Power BI text to date in "mmm-yy" format - powerbi

I have an excel file having a column with Text format values like Jan-18, Dec-19, Feb-20. I want to convert it to a date format but when I am trying to make this column a date format it printing 1/18/2021, 12/19/2021,2/20/2021. Basically its considering Jan as month(1), 18 as Date, & making all year as 2021 deafult.
Can someone help?
Original(text) After Date conversion Desired format
Jan-18 1/18/2021 01/01/2018
Feb-19 2/19/2021 01/02/2019
Mar-20 3/20/2021 01/03/2020

You can try,
DATE(2018, MONTH(convertedDate), 1)
This will convert your converted date to the first day of the relevant month in 2018. This is stored in Power BI as a datetime object. If you want to show that value in dd/MM/yyyy format you can do it by selecting correct Format in the top menu.

If you load in the Original column as text, try this trick:
Desired format = DATEVALUE ( "1-" & [Original] )
Appending the "1-" to the beginning gives it a day of the month and forces it to recognize the last digits as the year.

I faced with the same issue , while changing the format instead of using Date use the last option i.e "Using Locale... " -> in that change the Data Type from Text -> Date, and Locale to English(United Kingdom) -> Hit ok. Earlier Format ,What should be the desired format .This worked for me!


Change string "dd/mm/yy HH:mm:ss" into accepted date/time format

I have a very rare date format dd/mm/yy HH:mm:ss that reads in as a string and I want to transform it into a date/time format PowerBI will accept. I managed to change the format into "dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss", but now I have to switch the day part with the month.
How can I do this or is there an easier solution to my problem?
Select the column of date_time and change the data type from column tools to Date/time(pic 1) and after that select the format(pic 2) from column tools

Extracting day in a new field from a date in Pentaho

I have a field with a date in yyyy-MM-dd format, I want to extract the day only, for example, if the date is 2014-01-25, I want to have "25" in a new field. I used step "Calculator" is calculation "day of month of date A" but I get 1970-01-01 01:00:00 for all records.
Could someone tell me what might be the reason?
Before you actually have the Calculator step, have a Select Values step and make sure the date field is Date by explicitly giving the Date data type and specify the format it is currently in.

How do I format text column with year to date format in Power BI

See Attached Image. I imported data with a date column (red area). I realized I needed to change it to date format so I created a new column and entered the formula (blue area) to change the column to a date format, however if you look at the green area, the year is not lining up starting from 2013. How can I fix this? Also my data points are annual so I don't need the "day", "month" format, I just want the year if possible.
This formula is trying to parse textual representation of a date, while here you have the year part only. Also, parsing is unnecessary complicated for your case. Just use DATE function to construct a date from parts, like this:
dateFormatted = DATE([Calendar Year], 1, 1)
Which should give you January 1st date in each year (which I guess is the desired result):

Date Conversion in Power BI

I have Date in format as Date
1/24/2019 2:10:14 AM
Power BI read it as text. I want to convert it as
1-24-2019 2:10:14 AM
in single cell Date format.
I tried split, works but it change the format to
24/1/2019 2:10:14
& I also need AM which I was unable to concatenate.
Can you please try
FORMAT(datecolumn , "MM-DD-YYYY hh:mm:ss am/pm")

Start Date should be todays date and end date should be todays date plus one month

I have a requirement, Ii have date slicer i have created the date dimension
Start Date = CALENDAR (DATE ( 1900,1, 1), DATE (2025,12, 31))
Now I have kept the slicer for this it shows like this 1/1/1900 - 12/31/2025
but the end user want to see the start date with default todays date i.e. 01/02/2019 start date & end date.JPG
and end date should show as 02/02/2019 instead of 12/31/2025.
Can anybody suggest me how can I approach this requirement?
Not quite sure what you're after.
If you're asking for to set a default value for a slicer, that's not possible yet. Upvote this at: Slicer default selected values
Also, when you're using DATES, please use the right syntax, for example:
Other relevant information that could solve what I think you're after: https://www.fourmoo.com/2017/10/03/power-bi-did-you-know-all-power-bi-services-servers-are-in-utc-now-how-to-handle-it-for-dates-times/