Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "" while deploying Seldon yaml file on minikube - kubectl

I am trying to follow the instruction on Seldon to build and deploy the iris model on minikube.
I am able to install Seldon with Helm and Knative using YAML file. But while I am trying to apply this YAML file to deploy the Iris model, I am having the following error:
Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": Post "https://seldon-webhook-service.seldon-system.svc:443/validate-machinelearning-seldon-io-v1-seldondeployment?timeout=30s": dial tcp connect: connection refused
I used kubectl apply YAML on other files such as knative and broker installation they don't have this problem, but when I kubectl apply any SeldonDeployment YAML file this error comes up, I also tried the cifar10.yaml for cifar10 model deploy and mnist-model.yaml for mnist model deploy they have the same problem.
Has anyone experienced similar kind of problem and what are the best ways to troubleshoot and solve the problem?
My Seldon is 1.8.0-dev, minikube is v1.19.0 and kubectl Server is v1.20.2
Here is the YAML file:
kind: SeldonDeployment
name: iris-model
namespace: seldon
name: iris
- graph:
implementation: SKLEARN_SERVER
modelUri: gs://seldon-models/sklearn/iris
name: classifier
name: default
replicas: 1
Error Code

Make sure that the Seldon core manager in seldon-system is running ok: kubectl get pods -n seldon-system.
In my case, the pod was in CrashLoopBackOff status and was constantly restarting.
Turns out the problem had been while installing the seldon. Instead of having
helm install seldon-core seldon-core-operator \
— repo \
— set usageMetrics.enabled=true \
— set istio.enabled=true \
— namespace seldon-system
try once:
helm install seldon-core seldon-core-operator \
--repo \
--set usageMetrics.enabled=true \
--namespace seldon-system \
--set ambassador.enabled=true
P. S.
When reinstalling you can just delete all the namespaces (which shouldn't be a problem since ur just doing a tutorial) with kubectl delete --all namespaces.


GCP Helm Cloud Builder

Just curious, why isn't there a helm cloud builder officially supported? It seems like a very common requirement, yet I'm not seeing one in the list here:
I was previously using alpine/helm in my cloudbuild.yaml for my helm deployment as follows:
# Build app image
- name:
- build
- -t
- ./cloudbuild/$_CONTAINER_NAME/
# Push my-app image to Google Cloud Registry
- name:
- push
# Configure a kubectl workspace for this project
- name:
- cluster-info
- KUBECONFIG=/workspace/.kube/config
# Deploy with Helm
- name: alpine/helm
- upgrade
- -i
- ./cloudbuild/$_CONTAINER_NAME/k8s
- --set
- image.repository=$_IMAGE_REPO/$_CONTAINER_NAME,image.tag=$COMMIT_SHA
- -f
- ./cloudbuild/$_CONTAINER_NAME/k8s/values.yaml
- KUBECONFIG=/workspace/.kube/config
- TILLER_NAMESPACE=kube-system
timeout: 1200s
# substitutionOption: ALLOW_LOOSE
# dynamicSubstitutions: true
_CUSTOM_REGION: us-east1
# In this option we are providing the worker pool name that we have created in the previous step
And this was working with no issues. Then recently it just started failing with the following error so I'm guessing a change was made recently:
Error: Kubernetes cluster unreachable: Get "": getting credentials: exec: executable gke-gcloud-auth-plugin not found"
I get this error regularly on VM's and can workaround it by setting USE_GKE_GCLOUD_AUTH_PLUGIN=True, but that does not seem to fix the issue here if I add it to the env section. So I'm looking for recommendations on how to use helm with Cloud Build. alpine/helm was just something I randomly tried and was working for me up until now, but there's probably better solutions out there.

Helm hook for post-install, post-upgrade using busybox wget is failing

I am trying to deploy a Helm hook post-install, post-upgrade hook which will create a simple pod with busybox and perform a wget on an app's application port to insure the app is reachable.
I can not get the hook to pass, even though I know the sample app is up and available.
Here is the manifest:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: post-install-test
"": post-install,post-upgrade
"": before-hook-creation,hook-succeeded
- name: wget
image: busybox
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
command: ["/bin/sh","-c"]
args: ["sleep 15; wget {{ include "sampleapp.fullname" . }}:{{ .Values.service.applicationPort.port }}"]
restartPolicy: Never
As you can see in the manifest in the args, the name of the container is in Helm's template syntax. A developer will input the desired name of their app in a Jenkins pipeline, so I can't hardcode it.
I see from kubectl logs -n namespace post-install-test, this result:
Connecting to sample-app:8080 (
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
But when I check the EKS resources I see the pod running the sample app that I'm trying to test with the added suffix of what I've determined is the pod-template-hash.
Is this suffix making my Helm hook fail? Is there a way I can account for this template hash?
I've tried different syntaxes on the command, but I can confirm with the kubectl logs the helm hook is attempting to connect but keeps getting a 404.

