Amazon S3 Node.JS method getObject() clarification on its parameter - amazon-web-services

I have this code for Amazon Lambda:
const file_stream = s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: filename });
This line of code would be used along with exports.handler = async (event) function.
In regards to the "Key" parameter, is the filename should be just the filename (ex. filename.ext), full directory for the filename (ex. https://link/to/a/file/filename.ext), or something else? (I am pretty much new in AWS S3 and Lambda)

Lets assume you have a bucket my-bucket and a file 'abc.txt' inside folder hierarchy like 2021/04/12.
So you can do like below to get the object:
s3.getObject({ Bucket: 'my-bucket', Key: '2021/04/12/abc.txt' }).promise();
You can check the key value in console as well just click on the file you want to process and you can see key value under Properties Object overview tab.


Uploading item in Amazon s3 bucket from React Native with user's info

I am uploading an image on AWS S3 using React Native with AWS amplify for mobile app development. Many users use my app.
I want that whenever any user uploads the image on S3 through the mobile app, I want to get user's ID also along with that image. So that later I can recognise the images on S3 that which image belongs to which user. How can I achieve this?
I am using AWS Auth Cognito for user registration/ Sign-In. I came to know that whenever a user is registered in AWS cognito (for the first time), the user gets a unique ID in the pool. Can I use this user ID to be passed alongwith image whenever user uploads image?
Basically I want to have some form of functionality so that I can track back to the user who uploaded the image on S3. This is because after the image is uploaded on S3, I later want to process this image and send the result back ONLY to the user of the image.
You can store the data in S3 in structure similar to the one below:
Then, if you need all files from given user, you can use ListObjects API in S3 lambda - docs here
// for lambda function
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const s3 = new AWS.S3();
const objects = await s3.listObjectsV2({
Bucket: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
Delimiter: 'STRING_VALUE',
EncodingType: url,
ExpectedBucketOwner: 'STRING_VALUE',
RequestPayer: requester
objects.forEach(item => {
Or if you are using S3 Lambda trigger, you can parse userId from "key" / filename in received event in S3 lambda (in case you used structure above).
"key": "public/users/e1e0858f-2ea1-90f892b68e0c/item.jpg",
"size": 269582,
"eTag": "db8aafcca5786b62966073f59152de9d",
"sequencer": "006068DC0B344DA9E9"
Another option is to write "userId" into metadata of the file that will be uploaded to S3.
You can pass "sub" property from Cognito's currently logged user, so in S3 Lambda trigger function you will get the userId from metadata.
import Auth from "#aws-amplify/auth";
const user = await Auth.currentUserInfo();
const userId = user.attributes.sub;
return userId;
// use userId from Cognito and put in into custom metadata
import {Storage} from "aws-amplify";
const userId = "userIdHere"
const filename = "filename" // or use uuid()
const ref = `public/users/#{userId}/${filename}`
const response = await Storage.put(ref, blob, {
contentType: "image/jpeg",
metadata: {userId: userId},
AWS Amplify can do all above automatically (create folder structures, etc.), if you do not need any special structure how files are stored = docs here.
You only need to configure Storage ('globally' or per action) with "level" property.
Storage.configure({ level: 'private' });
await Storage.put(ref, blob, {
contentType: "image/jpeg",
metadata: {userId: userId},
//or set up level only for given action
const ref= "userCollection"
await Storage.put(ref, blob, {
contentType: "image/jpeg",
metadata: {userId: userId},
level: "private"
So, for example, if you use level "private", file "124.jpeg" will be stored in S3 at
However, as you can see, "us-east-1:6419087f-d13e-4581-b72e-7a7b32d7c7c1" looks different than the "sub" in Cognito ("sub" property does not contain regions).
The related discussion is here, also with few workarounds, but basically you need to decide how you will manage user identification in your project on your own (if you use "sub" everywhere as userId, or you will go with another ID - I think it is called identityID and consider that as userId).
PS: If you are using React Native, I guess you will go with Push Notification for sending updates from backend - if that is the case, I was doing something similar ("moderation control") - so I added another Lambda function, Cognito's Post-Confirmation Lambda, that creates user in DynamoDB with ID of Cognitos's "sub" property.
Then user can save token from mobile device needed for push notifications, so when the AWS Rekognition finished detection on the image that user uploaded, I queried DynamoDB and used SNS to send the notification to the end user.

