TypeScript / prettier: Fluent interfaces and union types with prettier (using "//") - prettier

When I am using fluent interfaces in TypeScript I normally want different method calls on different lines while by default prettier tries to format it in one single line (if not too long). A similar behavior for union types.
It seems that prettier supports a workaround by adding an empty comment (//), see the examples below.
The question: Is this //-workaround an official feature of prettier and if yes then where do I find the documentation for that?
const x = a().b().c();
/* prettier output:
const x = a().b().c();
const y = a()
/* prettier output:
const y = a().b().c();
const z = a() //
/* prettier output:
const z = a() //
type A =
| "x"
| "y"
| "z";
/* prettier output:
type A = "x" | "y" | "z";
type B =
| "x" //
| "y"
| "z";
/* prettier output:
type B =
| "x" //
| "y"
| "z";


rust how to collapse if let - clippy suggestion

I run cargo clippy to get some feedback on my code and clippy told me that I can somehow collapse a if let.
Here is the exact "warning":
warning: this `if let` can be collapsed into the outer `if let`
--> src\main.rs:107:21
107 | / if let Move::Normal { piece, from, to } = turn {
108 | | if i8::abs(from.1 - to.1) == 2 && piece.getColor() != *color && to.0 == x {
109 | | let offsetX = x - to.0;
110 | |
... |
116 | | }
117 | | }
| |_____________________^
I thought I could maybe just append the inner if using && but then i get a warning ( `let` expressions in this position are experimental, I am using rust version 1.57.0, not nightly).
Any idea what clippy wants me to do?
the outer if let is itself again inside another if let:
if let Some(turn) = board.getLastMove() {
And it seems you can indeed combine them like so:
if let Some(Move::Normal { piece, from, to }) = board.getLastMove() {
In my opinion the clippy lint should include the line above as it is otherwise, at least for me, somewhat confusing
Edit 2:
Turns out I just cant read, below the warning listed above was some more information telling me exactly what to do.
= note: `#[warn(clippy::collapsible_match)]` on by default
help: the outer pattern can be modified to include the inner pattern
--> src\main.rs:126:29
126 | if let Some(turn) = board.getLastMove() {
| ^^^^ replace this binding
127 | if let Move::Normal { piece, from, to } = turn {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ with this pattern
= help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#collapsible_match