kubectl wait - error: no matching resources found

I am installing metallb, but need to wait for resources to be created.
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=60s -n metallb-system --all pods
But I get:
error: no matching resources found
If I dont wait I get:
Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "STDIN": Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": failed to call webhook: Post "https://webhook-service.metallb-system.svc:443/validate-metallb-io-v1beta1-ipaddresspool?timeout=10s": dial tcp connect: connection refused
Do you know how to wait for resources to be created before actually be able to wait for condition.
kubectl version
WARNING: This version information is deprecated and will be replaced with the output from kubectl version --short. Use --output=yaml|json to get the full version.
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"25", GitVersion:"v1.25.4", GitCommit:"872a965c6c6526caa949f0c6ac028ef7aff3fb78", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-11-09T13:36:36Z", GoVersion:"go1.19.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/arm64"}
Kustomize Version: v4.5.7
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"25", GitVersion:"v1.25.4", GitCommit:"872a965c6c6526caa949f0c6ac028ef7aff3fb78", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-11-09T13:29:58Z", GoVersion:"go1.19.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/arm64"}
For the error “no matching resources found”:
Wait for a minute and try again, It will be resolved.
You can find the explanation about that error in the following link Setting up Config Connector
For the error STDIN:
Follow the steps mentioned below:
You are getting this error because API server is NOT able to connect to the webhook
1)Check your Firewall Rules allowing TCP port 443 or not.
2)Temporarily disable the operator
kubectl -n config-management-system scale deployment config-management-operator --replicas=0
deployment.apps/config-management-operator scaled
Delete the deployment
kubectl delete deployments.apps -n <namespace> -system <namespace>-controller-manager
deployment.apps "namespace-controller-manager" deleted
3)create a configmap in the default namespace
kubectl create configmap foo
configmap/foo created
4)Check that configmap does not work with the label on the object
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
labels: "true"
name: foo
Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "STDIN": Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": failed to call webhook: Post "https://namespace-webhook-service.namespace-system.svc:443/v1/admit?timeout=3s": no endpoints available for service "namespace-webhook-service"
5)And finally do clean up by using the below commands :
kubectl delete configmap foo
configmap "foo" deleted
kubectl -n config-management-system scale deployment config-management-operator --replicas=1
deployment.apps/config-management-operator scaled

What options do I have for installing istio, either without istioctl, or with istioctl installed on an admin node outside cluster

