I would like to execute a command to obtain the current AWS EC2 launch template version in an integer format so I can do basic arithmetic on it to use in subsequent queries / deletes.
For example:
- name: Lookup current default version of EC2 launch template
command: aws ec2 describe-launch-template-versions --launch-template-id lt-xxx --filters Name=is-default-version,Value=true --query 'LaunchTemplateVersions[*].[VersionNumber]'
delegate_to: localhost
register: result
- name: Show results
msg: '{{ result.stdout }}'
delegate_to: localhost
If this output is '5' I would like to subtract 1 from it so I can execute an additional command to do the following:
aws ec2 delete-launch-template-versions --launch-template-id lt-xxx --versions {{result - 1}}
I realize this will not work as written, but this is the premise I'm going for.
Convert the string to an integer. For example
- command: echo 5
register: result
- command: "echo {{ result.stdout|int - 1 }}"
register: result
- debug:
var: result.stdout
result.stdout: '4'
The type of the command return values' attribute stdout is string. See the results below
- command: echo 5
register: result
- debug:
msg: |-
result.stdout: {{ result.stdout }}
result.stdout|type_debug: {{ result.stdout|type_debug }}
result.stdout|int|type_debug: {{ result.stdout|int|type_debug }}
msg: |-
result.stdout: 5
result.stdout|type_debug: AnsibleUnsafeText
result.stdout|int|type_debug: int
I need some help with extracting a specific line from a file and then extracting a column, assign it to a variable and then use that variable in the next task.
I have the file with this format on the confluent broker server
Save the key. It cannot be retrieved later.
| Enc Key | omykeyvaluecontinuousstringgoeshereandmakelong= |
I am trying to write Ansible task that will read the third line and then extract the key into a variable which I need to export as an environment variable in the task. In the next task I will be executing a confluent command as a shell command.
I tried something like below, but it doesn't work - I get error
ansible_ssh_extra_args: "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
ansible_host_key_checking: false
contents: "{{ lookup('file', '/etc/kafka/info.txt') }}"
contents2: "{{ lookup('file', '/etc/kafka/info.txt').splitlines() }}"
- name: set fact
extract_key: "{{ contents.split('\n')[2] }}"
- name: Display output
debug: msg="{{ extract_key }}"
And then extract the key value from extract_key variable
How can I achieve this?
Thank you
The task below does the job
- set_fact:
extract_key: "{{ contents.split('\n').2.split('|').2|trim }}"
extract_key: omykeyvaluecontinuousstringgoeshereandmakelong=
You can use this filter if only text lines are fixed:
- name: capturing Key
shell: echo {{ contents }} | head -3 | tail -1 | sed 's/|/\n/g' | sed -n 3p
register: extract_key
- name: Display output
debug: msg="{{ extract_key.stdout }}"
This returns omykeyvaluecontinuousstringgoeshereandmakelong=
I want to replace the " and \r\ from a variable content using Ansible.
I have the following data in a variable result thatI register the output to the variable from the previous task
curl -s -H \"Authorization: JWT eyJ4NWMiOlsiTUlJQytqQ0NBHuHO96csEQ\r\" https://hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/talasecurityinc/?page_size=10000 | jq -r '.results|.[]|.name'
In the above content I want to replace the \ and \r\ with null.
I have tried the below way but it doesn't work for me.
- set_fact: final_out="{{result | replace('\', "") | replace('\r\', '')}}"
The expected output is
curl -s -H "Authorization: JWT eyJ4NWMiOlsiTUlJQytqQ0NBHuHO96csEQ" https://hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/talasecurityinc/?page_size=10000 | jq -r '.results|.[]|.name'
The example playbook snippet would be helpful for me since I am new to ansible.
Escaping Hell....
I was not able to use replace, probably because I didn't try hard/smart enough. Meanwhile, in your specific case, you can achieve the expected result with a single regex_replace filter call so it was easier (and it worked right away :)).
I used yaml folded blocks (>) with white space control (-) to minimize the escape hassle. If you don't know what that is, have a look at a yaml doc (learn yaml in y minutes is my favorite one)
Note that the remaining backslashes in the last result below are added by ansible to escape the double quotes in the output.
