MFC menus Open tabs dynamic menu - c++

I am working with a MFC application, and would like to remove the dynamic entry that appears under "Arrange Icons".
I am not sure how this is added to the application, or how could I switch that off?

The list of open windows is added to the "Window" menu by the MFC framework, in the application's main window handler for the WM_INITMENUPOPUP command. (Actually, the framework adds the items to all menus that already contain any command with an ID between AFX_IDM_WINDOW_FIRST and AFX_IDM_WINDOW_LAST – which includes the "Cascasde," "Tile..." and "Arrange Icons" default values.)
You can remove these items by adding the ON_WM_INITMENUPOPUP() handler to your frame window's message map and overriding that frame's OnInitMenuPopup() member function.
Assuming your main frame is derived from the CMDIFrameWnd class, this override would look something like the following:
void MyFrameWnd::OnInitMenuPopup(CMenu *pPopupMenu, UINT nIndex, BOOL bSysMenu)
CMDIFrameWnd::OnInitMenuPopup(pPopupMenu, nIndex, bSysMenu);// Call base class FIRST
// <Insert any other code for your override>
UINT commID = AFX_IDM_FIRST_MDICHILD; // MFC gives the first item this ID
do {
hadID = pPopupMenu->RemoveMenu(commID, MF_BYCOMMAND);
} while (hadID);
The declaration of the function in your class should properly have the afx_msg attribute, as shown below, although this is generally defined as 'nothing' in the recent MFC versions:
class MyFrameWnd : public CMDIFrameWnd
afx_msg void OnInitMenuPopup(CMenu *pPopupMenu, UINT nIndex, BOOL bSysMenu);
You could also reduce the removal 'loop' code to the following single line, if you prefer such compressed code:
for (UINT commID = AFX_IDM_FIRST_MDICHILD; Menu->RemoveMenu(commID, MF_BYCOMMAND); ++commID) ; // Empty loop
Note that this removal process will leave a 'separator' at the bottom of your application's "Window" menu; removing this as well would involve a bit more work, as that separator doesn't have a command ID – so you would need to determine its position (index) in the menu and call the RemoveMenu() function using that index and the MF_BYPOSITION flag as the second argument.
Using the code from the first snippet, and assuming that separator is at the very end of your menu, this could be achieved by adding the following code after the removal loop:
if (commID > AFX_IDM_FIRST_MDICHILD + 1) { // We removed at least one item, so ...
int nItems = Menu->GetMenuItemCount(); // ... remove the separator,
pPopupMenu->RemoveMenu(nItems - 1, MF_BYPOSITION); // assuming it's the last item!


MFC MDI Collecting control states for the "apply" button routine

It was mentioned in some of my other threads on my app on that my code was incorrect because the apply button is present. I understand that now. It was said to collect the controls and then when apply is hit to send the data.
I have now idea how to approach that. So for the sake of general education. I have 1 property sheet and 5 property pages. For the sake of just general controls in use. Between all the 5, there are only radio controls and buttons, no edit controls (yet).
Let's assume there are 2 radios buttons and 1 button on each page.. where page 1 is radio1, radio2, button 1 and page 2 is radio3, radio4, button2....and so on.
I know that when the user selects something like a button or radio that the IsModified(TRUE) needs to be called to enable the apply button from grayed to active.
What would the code look like to scan all the controls and then apply them? I've never done it and I can't seem to find an example that isn't already super busy to gain the understanding of how to do it.
Anyone have a tutorial or code snippet or build a primer from the controls that I described above that could demonstrate how to execute this?
