Serverless Cube.js - No messages published to SNS - cube.js

Trying to turn a containerized Cube.js deployment into a serverless one. I’m getting Continue wait on every API call, and I notice the cubejsProcess lambda is never invoked. I checked SNS reachability by (successfully) publishing a message to it using the AWS SDK in the cubejs lambda. The cubejsProcess does get invoked with this inserted message. What might be preventing cubejs from publishing messages to SNS?
This is similar to this question, however, connectivity to SNS has been verified in this case.

I'd check IAM permissions to see if the cubejs Lambda's role. Does the role allow making requests to SNS?
Another thing that could be causing the issue is if the cubejs Lambda is in a VPC with no Internet access; calling any AWS API endpoint would fail since they all require an Internet connection.


GCP Deployment manager - Call HTTP endpoint when everything is deployed

I have a template that creates a few resources in GCP, and I want it to either call an HTTP endpoint or publish a message to a topic whenever the deployment completes. I've been checking different services all day, and couldn't find anything about it.
In AWS, it is quite easy to deploy an SNS message that is published to an SNS topic, which is subscribed to SQS Queue, and that triggers a lambda function. In Azure ARM templates, we can use az CLI to invoke a web request and call an endpoint directly.
I couldn't find any similar in GCP. Is there any way of either calling an HTTP endpoint, Cloud Function or perhaps publishing a message to a topic whenever a deployment is finished?
I really appreciate any help.
The best approach in GCP is to Create a Logging Sink using a filter and the Logging query language to only send the Deployment Manager logs to a PubSub topic.
Here is an example of a sink sending deployment manager logs to a PubSub topic previously created:
gcloud logging sinks create $SINK_NAME$YOUR_PROJECT/topics/$TOPIC \
--log-filter='resource.type="deployment"' --description="my sink"
Be careful to Set the destination permissions or will not see the logs in the PubSub topic.
Once you are getting the logs in the PubSub topic, you can configure Cloud Pub/Sub Triggers to fire up an HTTP call based on content of the log.

AWS API Gateway with CloudWatch Events

I've been tinkering with AWS API Gateway for creating a rest api for one of my projects.
I've managed to connect it to DynamoDB Queries and to launch Lambda functions quite easily.
However one of my ideas is to be able to create CloudWatch Event Rules though it but i have not been able to set this up yet.
I want to be able to create a new scheduled task for a lambda though api gateway. The scheduled task should be a cron task.
I've been reading the documentation but i feel stuck. I know that I can solve it using another lambda but I would like to avoid it as CloudWatch Events exists as one of the connected AWS Services.

AWS RDS event subscription with lambda in another account

I am trying to get lambda in another account to get it invoked by RDS instance event notifications.
RDS event subscription is set to invoke SNS topic which triggers lambda in other account.
I have setup an entire stack using cloudformation. Things I achieved so far are
RDS events are able to invoke SNS topic, I have tested it using creating email subscription to SNS topic
SNS topic is able to trigger lambda in another account. I have tested it using publish messages in SNS topic. I can see that is flowing through in cloudwatch logs.
Part I am not able to get working is, RDS events triggering SNS and then Lamba in other account. Its very strage as individual bits are working fine but not end to end. Other observation is status of the SNS subscription in RDS events is shown as Active and I can see subscription log in lambda but nothing happens after I reboot RDS instance to test.
Also, I see this bizzare behaviour that subscription status is set to Null.
I followed below links for reference
Is there something I am missing? Any help is much appreciated.

AWS Sending Notifications to a Lambda function in other account

I would like to send SNS notifications to a Lambda function from one account to another exposing the lambda through and API gateway. But I'm having an Issue. I first tried with the API Gateway in the same account of the SNS topic and everything worked like a charm but when i try with a topic from other account all I got is a Bad Request Error. Do I need to configure any permission?
You need to enable permissions for the TOPIC in another account.
You can find an example in the AWS documentation, section
Allowing Any AWS Resource to Publish to a Topic

Freshdesk integration with AWS lambda

Is that possible if the user create a ticket in freshdesk that needs to be trigger the AWS lambda function.
That shouldn't be that hard. I would like to recommend using the following architecture
FreshDesk Ticket Trigger
FreshDesk Ticket Trigger Handler Published Message to SNS Topic
AWS Lambda Configured to SNS Topic as Event Source
AWS Lambda Code Accepts the SNS topic message (as Input) and performs the necessary processing
The advantages of using SNS rather directly calling Lambda are
Reducing the exposure of AWS API to only SNS topic and completely sealing rest of the API (IAM Privileges)
Possibility of Fan-Out Architecture [Multiple Lambda Functions can listen to the same SNS topic - near zero configuration]
For anyone landing on this topic.
It's possible with Freshdesk Marketplace app. With onTicketCreate product event, any actions can be written to execute with a Serverless function. It's completely run in Freshworks platform cloud.
If required, it can call your AWS Lambda.