ANTLR - How to extact units from a dimension

I'm using ANTLR4 and the CSS grammar from https://github.com/antlr/grammars-v4/tree/master/css3. The grammar defines the following ( pared down a little for brevity )
: ( Plus | Minus )? Dimension
fragment FontRelative
: Number E M
| Number E X
| Number C H
| Number R E M
fragment AbsLength
: Number P X
| Number C M
| Number M M
| Number I N
| Number P T
| Number P C
| Number Q
fragment Angle
: Number D E G
| Number R A D
| Number G R A D
| Number T U R N
fragment Length
: AbsLength
| FontRelative
: Length
| Angle
The matching works fine but I don't see an obvious way to extract the units. The parser creates a DimensionContext which has 3 TerminalNode members - Dimension, Plus and Minus. I'd like to be able to extract the unit during parse without having to do additional string parsing.
I know that one issue that the Length and Angle are fragments. I changed the grammar not use fragments
: 'em'
| 'ex'
| 'ch'
| 'rem'
| 'vw'
| 'vh'
| 'vmin'
| 'vmax'
| 'px'
| 'cm'
| 'mm'
| 'in'
| 'pt'
| 'q'
| 'deg'
| 'rad'
| 'grad'
| 'turn'
| 'ms'
| 's'
| 'hz'
| 'khz'
Dimension : Number Unit;
And things still parse but I don't get any more context about what the units are - the Dimension is still a single TerminalNode. Is there a way to deal with this without having to pull apart the full token string?
You will want to do as little as possible in the lexer:
: Dash? Dot Digit+ { atNumber(); }
| Dash? Digit+ ( Dot Digit* )? { atNumber(); }
: { aftNumber() }?
( 'px' | 'cm' | 'mm' | 'in'
| 'pt' | 'pc' | 'em' | 'ex'
| 'deg' | 'rad' | 'grad' | '%'
| 'ms' | 's' | 'hz' | 'khz'
The trick is to produce the NUMBER and UNIT as separate tokens, yet limited to the required ordering. The actions in the NUMBER rule just set a flag and the UNIT predicate ensures that a UNIT can only follow a NUMBER:
protected void atNumber() {
_number = true;
protected boolean aftNumber() {
if (_number && Character.isWhitespace(_input.LA(1))) return false;
if (!_number) return false;
_number = false;
return true;
The parser rule is trivial, but preserves the detail required:
Use a tree-walk, parse the NUMBER to a Double and an enum (or equivalent) to provide the semantic UNIT characterization:
public enum Unit {
CM("cm", true, true), // 1cm = 96px/2.54
MM("mm", true, true),
IN("in", true, true), // 1in = 2.54cm = 96px
PX("px", true, true), // 1px = 1/96th
PT("pt", true, true), // 1pt = 1/72th
EM("em", false, true), // element font size
REM("rem", false, true), // root element font size
EX("ex", true, true), // element font x-height
CAP("cap", true, true), // element font nominal capital letters height
PER("%", false, true),
DEG("deg", true, false),
RAD("rad", true, false),
GRAD("grad", true, false),
MS("ms", true, false),
S("s", true, false),
HZ("hz", true, false),
KHZ("khz", true, false),
NONE(Strings.EMPTY, true, false), // 'no unit specified'
INVALID(Strings.UNKNOWN, true, false);
public final String symbol;
public final boolean abs;
public final boolean len;
private Unit(String symbol, boolean abs, boolean len) {
this.symbol = symbol;
this.abs = abs;
this.len = len;
public boolean isAbsolute() { return abs; }
public boolean isLengthUnit() { return len; }
// call from the visitor to resolve from `UNIT` to Unit
public static Unit find(TerminalNode node) {
if (node == null) return NONE;
for (Unit unit : values()) {
if (unit.symbol.equalsIgnoreCase(node.getText())) return unit;
return INVALID;
public String toString() {
return symbol;

Printing Lists in Haskell new

Brand new to haskell and I need to print out the data contained on a seperate row for each individual item
Unsure on how to
type ItemDescr = String
type ItemYear = Int
type ItemPrice = Int
type ItemSold = Int
type ItemSales = Int
type Item = (ItemRegion,ItemDescr,ItemYear,ItemPrice,ItemSold,ItemSales)
type ListItems = [Item]
rownumber x
| x == 1 = ("Scotland","Desktop",2017,900,25,22500)
| x == 2 = ("England","Laptop",2017,1100,75,82500)
| x == 3 = ("Wales","Printer",2017,120,15,1800)
| x == 4 = ("England","Printer",2017,120,60,7200)
| x == 5 = ("England","Desktop",2017,900,50,45000)
| x == 6 = ("Wales","Desktop",2017,900,20,18000)
| x == 7 = ("Scotland","Printer",2017,25,25,3000)
So for example on each individual line
followed by the next record
Tip 1:
Store the data like this
items = [("Scotland","Desktop",2017,900,25,22500),
Tip 2:
Implement this function
toString :: Item -> String
toString = undefined -- do this yourselves
Tip 3:
Try to combine the following functions
unlines, already in the Prelude
toString, you just wrote it
map, does not need any explanation
putStrLn, not even sure if this is a real function, but you need it anyway.
($), you can do without this one, but it will give you bonus points

Differences between Rcpp::is_na, R_IsNA and std::isnan [duplicate]

