Error in trying to redo the example of In-Flight Entertainment System M2DOC - m2doc

I want to use M2DOC instead of the HTML generation for sharing my Capella model.
I installed m2doc and I generate the word document of the SA layer by doing only "generate documentation" (right click on the "Template SA Complete.genconf" downloaded with m2doc) (see screenshot).
Generate SA documentation
In this way, I have the SA_Complete.docx well generated.
I want to use this template on my project. Thus, firstly I try to recreate a "Template SA Complete.genconf" in the In-Flight Entertainment project :
-right click on the docx template, "Initialize Documentation Configurations"
-variable name : click on "In-Flight Entertainment System.capella"
right click on (my) "Template SA Complete.genconf" > "Validate Documentation Template"
And I have some errors...
The first one : '''Couldn't find the 'isRepresentationDescriptionName(EClassifier=Capability,java.lang.String)' service <--- The predicate never evaluates to a boolean type([Nothing(Couldn't find the 'isRepresentationDescriptionName(EClassifier=Capability, java.lang.String)'service)])'''
I followed this procedure :
I started from the "beginning" (without doing anything in the template) to check that I was starting on a good basis. but it's probably not the case... Why? Thank you

You need to check that the option SiriusSession is referencing the .aird file in your Capella project. You should use the relative path to the .aird file. Once the SiriusSession is properly deined, Sirius services will be available.
You can use existing .genconf files in the IFE example to see how the configuration is done.


Move document in the another folder of same library using power automate workflow

I am new to the workflows. I have created a workflow where I need to move document which are not modified over one year to another folder of same library.
Source library : AAATestDocument
Destination : AAATestDocument/ArchivedDocuments
It moved document to the "ArchivedDocuments" folder but at last it does check for same folder and throwing error saying "/sites/TestSite/AAATestDocument/ArchivedDocuments does not exist."
Any idea how to resolve this issue for folders ? It should check recursively in all folder if it has any.
Here is my workflow.
here expression is for 1 day to test the flow "startOfDay(addDays(utcNow(),1))"
You could add conditions in your flow like the below:

Set screenshot path from default project location to different folder location

I have a suite which has 50 test cases. When I execute my suite, I get all the failed screenshots listed in the project's folder. I want to point and store those screenshots to a different directory with the name of the test case. I wanted it to be a one time setup than doing it explicitly for every test cases.
There's quite a few ways to change the screenshots default directory.
One way is to set the screenshot_root_directory argument when importing Selenium2Library. See the importing section of Selenium2Library's documentation, and importing libraries in the user guide.
Another way is to use the Set Screenshot Directory keyword, which will do pretty much the same thing as specifying a path when importing the library. Though, using this keyword you can set the path to a new one whenever you like. For example, you could make it so that each test case could have it's own screenshot directory using this keyword. According to your question, this may be the best solution.
And finally, you may also post-process screenshots using an external tool, or even a listener, that would move all screenshots to another directory. Previously mentioned solutions are in most cases much better, but you still may want to do this in some cases, where say, the directory where you want screenshots to be saved would be created only after the tests have finished executing.
I suggest you to do the follow:
For new directory, you should put the following immediately after where you open a browser such:
Open Browser ${URL} chrome
Set screenshot directory ${OUTPUT FILE}${/}..${/}${TEST_NAME}${/}
For replace the screenshot name from the default to your own name, create the following keyword:
Capture page screenshot filename=${SUITE_NAME}-{index}.png
Then, create another keyword and run it on Setup's test case:
Register Keyword To Run On Failure sc
In the above example, I created a new folder with the test case name, which create a screenshot (in case of failure) with the name of suite project name (instead of 'selenium-screenshot-1.png').

How do I teach WebStorm 9 inspector to recognize Angular Material Design tags/attributes?