- name: Escape chars
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
test: >-
curl -s -H \"Authorization: JWT eyJ4NWMiOlsiTUlJQytqQ0NBHuHO96csEQ\r\"
| jq -r '.results|.[]|.name'
- name: Show the untouched var
var: test
- name: Escape the var as intended
msg: >-
{{ test | regex_replace('\\r?\\?', '') }}
which results in
PLAY [Escape chars] ********************************************************************
TASK [Show the untouched var] **********************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"test": "curl -s -H \\\"Authorization: JWT eyJ4NWMiOlsiTUlJQytqQ0NBHuHO96csEQ\\r\\\" https://hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/talasecurityinc/?page_size=10000 | jq -r '.results|.[]|.name'"
TASK [Escape the var as intended] ******************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "curl -s -H \"Authorization: JWT eyJ4NWMiOlsiTUlJQytqQ0NBHuHO96csEQ\" https://hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/talasecurityinc/?page_size=10000 | jq -r '.results|.[]|.name'"
PLAY RECAP *****************************************************************************
localhost : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
My problem is with ansible and parsing stdout. I need to capture the stdout from an ansible play and parse this output for a specific substring within stdout and save into a var. My specific use case is below
- shell: "vault.sh --keystore EAP_HOME/vault/vault.keystore |
--keystore-password vault22 --alias vault --vault-block |
vb --attribute password --sec-attr 0penS3sam3 --enc-dir |
EAP_HOME/vault/ --iteration 120 --salt 1234abcd"
register: results
become: true
This generates an output with the following line, the goal is to capture the masked key that jboss vault generates and save that in an ansible var so I can use it to configure the standalone.xml template:
vault-option name="KEYSTORE_PASSWORD" value="MASK-5dOaAVafCSd"/>
I need a way parse this string with possibly regex and save the "MASK-5dOaAVafCSd" substring into an ansible var using set_facts module or any other ansible module.
Currently my code looks like this
#example stdout
results: vault-option name=\"KEYSTORE_PASSWORD\" value=\"MASK-5dOaAVafCSd\"/>
- name: JBOSS_VAULT:define keystore password masked value variable
masked_value: |
"{{ results.stdout |
regex_replace('^.+(MASK-.+?)\\.+','\\\1') }}"
This code is defining masked_value as the results.stdout, not the expected capture group.
You are very close. I advice you to use regex101.com to test regular expressions.
Here is my solution:
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
- shell: echo 'vault-option name="KEYSTORE_PASSWORD" value="MASK-5dOaAVafCSd"'
register: results
- set_fact:
myvalue: "{{ results.stdout | regex_search(regexp,'\\1') }}"
regexp: 'value=\"([^"]+)'
- debug:
var: myvalue
ok: [localhost] => {
"myvalue": [
regex_search returns a list of found matches, so to get only first one use:
{{ results.stdout | regex_search(regexp,'\\1') | first }}
The above solution worked for me, however I had to do some extra logic to filter shell command output to get to the line which contains following
<vault-option name="KEYSTORE_PASSWORD" value="MASK-6qcNdkIprlA"/>
because vault command output has many lines in it. Once this line is captured, the solution given by Konstantin works just fine. Below is the whole thing that needs to done in one place.
- name: Creating jboss vault
shell: |
{{ baseDir }}/bin/vault.sh -e {{ vaultDir }} -k {{ keystoreURL }} -p {{ keystorePassword }} \
-s {{ keystoreSalt }} -i {{ iterationCount }} -v {{ keystoreAlias }} -b {{ vaultBlock }} \
-a {{ attributeName }} -x {{ attributeValue }}
register: vaultResult
- set_fact:
jbossKeystorePassword: "{{ item | regex_search('value=\"([^\"]+)','\\1') | first }}"
when: item | trim | match('.*KEYSTORE_PASSWORD.*')
- "{{ vaultResult.stdout_lines }}"
- debug:
var: jbossKeystorePassword
Be sure to replace all variables with your values in above vault.sh command.
I am trying to add nodev to my /etc/fstab file. I am using the Ansible command below but with no luck. My issue lies with the regular expression, I'm not a pro at regex.
- name: Add nodev to /etc/fstab
One of the lines from /etc/fstab that I am trying to add nodev is:
/dev/mapper/ex_sys-ex_home /home /ext4 rw,exec,auto,nouser,sync 1 2
While this may not be the most elegant answer, it worked for me.