I'm converting R based code into Rcpp based code. The head of my function is:
NumericMatrix createMatrixOfLinkRatiosC(NumericMatrix matr, double threshold4Clean) {
int i,j;
NumericMatrix myMatr(matr.nrow(),matr.ncol());
I want to handle call to the function where threshold4Clean is missing but I'm not finding how to do... Any help will be greatly appreciated.
R has both NaN and NA (which is really a special kind of NaN) for representing missing values. This is important to know because there are many functions that check if a value is NaN-y (NA or NaN):
Some truth tables for functions from the R/C API (note the frustrating lack of consistency)
| Function | NaN | NA |
| ISNAN | t | t |
| R_IsNaN | t | f |
| ISNA | f | t |
| R_IsNA | f | t |
and Rcpp:
| Function | NaN | NA |
| Rcpp::is_na | t | t |
| Rcpp::is_nan | t | f |
and from the R interpreter (note: Rcpp tries to match this, rather than the R/C API):
| Function | NaN | NA |
| is.na | t | t |
| is.nan | t | f |
Unfortunately it's a confusing landscape, but this should empower you a bit.
Both Rcpp and RcppArmadillo have predicates to test for NA, NaN (an R extension) and Inf.
Here is a short RcppArmadillo example:
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::mat foo(int n, double threshold=NA_REAL) {
arma::mat M = arma::zeros<arma::mat>(n,n);
if (arma::is_finite(threshold)) M = M + threshold;
return M;
/*** R
foo(2, 3.1415)
We initialize a matrix of zeros, and test for the argument. If it is finite (ie not NA or Inf or NaN), then we add that value. If you wanted to, you could test for the possibilities individually too.
This produces the desired result: without a second argument the default value of NA applies, and we get a matrix of zeros.
R> Rcpp::sourceCpp("/tmp/giorgio.cpp")
R> foo(2)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0 0
[2,] 0 0
R> foo(2, 3.1415)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 3.1415 3.1415
[2,] 3.1415 3.1415
I've been testing this and can shed some light on the possibilities.
For a single SEXP target, the Rcpp option I've used is:
switch(TYPEOF(target)) {
case INTSXP:
return Rcpp::traits::is_na<INTSXP>(Rcpp::as<int>(target));
return Rcpp::traits::is_na<REALSXP>(Rcpp::as<double>(target));
case LGLSXP:
return Rcpp::traits::is_na<LGLSXP>(Rcpp::as<int>(target));
return Rcpp::traits::is_na<CPLXSXP>(Rcpp::as<Rcomplex>(target));
case STRSXP: {
Rcpp::StringVector vec(target);
return Rcpp::traits::is_na<STRSXP>(vec[0]);
If you want to check without using Rcpp there are some caveats:
As mentioned here,
integer and logical NA (both stored as int) is equal to the minimum value of int (-2147483648).
For double, you could directly use what Rcpp uses,
namely R_isnancpp.
Equivalently, the ISNAN macro could be used.
For complex numbers, you could check both real and imaginary parts with the double method from above.
Character NA is tricky, since it's a singleton, so the address is what matters.
I personally have been testing ways to do operations with R characters without storing std::string to avoid copies,
i.e. using the char* directly.
What I've found that works is to declare this in a .cpp file:
static const char *na_string_ptr = CHAR(Rf_asChar(NA_STRING));
and, based on this answer,
do something like this for a Rcpp::StringVector or Rcpp::StringMatrix x:
Rcpp::CharacterVector one_string = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::CharacterVector>(x[i]);
char *ptr = (char *)(one_string[0]);
return ptr == na_string_ptr;
This last one still uses Rcpp,
but I can use it once for initial setup and then just use the char pointers.
I'm sure there's a way to do something similar with R's API,
but that's something I haven't tried yet.