I dont want to install istioctl in on nodes in my k8s cluster.
I'd strongly prefer to use it to create yaml that I can then install with kubectl.
Alternatively I'd like to use it on an administrative node separate from the cluster itself.
Most of the documentation is focused on the use of istioctl, and though it doesnt state this explicitly, I'm pretty sure it assumes you install istioctl on one of the master nodes.
Though hopefully my assumption is wrong.
Reading this link it seems that maybe I can install istioctl on my admin node, and it will install everything on the cluster referenced in my .kube folder (just as kubectl does)
So my two questions are:
Can I use istioctl installed on an admin node outside of my
kubernetes cluster (i use k3s) and then have it install stuff into
my cluster. (I administer my cluster from an admin node separate
from the cluster
Is there good documentation for doing the complete
install using kubectl, and only using istioctl to generate yaml
A separate question I have relates to the ISTIO operator that I saw. I believe that the ISTIO team has deprecated their operator. Did I misinterpret what I read? I've been in the habit of looking for operators to install the components of my system. They seem to be the way the K8S standard is driving things.
Possible answer to Question 1 above.
In follow up. I've gone ahead and installed istioctl on an admin node outside my cluster. So far it would seem that it is able to communicate with my cluster fine. Though I've not yet performed an install with istioctl, it would seem that the following command says "good to go"
(base) [dsargrad#localhost ~]$ istioctl x precheck
✔ No issues found when checking the cluster. Istio is safe to install or upgrade!
To get started, check out
I'm pretty sure it assumes you install istioctl on one of the master nodes. Though hopefully my assumption is wrong.
You're in luck, this assumption is wrong. You do not need to install istioctl on the Kubernetes control plane nodes.
Can I use istioctl installed on an admin node outside of my kubernetes cluster
Yes. It is meant to be used like kubectl, either run manually or as part of a CD pipeline.
Is there good documentation for doing the complete install using kubectl, and only using istioctl to generate yaml
Good is subjective, but this section contains the steps you're looking for.
I believe that the ISTIO team has deprecated their operator. Did I misinterpret what I read?
Yes. It is not deprecated, however its use is "discouraged". The operator was developed back when the istio control plane was separated into different components (galley, pilot, mixer, and citadel) and managing them all was a lot more work. Much of the control plane was later consolidated into a single component called istiod which simplified things considerably.
You are still welcome to use the operator. It contains all the same logic that istioctl does, it just runs it for you in a control loop.
istioctl generates istio related manifests. Run
istioctl manifest generate —set profile=demo > istio-demo.yaml
Then you can take file into k8s environment where you run kubectl apply -f istio-demo.yaml which will install istio into cluster
In short, istioctl is able to install into a separate cluster seemingly quite cleanly:
(base) [dsargrad#localhost samples]$ istioctl install
This will install the Istio 1.14.1 default profile with ["Istio core" "Istiod" "Ingress gateways"] components into the cluster. Proceed? (y/N) y
✔ Istio core installed
✔ Istiod installed
✔ Ingress gateways installed
✔ Installation complete Making this installation the default for injection and validation.
Thank you for installing Istio 1.14. Please take a few minutes to tell us about your install/upgrade experience!
(base) [dsargrad#localhost samples]$ k get namespaces
default Active 5d12h
kube-system Active 5d12h
kube-public Active 5d12h
kube-node-lease Active 5d12h
rook-ceph Active 5d7h
istio-system Active 35s
And the resources in the istio-system namespace, all seem quite healthy. Additionally the ingress-gateway seems to have been properly exposed (via LoadBalancer) to the public interface
(base) [dsargrad#localhost samples]$ k get all -n istio-system
pod/istiod-859b487f84-xh4nz 1/1 Running 0 3m8s
pod/svclb-istio-ingressgateway-6z45f 3/3 Running 0 2m54s
pod/svclb-istio-ingressgateway-pt94b 3/3 Running 0 2m54s
pod/istio-ingressgateway-57598d7c8b-shgtw 1/1 Running 0 2m54s
service/istiod ClusterIP <none> 15010/TCP,15012/TCP,443/TCP,15014/TCP 3m8s
service/istio-ingressgateway LoadBalancer, 15021:31786/TCP,80:30752/TCP,443:31197/TCP 2m54s
daemonset.apps/svclb-istio-ingressgateway 2 2 2 2 2 <none> 2m54s
deployment.apps/istiod 1/1 1 1 3m8s
deployment.apps/istio-ingressgateway 1/1 1 1 2m55s
replicaset.apps/istiod-859b487f84 1 1 1 3m8s
replicaset.apps/istio-ingressgateway-57598d7c8b 1 1 1 2m55s
horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling/istio-ingressgateway Deployment/istio-ingressgateway 2%/80% 1 5 1 2m54s
horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling/istiod Deployment/istiod 0%/80% 1 5 1 3m8s
Lastly a verification of the installation seems healthy:
(base) [dsargrad#localhost kubernetes]$ istioctl verify-install