Ok so I have the DDX variables added:
void CSettingsUserTabs::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
DDX_Control(pDX, STYLE_3D_USER, m_style_3d);
DDX_Control(pDX, STYLE_FLAT_USER, m_style_flat);
DDX_Control(pDX, STYLE_FLAT_SHARED_HORZ_SCROLL_USER, m_style_flat_shared_h_scroll);
DDX_Control(pDX, STYLE_3D_SCROLLED_USER, m_style_3d_scroll);
DDX_Control(pDX, STYLE_3D_ONENOTE_USER, m_style_onenote);
DDX_Control(pDX, STYLE_3D_VS2005_USER, m_style_vs2005);
DDX_Control(pDX, STYLE_3D_ROUNDED_USER, m_style_3d_rounded);
DDX_Control(pDX, STYLE_3D_ROUNDED_SCROLL_USER, m_style_3d_rounded_scroll);
My radio selection look like:
void CSettingsUserTabs::OnBnClicked3dUser()
//AfxGetMainWnd()->SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, STYLE_3D_USER);
void CSettingsUserTabs::OnBnClickedFlatUser()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
//AfxGetMainWnd()->SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, STYLE_FLAT_USER);
..... and the rest of them....
So to me, when I click any radio button, I expect that it scans all of controls on that property page? If so, all the variables have the I call IsModified(); to enable the apply button...which then executes all the radio values i.e. only one selected? Is that the flow?
Update 2:
So this is what my modal dialog code is in MainFrame.cpp:
void CMainFrame::OnSettingsTools()
SettingsSheet SettingsSheet(L"Application Settings");
CSettingsPowerUser pgePowerUser;
CSettingsToolbars pgeToolbars;
CSettingsTheme pgeTheme;
CSettingsUserTabs pgeUserTabs;
CSettingsReset pgeReset;
INT_PTR nRet = -1;
nRet = SettingsSheet.DoModal();
// Handle the return value from DoModal
switch (nRet)
case -1:
AfxMessageBox(_T("Dialog box could not be created!"));
// Do something
case IDOK:
// Do something
// Do something
// Do something
The routine to verify if any of the radios buttons are changed in SettingsTabs.cpp:
void CSettingsUserTabs::OnTabRadioClicked(UINT nCmdID)
BOOL IsChecked = nCmdID;
m_tabCmdID = nCmdID;
What the member variables look like in SettingsUserTabs.cpp:
void CSettingsUserTabs::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
DDX_Radio(pDX, STYLE_3D_USER, m_style_3d);
DDX_Radio(pDX, STYLE_FLAT_USER, m_style_flat);
DDX_Radio(pDX, STYLE_FLAT_SHARED_HORZ_SCROLL_USER, m_style_flat_h_scroll);
DDX_Radio(pDX, STYLE_3D_SCROLLED_USER, m_style_3d_scroll);
DDX_Radio(pDX, STYLE_3D_ONENOTE_USER, m_style_3d_onenote);
DDX_Radio(pDX, STYLE_3D_VS2005_USER, m_style_vs2005);
DDX_Radio(pDX, STYLE_3D_ROUNDED_USER, m_style_3d_rounded);
DDX_Radio(pDX, STYLE_3D_ROUNDED_SCROLL_USER, m_style_3d_rounded_scroll);
What the constructor looks like in SettingsUserTabs.cpp:
, m_style_3d(FALSE)
, m_style_flat(FALSE)
, m_style_flat_h_scroll(FALSE)
, m_style_3d_scroll(FALSE)
, m_style_3d_onenote(FALSE)
, m_style_vs2005(FALSE)
, m_style_3d_rounded(FALSE)
, m_style_3d_rounded_scroll(FALSE)
, m_tabCmdID(FALSE)
This issue I'm seeing now is when I try to use the member variable m_tabCmdID it is coming back to unknown identifier so I'm not sure why the member variable isn't be seen. I am was expecting to use it like OnUserTabStyles(m_tabCmdID); so that it would pass the argument of the selected button to the method OnUserTabStyles. For now I just dumped a 1 in there to see if the mechanism works. I just am not clear how to access the member variable from the SettingsUserTabs.cpp from the IDOK. What am I missing?
EDIT: The range of options are sequential in the resource.h as 200-207, that is something I'm aware of and I know many don't like range options as they can get corrupted...this is my code, so I have no worries about the range being messed with.
Update 3:
Ok, so I finally understand the mechanism that Constantine described with the help of:
I didn't have the tab order right nor did I have the first control set to true for the group.
With that, I now get the values 0-7 mentioned in the button group when I debug as I click each radio button based on its position in the group from 0-7 i.e. 8 buttons. Here is what the code looks like now.