- name: Ensure fstab uses nodev
name: "{{ item.mount }}"
src: "{{ item.device }}"
fstype: "{{ item.fstype }}"
opts: "{{ item.options }},nodev"
state: present
with_items: ansible_mounts
when: item.options.find(",") >= 0 and item.options.find("nodev") == -1
Inspired by Joe's answer I made this version which will add a single option to a specific line in /etc/fstab if it isn't there already. This will also keep any other options the line already had.
- import_tasks: fstab-opt-present.yml point=/home opt=nodev
- name: '/etc/fstab: Set opt "{{ opt }}" for mount point {{ point }}'
path: /etc/fstab
backup: yes
backrefs: yes
regexp: '^(\S+\s+{{ point }}\s+\S+\s+)(?!(?:\S*,)?{{ opt }}(?:,\S*)?\s+)(\S+)(\s+.+)$'
line: '\1{{ opt }},\2\3'
register: fstab
- name: 'If {{ point }} changed, remount'
command: 'mount {{ point }} -o remount'
when: fstab.changed
https://regex101.com/ is a really helpful tool for building and testing these kind of regexps. Just enable the "multiline" option there and open the "Substitution" panel and you can even paste in your /etc/fstab and see which lines your regex will match and what it will do to them. Just remember to use real values instead of the Ansible variables {{ point }} etc. when testing there
We've developed a 3rd-party ansible module to add, set or remove mount options. Check it out!
- mountopts:
name: /
option: nodev
I wanted to state that there seems to be a new ansible module which covers all this much more easily:
Tested & works fine
- name: Set nodev option
path: /etc/fstab
backup: yes
regexp: '^(\S+\s+)(\/\S+)(\s+)((?:ext4|xfs)\s+)(?!(?:\S*,)?nodev(?:,\S*)?\s+)(\S+)(\s+.+)$'
replace: '\1\2 \4 \5,nodev \6'
It excludes adding nodev to /(root), sets only to ext4 and xfs filesystem. doesn't add to temp filesystems.
Note: while you test regexp101, make sure to select python
Landed here looking for an answer, wound up rolling my own for my use case:
- include: fstab-opts.yml point=/tmp opts=noexec,nodev,nosuid,noatime
- include: fstab-opts.yml point=/backup opts=noatime
- name: 'Ensure {{ point }} flags'
path: /etc/fstab
# uses "(not-spaces spaces /tmp spaces )(not-spaces)(the rest)" pattern to match column content and capture args
regexp: '^([^ ]+[ ]+\{{ point }}[ ]+[^ ]+[ ]+)([^ ]+)(.*)'
line: '\1{{ opts }}\3'
backrefs: yes
register: fstab
- name: 'If {{ point }} changed, remount'
command: mount -o remount {{ point }}
when: fstab.changed
i have added the noexec,nodev,nosuid option in /etc/fstab for the /var/tmp mount point.
Requirement is:
Ensure noexec option set on /var/tmp partition
Ensure nodev option set on /var/tmp partition
Ensure nosuid option set on /var/tmp partition
if required install ansible.posix.mount module using below command .
# ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix
- name: "STEP 1: Get /var/tmp mounted SRC device"
shell: mount | grep -E '\s/var/tmp\s' | awk '{print $1}'
register: "vartmpsrc"
- debug:
msg: "Validated the /var/tmp mount output: {{ vartmpsrc.stdout }}"
- name: "Add mount noexec,nodev,nosuid options for /var/tmp"
path: "/var/tmp"
src: "{{ vartmpsrc.stdout }}"
fstype: "tmpfs"
opts: "nosuid,nodev,noexec"
state: "present"
when: vartmpsrc.stdout == "/var/tmp"
- name: Remount /var/tmp mounted volume with mount options noexec,nodev,nosuid
path: /var/tmp
state: remounted
when: vartmpsrc.stdout == "/var/tmp"
- name: 'STEP 2: Validate noexec,nodev,nosuid option set on /var/tmp partition'
shell: mount | grep -E '\s/var/tmp\s' | grep -v {{ item }}
- noexec
- nodev
- nosuid
register: vartmp_exists
ignore_errors: yes
when: vartmpsrc.stdout == "/var/tmp"