Extra string & pipe character in Laravel Cookies - cookies

In a Laravel 6x project I'm working on I'm setting a cookie with:
Cookie::queue('remember_me', json_encode(['uid' => $user->id, 'token' => $token]),2628000);
I'm reading the cookie and decrypting it with:
$cookies = Crypt::decrypt(Cookie::get('remember_me'),false);
This works well, except that the value of $cookies has an extra pre-pended string and a | delimiter in it:
I can work with that obviously to get what I need but I have been unable to find anything on why that string and | are being prepended to the cookie. Any explanation or documentation link?
I did find another thread here with a similar question but no answer:
How to decrypt cookies in Laravel 8
I also found a thread suggesting that Laravel 8 adds the session_id to the cookie string. Is that what I'm seeing here?

This value looks to be an HMAC-SHA1 of the cookie name with v2 appended to the end.
This logic is implemented in the CookieValuePrefix class in Laravel and the code looks like so:
public static function create($cookieName, $key)
return hash_hmac('sha1', $cookieName.'v2', $key).'|';
This is used in the EncryptCookies middleware when encrypting and decrypting accordingly. The relevant source code is:
// in decrypt() function
$hasValidPrefix = strpos($value, CookieValuePrefix::create($key, $this->encrypter->getKey())) === 0;
$key, $hasValidPrefix ? CookieValuePrefix::remove($value) : null
// in encrypt() function
CookieValuePrefix::create($cookie->getName(), $this->encrypter->getKey()).$cookie->getValue(),
I put this logic into a CyberChef page here to test it out with some local cookies I had and verify the output matches and it did. If you go there and plug in your app key (preferable a disposable one) you should see it output the hash value you have in your question.


Nginx Regex to check MD5 of $http_cookie name

So i map $http_cookie to check all cookies the client sends the only one i want to intercept to obtain the value of the cookie is any cookie with a MD5 HASH.
The regex to detect a MD5 hash is this
But when i add it to my map directive Nginx won't run because the regex is wrong.
This is my cookie map the issue with this is it gets all cookies i only want the ones with a MD5 sum.
map $http_cookie $session_id_value {
default '';
~^.*.+\=(?<session_value>[\w]+).*$ $session_value;
I try this
map $http_cookie $session_id_value {
default '';
~^.*[0-9a-f]{32}.+\=(?<session_value>[\w]+).*$ $session_value;
But Nginx does not like my regex. So it errors and won't run.
I test with the echo module to see the value of the cookie my regex has grabbed but currently it keeps grabbing the first random cookie not the one with a MD5 hash for a name.
echo "Session Cookie Value : $session_id_value";
echo "httpcookie : $http_cookie";
That is a syntax error. From the rewrite documentation:
If a regular expression includes the “}” or “;” characters, the whole
expressions should be enclosed in single or double quotes.
map $http_cookie $session_id_value {
default '';
"~^.*[0-9a-f]{32}.+\=(?<session_value>[\w]+).*$" $session_value;

Add cookie for Xdebug in Paw

I debug my API using Xdebug and PHPStorm's debugging features. For this to work, the client needs a cookie named XDEBUG_SESSION.
When using Postman, I used to use a Chrome extension to add this cookie, and Postman's cookie interception feature to get this to work in Postman (since it's a sandboxed app).
However, I cannot create cookies in Paw. So, as a workaround, I modified the API response cookie to have the key as XDEBUG_SESSION and value as PHPSTORM, and debugging worked fine. However, this is not ideal as I would also like to set the expiry date to something far in the future (which I can't in Paw).
So, my questions are:
Is there a way to add custom cookies in Paw?
If not, is there a way to to edit the expiry date for an existing cookie (considering that name, value, domain and path are editable)?
Are there any other alternatives to achieve my objective?
I just managed to achieve this exact thing to debug my APIs with Paw (2.1.1).
You just have to Add a Header with the name Cookie and a value of Cookies picked from the dropdown that will appear. You then have to insert a Cookie named XDEBUG_SESSION with a value of PHPSTORM inside the Cookies value of the header just created.
To be more clear, you can see it in the screenshot below:
I messed around with it to see if I could create an extension. I wasn't able to, and the below does not work but thought I'd share in case anyone knows the missing pieces.
First off, there is no extension category (generator, dynamic value, importer) that this functionality falls into. I tried to make use of the dynamic value category but was unsuccessful:
CookieInjector = function(key, value) {
this.key = "XDEBUG_SESSION";
this.value = "PHPSTORM";
this.evaluate = function () {
var f = function (x,y) {
return true;
return f(this.key, this.value);
// Title function: takes no params, should return the string to display as
// the Dynamic Value title
this.title = function() {
return "Cookie"
// Text function: takes no params, should return the string to display as
// the Dynamic Value text
this.text = function() {
return this.key+"="+this.value;
// Extension Identifier (as a reverse domain name)
CookieInjector.identifier = "com.luckymarmot.PawExtensions.CookieInjector";
// Extension Name
CookieInjector.title = "Inject Cookie Into Cookie Jar";
// Dynamic Value Inputs
CookieInjector.inputs = [
DynamicValueInput("key", "Key", "String"),
DynamicValueInput("value", "Value", "String")
// Register this new Extension
The main thing stopping this from working is I'm not sure how the request is built in PAW and not sure how to attach the cookie. I've looked through the documentation here: https://luckymarmot.com/paw/doc/Extensions/Reference/Reference, and can't find what I need.