, m_style_tabs(FALSE)
void CSettingsUserTabs::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
DDX_Radio(pDX, STYLE_3D_USER, m_style_tabs);
void CSettingsUserTabs::OnTabRadioClicked(UINT nCmdID)
BOOL RadioValueSelected = m_style_tabs; // only here to see 0-7 value for debugging only, not needed, test only
The mainframe.cpp above (Update 2): void CMainFrame::OnSettingsTools() is still the same.
So now here is where my question still isn't clear, I call the domodal from mainframe.cpp, the member variable m_style_tabs is in SettingsUserTabs.cpp. When I try to access the member variable, it says unknown identifier when I try to do something like this after the domodal int temp = m_styles_tabs;. I have a this in the mainframe.cpp
void CMainFrame::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
// TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
I would expect that the member would be seen in mainframe.cpp so I can process it after the domodal which is what I thought the whole point of this is?
How do I access the member variable so I can do the OnApply to it? I think I almost got it, I am just unclear on how to execute the last few steps for the actual apply itself.
Update 4:
The reason I ask about the restart is when the user selects the tabs property page and choose 1 of 8 choices, that option is stored in the registry and read during the Oncreate and then uses that style. Since it is OnCreate I haven't found a way to "redraw" or use the new tab setting except to restart the app. So by doing the reg save > respawn > end old ...I would want the dialog to reopen at the same tab property page so the user can see what the changes are if the apply was selected...vs. some dialog that says "restart"..or whatever. Below is the code used to demonstrate how it is working now.
int COutputWnd::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
if (CDockablePane::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
return -1;
CRect rectDummy;
// Create User Define tab style:
int UserTabStyle = AfxGetApp()->GetProfileInt(_T("Settings"), _T("UserTabStyle"), 0); //Get value from registry
// If the key doesn't exist, UserTableStyle will be 0 or FALSE;
if (UserTabStyle != FALSE && UserTabStyle <= 8) { // User selected tab style type
int EnumUserTabStyle = UserTabStyle - 1; // Fix enum if key doesn't exist.
if (!m_wndTabs.Create(static_cast<CMFCTabCtrl::Style>(EnumUserTabStyle), rectDummy, this, 1))
TRACE0("Failed to create output tab window\n");
return -1; // fail to create
else { // Default tabs style if Reg key does not exist i.e. new install/program reset
if (!m_wndTabs.Create(CMFCTabCtrl::STYLE_FLAT, rectDummy, this, 1))
TRACE0("Failed to create output tab window\n");
return -1; // fail to create
… rest of function....
Update 5:
Here is the Apply in use from SettingsUserTabs.cpp:
BOOL CSettingsUserTabs::OnApply()
// TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileInt(_T("Settings"), _T("UserTabStyle"), m_style_tabs); // Save value to registry
return CMFCPropertyPage::OnApply();
Update 6:
Everything to this point is working, I ran into a road block trying to apply lessons learned here and at this link:
MFC MDI Substituting a class member dynamically
What was done in this topic was for the OutputWnd pane which works brilliantly! My MDI opens a file and uses CTabView and using the link shown in Update 6 allowed me to change the tabs on boot. Now that I have the OutputWnd doing it with OnApply, I'm trying to apply it to the document view when a file is loaded. I'm running into an access violation when I call the new function I created in TrainView.cpp and calling it from UserSettingsTabs.cpp. I thought it was the static_cast operation, but even if I do a simple bold using GetControlTabs() that also crashes (Shown in the commented out code, was on boot, now in OnApply to test theory). So clearly I need to capture the MDI document but not sure how that is done. I thought it would be as simple as:
But when that crashed with a Cx000000005 access violation, I knew something was wrong on my end. I can't modify the CTabView operation, so I'm looking to see if we can fix what I'm doing wrong to have the OnApply change the tab styles without restarting as done in the OutputWnd we just fixed.
