How to get data from another process in Contiki-NG? - contiki-ng

I try to send data from A process to B process with contiki-NG and firefly.
This is sender part of A process
PROCESS_THREAD(A_process, ev, data)
int data=1;
if(process_post(&led_example, PROCESS_EVENT_CONTINUE, &data_led)!=PROCESS_ERR_OK){
printf("event could not be posted\n");
This is receiver part of B process
PROCESS_THREAD(B_process, ev, data)
I checked event is delivered well.
But problem is the data.
I expected that B process print "data=1" but print garbage value ("data=2118363").
(I know process_data_t is void*(void pointer))
How can I get right value?
Thank you.

Try declaring like :
static int data_led;


How to get flow output from non flow fuction

I want flow output (return type Flow<T>) from a non-flow function (return typeT).
fun getTotalFiles(): Int
// Say, This is a library function it'll return the number of files (Int) in that folder at that specific moment.
fun getAllFiles(): List<File>
// Say, This is a library function it'll return all the files (List<File>) in that folder.
The files in that folder can and will change in the future.
Now, I want to constantly observe the output, so how do I implement it?
fun getFlowOfTotalFiles(): Flow<Int> =
// A wrapper function that converts the library function return type to an observable flow, Flow<Int>
fun getFlowOfAllFiles(): Flow<List<File>> =
// A wrapper function that converts the library function return type to an observable flow, Flow<List<File>>
For specifically monitoring a directory for files, you can use WatchService and convert it to a flow with the flow builder. Something like this:
fun getDirectoryMonitorFlow(directory: String) = flow {
FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService().use { watchService ->
while (true) {
val watchKey = Path.of(directory).register(watchService, ENTRY_CREATE, ENTRY_DELETE, ENTRY_MODIFY)
if (watchKey.pollEvents().isNotEmpty()) {
yield() // give flow opportunity to be cancelled.
if (!watchKey.reset()) {
println("Directory became unreadable. Finishing flow.")
.catch { println("Exception while monitoring directory.") }
And then your class might look like:
fun getFlowOfTotalFiles(): Flow<Int> = getFlowOfAllFiles()
.map { it.size }
fun getFlowOfAllFiles(): Flow<List<File>> = flow {
emit(Unit) // so current state is always emitted
.map {
Although you might consider making the first flow a private SharedFlow so you aren't running multiple WatchServices to monitor the same directory concurrently.
I believe you need an infinite loop inside a flow builder, something like the following:
fun getFlowOfTotalFiles(): Flow<Int> = flow {
while (true) {
// delays for 5 sec before next request and
// terminates the infinite cycle when a coroutine,
// that collects this Flow, is canceled
fun getAllFilesFlow(): Flow<List<File>> = flow {
while (true) {

Clojure java class casting

Is it possible to cast in clojure with java style?
This is java code which I want to implement in clojure:
public class JavaSoundRecorder {
// the line from which audio data is captured
TargetDataLine line;
* Captures the sound and record into a WAV file
void start() {
try {
AudioFormat format = new AudioFormat(16000, 8,
2, true, true);
DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(TargetDataLine.class, format);
// checks if system supports the data line
if (!AudioSystem.isLineSupported(info)) {
System.out.println("Line not supported");
//line = (TargetDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info);
line = AudioSystem.getTargetDataLine(format);;
line.start(); // start capturing
System.out.println("Start capturing...");
AudioInputStream ais = new AudioInputStream(line);
System.out.println("Start recording...");
// start recording
AudioSystem.write(ais, AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE, new File("RecordAudio.wav"));
} catch (LineUnavailableException ex) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
* Closes the target data line to finish capturing and recording
void finish() {
* Entry to run the program
public static void main(String[] args) {
final JavaSoundRecorder recorder = new JavaSoundRecorder();
// creates a new thread that waits for a specified
// of time before stopping
Thread stopper = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
// start recording
And this is what I made in clojure
(def audioformat (new javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat 16000 8 2 true true))
(def info (new javax.sound.sampled.DataLine$Info javax.sound.sampled.TargetDataLine audioformat))
(if (not= (javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem/isLineSupported info))(print "dataline not supported")(print "ok lets start\n"))
(def line (javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem/getTargetDataLine audioformat))
(.open line audioformat)
are there any solutions?
this issue was explained rather well on the Clojure group here:!topic/clojure/SNcT6d-TTaQ
You should not need to do the cast (see the discussion in the comments about the super types of the object we have), however you will need to type hint the invocation of open:
(.open ^javax.sound.sampled.TargetDataLine line audioformat)
Remember that java casts don't really do very much (not like C++ where a cast might completely transform an underlying object).
I am not sure what this code is supposed to do, so I don't know whether it has worked or not. Certainly, I can now run your example without error.

MySQL Asynchronous?