Currently, all my angular material HTML attributes are highlighted in yellow with WebStorm 9 (Mac OS X Yosemite) warning: "Attribute [name] is not allowed here".
How can I teach WS to automatically recognize these attributes as valid? I am aware that I can add each one one-by-one to the list of custom attributes, but was hoping that there would be a better way to do this.
Just wanted to clarify that this issue applies to Angular Material project, and not the AngularJS itself.
You need to add the angular-material.js file as a Library in WebStorm:
Open Preferences (Mac: Cmd+,, Win/Linux: Ctrl+Alt+S)
Go to Languages & Frameworks > JavaScript > Libraries
Click Add and then press the + icon
Find angular-material.js in your node_modules folder
Add a Name and a version and press Ok
Now you will have completions for all elements and attributes that have an #ngdoc documentation in the angular-material source code.
Start typing and you will see the completions:
Pressing F1 (Ctrl+Q on Win/Linux) will also show some docs, if available in the source code:
Important note
Not all features are properly documented, the following won't show up (unless you already used them) cause they are defined dynamically in a loop, with no #ngdoc for them:
var API_WITH_VALUES = [ "layout", "flex", "flex-order", "flex-offset", "layout-align" ];
var API_NO_VALUES = [ "show", "hide", "layout-padding", "layout-margin" ];
So for these you'd have to add them as a custom attribute (Alt+Enter > "Add flex to custom html attributes").
Tested on a Mac OS X 10.11.4 using WebStorm 2016.1.1, but this should work for older versions as well.
I am using PHPStorm, which is a sister Project of WebStorm, but it should work the same way.
You maybe need to add the Library:
Languages & Frameworks
Add here AngularJS
If this does not work, you can add them manually:
Follow this Steps:
Default Settings
Unknown HTML tag attributes
To the right you will see in Options "Custom HTML tag attributes". Enter here the attributes you want to allow.
I highly recomend you to install the Angular.js plugin:
Go to menu File > Settings (or ctrl + alt + S if you're on Windows);
Select Plugins in the window that'll open;
Click in the Browse Repositories button;
Type AngularJS in the search field. Select the plugin;
Click Install Plugin.
The plugin is incumbed to read #ngdoc annotations present in ngMaterial sources and create documentation for their directives.
It seems to support WebStorm and other IDEs, but I could not find it in the plugin registry while filtering by other IDEs. Maybe it'll work inside WebStorm...
Anyway, this is what you get:
You have also a plugin that helps a lot, check it out. It helps a lot
Angular material v2, Teradata covalent v1, Angular flex layout v1 & Material icon live templates
And with the solution provided by #Alex Ilyaev gives a lot of help.
But its no perfect.
Hope it helps.
Currently I don't think that idea's AngularJS plugin understands angular-materials attribute extensions.
It does understand the directives i.e. control click <md-button ...> and the directive (custom tag) is found.
For now you will have to add the attributes af custom attributes in order to get a "green" page.

What would be the SQL script to generate Sitecore Broken Link Report

I'm helping our Editors to clean up broken links and have been looking for answers to the following:
The Broken Link Report cannot be exported or sorted so it's not very useful (we have many broken links ~2000). Is there a SQL script that I can run to create the same report?
If an Editor fix a link, Rerun the report doesn't seem to take the item off the report. Does she have to Rebuild Link Database every time?
The Links button in the menu is helpful, but it is listing All Versions of referrers. Is there a SQL script to find only the lastest version?
When delete or archive an item and let Sitecore remove broke links, will all the affected items be published?
We are dealing with a large report (~2000 items) due to not maintaining it diligently. The goal is to reduce the number to 100~200 and keep it under control from now on. Any general advice on how to clean up broken links report is appreciated.
For your first (and partly third) questions:
In the Core database you can check what gets executed on the click of the Broken Link Report (the item that defines it is located in : /sitecore/content/Documents and settings/All users/Start menu/Right/Reporting Tools/Scan for Broken Links.
The application that gets started is /Applications/Tools/Broken Links.aspx, so if we look at *webroot*/sitecore/shell/Applications/Tools/Broken Links/Broken links.xml, we can see that the code used for it is Sitecore.Shell.Applications.Tools.BrokenLinks.BrokenLinksForm in the Sitecore.Client assembly.
Using Reflector you can see what it's executing. For your requirements, what I would say would be the easiest is to create your own version of the BrokenLinksForm, possibly simply adding an export functionality on it, or modify the code so it only takes the latest version. From looking at it very quickly I think the code to change (which is actually in the nested Scanner class) is:
foreach (ItemLink link in Globals.LinkDatabase.GetBrokenLinks(database))
You could possibly check whether the link item is the latest version, possibly by using something like
var version = link.GetSourceItem();
if (version.Versions.GetLatestVersion().Version == link.SourceItemVersion)
While you're at it you could of course also put in some sorting functionality :-)
It doesn't translate 1-on-1 with the Links button in the menu, but it should give you some pointers in the right direction.
As to your 2nd question: I believe that yes, the Link database does need to be rebuilt. I don't know if Sitecore has a schedule set up by default, but you could create your own agent in the <scheduling> node in the web.config to do this after X time.
Your last question: If you delete or archive an item and have Sitecore remove the broken links the affected items will, by default, not be published. If you have an auto-publish set up it'll show up of course.