So as it stands, the OnApply that is working and now modded to try an integrate the CTabView functionality:
BOOL CSettingsUserTabs::OnApply()
BOOL bResult = CMFCPropertyPage::OnApply();
if (bResult)
AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileInt(_T("Settings"), _T("UserTabStyle"), m_style_tabs); // Save value to registry
CTrainView* TrainTabs; // User Call from anywhere method
return bResult;
I added the function CTrainView::TrainDocUpdateTabsControl() to update the tabs...the rest of the code is fully operation i.e. void CTrainView::OnInitialUpdate()
The TrainView.cpp:
void CTrainView::OnInitialUpdate()
CMainFrame* pMainFrame = (CMainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd();
pMainFrame->m_wndOutput.AddStringDebugTab(_T("Debug: TrainView--CTrainView::OnInitialUpdate()."));
// add views // cmb
AddView(RUNTIME_CLASS(CInformationView), AfxStringID(IDS_INFORMATION));
AddView(RUNTIME_CLASS(CChaptersView), AfxStringID(IDS_CHAPTERS));
// Nicely hack to access protected member
class CMFCTabCtrlEx : public CMFCTabCtrl
void SetDisableScroll() { m_bScroll = FALSE; }
// One-Liner to Disable navigation control
// Modify User Define tab style:
int UserTabStyle = AfxGetApp()->GetProfileInt(_T("Settings"), _T("UserTabStyle"), 0); //Get value from registry
// If the key doesn't exist, UserTableStyle will be 0 or FALSE;
if (UserTabStyle != FALSE && UserTabStyle <= 8) { // User selected tab style type
int EnumUserTabStyle = UserTabStyle - 1; // Fix enum if key doesn't exist.
else { // Default tabs style if Reg key does not exist i.e. new install/program reset
void CTrainView::TrainDocUpdateTabsControl()
GetTabControl().SetActiveTabBoldFont(TRUE); << CAUSES Cx000000005 ACCESS ERROR CRASH WHEN CALLED.
//int EnumUserTabStyle;
//int UserTabStyle = AfxGetApp()->GetProfileInt(_T("Settings"), _T("UserTabStyle"), 0); //Get value from registry
Update 6 EDIT:
The tabview is created from Application.cpp like this:
//Load Train Template
m_pkDocTrainTemplate = new CMultiDocTemplate(
IDR_TRAIN, // Loads TRAIN operation
I tried to cast the m_pkDocTrainTemplate as I thought that was the pointer? Since it is MDI, I wasn't sure if there was an index issue since there can be multiple docs open simultaneously?
Below is an example of an application I wrote some time ago. It's a simple "Settings" dialog. Unlike yours, this one is derived from CDialogEx. But as CPropertyDialog is derived from CDialog, these apply in your case too.
Using the Wizard, I added member variables to the dialog class, bound to the dialog controls. Choose "Value", rather than "Control" in the "Category" combo in the Wizard. These are declared in the class definition. For simplicity, I only show three. There is a CString, an int and a BOOL variable, bound to an edit, a combo-box (drop-down list) and a check-box control respectively.
class CSettingsDlg : public CDialogEx
CString m_DBConn;
int m_DumpSQL;
BOOL m_bLineNums;
In the implementation, the Wizard has modified the constructor and the DoDataExchange() member functions:
CSettingsDlg::CSettingsDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
: CDialogEx(CSettingsDlg::IDD, pParent)
, m_DBConn(_T(""))
, m_DumpSQL(0)
, m_bLineNums(FALSE)
void CSettingsDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
DDV_MaxChars(pDX, m_DBConn, 255);
DDV_MinMaxInt(pDX, m_DumpSQL, 0, 2);
DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CHECK_LINENUMS, m_bLineNums);
The values in the constructor are the initial (default) ones. The DoDataExchange() function calls the DDX/DDV routines. The DDX routines perform the transfer of data (controls<->variables), while the DDV ones the validation - they are optional. The DoDataExchange() function is called by UpdateData(). Also, the default implementation of OnOK() calls UpdateData(TRUE), and if successful closes the dialog.
You will need to enable the Apply button if something has been modified. You can capture notification messages like EN_CHANGE, EN_UPDATE, BN_CLICKED etc (add an event in the property editor) and call the SetModified() function - this can prove quite tedious, but I can't see any other way to do it.