Im basically facing a blocking problem.
I have my server coded based on C++ Boost.ASIO using 8 threads since the server has 8 logical cores.
My problem is a thread may face 0.2~1.5 seconds of blocking on a MySQL query and I honestly don't know how to go around that since MySQL C++ Connector does not support asynchronous queries, and I don't know how to design the server "correctly" to use multiple threads for doing the queries.
This is where I'm asking for opinions of what to do in this case.
Create 100 threads for async' query sql?
Could I have an opinion from experts about this?
Okay, the proper solution to this would be to extend Asio and write a mysql_service implementation to integrate this. I was almost going to find out how this is done right away, but I wanted to get started using an "emulation".
The idea is to have
your business processes using an io_service (as you are already doing)
a database "facade" interface that dispatches async queries into a different queue (io_service) and posts the completion handler back onto the business_process io_service
A subtle tweak needed here you need to keep the io_service on the business process side from shutting down as soon as it's job queue is empty, since it might still be awaiting a response from the database layer.
So, modeling this into a quick demo:
namespace database
// data types
struct sql_statement { std::string dml; };
struct sql_response { std::string echo_dml; }; // TODO cover response codes, resultset data etc.
I hope you will forgive my gross simplifications :/
struct service
service(unsigned max_concurrent_requests = 10)
: work(io_service::work(service_)),
latency(mt19937(), uniform_int<int>(200, 1500)) // random 0.2 ~ 1.5s
for (unsigned i = 0; i < max_concurrent_requests; ++i)
svc_threads.create_thread(boost::bind(&io_service::run, &service_));
friend struct connection;
void async_query(io_service& external, sql_statement query, boost::function<void(sql_response response)> completion_handler)
{, this, ref(external), std::move(query), completion_handler));
void do_async_query(io_service& external, sql_statement q, boost::function<void(sql_response response)> completion_handler)
this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(latency())); // simulate the latency of a db-roundtrip, sql_response { q.dml }));
io_service service_;
thread_group svc_threads; // note the order of declaration
optional<io_service::work> work;
// for random delay
random::variate_generator<mt19937, uniform_int<int> > latency;
The service is what coordinates a maximum number of concurrent requests (on the "database io_service" side) and ping/pongs the completion back onto another io_service (the async_query/do_async_query combo). This stub implementation emulates latencies of 0.2~1.5s in the obvious way :)
Now comes the client "facade"
struct connection
connection(int connection_id, io_service& external, service& svc)
: connection_id(connection_id),
{ }
void async_query(sql_statement query, boost::function<void(sql_response response)> completion_handler)
db_service_.async_query(external_, std::move(query), completion_handler);
int connection_id;
io_service& external_;
service& db_service_;
connection is really only a convenience so we don't have to explicitly deal with various queues on the calling site.
Now, let's implement a demo business process in good old Asio style:
namespace domain
struct business_process : id_generator
business_process(io_service& app_service, database::service& db_service_)
: id(generate_id()), phase(0),
db(id, app_service, db_service_)
{[=] { start_select(); });
int id, phase;
optional<io_service::work> in_progress;
database::connection db;
void start_select() {
db.async_query({ "select * from tasks where completed = false" }, [=] (database::sql_response r) { handle_db_response(r); });
void handle_db_response(database::sql_response r) {
if (phase++ < 4)
if ((id + phase) % 3 == 0) // vary the behaviour slightly
db.async_query({ "insert into tasks (text, completed) values ('hello', false)" }, [=] (database::sql_response r) { handle_db_response(r); });
} else
db.async_query({ "update * tasks set text = 'update' where id = 123" }, [=] (database::sql_response r) { handle_db_response(r); });
} else
lock_guard<mutex> lk(console_mx);
std::cout << "business_process " << id << " has completed its work\n";
This business process starts by posting itself on the app service. It then does a number of db queries in succession, and eventually exits (by doing in_progress.reset() the app service is made aware of this).
A demonstration main, starting 10 business processes on a single thread:
int main()
io_service app;
database::service db;
ptr_vector<domain::business_process> bps;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
bps.push_back(new domain::business_process(app, db));
In my sample, business_processes don't do any CPU intensive work, so there's no use in scheduling them across CPU's, but if you wanted you could easily achieve this, by replacing the line with:
thread_group g;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < thread::hardware_concurrency(); ++i)
g.create_thread(boost::bind(&io_service::run, &app));
See the demo running Live On Coliru
I'm not a MySQL guru, but the following is generic multithreading advice.
Having NumberOfThreads == NumberOfCores is appropriate when none of the threads ever block and you are just splitting the load over all CPUs.
A common pattern is to have multiple threads per CPU, so one is executing while another is waiting on something.
In your case, I'd be inclined to set NumberOfThreads = n * NumberOfCores where 'n' is read from a config file, a registry entry or some other user-settable value. You can test the system with different values of 'n' to fund the optimum. I'd suggest somewhere around 3 for a first guess.

