Haskell function returns prefix - list

I am trying to create a function in haskell that takes a predicate and a list as arguments and returns the prefix of the list satisfying the predicate.
the test being:
p1tests = [myTakeWhile (/= ' ') "This is practice." == "This"]
I have this so far..
myTakeWhile :: (a-> Bool ) -> [a] -> [a]
myTakeWhile [] =[]
myTakeWhile (x:xs)=[] : map (x:) (myTakeWhile xs)
I receive errors saying except type

You need to work with both the predicate and the elements in the list. The function thus should look like:
myTakeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
myTakeWhile _ [] = []
myTakeWhile p (x:xs)
| p x = …
| otherwise = …
where the p x guard thus covers the case where the predicate is satisfied for the first item of the list, and the otherwise is not.
In case the predicate is satisfied, we have to yield x and recurse on the tail of the list. I keep filling in … as an exercise.


Function to find number of occurrences in list

So I already have a function that finds the number of occurrences in a list using maps.
occur :: [a] -> Map a a
occur xs = fromListWith (+) [(x, 1) | x <- xs]
For example if a list [1,1,2,3,3] is inputted, the code will output [(1,2),(2,1),(3,2)], and for a list [1,2,1,1] the output would be [(1,3),(2,1)].
I was wondering if there's any way I can change this function to use foldr instead to eliminate the use of maps.
You can make use of foldr where the accumulator is a list of key-value pairs. Each "step" we look if the list already contains a 2-tuple for the given element. If that is the case, we increment the corresponding value. If the item x does not yet exists, we add (x, 1) to that list.
Our function thus will look like:
occur :: Eq => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
occur = foldr incMap []
where incMap thus takes an item x and a list of 2-tuples. We can make use of recursion here to update the "map" with:
incMap :: Eq a => a -> [(a, Int)] -> [(a, Int)]
incMap x = go
where go [] = [(x, 1)]
go (y2#(y, ny): ys)
| x == y = … : ys
| otherwise = y2 : …
where I leave implementing the … parts as an exercise.
This algorithm is not very efficient, since it takes O(n) to increment the map with n the number of 2-tuples in the map. You can also implement incrementing the Map for the given item by using insertWith :: Ord k => (a -> a -> a) -> k -> a -> Map k a -> Map k a, which is more efficient.

How to compare elements in a [[]]?

I am dealing with small program with Haskell. Probably the answer is really simple but I try and get no result.
So one of the part in my program is the list:
first = [(3,3),(4,6),(7,7),(5,43),(9,9),(32,1),(43,43) ..]
and according to that list I want to make new one with element that are equal in the () =:
result = [3,7,9,43, ..]
Even though you appear to have not made the most minimal amount of effort to solve this question by yourself, I will give you the answer because it is so trivial and because Haskell is a great language.
Create a function with this signature:
findIdentical :: [(Int, Int)] -> [Int]
It takes a list of tuples and returns a list of ints.
Implement it like this:
findIdentical [] = []
findIdentical ((a,b) : xs)
| a == b = a : (findIdentical xs)
| otherwise = findIdentical xs
As you can see, findIdentical is a recursive function that compares a tuple for equality between both items, and then adds it to the result list if there is found equality.
You can do this for instance with list comprehension. We iterate over every tuple f,s) in first, so we write (f,s) <- first in the right side of the list comprehension, and need to filter on the fact that f and s are equal, so f == s. In that case we add f (or s) to the result. So:
result = [ f | (f,s) <- first, f == s ]
We can turn this into a function that takes as input a list of 2-tuples [(a,a)], and compares these two elements, and returns a list [a]:
f :: Eq a => [(a,a)] -> [a]
f dat = [f | (f,s) <- dat, f == s ]
An easy way to do this is to use the Prelude's filter function, which has the type definition:
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
All you need to do is supply predicate on how to filter the elements in the list, and the list to filter. You can accomplish this easily below:
filterList :: (Eq a) => [(a, a)] -> [a]
filterList xs = [x | (x, y) <- filter (\(a, b) -> a == b) xs]
Which behaves as expected:
*Main> filterList [(3,3),(4,6),(7,7),(5,43),(9,9),(32,1),(43,43)]

Grouping consecutive duplicates in a list?

