and of course could check if the website is your own. (window.location). That has some disadvantages though: more work for you, higher traffic load and it can be broken anyways.
I don't think it's a bad thing actually. Another website could have just as easily scraped the info from your website.
If by "stealing" you mean getting some content from your website (using HTTP GET), that's more or less the same problem as hot-linking. You could have some basic protection technique using the HTTP Referer header (it can be worked around, but it works in most cases).
The other problem you have (making sure the requests come from your application) have to do with CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery). There are various protection mechanisms against this, mostly based on embedding tokens in forms for example.
You could potentially combine the two approaches, although the real protection against getting the content would come from user authentication (otherwise, the other site could also get the page from which you're delivering those tokens and proxy it).
(In addition, techniques that rely on remembering the IP address would probably not work well in the whole web architecture: it might cause problems if you get a pool of proxy servers or if the client is a mobile device that may change IP address between various requests, which would be perfectly legitimate.)