Use fold to count the number in range - sml

I have an assignment:
Use fold to count the number in range. Complete below function numberInRange with the type int list * int * int -> int that takes three arguments (int list, int, int) and returns an int with the number count between lo and hi.
fun fold (f, acc, xs) =
case xs of
[] => acc
| x::xs' => fold (f, f (acc, x), xs')
fun numberInRange (xs, lo, hi) = (* ... *)
val myList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
val x = numberInRange (xs, 2, 7)
Can somebody tell me how to do this, I'm struggling with this problem of my assignment

fold takes three arguments, which are easiest to explain in reverse order:
The third, xs, is the list to process.
The second, acc, is the result if xs is empty.
The first, f, is the function to use to combine acc with elements of xs, in turn.
Due to the recursive nature of fold, the result of f from one call is used as the acc for the next call. This makes sense, because the acc for the recursive call will be the result if the rest of the list is empty (meaning that we've reached the end of the list); so the result of the overall fold is the result of the last call to f. The name acc is short for "accumulator", but it's helpful to think of it as a "partial result" or "result in progress": it's the result for the part of the list that we've already processed.
So, for example:
fold f acc [] is acc
fold f acc [a] is f (acc, a)
fold f acc [a, b] is f (f (acc, a), b)
fold f acc [a, b, c] is f (f (f (acc, a), b), c)
For your case, it's hopefully clear that you need xs to be xs (since that's the list that you need to process), and that you need acc to be 0 (since that's the result you want if xs is empty).
So, that just leaves f. Remember that, if x is an element of the list, and acc is the result after all the elements before x, then f (acc, x) needs to give the result after all the elements up through x.
So in your case, f (6, 18) needs to be "The number of elements of a list that are between hi and lo, if the list ends with 18 and there are 6 such elements before that." In other words, it needs to be 7 if 18 is in the desired range, and otherwise 6. Do you see how to do that?
Now, I should point out that the above is what's sometimes called a "test-taker's" solution, taking advantage of the fact that you won't have been assigned this problem if there weren't a solution. Specifically, the above presupposes that numberInRange can be implemented using fold, and further, that numberInRange can be implemented as just a single call to fold with appropriate arguments. And as it happens, that assumption is correct. But the above approach would give us an answer even if numberInRange couldn't be implemented as a single call to fold (say, if some post-processing were required) — it's just that the answer would be wrong! So once you have your answer, it's important to examine it to make sure that it really does behave the way that numberInRange is supposed to. (And it's a good idea to test it a bit. Even the great Donald Knuth once wrote, "Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it.")

While you can use fold to solve this exercise, since you seem stuck before even trying, I would suggest you instead go back one step and apply list recursion. Take one element out of the input list at a time: If it is within the interval, add one to the result, otherwise don't.
fun numberInRange ([], lo, hi) = ...
| numberInRange (x::xs, lo, hi) =
if ...
then ...
else ...
Some leading questions:
What would be a good return value for the empty list?
When should the function call itself?
Once you have any kind of solution, turning it into one that uses fold becomes easier.


How to apply a function in an iterable list

so I am new to OCaml and im having some trouble with lists.
What I have is a List of chars as follows:
let letters = [a;b;c;d]
I would like to know how can I iterate the list and apply a fuction that takes as arguments every possible combination of two chars on the list (do_someting char1 char2), for example: a and b (do_something a b), a and c .... d and b, d and c; never repeating the same element (a and a or c and c should not happen).
OCaml is a functional language, so we want to try to break down the procedure into as many functional pieces as we can.
Step 1 is "take a list of things and produce all combinations". We don't care what happens afterward; we just want to know all such combinations. If you want each combination to appear only once (i.e. (a, b) will appear but (b, a) will not, in your example), then a simple recursive definition will suffice.
let rec ordered_pairs xs =
match xs with
| [] -> []
| (x :: xs) -> List.append ( (fun y -> (x, y)) xs) (ordered_pairs xs)
If you want the reversed duplicates ((a, b) and (b, a)), then we can add them in at the end.
let swap (x, y) = (y, x)
let all_ordered_pairs xs =
let p = ordered_pairs xs in
List.append p ( swap p)
Now we have a list of all of the tuples. What happens next depends on what kind of result you want. In all likelihood, you're looking at something from the built-in List module. If you want to apply the function to each pair for the side effects, List.iter does the trick. If you want to accumulate the results into a new list, will do it. If you want to apply some operation to combine the results (say, each function returns a number and you want the sum of the numbers), then followed by List.fold_left (or the composite List.fold_left_map) will do.
Of course, if you're just starting out, it can be instructive to write these List functions yourself. Every one of them is a simple one- or two- line recursive definition and is very instructive to write on your own.