Umbraco error in Document Types

A long time ago I first setup a website in Umbraco. This seemed to be working fine.
I have now come back to it about a year later, and was initially getting the following error when selecting a Document Type (any document type in the Settings tab):
A bit weird, because earlier I didn't have this issue, but fine. I do what it says, and add <identity impersonate="true"/> to the <system.web> node in web.config.
While it does fix the initial issue, I now have the following on all document types:
When trying to create a new Document Type, I get the same kind of error, but then the ReturnUrl part is ReturnUrl=/umbraco/create.aspx?nodeId=init&nodeType=inittemplates&nodeName=Templates&rnd=20.2&rndo=21.2&nodeId=init&nodeType=inittemplates&nodeName=Templates&rnd=20.2&rndo=21.2' - but only if I tick the box 'Create template for this item'. The same happens when I try and create a Template.
After Googleing I came up with this: our.umbraco post with similar issue. One (unconfirmed) solution is that there's an illegal name in a document type/ template - but I haven't changed anything, and might be fixed by going into the database.
I did check the /masterpages folder, the only 'strange' characters in there are - and _.
In my Document Types I have on named 'Textpage (Two col)' and another named 'News & Events list'. I'm a bit hesitant to just delete them, since I don't have enough Umbraco knoledge to be sure this will fix my issue...
Is there any known solution for this, or will I also have to go into the database (and if so, whereabouts?)
I'm running Umbraco 4.7.2, assembly version 1.0.4500.21031.
I've hosted this site with - I don't know if that would be relevant.
[Update 1]
As per Tom Maton's comment:
The requirepermissions should be set to false, and have been.
in Appsettings I've set this:
<add key="umbracoUseMediumTrust" value="true" />
And I've added Trusted_Connection=yes to the connectionstring.
the problem remains.
[Update 2]
Tried the solution amelvin provided, but no dice. Doctypes and templates still give the error. I'm getting more certain it's some security issues. Which folder would correspond to the Templates? Would that be the masterpages folder? If so, what kind of permissions does that one need?
It could be that you don't have full trust on your Go Daddy environment?
Check this post out
Could help resolve your issue.
The error could be a knock on from permissions errors as yet unsolved.
But the error is thrown if the content page does not have a template assigned or if Umbraco thinks it doesn't have a template. If absolutely nothing has changed to the site then it could be that the umbraco.config file has somehow got corrupted (it will contain all the doctype/template cross reference info). This can be fixed by right clicking on the top 'content' node and choose 'republish entire website'.
Secondly navigate to the settings | document types (if you can now) and check the templates dropdown on the first tab of the appropriate document type. If its set to 'please select' then this error will get thrown when any page tries to render without a valid template assigned. If a default template is assigned - then go to that template and re-publish it - Umbraco may have lost it.
If this does not work then check if the template is assigned properly. Go to the same place in the content tree as the problem page and try to add a node with the desired doctype. If no choices are offered then it could be that the parent tab no longer allows the correct doctypes as children nodes, so go back to the doctypes and check the allowed children (second tab) of the parent node.
If none of this works without odd errors being thrown then its a mystery!
Here are a list of Permissions required for Umbraco
Or you could use one of the steps below to check all the folder permissions.
Or install this package. this will allow you to check the permissions are correctly setup.