Need Perl SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI sanity check

OK, I think there's no easy (make that lazy) way to do what I want but given the Perl SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI code fragment below what I am looking to do is intercept all SOAP operation passing through the service and log the result of an operation or fault...
-> dispatch_to(
#first arg needs to be the directory holding the PackageName.pm modules with no trailing "/". The args aftre the first are name of SPECIFIC packages to be loaded as needed by SOAP requests
#Failure to call out specific moudules below will allow the external SOAP modules to be loaded, but the overall module #INC path for other Perl modules will be blocked for security reasons
SOAP_MODULE_INCULDE, #name of the directory holding the PackageName.pm modules with no trailing "/"
"TechnicalMetaDataExtraction", #prod - wrapper for EXIFTool
"Ingest", #module (package) name
"ImageManipulation", #module (package) name
"FacebookBroadcast", #unfinished
"CompressDecompress", #unfinished
"ImageOCR", #prod - tesseract
"HandleDotNet", #prod
"Pipeline", #prod (needs work)
"TwitterBroadcast", #prototype
"Messaging", #prototype but text format email works
"Property", #development
"FileManager", #prototype
"PassThrough" #prod - module to do location conversion (URL -> Fedora Obj+DS, Fedora Obj+DS -> file, URL -> InlineBase64, etc.) but format conversion
) #done with the dispacth_to section
-> on_action(sub {
#on_action method lets you specify SOAPAction understanding. It acceptsreference to subroutine that takes three parameters: SOAPAction, method_uri and method_name.
#'SOAPAction' is taken from HTTP header and method_uri and method_name are extracted from request's body. Default behavior is match 'SOAPAction' if present and ignore it otherwise.
#die SOAP::Data->type('string')->name('debug')->value("Intercepted call, SOAP request='".shift(#_)."'");
if($Debug) {
##_ notes:
#[0] - "http://www.example.org/PassThrough/NewOperation"
#[1] - http://www.example.org/PassThrough/
#[2] - NewOperation
#[3] - "undefined"
my %DataHash=(
message => #_[0]
#SendMessageToAMQTopic(localtime()." - ".#_[0]);
SendDebugMessage(\%DataHash, "info");
} #there's only one element passed at this level
}) #end on_action
#-> on_debug() #not valid for SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI
#-> request() #valid, but does not fire - request method gives you access to HTTP::Request object which you can provide for Server component to handle request.
#-> response() #does not fire - response method gives you access to HTTP::Response object which you can access to get results from Server component after request was handled.
#-> options({compress_threshold => 10000}) #causes problems for the JavaScript soap client - removed for the moment
-> handle() #fires but ignores content in sub - handle method will handle your request. You should provide parameters with request() method, call handle() and get it back with response().
Initially I thought I could get the information I needed from the "on_action" method, but that only contains the destination of the SOAP call (before it is sent?) and I'm looking for data in the operation result that will be sent back to the SOAP client. The documentation of "SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI" is a bit thin and there are few examples online.
Anyone know if this is possible give the what the code above is set up? If not, then the only other option is to alter each method of my SOAP service code modules to include the "SendDebugMessage" function.
I would suggest subclassing SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI and hooking into the handle() method. An untested and probably non-working example would be:
package MySoapCGI;
use Data::Dumper;
use SOAP::Transport::HTTP;
use base 'SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI';
sub handle {
my $self = shift;
warn Dumper($self->request);
warn Dumper($self->response);
Replace the dumpers with whatever logging you want. You may need to do some XML parsing, because these will be the raw HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response.