Splitting a vector according to a table

A premise, I'm not a programmer, I'm a physicist and I use c++ as a tool to analyze data (ROOT package). My knowledge might be limited!
I have this situation, I read data from a file and store them in a vector (no problem with that)
vector<double> data;
with this data I want to plot a correlation plot, so I need to split them up in two different subsets one of which will be the X entries of a 2D histogram and the other the Y entries.
The splitting must be as follow, I have this table (I only copy a small part of it just to explain the problem)
************* LBA - LBC **************
Cell Name | Channel | PMT |
D0 | 0 | 1 |
A1-L | 1 | 2 |
BC1-R | 2 | 3 |
BC1-L | 3 | 4 |
A1-R | 4 | 5 |
A2-L | 5 | 6 |
BC2-R | 6 | 7 |
BC2-L | 7 | 8 |
A2-R | 8 | 9 |
A3-L | 9 | 10 |
A3-R | 10 | 11 |
BC3-L | 11 | 12 |
BC3-R | 12 | 13 |
D1-L | 13 | 14 |
D1-R | 14 | 15 |
A4-L | 15 | 16 |
BC4-R | 16 | 17 |
BC4-L | 17 | 18 |
A4-R | 18 | 19 |
A5-L | 19 | 20 |
None | 31 | 32 |
as you can see there are entries like A1-L and A1-R which corresponds to the left and right side of one cell, to this left and right side are associated an int that corresponds to a channel, in this case 1 and 4. I wish these left and right side to be on the X and Y axis of my 2D histogram.
The problem is then to associate to the vector of data somehow this table so that I can pick the channels that belongs to the same cell and put them one on the X axis and the other on the Y axis. To complicate the things there are also cells that don't have a partner like in this example D0 and channels that don't have a cell associated like channel 31.
My attempted solution is to create an indexing vector
vector<int> indexing = (0, 1, 4, ....);
and an ordered data vector
vector<double> data_ordered;
and fill the ordered vector with something like
for( vector<int> iterator it = indexing.begin(); it != indexing.end(); ++it)
and then put the even index of data_ordered on the X axis and the odd values on the Y axis but I have the problem of the D0 cell and the empty ones!
Another idea that I had is to create a struct like
struct cell{
string cell_name;
int left_channel;
int right_channel;
double data;
other informations
and then try to work with that, but there it comes my lack of c++ knowledge! Can someone give me an hint on how to solve this problem? I hope that my question is clear enough and that it respects the rules of this site!
To clarify the problem I try to explain it with an example
vector<double> data = (data0, data1, data2, data3, data4, ...);
do data0 has index 0 and if I go to the table I see it corresponds to the cell D0 which has no other partner and let's say can be disregarded for now. data1 has index 1 and it corresponds to the left part of the cell A1 (A1-L) so I need to find the right partner which has index 4 in the table and ideally leads me to pick data4 from the vector containing the data.
I hope this clarify the situation at least a little!
Here is an engine that does what you want, roughly:
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
enum sub_entry { left, right, only };
struct DataType {
std::string cell;
sub_entry sub;
DataType( DataType const& o ): cell(o.cell), sub(o.sub) {};
DataType( const char* c, sub_entry s=only ):
cell( c ),
sub( s )
DataType(): cell("UNUSED"), sub(only) {};
// lexographic weak ordering:
bool operator<( DataType const& o ) const {
if (cell != o.cell)
return cell < o.cell;
return sub < o.sub;
typedef std::vector< double > RawData;
typedef std::vector< DataType > LookupTable;
typedef std::map< DataType, double > OrganizedData;
OrganizedData organize( RawData const& raw, LookupTable const& table )
OrganizedData retval;
for( unsigned i = 0; i < raw.size() && i < table.size(); ++i ) {
DataType d = table[i];
retval[d] = raw[i];
return retval;
void PrintOrganizedData( OrganizedData const& data ) {
for (OrganizedData::const_iterator it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it ) {
std::cout << (*it).first.cell;
switch( (*it).first.sub ) {
case left: {
std::cout << "-L";
} break;
case right: {
std::cout << "-R";
} break;
case only: {
} break;
std::cout << " is " << (*it).second << "\n";
int main() {
RawData test;
LookupTable table;
table[0] = DataType("A1", left);
table[1] = "D0";
table[2] = DataType("A1", right);
OrganizedData org = organize( test, table );
PrintOrganizedData( org );
The lookup table stores what channel maps to what cell name and side.
Unused entries in the lookup table should be set to DataType(), which will flag their values to be stored in an "UNUSED" location. (It will still be stored, but you can discard it afterwards).
The result of this is a map from (CellName, Side) to the double data. I included a simple printer that just dumps the data. If you have graphing software, you can figure out a way to make a graph from it. Skipping "UNUSED" is an exercise that involves checking (*it).first.cell == "UNUSED" in that printing loop.
I believe everything is C++03 compliant. A bunch of the above becomes prettier if you had a C++11 compiler.