1 Istio control planes detected, checking --revision "default" only
components.pilot.k8s.replicaCount should not be set when values.pilot.autoscaleEnabled is true
✔ HorizontalPodAutoscaler: istio-ingressgateway.istio-system checked successfully
✔ Deployment: istio-ingressgateway.istio-system checked successfully
✔ PodDisruptionBudget: istio-ingressgateway.istio-system checked successfully
✔ Role: istio-ingressgateway-sds.istio-system checked successfully
✔ RoleBinding: istio-ingressgateway-sds.istio-system checked successfully
✔ Service: istio-ingressgateway.istio-system checked successfully
✔ ServiceAccount: istio-ingressgateway-service-account.istio-system checked successfully
✔ ClusterRole: istiod-istio-system.istio-system checked successfully
✔ ClusterRole: istio-reader-istio-system.istio-system checked successfully
✔ ClusterRoleBinding: istio-reader-istio-system.istio-system checked successfully
✔ ClusterRoleBinding: istiod-istio-system.istio-system checked successfully
✔ ServiceAccount: istio-reader-service-account.istio-system checked successfully
✔ Role: istiod-istio-system.istio-system checked successfully
✔ RoleBinding: istiod-istio-system.istio-system checked successfully
✔ ServiceAccount: istiod-service-account.istio-system checked successfully
✔ CustomResourceDefinition: checked successfully
✔ CustomResourceDefinition: checked successfully
✔ CustomResourceDefinition: checked successfully
✔ CustomResourceDefinition: checked successfully
✔ CustomResourceDefinition: checked successfully
✔ CustomResourceDefinition: checked successfully
✔ CustomResourceDefinition: checked successfully
✔ CustomResourceDefinition: checked successfully
✔ CustomResourceDefinition: checked successfully
✔ CustomResourceDefinition: checked successfully
✔ CustomResourceDefinition: checked successfully
✔ CustomResourceDefinition: checked successfully
✔ CustomResourceDefinition: checked successfully
✔ CustomResourceDefinition: checked successfully
✔ CustomResourceDefinition: checked successfully
✔ HorizontalPodAutoscaler: istiod.istio-system checked successfully
✔ ClusterRole: istiod-clusterrole-istio-system.istio-system checked successfully
✔ ClusterRole: istiod-gateway-controller-istio-system.istio-system checked successfully
✔ ClusterRoleBinding: istiod-clusterrole-istio-system.istio-system checked successfully
✔ ClusterRoleBinding: istiod-gateway-controller-istio-system.istio-system checked successfully
✔ ConfigMap: istio.istio-system checked successfully
✔ Deployment: istiod.istio-system checked successfully
✔ ConfigMap: istio-sidecar-injector.istio-system checked successfully
✔ MutatingWebhookConfiguration: istio-sidecar-injector.istio-system checked successfully
✔ PodDisruptionBudget: istiod.istio-system checked successfully
✔ ClusterRole: istio-reader-clusterrole-istio-system.istio-system checked successfully
✔ ClusterRoleBinding: istio-reader-clusterrole-istio-system.istio-system checked successfully
✔ Role: istiod.istio-system checked successfully
✔ RoleBinding: istiod.istio-system checked successfully
✔ Service: istiod.istio-system checked successfully
✔ ServiceAccount: istiod.istio-system checked successfully
✔ EnvoyFilter: stats-filter-1.11.istio-system checked successfully
✔ EnvoyFilter: tcp-stats-filter-1.11.istio-system checked successfully
✔ EnvoyFilter: stats-filter-1.12.istio-system checked successfully
✔ EnvoyFilter: tcp-stats-filter-1.12.istio-system checked successfully
✔ EnvoyFilter: stats-filter-1.13.istio-system checked successfully
✔ EnvoyFilter: tcp-stats-filter-1.13.istio-system checked successfully
✔ EnvoyFilter: stats-filter-1.14.istio-system checked successfully
✔ EnvoyFilter: tcp-stats-filter-1.14.istio-system checked successfully
✔ EnvoyFilter: stats-filter-1.15.istio-system checked successfully
✔ EnvoyFilter: tcp-stats-filter-1.15.istio-system checked successfully
✔ ValidatingWebhookConfiguration: istio-validator-istio-system.istio-system checked successfully
Checked 15 custom resource definitions
Checked 2 Istio Deployments
✔ Istio is installed and verified successfully

The request is invalid: patch: Invalid value:... cannot convert int64 to string and Error from server (BadRequest): json: cannot unmarshal string

I'm sure regarding YAML format and kubernetes (AWS EKS) as per validations of Kubeval & Yamllint.
The following is a aws-auth-patch.yml file.
However... When I executed in CMD kubectl patch configmap/aws-auth -n kube-system --patch "$(cat aws-auth-patch.yml)"
error: Error from server (BadRequest): json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type map[string]interface {}
Also in Windows PowerShell kubectl patch configmap/aws-auth -n kube-system --patch $(Get-Content aws-auth-patch.yml -Raw)
error: The request is invalid: patch: Invalid value: "map[apiVersion:v1 data:map[....etc...": cannot convert int64 to string
I think that YAML file format is normal.
What is causing this error?
I've solved it by change my OS from Windows 10 to WSL (Windows Sub-system for Linux ) (ubuntu 20.04 LTS) and now the below command executed successfully.
kubectl patch configmap/aws-auth -n kube-system --patch "$(cat aws-auth-patch.yml)"
and result is:
configmap/aws-auth patched