SBL-ODU-01007 The HTTP request did not contain a valid SOAPAction header

I am hoping someone can help get me in the right direction...
I am using Powerbuilder 12 Classic and trying to consume a Oracle CRM OnDemand web service.
Using Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0 commands, I have been able to connect using https and retrieve the session id, which I need to send back when I invoke the method.
When I run the code below, I get the SBL-ODU-01007 The HTTP request did not contain a valid SOAPAction header error message. I am not sure what I am missing??
OleObject loo_xmlhttp
ls_get_url = "https://secure-ausomxxxx.crmondemand.com/Services/Integration?command=login"
loo_xmlhttp = CREATE oleobject
loo_xmlhttp.open ("GET",ls_get_url, false)
loo_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("UserName", "xxxxxxx")
loo_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Password", "xxxxxxx")
cookie = loo_xmlhttp.getResponseHeader("Set-Cookie")
sesId = mid(cookie, pos(cookie,"=", 1)+1, pos(cookie,";", 1)-(pos(cookie,"=", 1)+1))
ls_post_url = "https://secure-ausomxxxx.crmondemand.com/Services/Integration/Activity;"
ls_response_text = "jsessionid=" + sesId + ";"
ls_post_url = ls_post_url + ls_response_text
loo_xmlhttp.open ("POST",ls_post_url, false)
loo_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("COOKIE", left(cookie,pos(cookie,";",1)-1) )
loo_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("COOKIE", left(cookie,pos(cookie,";",1)-1) )
ls_post_url2 = "document/urn:crmondemand/ws/activity/10/2004:Activity_QueryPage"
loo_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", ls_post_url2)
ls_get_url = "https://secure-ausomxxxx.crmondemand.com/Services/Integration?command=logoff"
loo_xmlhttp.open ("POST",ls_get_url, false)
catch (RuntimeError rte)
MessageBox("Error", "RuntimeError - " + rte.getMessage())
end try
I believe you are using incorrect URL for Login and Logoff;
Here is the sample:
Rest of the code looks OK to me.
I have run into similar issues in PB with msxml through ole. Adding this may help:
loo_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml")
you need to make sure that the your value for ls_post_url2 is one of the values that is found in the wsdl file. Just search for "soap:operation soapAction" in the wsdl file to see the valid values for SOAPAction.