Such a dialog class can be used in the application as shown below:
void CChildView::OnSetoptions()
// Create a Settings-dialog class instance
CSettingsDlg sd; // Main application window as parent - will block every UI item in the application
// Set initial values for the member variables
sd.m_DBConn = szDBconn;
sd.m_DumpSQL = nDumpSQL;
sd.m_bLineNums = bDumpLineNums;
if (sd.DoModal() == IDOK)
// Store the values entered by the user
lstrcpyn(szDBconn, sd.m_DBConn, MAX_PATH);
nDumpSQL = sd.m_DumpSQL;
bDumpLineNums = sd.m_bLineNums;
I have a usage example in the code section just above. The procedure is create an instance of the dialog class, set the member variables' values (initial values, eg read from the registry), call DoModal() and if successful store (copy) the variables somewhere else (if not discard them). This should be done in some event handler, like CMainFrame::OnSettingsTools() in Update2. The CMainFrame::DoDataExchange() override makes no sense.
It's quite strange that you can't access the m_style_tabs variable. Isn't it a non-static, public member of the CSettingsUserTabs class? It should be declared in SettingsUserTabs.h. Won't it work if you acceess it as pgeUserTabs.m_style_tabs? In the CSettingsUserTabs class functions it can accessed simply as m_style_tabs. Also I see it is initialized as FALSE in the constructor. Is it a BOOL and not an int? (btw BOOL is defined as int in Win32, so the compiler won't complain) But the Wizard generates an int variable for radio-buttons, optionally with range validation as well.
Another point, you don't normally need to call UpdateData(TRUE) in CSettingsUserTabs::OnTabRadioClicked(). Please leave only the SetModified() call there. UpdateData(TRUE) is typically called in the OnOK() function. And usually you don't need to override these, because the default implementation is sufficient. The CPropertyPage documentation btw mentions that The default implementation of OnApply calls OnOK.
EDIT 2 :
In OnApply() you should first check if validation was successful. Also, OnCreate() isn't a "method" that can be called directly. It should be considered an "event". It's called by the framework when a window is created. You should instead call Create(). In your case you can destroy the Output Window and create it anew (with the new style). But, I see that the CMFCTabCtrl class has a ModifyTabStyle() function, which you can try calling, (without destroying the windows and creating it again). So, your code would become:
BOOL CSettingsUserTabs::OnApply()
BOOL bResult = CMFCPropertyPage::OnApply();
if (bResult)
AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileInt(_T("Settings"), _T("UserTabStyle"), m_style_tabs); // Save value to registry
return bResult;
The above code won't compile, because the m_wndOutput and m_wndTabs members are protected. You will have to make them public.

How to change MFC View by clicking a Button inside the MainFrame

I want to change the presented View by clicking a button inside the Window
like this.
My Project settings:
I made an MFC Project (SDI) without Doc/View support.
I made two more Views in the Designer and added Classes to them. The new View Classes are derived from CFormView. I changed the Constructor and Destructor of the new View Classes to public.
Added them as pointers to MainFrm.h:
CMainView* m_pMainView;
CSecondView* m_pSecondView;
I changed the OnCreate(),OnSetFocus() and OnCmdMsg() Method of MainFrm.cpp like this:
(That allows to present the FormView I made with the Designer)
int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
if (CFrameWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
return -1;
// First, build the view context structure
CCreateContext ccx;
// Designate the class from which to build the view
ccx.m_pNewViewClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CMainView);
// Using the structure, create a view
m_pMainView = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CMainView, this->CreateView(&ccx));
if (!m_pMainView)
TRACE0("creation of view failed");
// Do layout recalc
// Show the view and do an initial update
// Set this view active
// Order it to resize the parent window to fit
return 0;
void CMainFrame::OnSetFocus(CWnd* /*pOldWnd*/)
BOOL CMainFrame::OnCmdMsg(UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo)
if (m_pMainView->OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo))
return TRUE;
return CFrameWnd::OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo);
Now here comes my problem! I have a button on the First presented View and if you click on it, the view should change. I made the following function with the event handler in the Designer:
void CMainView::OnBnClickedButton1()
// What to do here? I want to change the current view to another View by clicking the button
If i handle it in the MainFrm.cpp class for example with menue buttons it is no problem... that works fine:
void CMainFrame::OnViewNextview()
CCreateContext ccx2;
ccx2.m_pNewViewClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CSecondView);
m_pSecondView = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CSecondView, this->CreateView(&ccx2));
I tried to write a function in CMainFrame and call this function in CMainView::OnBnClickedButton1() but I don't know how to get the current MainFrm Object. A pointer on MainFrm or a member of it in CMainView did not work.