Very basic but I'm finding the problem frustrating. I'm trying to group consecutive elements of a list:
myList = [1,2,3,4,4,4,5]
myList = [[1],[2],[3],[4,4,4],[5]]
This is my attempt using foldr with an accumulator:
print $ foldr (\ el acc -> if el /= head (head acc) then el ++ (head acc) else acc) [['a']] myList
I don't understand why I'm getting the following error:
Couldn't match expected type ‘[a0]’ with actual type ‘Int’
In the expression: 'a'
In the expression: ['a']
In the second argument of ‘foldr’, namely ‘[['a']]’
Any advice would be great!
Writing a fold on lists requires us to answer just two cases: [] (the empty list, or "nil") and x:xs (an element followed by a list, or "cons").
What is the answer when the list is empty? Lets say the answer is also an empty list. Therefore:
nilCase = []
What is the answer when the list is not empty? It depends on what we have already accumulated. Lets say we have already accumulated a group. We know that groups are non-empty.
consCase x ((g11:_):gs)
If x == g11 then we add it to the group. Otherwise we begin a new group. Therefore:
consCase x ggs#(g1#(g11:_):gs)
| x == g11 = (x:g1):gs
| otherwise = [x]:ggs
What if we have not accumulated any groups yet? Then we just create a new group.
consCase x [] = [[x]]
We can consolidate the three cases down to two:
consCase x ggs
| g1#(g11:_):gs <- ggs, x == g11 = (x:g1):gs
| otherwise = [x]:ggs
Then the desired fold is simply:
foldr consCase nilCase
Using foldr, it should be:
group :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [[a]]
group = foldr (\x acc -> if head acc == [] || head (head acc) == x then (x:head acc) : tail acc else [x] : acc) [[]]
The type of your case case is [[Char]], you are attempting to build a value of type [[Int]]. Our base case should be an empty list, and we'll add list elements in each step.
Let's look at the anonymous function you're written next. Note that we'll fail due to type based on your current if within the accumulator (they must return values of the same type, and the same type as the accumulator. It'll be better, and cleaner, if we pattern match the accumulator and apply the function differently in each case:
func :: Eq a => [a] -> [[a]]
func = foldr f []
where f x [] = undefined
f x (b#(b1:_):bs)
| x == b1 = undefined
| otherwise = undefined
When we encounter the base case, we should just add the our element wrapped in a list:
f x [] = [[x]]
Next, we'll deal with the non-empty list. If x is equal to the next head of the head of the list, we should add it to that list. Otherwise, we shou
f x (b#(b1:_):bs)
| == b1 = (x:b):bs
| = [x]:b:bs
Putting this together, we have:
func :: Eq a => [a] -> [[a]]
func = foldr f []
where f x [] = [[x]]
f x (b#(b1:_):bs)
| x == b1 = (x:b):bs
| otherwise = [x]:b:bs
Having broken the problem down, it's much easier to rewrite this more compactly with a lambda function. Notice that the head [[]] is just [], so we can handle the empty list case and the equality case as one action. Thus, we can rewrite:
func :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [[a]]
func = foldr (\x (b:bs) -> if b == [] || x == head b then (x:b):bs else [x]:b:bs) [[]]
However, this solution ends up requiring the use of head since we must pattern match all versions of the accumulator.

Is there a function that takes a list and returns a list of duplicate elements in that list?

Is there a Haskell function that takes a list and returns a list of duplicates/redundant elements in that list?
I'm aware of the the nub and nubBy functions, but they remove the duplicates; I would like to keep the dupes and collects them in a list.
The simplest way to do this, which is extremely inefficient, is to use nub and \\:
import Data.List (nub, (\\))
getDups :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
getDups xs = xs \\ nub xs
If you can live with an Ord constraint, everything gets much nicer:
import Data.Set (member, empty, insert)
getDups :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
getDups xs = foldr go (const []) xs empty
go x cont seen
| member x seen = x : r seen
| otherwise = r (insert x seen)
I wrote these functions which seems to work well.
The first one return the list of duplicates element in a list with a basic equlity test (==)
duplicate :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
duplicate [] = []
duplicate (x:xs)
| null pres = duplicate abs
| otherwise = x:pres++duplicate abs
where (pres,abs) = partition (x ==) xs
The second one make the same job by providing a equality test function (like nubBy)
duplicateBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
duplicateBy eq [] = []
duplicateBy eq (x:xs)
| null pres = duplicateBy eq abs
| otherwise = x:pres++duplicateBy eq abs
where (pres,abs) = partition (eq x) xs
Is there a Haskell function that takes a list and returns a list of duplicates/redundant elements in that list?
You can write such a function yourself easily enough. Use a helper function that takes two list arguments, the first one of which being the list whose dupes are sought; walk along that list and accumulate the dupes in the second argument; finally, return the latter when the first argument is the empty list.
dupes l = dupes' l []
dupes' [] ls = ls
dupes' (x:xs) ls
| not (x `elem` ls) && x `elem` xs = dupes' xs (x:ls)
| otherwise = dupes' xs ls
λ> dupes [1,2,3,3,2,2,3,4]
Be aware that the asymptotic time complexity is as bad as that of nub, though: O(n^2). If you want better asymptotics, you'll need an Ord class constraint.
If you are happy with an Ord constraint you can use group from Data.List:
getDups :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
getDups = concatMap (drop 1) . group . sort