Fetching multiple objects with same prefix from s3 bucket

I have multiple folders in an s3 bucket and each folder contains some .txt files. Now I want to fetch just 10 .txt files from a given folder using javascript API.
For eg: the path is something like this
Now folder id is the one containing multiple .txt files. There are multiple id folders inside folder3. I want to pass id and get 10 s3 objects which have id as prefix. Is this possible using listObjectsV2? How do I limit the response to just 10 objects.
| _____obj3.txt
|_____ id2---|____obj4.txt
s3bucket/folder1/folder2/folder3-| ____obj5.txt
|_____ id3---|____obj6.txt
So if I pass
var params= {Bucket:"s3bucket",Key:"folder1/folder2/folder3/id1"}
I should get obj1.txt and obj2.txt in response.
Which S3 method are you using? I suggest to use listObjectsV2 to achieve your goal. A possible call might look as the following
const s3 = new AWS.S3();
const { Contents } = await s3.listObjectsV2({
Bucket: 's3bucket',
Prefix: 'folder1/folder2/folder3/id1',
MaxKeys: 10
To get the object values you need to call getObject on each Key.
const responses = await Promise.all((Contents || []).map(({ Key }) => (
Bucket: 's3bucket',

How to get an object with wildscard bucket key in aws js-sdk

I use ceph to store my object.
I just download the file from other rescources and store it in ceph with unique filename and the original postfix.
I wander if i can retrive an object without the postfix like:
// just assume the file path is `bucket/unique_id.jpg`
let file = require('fs').createWriteStream('image.png');
Bucket: 'bucket',
Key: 'unique_id*',

Writing a single file to multiple s3 buckets with gulp-awspublish

I have a simple single-page app, that is deployed to an S3 bucket using gulp-awspublish. We use inquirer.js (via gulp-prompt) to ask the developer which bucket to deploy to.
Sometimes the app may be deployed to several S3 buckets. Currently, we only allow one bucket to be selected, so the developer has to gulp deploy for each bucket in turn. This is dull and prone to error.
I'd like to be able to select multiple buckets and deploy the same content to each. It's simple to select multiple buckets with inquirer.js/gulp-prompt, but not simple to generate arbitrary multiple S3 destinations from a single stream.
Our deploy task is based upon generator-webapp's S3 recipe. The recipe suggests gulp-rename to rewrite the path to write to a specific bucket. Currently our task looks like this:
gulp.task('deploy', ['build'], () => {
// get AWS creds
if (typeof(config.awsCreds) !== 'object') {
return console.error('No config.awsCreds settings found. See README');
var dirname;
const publisher = $.awspublish.create({
key: config.awsCreds.key,
secret: config.awsCreds.secret,
bucket: config.awsCreds.bucket
return gulp.src('dist/**/*.*')
type: 'list',
name: 'dirname',
message: 'Using the ‘' + config.awsCreds.bucket + '’ bucket. Which hostname would you like to deploy to?',
choices: config.awsCreds.dirnames,
default: config.awsCreds.dirnames.indexOf(config.awsCreds.dirname)
}, function (res) {
dirname = res.dirname;
.pipe($.rename(function(path) {
path.dirname = dirname + '/dist/' + path.dirname;
It's hopefully obvious, but config.awsCreds might look something like:
awsCreds: {
dirname: 'default-bucket',
dirnames: ['default-bucket', 'other-bucket', 'another-bucket']
Gulp-rename rewrites the destination path to use the correct bucket.
We can select multiple buckets by using "checkbox" instead of "list" for the gulp-prompt options, but I'm not sure how to then deliver it to multiple buckets.
In a nutshell, if $.prompt returns an array of strings instead of a string, how can I write the source to multiple destinations (buckets) instead of a single bucket?
Please keep in mind that gulp.dest() is not used -- only gulp.awspublish() -- and we don't know how many buckets might be selected.
Never used S3, but if I understand your question correctly a file js/foo.js should be renamed to default-bucket/dist/js/foo.js and other-bucket/dist/js/foo.js when the checkboxes default-bucket and other-bucket are selected?
Then this should do the trick:
// additionally required modules
var path = require('path');
var through = require('through2').obj;
gulp.task('deploy', ['build'], () => {
if (typeof(config.awsCreds) !== 'object') {
return console.error('No config.awsCreds settings found. See README');
var dirnames = []; // array for selected buckets
const publisher = $.awspublish.create({
key: config.awsCreds.key,
secret: config.awsCreds.secret,
bucket: config.awsCreds.bucket
return gulp.src('dist/**/*.*')
type: 'checkbox', // use checkbox instead of list
name: 'dirnames', // use different result name
message: 'Using the ‘' + config.awsCreds.bucket +
'’ bucket. Which hostname would you like to deploy to?',
choices: config.awsCreds.dirnames,
default: config.awsCreds.dirnames.indexOf(config.awsCreds.dirname)
}, function (res) {
dirnames = res.dirnames; // store array of selected buckets
// use through2 instead of gulp-rename
.pipe(through(function(file, enc, done) {
dirnames.forEach((dirname) => {
var f = file.clone();
f.path = path.join(f.base, dirname, 'dist',
path.relative(f.base, f.path));
Notice the comments where I made changes from the code you posted.
What this does is use through2 to clone each file passing through the stream. Each file is cloned as many times as there were bucket checkboxes selected and each clone is renamed to end up in a different bucket.

How to set filename for presigned_url in s3

I am using amazon sdk version 2
For presigned_url i use the below
url = signer.presigned_url(:get_object, bucket: bucket, key: key)
But how do i set the filename?( For users when they select save as..)
Need to add response_content_disposition and set the filename
signer =
signer.presigned_url(:get_object, bucket: bucket, key: key, response_content_disposition: "attachment;filename=test.pdf")
If you add ${filename} to the key it will be replaced with the filename chosen when uploading the file.