I searched and red tutorials for days to solve my problem. I also tried it with Doc/View support like shown here: but i dont know where to call switchView() correctly.
Maybe anyone can help...
First, you shouldn't really be overriding OnCmdMsg - instead, use DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP in your header file and BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP/END_MESSAGE_MAP in your implementation file, and insert handler messages between those two macros.
I see that you already have a handler in your CMainView class for the button click! From here, you should call the CMainFrame function to change to the next view - just as you do when the menu command is given (which you say works). Make that function public and give the MainView class access to a pointer to the main frame (or use AfxGetMainWnd() and cast it to a pointer of your class). Something like this:
void CMainView::OnBnClickedButton1()
AfxGetMainWnd()->PostMessage(WM_COMMAND, menuID); // ID of menu command that works!
Big hugs for Adrian, i got it to work!
I also added a third view successfully :)
It is very IMPORTANT , to HIDE the last shown Window if you want to implement more views. you can do it like:
void CMainFrame::OnView3()
CCreateContext ccx3;
ccx3.m_pNewViewClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CThirdView);
m_pThirdView = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CThirdView, this->CreateView(&ccx3));
m_pSecondView->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); // Hide the last Window
m_pThirdView->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); // Show the new Window
//m_pThirdView->ResizeParentToFit(FALSE); //if you call this, the size of the window is the same like in the Designer

MFC Edit control message handle access Document object

I create a new class extend CEdit to override some of the message handles.
My ultimate goal is when edit control is on focus, some of the toolbar buttons become available.
I created a bool variable in doc. then the pCmdUI->enable() set to this bool. The onfocus is overridden in new edit control class. I'm having trouble to update this bool vairbale from the onfocus message handle.
void CMFCDoc::OnUpdateTextColor(CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
// TODO: Add your command update UI handler code here
class CMFCDoc : public COleServerDoc
bool shape_onfocus_;
//edit control
#include <afxwin.h>
class CEditControl :
public CEdit
afx_msg void OnEnSetfocus();
void CEditControl::OnEnSetfocus()
//----- I want to update shape_onfocus_ here. -----
this->SetWindowTextA(_T("Hello world"));
Assuming your CEditControl instance is a child of some sort of CView, you could go about it like this:
void CEditControl::OnEnSetfocus()
CView *view = static_cast<CView *>(GetParent());
CMFCDoc *doc = static_cast<CMFCDoc *>(view->GetDocument());
doc->shape_onfocus_ = true;
Assuming the edit-control is a child of a CView-derived class, you should better put the OnUpdateUI() handler in the view class, not the document one.
For example, if the view-class is CFormView-derived (dialog), you could simply write:
void CMyView::OnUpdateTextColor(CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
This piece of code works for both SDI and MDI applications.
If the view class is not CFormView-derived (the edit-box was created programmatically), the code above could be modified slightly, and instead of calling GetDlgItem() you should enumerate the view's children list (search your edit-box there).
If the only reason to override the edit-control was to capture the EN_SET/KILLFOCUS messages, sorry this wasn't worth the effort, as you could simply capture these in the view's code. Then the view's message-map would contain:
and the view-class code:
void CMyView::OnEnSetfocusMyEdit()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
void CMyView::OnEnKillfocusMyEdit()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
These are generated by the wizard. Go to the Class View tab, select your class and then go to the Events page; in the Controls subtree you can find your control and add handlers for its events. But all this is not needed, as you can just use GetFocus()/GetDlgItem() as suggested above.
And as other members said, you can access the document class from any of its views by calling the GetDocument() function.