Duplicates removal with foldl

I'm trying to write my implementation of remdps, function, which removes nearest duplicates in a list. For example: "aaabbbsscaa" should became "absca". I have to use foldl. Here is my attempt:
helper :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> [a]
helper [] ele = [ele]
helper newlist ele = if tail newlist /= ele then newlist:ele
else newlist
remdps :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
remdps list = foldl helper [] list
main = putStrLn (show (remdps "aabssscdddeaffff"))
And the error:
Could not deduce (a ~ [a])
from the context (Eq a)
bound by the type signature for helper :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> [a]
at 4.hs:2:11-33
`a' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for helper :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> [a]
at 4.hs:2:11
In the second argument of `(/=)', namely `ele'
In the expression: tail newlist /= ele
In the expression:
if tail newlist /= ele then newlist : ele else newlist
Could not deduce (a ~ [a])
from the context (Eq a)
bound by the type signature for helper :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> [a]
at 4.hs:2:11-33
`a' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for helper :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> [a]
at 4.hs:2:11
In the first argument of `(:)', namely `newlist'
In the expression: newlist : ele
In the expression:
if tail newlist /= ele then newlist : ele else newlist
Could not deduce (a ~ [a])
from the context (Eq a)
bound by the type signature for helper :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> [a]
at 4.hs:2:11-33
`a' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for helper :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> [a]
at 4.hs:2:11
In the second argument of `(:)', namely `ele'
In the expression: newlist : ele
In the expression:
if tail newlist /= ele then newlist : ele else newlist
fish: Unknown command './4'
ghc 4.hs; and ./4
The question is always the same:). What's wrong?
OK, I have a working code. It uses reverse and ++, so it's very ugly:).
helper :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> [a]
helper [] ele = [ele]
helper newlist ele = if head (reverse newlist) /= ele then newlist ++ [ele]
else newlist
remdps :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
remdps list = foldl helper [] list
main = putStrLn (show (remdps "aabssscdddeaffff"))
What you're probably trying to do is this:
helper :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> [a]
helper [] ele = [ele]
helper newlist ele = if last newlist /= ele then newlist ++ [ele]
else newlist
The changes:
: works only in one way: on the left is the head of the list (type a), on the right the tail (type [a]). It's sometimes also called "cons". What you want to do is called "snoc": on its right is the last element of the list (type a), and on the left the initial part (type [a]).
"snoc" doesn't exist in the Prelude, so instead, you just write it in a different way: newlist ++ [ele]. (Compare this to x : xs == [x] ++ xs.)
tail newlist == ele becomes last newlist == ele. tail gets the list without its head, but you want to compare the last element of newlist. For that purpose, you have last. (By the way, to get the initial part of a list, you can use init.)
Note that you've also swapped the branches of your if-statement, leaving you with aaa as the answer. -edit- I see that you've updated that now ;)
Also note that this is a very slow approach. Every "snoc" and last will take longer as the answer of remdps grows, because Prelude lists are much better at "cons" and head. Try rewriting the function so that it uses "cons" instead. Hint: you'll need reverse at some point.
Furthermore, this function will not work when used with infinite lists, because of the way foldl works. It might be an interesting exercise to rewrite this function to use foldr instead.
The type annotation of helper suggest that ele is of type a
And you do the following test (tail(newlist) == ele), but tail if of type [a]
You cannot compare two value if different type.
This is not the only error.
I suggest you take a look at the docs for Data.List. Specifically for tail you'll see that the type is [a] -> [a], so obviously it doesn't return the last element of the list as one might think.
If you're looking to get a single element of out of a list (the last one) you need something with type [a] -> a. The power of haskell comes from the fact that this information is almost enough to find the right function.
Just Hoogle it!
P.S. As a side note - this approach is quite slow, as mentioned in Tinctorius' answer
To expand on my second comment, though this doesn't answer your question as posed, I would very much not use foldl to do this. Back in my Scheme days I'd solve it with this pet kfoldr function of mine, which I've translated to Haskell here:
-- | A special fold that gives you both left and right context at each right
-- fold step. See the example below.
kfoldr :: (l -> a -> l) -> l -> (l -> a -> r -> r) -> (l -> r) -> [a] -> r
kfoldr advance left combine seedRight [] = seedRight left
kfoldr advance left combine seedRight (x:xs) = combine left x (subfold xs)
where subfold = let newLeft = advance left x
in newLeft `seq` kfoldr advance newLeft combine seedRight
removeDuplicates :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
removeDuplicates = kfoldr advance Nothing step (const [])
-- advance is the left context generator, which in this case just
-- produces the previous element at each position.
advance _ x = Just x
-- step's three arguments in this case are:
-- (a) the element to the left of current
-- (b) the current element
-- (c) the solution for the rest of the list
step Nothing x xs = x:xs
step (Just x') x xs
| x == x' = xs
| otherwise = x:xs
Haskell's Data.List library has mapAccumL and mapAccumR which are similar but they map instead of folding. There's also the intimately related scanl and scanr, which can probably be used to implement kfoldr (but I haven't bothered to try).