regex matching conditional strings - regex

For example, if I have the following strings:
99%89 (should match)
99%? (should match)
?%99 (should match)
?%? (should not match)
?%99%99 (should match)
99%99%99%? (should match)
essentially the first or second element can be a ? or a number, but both elements cannot be ?. I tried thinking of something like:
But this does not yield the correct answer, any help would be appreciated

With your shown samples, could you please try following.
Online demo for above regex
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for above.
^(?: ##Matching from starting of the value, starting a non-capturing group from here.
(?:\? ##Starting non-capturing group(one for understanding purposes) matching literal ? here.
(?:(?:%\d+){1,})? ##In a non capturing group looking for % with 1 or more occurrences of digits and matching this group match keeping it optional.
)| ##Closing one non-capturing group here, with OR condition here.
(?: ##Starting non-capturing group(two) here.
(?:(?:\d+%){1,})?\? ##Looking for digits with % one or more occurrences in a non-capturing group keeping it optional followed by ?
(?:(?:%\d+){1,})? ##Checking for % digits one or more occurrences in a non-capturing group keeping it optional followed by ?
)| ##Closing two non-capturing group here, with OR condition here.
(?:\d+%\d+) ##In a non-capturing group looking for 1 or more digits % one or more digits
)$ ##Closing 1st non-capturing group at the end of value.

Not sure if I am reading the question right, but as you tried using a negative lookahead you could assert that the string does not only contains % and/or ?
Regex demo
Or without a lookahead:
Regex demo


Regexp_Extract - Data Studio extract value after second underscore

I have a simple string separated by underscores from which I need to pull all the values after a specific underscore using a regular expression with the REGEXP_EXTRACT formula in Google Data Studio
The strings look like this:
Basically the values after the second underscore can be alphanumeric or symbols as well.
I need to pull the values after the second underscore. In the case of the example I gave, it would be:
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
With your shown samples please try following regex.
REGEXP_EXTRACT(yourField, "^(?:.*?_){2}([^_]*)")
Here is the Online Demo for used regex.
Explanation: Adding a detailed explanation for used regex here.
^ ##Matching from starting of the value here.
(?: ##Opening 1 non-capturing group here.
.*?_ ##Using Lazy match to match till next occurrence of _ here.
){2} ##Closing non-capturing group here and matching its 2 occurrences.
( ##Creating 1 and only capturing group here.
[^_]* ##Matching everything before _ here.
) ##Closing capturing group here.
You need to use
REGEXP_EXTRACT(some_field, "^(?:[^_]*_){2}([^_]*)")
See the regex demo.
^ - start of string
(?:[^_]*_){2} - two occurrences of any zero or more chars other than _ and then a _
([^_]*) - Capturing group #1: zero or more chars other than _.

Regex pattern for matching float followed by some fixed strings

I want to a regex pattern that could match the following cases:
0, 1, 0.1, .1, 1g, 0.1g, .1g, 1(g/100ml), .1(g/ml)
If the regex matches the pattern, I want to capture only the numerical part(0,1,0.1..)
I tried using following regex but it matches many cases:
How to achieve above with single regex pattern?
To make the question solution more generic
What would be a single regex that would match below
Any numerical ( 0, 1, 0.1, ...)
Any numerical followed by g, mg any characters (0.1g, .1mg, 100kg)
Any numerical followed by anything in parentheses - .1(g/100ml), 100(mg/1kg)
And just capture the numerical part
You could make the pattern a bit more specific and use a capture group for the digits and optionally match what follows or (Updated with the comment of # anubhava) add a word boundary to prevent another partial match.
(\d*\.?\d+) Capture group 1, match optional digits, optional . and 1+ digits
(?: Non capture group for the alternation
\(g\/\d*ml\) Match (g/ optional digits and ml)
| Or
g?\b Match an optional g followed by a word boundary
) Close non capture group
Regex demo
If the values should match in the comma separated string, you can assert either a , or the end of the string to the right.
Regex demo
A broad pattern to match anything between parenthesis or optional chars a-zA-Z after the digits:
(\d*\.?\d+) Capture group 1, match optional digits, optional . and 1+ digits
(?: Non capture group
\([^()]*\) Match from opening till closing parenthesis
| Or
[a-zA-Z]*\b Optionally match chars in the ranges a-zA-Z followed by a word boundary
) Close non capture group
Regex demo
EDIT2: With OP's edited samples(to match 0, 1, 0.1 OR (0.1g, .1mg, 100kg) OR .1(g/100ml), 100(mg/1kg)), adding following solution here. Explanation is same as very first solution, only thing is in spite of matching specific strings, I have changed regex to match any alphabets here.
Online Demo for above regex
EDIT1: As per OP's comments to match .01c and 100(g/1000L) kind of examples adding following regex, which is small edit to 1st solution here.
Online demo for above regex
With your shown samples, please try following regex here.
Online demo for above regex
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for above.
(\d*\.?\d+) ##Matching digits 0 or more occurrences followed by .(optional, followed by 1 or more digits occurrences here.
(?: ##Starting a non-capturing group here.
g| ##matching only g here OR.
\(g(?:\/\d*ml)?\)| ##Matching (g) OR (g/digits ml) here OR.
(?:,\s+|$) ##Matching comma followed by 1 or more spaces occurrences OR end of value here.
) ##Closing non-capturing group here.
try this:

Regex to split up string of CPU usage without percentage

Is it possible to get the result just first two digits without % in the first group. Iam using Telegraf with Grafana.
5 Secs ( 22.3463%) 60 Secs ( 25.677%) 300 Secs ( 21.3522%)
I found out this regex in the similar topic, but it's return bad format for me :
You can update your pattern to use a single capturing group by relocating the parenthesis around the digits only for the first occurrence.
You can omit the second and third capture groups as you don't need them.
^ ^
Regex demo
Or you might use a named capture group, for example digits
With your shown samples, please try following regex.
Online demo for above regex
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for above.
^\d+\s+Secs\s+\(\s+ ##From starting of value matching digits(1 or more occurrences) followed by space(s) Secs spaces ( spaces.
(\d+) ##Creating 1st and only capturing group where we have digits in it.
(?:\.\d+%)?\) ##In a non-capturing group matching dot digits % ) keeping it optional followed by )
(?: ##Creating a non-capturing group here.
\s+\d+\s+Secs\s+\(\s+\d+ ##matching spaces digits spaces Secs spaces ( spaces digits
(?:\.\d+)? ##In a non-capturing group matching dot digits keeping it optional.
%\) ##matching % followed by ) here.
)* ##Closing very first non-capturing group, and matching its 0 or more occurrences.
If it's just the 1st occurrence you're after, wouldn't the following work?

Google Forms Regular Expressions (REGEX) comma delaminated (CSV)

I have a Google form field, that contains 1 or more Id's
The IDs are always 6 numbers.
If only one ID is entered, a comma and a space is NOT required.
If more than one ID is entered, a comma and a space is required.
If more than one ID is entered, the last ID, should not have a comma or a space at the end.
Allowed Examples:
a single ID: 123456
multiple ID: 123456, 456789, 987654
Here is my current REGEX (does not work correctly)
What am I doing wrong?
With your shown samples, could you please try following.
Online demo for above regex
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation of above regex.
^( ##Checking from starting of value, creating single capturing group.
(?:\d{6}) ##Checking if there are 6 digits in a non-capturing group here.
(?: ##Creating 1st non-capturing group here
(?:,\s+\d{6}) ##In a non-capturing group checking it has comma space(1 or more occurrences) followed by 6 digits here.
){1,})? ##Closing 1st non-capturing group here, it could have 1 or more occurrences of it.
)$ ##Closing 1st capturing group here with $ to make sure its end of value.
You can use
^ Start of string
\d{6} Match 6 digits
(?: Non capture group to repeat as a whole
,\s\d{6} Match a , a whitespace char and 6 digits
)* Close group and optionally repeat
$ End of string
Regex demo

Regex to match specific domain and it's subfolder

I want to match a particular domain and its subdomain, no matter how it's entered. In the following example, I want to match all ´test.comif nothing comes after it (only a slash or query strings) OR if a specific folder follows it in this case it's named as:subfolder`. Again the subfolder could have / or query strings after.
no match
no match
no match
no match
Right now I have the following regex:
The problem though is that it matches ANY domains, which is not what I need. I want to match a specific domain and a specific subfolder.
How is this possible?
You may use this regex:
RegEx Demo
RegEx Demo:
^: Start
(?:https?://)?: *optionally* match http://orhttps://`
(?:www\.)?: optionally match www.
test\.com: match
(?:/subfolder)?: optionally match /subfolder
/?: optionally match a trailing /
(?:\?\S*)?: optionally match query string starting with ?
$: End
With your shown samples, could you please try following.
Online demo for above regex
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for above.
^ ##Starting of match here by caret sign.
(?: ##Starting non-capturing group here.
(?:https?:\/\/) ##In this non-capturing group which has http/https// in it to match.
(?:www\.)? ##In this non-capturing group keeping www. as an optional here.
)? ##Closing very first non-capturing group here.
test\.com ##Matching string here. (1, calling it 1 for explanation purposes)
(?: ##Starting a non-capturing group here.
(?: ##Starting one more non-capturing group here.(2, calling it for explanation purposes only)
(?:\/)? ##Matching / optional in a non-capturing group here.
(?:\/subfolder\/?)? ##Matching /subfolder /(as optional) and whole non-capturing group as optional.
(?:\/\?\S+\/?)? ##Matching /? and all non-space characters followed by /(optional) in non-capturing group, keep this optional.
)? ##Closing (2) non-capturing group here.
(?: ##Starting non-capturing group here.
\?\S+ ##Matching ? non-spaces values here.
)? ##Closing non-capturing group here.
)? ##Closing (1) non-capturing group here.
(?: ##Starting non-capturing group here.
\/ ##Matching single / here.
)? ##Closing non-capturing group here, keeping it optional.
$ ##Mentioning $ to tell the end of value(match).