Add two numbers using MFC

Since I am a total beginner in MFC I need a help to understand some basics. At the moment it is not clear to me how can I grab some value (by ID or something else) and use it, or change it...
Lets say I have something like this:
The ID of edit boxes are: IDC_EDIT1, IDC_EDIT2, IDC_EDIT3 (respectively).
The ID of Calculate button is IDC_BUTTON1.
How can I grab the value of IDC_EDIT1, and add it to IDC_EDIT2 and then show it IDC_EDIT3 on Calculate click?
After creating this Dialog, I get the following code:
void CMFCApplication1Dlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
void CMFCApplication1Dlg::OnEnChangeEdit1()
void CMFCApplication1Dlg::OnEnChangeEdit2()
void CMFCApplication1Dlg::OnEnChangeEdit3()
For starter, try this:
void CMFCApplication1Dlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
int a = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT1);
int b = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT2);
SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT3, a+b);
An MFC CDialog is a CWnd (inheritance). So you can access its childs with GetDlgItem. If you only want to process integers, you can even use the helper method GetDlgItemInt which will give you the text of the CEdit as an integer. Once this is done, you just add the two numbers and use the result to set the value of the last CEdit (that should be either inactive of read-only) with SetDlgItemInt.
If you want to accept floating point, you should read the values with SetDlgItemText and write them with SetDlgItemText and process the conversions to/from double by hand.
What I mean is that you will not have to use the OnEnChangeEditx notifications but do all the stuff in the OnBnClickedButton1 one.
As you have not shown your current code, I cannot say more here...

CStatic does not invalidate every time its text is changed

I am trying to dynamically change the text of a CStatic control. My member variable is called mStatic of the type CStatic. I have changed the ID to IDC_MYSTATIC instead of IDC_STATIC.
I am calling mStatic.SetWindowText("asdfasdf") when I want to change the text of the control. I do this periodically in a timer.
Now I have the problem that the previous text is not erased after I call the SetWindowText(). It just keeps piling up until I get a mess on the screen.
The parent window has the layered property with a bitmap background. I have also set the color_key property so a certain color of the bitmap is viewed as transparent (I.e. It will not be drawn and will let mouse messages through). The mStatic control is drawn on the parts not transparent, that have a bitmap background.
Why isn't the window invalidating?
Had the same issue. The following code fixed it:
mStatic.SetWindowText("New text");
CRect rect;
Perhaps your static text control have a SS_SIMPLE style enabled. You can check style flags on resource file or using GetStyle().
Static control with SS_SIMPLE style displays text faster, but also - as MSDN describes -
"SS_SIMPLE static controls do not clear the control's display area when displaying text. If a shorter string is displayed, the part of the original string that is longer than the new shorter string is displayed."
Clear SS_SIMPLE from style flags and CStatic will behave 'normally'.
This knowledge base support article describes the same problem when the SetWindowText() call is made from another thread. Is that what your timer is doing?
If so the solution could simply be to:
CRect clientRect;
As mentioned by others already, a static control doesn't necessarily erase its background prior to drawing the text.
I find it a much better solution to subclass the static control and force the invalidation of the control from there. This enables one to easily implement it on all static texts with transparent background, without having to do extra calls to invalidate the control from its parent class.
One way to catch a change of the control's text from within the control itself is to react to the WM_SETTEXT message and force the invalidation from there:
int CStaticT::OnSetText(LPCTSTR text)
LRESULT res = Default();
return res;
Here is a brief example, extracted from one of my classes, of how such a subclassed control could look like:
// Header
class CStaticT : public CStatic
virtual ~CStaticT();
afx_msg int OnSetText(LPCTSTR text);
BOOL m_InitialSet;
// Implementation
m_InitialSet = FALSE;
int CStaticT::OnSetText(LPCTSTR text)
LRESULT res = Default();
// I've noticed issues when this forces the invalidation
// of the static control before the parent's background
// is painted completely.
// This is a cheap workaround, skipping the initial setting
// of the text by the subclassing call.
// You have to test if this works out for your environment.
if (!m_InitialSet)
m_InitialSet = TRUE;
return res;
// Force of the invalidation
return res;