using old tfstate for terraform destroy purposes - amazon-web-services

I created the aws beanstalk resources using terraform and included S3 as the backend for the storage of the tfstate. I'm reusing the same terraform infra code to deploy same resources with different properties like different instance-type, security groups, etc...
My question:, is there a way where I can still destroy the previous beanstalk infra created by same terraform code? Maybe referring to the tfstate files created from s3 then do the terraform destroy? thanks in advance for your answers

If you have the Terraform S3 backend configured in your codebase containing the Terraform state with the resources you would like to destroy, you can run terraform destroy and see the removal plan.
You can also simply run terraform apply and Terraform will converge the previously existing infrastructure to the newly desired one, without the intermediate destroy run


Share AWS resources between Terraform and CDK

My team has two completely different environments: a Terraform one (which allow us to create and manage some AWS resources as databases) and a CDK one, with contains API resources and its logics as well.
We would like to use databases resources created with Terraform in the CDK app.
I was looking for some simple way to import outputs or tfstate from Terraform into CDK app, but I've found nothing.
I'd like to know how'd you achieve something like that?
So, I finally solved this issue by using the tfstate file on CDK : our Remote Backend is AWS, so the tfstate is stored on S3. When we run the CDK app we fetch this file from S3 and we inject its outputs into an application service.
It allows to always get the updated outputs from resources generated with Terraform.

Ignoring already configured resources in Terraform - AWS

There is a terraform code to configure an MWAA Environment in AWS. When it runs second time, no need to create IAM role or policy again. So it gives an error.
How to ignore the creation of existing resources in TF?
I assume that you applied a Terraform plan which created resource "MWAA", then you somehow lost the state (locally stored and lost?, or the state wasn't shared with a different client?), then you re-apply the plan again, and Terraform informs you that it created "MWAA", again.
In that case, your main problem is that you lost the state, and you need to make sure that you do persist it, e.g., by storing it in a bucket.
However, if you really need to make Terraform aware about an already created resource, you need to put it in Terraform's state. One tool to do that is "terraform import", about which you can read more here:
If you already have the statefile and if terraform is trying to re-install it again, then may be some tag change or modified timestamp value change...
In order to avoid it, you can specify the resource you want to apply using a terraform apply command..
terraform apply --target=resource

how does terraform handle updating/deleting resources?

I am switching to gitlab and plan to use terraform. I have used cloudformation before and understand , deploying stack to aws, creating change stack and updating resources. how does updating/deleting work in terraform.
Its similar to CFN. TF has a state file (can be local or remote) where it stores information about your currently deployed resources and their configuration.
After any changes to your TF config files, TF would create a plan of how to apply your changes in relation to what it has in the state. The plan is similar to changeset in CFN, it will show what resources have to be deleted, replaced, created or modified.
Just like with changeset you have option to review the plan and if you agree with a proposed actions, you can apply it.
The biggest difference is what happens if there is a failure. Cloudformation will rollback the stack to the previous state whereas Terraform will leave the resources in a partially deployed state.

What AWS Resources Does Terraform Know About

Recently, we had issues with tfstate being deleted on S3.
As a result, there are a number of EC2 instances still running (duplicates if you will)
Is there a way to query Terraform and list which EC2 instances (and other resources) Terraform has under its control? I want to delete the duplicate AWS resources without messing up Terraform state.
Depending on whether you care about availability you could just delete everything and let Terraform recreate it all.
Or you could use terraform state list and then iterate through that with terraform state show (eg. terraform state list | xargs terraform state show) to show everything.
terraform import is for importing stuff that exists back in to your state which doesn't sound like what you want because it sounds like you've already recreated some things so have duplicates. If you had caught the loss of the resources from your state file before Terraform recreated it (for example by seeing an unexpected creation in the plan and seeing that the resource already existed in the AWS console) then you could have used that to import the resources back into the state file so that Terraform would then show an empty plan for these resources.
Iin the future make sure you use state locking to prevent this from happening again!

Terraform - Will it wipe existing resources AWS

Just a quick question, does anyone know if Terraform will wipe out existing resources on AWS?
For example if I already have an existing VPC with resources, or S3/EFS storage will Terraform ignore these resources when I run it with my configuration files to deploy say another VPC?
Or as Terraform is looking for a desired state will it wipe anything existing?
Am hoping unless you specifically import existing resources Terraform will just leave them alone?
It Depends.
It varies from case to case as the responses will be coming from the cloud providers (AWS, Azure).
If you create a VPC in terraform, it will generate a new VPC ID (terraform won't allow to use VPC ID in coding). So, it won't affect your existing resources.
If you write a Route53 record in terraform, it could overwrite existing Route53 entries.
But, If you import terraform state form existing resources, it will import its state and map it with the terraform resources. In that case, destroying the resource will remove the actual cloud resource.
Hope I understood your question and answered it.