Sending data using Hashtable on Photon Cloud

I am trying to send data using Hashtable on photon cloud, I do receive the data with correct eventCode, but the key-value pair returns some random numbers. My code is like this while sending data:-
void NetworkLogic::sendEvent(void)
ExitGames::Common::Hashtable* table =new ExitGames::Common::Hashtable;
const ExitGames::Common::Hashtable temp = (const ExitGames::Common::Hashtable)*table;//= new ExitGames::Common::Hashtable;
mLoadBalancingClient.opRaiseEvent(false, temp, 100);
While receiving data, the code is like this:-
void NetworkLogic::customEventAction(int playerNr, nByte eventCode, const ExitGames::Common::Hashtable& eventContent)
// you do not receive your own events, unless you specify yourself as one of the receivers explicitly, so you must start 2 clients, to receive the events, which you have sent, as sendEvent() uses the default receivers of opRaiseEvent() (all players in same room like the sender, except the sender itself)
PhotonPeer_sendDebugOutput(&mLoadBalancingClient, DEBUG_LEVEL_ALL, L"");
What I get printed on console is some random values or int, while it should be 21. What am I doing wrong here?
In customEventAction() when I used the following statement:
cout<<"Event code = "<<eventCode<<endl;
I got the following output:
Event code = d
I searched and found that 'i' is the value of EG_INTEGER which means the value I am sending is getting received properly. I am just not been able to convert it back to int. And why the event code is coming as 'd'?
returns an Object.
You can't simply cast that Object to int, but have to access the int value inside it:
myInt = ExitGames::Common::ValueObject<int>(eventContent.getValue(4)).getDataCopy();
cout << myInt;

Protocol buffer polymorphism

I have a C++ program that sends out various events, e.g. StatusEvent and DetectionEvent with different proto message definitions to a message service (currently Active MQ, via activemq-cpp APU). I want to write a message listener that receives these messages, parses them and writes them to cout, for debugging purposes. The listener has status_event_pb.h and detection_event_pb.h linked.
My question is: How can I parse the received event without knowing its type? I want to do something like (in pseudo code)
receive event
type = parseEventType(event);
if( type == events::StatusEventType) {
events::StatusEvent se = parseEvent(event);
// do stuff with se
else {
// handle the case when the event is a DetectionEvent
I looked at this question but I'm not sure if extensions are the right way to go here. A short code snippet pointing the way will be much appreciated. Examples on protobuf are so rare!
It seems extensions are indeed the way to go but I've got one last point to clear up. Here's the proto definition that I have so far:
// A general event, can be thought as base Event class for other event types.
message Event {
required int64 task_id = 1;
required string module_name = 2; // module that sent the event
extensions 100 to 199; // for different event types
// Extend the base Event with additional types of events.
extend Event {
optional StatusEvent statusEvent = 100;
optional DetectionEvent detectionEvent = 101;
// Contains one bounding box detected in a video frame,
// representing a region of interest.
message DetectionEvent {
optional int64 frame = 2;
optional int64 time = 4;
optional string label = 6;
// Indicate status change of current module to other modules in same service.
// In addition, parameter information that is to be used to other modules can
// be passed, e.g. the video frame dimensions.
message StatusEvent {
enum EventType {
required EventType type = 1;
required string module_name = 2; // module that sent the event
// Optional key-value pairs for data to be passed on.
message Data {
required string key = 1;
required string value = 2;
repeated Data data = 3;
My problem now is (1) how to know which specific event that the Event message contains and (2) make sure that it contains only one such event (according to the definition, it can contain both a StatusEvent and a DetectionEvent).
I would not use Protocol Buffers for that, but that's perhaps a combination of little use and other habits.
Anyway, I think I would use an abstract class here, to ease general handling and to contain routing information. Class that would not be defined using protobuf, and would contain a protobuf message.
class Message
Type const& GetType() const;
Origin const& GetOrigin() const;
Destination const& GetDestination() const;
// ... other informations
template <class T>
void GetContent(T& proto) const
proto.ParseFromIstream(&mContent); // perhaps a try/catch ?
// ...
std::stringstream mContent;
With this structure, you have both general and specific handling at the tip of your fingers:
void receive(Message const& message)
LOG("receive - " << message.GetType() << " from " << message.GetOrigin()
<< " to " << message.GetDestination());
if (message.GetType() == "StatusEvent")
StatusEvent statusEvent;
// do something
else if (message.GetType() == "DetectionEvent")
DetectionEvent detectionEvent;
// do something
LOG("receive - Unhandled type");
Of course, it would be prettier if you used a std::unordered_map<Type,Handler> instead of a hardcoded if / else if + / else chain, but the principle remains identical:
Encode the type of message sent in the header
Decode only the header upon reception and dispatch based on this type
Decode the protobuf message in a part of the code where the type is known statically