Classic Asp Web Service Problem

I'm trying to create a code to allow an existing classic asp program to use an asp.net web service. Updating from the classic asp is not an option, as I'm working in a big company and things are the way they are.
I've been browsing through a chunk of tutorials supposedly helping in this, but I haven't managed to get them to work yet. As a beginner I might've made some real obvious mistakes but I just don't know what.
First, the web service is located on an external server. The method "Greeting" needs a String parameter by which it determines which String is sent back. Inputting "g" to it procudes this xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<string xmlns="http://server1/Logger_WebService/">Greetings and welcome!</string>
I assume the xpath for getting the contents is either "string/*" or "*"?
Next, my web service itself looks like this:
<WebMethod()> _
Public Function Greeting(ByVal stringel As String) As String
If stringel.ToLower = "g" Then
Return "Greetings and welcome!"
Return "Bye then!"
End If
End Function
The web service works fine from a regular asp.net solution.
Now here's the problem, the classic asp code looks like this (4 different ways I've tried to get this to work, SOAP toolkit is installed on the web service server, all examples taken and modified from tutorials):
Dim wsurl="http://server1/Logger_WebService/service.asmx/Greeting?g"
Dim xmlhttp
Set xmlhttp=Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.open "GET",wsurl,false
Dim rValue
'rValue=xmlhttp.responseXML.selectSingleNode("string") 'use XPATH as input argument
' or you can get response XML
Set xmlhttp=nothing
Dim wsurl="http://server1/Logger_WebService/service.asmx/Greeting"
Dim xmlhttp
Set xmlhttp=Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.open "POST",wsurl,false
xmlhttp.send "stringeli=g"
Dim rValue
' or you can get response XML
' rValue=xmlhttp.responseXML
Set xmlhttp=nothing
Response.Write consumeWebService()
Function consumeWebService()
Dim webServiceUrl, httpReq, node, myXmlDoc
webServiceUrl = "http://server1/Logger_WebService/service.asmx/Greeting?stringel=g"
Set httpReq = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
httpReq.Open "GET", webServiceUrl, False
Set myXmlDoc =Server.CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
Set httpReq = Nothing
Set node = myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("string/*")
consumeWebService = " " & node.text
End Function
Public Function Helou()
SET objSoapClient = Server.CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapClient")
objSoapClient.ClientProperty("ServerHTTPRequest") = True
' needs to be updated with the url of your Web Service WSDL and is
' followed by the Web Service name
Call objSoapClient.mssoapinit("http://server1/Logger_WebService/service.asmx?WSDL", "Service")
' use the SOAP object to call the Web Method Required
Helou = objSoapClient.Greeting("g")
End Function
I seriously have no idea why nothing works, I've tried them every which way with loads of different settings etc. One possible issue is that the web service is located on a server which in ASP.Net required me to input this "[ServiceVariableName].Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials". I do this from within company network, and there are some security and authorization issues.
I only need to be able to send information anyhow, not receive, as the actual method I will be using is going to insert information into a database. But for now, just getting the Hello World thingie to work seems to provide enough challenge. :)
Thx for all the help. I'll try to check back on holiday hours to check and reply to the comments, I've undoubtedly left out needed information.
Please, talk as you would to an idiot, I'm new to this so chances are I can understand better that way. :)
You might consider writing a bit of .NET wrapper code to consume the web service. Then expose the .NET code as a COM object that the ASP can call directly. As you've seen, there is no tooling to help you in classic ASP, so consider using as much .NET as possible, for the tooling. Then, use COM to interoperate between the two.
A colleague finally got it working after putting a whole day into it. It was decided that it's easier by far to send information than it is to receive it. Since the eventual purpose of the web service is to write data to the DB and not get any message back, we attempted the thing by simply writing a file in the web service.
The following changes were needed:
First, in order to get it to work through the company networks, anonymous access had to be enabled in IIS.
The web service needed the following change in the web.config:
<add name="HttpGet"/>
And the web service code-behind was changed like so:
<WebMethod()> _
Public Function Greeting(ByVal stringel As String) As String
Dim kirj As StreamWriter
'kirj = File.CreateText("\\server1\MyDir\Logger_WebService\test.txt")
'if run locally, the line above would need to be used, otherwise the one below
kirj = File.CreateText("C:\Inetpub\serverroot\MyDir\Logger_WebService\test.txt")
Return stringel
End Function
As we got the above to work, it was a simple matter of applying the same to the big web method that would parse and check the info and insert it into the database.
The classic asp code itself that needs to be added to the old page, which was the biggest problem, turned out to be relatively simple in the end.
function works()
message = "http://server1/mydir/logger_webservice/service.asmx/Greeting?" & _
"stringel=" & "it works"
Set objRequest = Server.createobject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
With objRequest
.open "GET", message, False
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
End With
works = objRequest.responseText
end function
Took about a week's worth of work to get this solved. :/ The hardest part was simply not ever knowing what was wrong at any one time.
You might be missing the SOAPAction header. Here's a working example:
[WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public class GreetingService : WebService
public string Greet(string name)
return string.Format("Hello {0}", name);
And the calling VBS script:
Dim SoapRequest
Set SoapRequest = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
Dim myXML
Set myXML = CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
SoapRequest.Open "POST", "http://localhost:4625/GreetingService.asmx", False
SoapRequest.setRequestHeader "Content-Type","text/xml;charset=utf-8"
SoapRequest.setRequestHeader "SOAPAction", """http://tempuri.org/Greet"""
Dim DataToSend
DataToSend= _
"<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"" xmlns:tem=""http://tempuri.org/"">" & _
"<soapenv:Header/>" & _
"<soapenv:Body>" & _
"<tem:Greet>" & _
"<tem:name>John</tem:name>" & _
"</tem:Greet>" & _
"</soapenv:Body>" & _
SoapRequest.Send DataToSend
If myXML.load(SoapRequest.responseXML) Then
Dim Node
Set Node = myXML.documentElement.selectSingleNode("//GreetResult")
msgbox Node.Text
Set Node = Nothing
End If
Set SoapRequest = Nothing
Set myXML = Nothing
Might want to double-check the version of the MSXML components. Are you using Windows Authentication? I've noticed some odd XML parsing problems with IIS 7, Classic ASP, and MSXML.
It would also help to get a useful error. Check the ** myXML.parseError.errorCode** and if its not 0 write out the error.
Reference Code:
If (myXML.parseError.errorCode <> 0) then
Response.Write "XML error: " & myXML.parseError.reason
'no error, do whatever here
End If
'You get the idea...