F# return list of list lengths

I am to use combinators and no for/while loops, recursion or defined library functions from F#'s List module, except constructors :: and []
Ideally I want to implement map
I am trying to write a function called llength that returns the list of the lengths of the sublists. For example llength [[1;2;3];[1;2];[1;2;3]] should return [3;2,3]. I also have function length that returns the length of a list.
let Tuple f = fun a b -> f (a, b)
let length l : int =
List.fold (Tuple (fst >> (+) 1)) 0 l
currently have
let llength l : int list = (length inner list) list
Not sure how I should try accessing my sublists with my restraints and should I use my other method on each sublist? any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
Since this is homework, I don't want to just give you a fully coded solution, but here are some hints:
First, since fold is allowed you could implement map via fold. The folding function would take the list accumulated "so far" and prepend the next element transformed with mapping function. The result will come out reversed though (fold traverses forward, but you prepend at every step), so perhaps that wouldn't work for you if you're not allowed List.rev.
Second - the most obvious, fundamental way: naked recursion. Here's the way to think about it: (1) when the argument is an empty list, result should be an empty list; (2) when the argument is a non-empty list, the result should be length of the argument's head prepended to the list of lengths of the argument's tail, which can be calculated recursively. Try to write that down in F#, and there will be your solution.
Since you can use some functions that basically have a loop (fold, filter ...), there might be some "cheated & dirty" ways to implement map. For example, via filter:
let mymap f xs =
let mutable result = []
|> List.filter (fun x ->
result <- f x :: result
|> ignore
result |> List.rev
Note that List.rev is required as explained in the other answer.

Haskell self-referential List termination

EDIT: see this followup question that simplifies the problem I am trying to identify here, and asks for input on a GHC modification proposal.
So I was trying to write a generic breadth-first search function and came up with the following:
bfs :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> [a]) -> [a] -> Maybe a
bfs predf expandf xs = find predf bfsList
where bfsList = xs ++ concatMap expandf bfsList
which I thought was pretty elegant, however in the does-not-exist case it blocks forever.
After all the terms have been expanded to [], concatMap will never return another item, so concatMap is blocking waiting for another item from itself? Could Haskell be made smart enough to realize the list generation is blocked reading the self-reference and terminate the list?
The best replacement I've been able to come up with isn't quite as elegant, since I have to handle the termination case myself:
where bfsList = concat.takeWhile (not.null) $ iterate (concatMap expandf) xs
For concrete examples, the first search terminates with success, and the second one blocks:
bfs (==3) (\x -> if x<1 then [] else [x/2, x/5]) [5, 3*2**8]
bfs (==3) (\x -> if x<1 then [] else [x/2, x/5]) [5, 2**8]
Edited to add a note to explain my bfs' solution below.
The way your question is phrased ("could Haskell be made smart enough"), it sounds like you think the correct value for a computation like:
bfs (\x -> False) (\x -> []) []
given your original definition of bfs should be Nothing, and Haskell is just failing to find the correct answer.
However, the correct value for the above computation is bottom. Substituting the definition of bfs (and simplifying the [] ++ expression), the above computation is equal to:
find (\x -> False) bfsList
where bfsList = concatMap (\x -> []) bfsList
Evaluating find requires determining if bfsList is empty or not, so it must be forced to weak head normal form. This forcing requires evaluating the concatMap expression, which also must determine if bfsList is empty or not, forcing it to WHNF. This forcing loop implies bfsList is bottom, and therefore so is find.
Haskell could be smarter in detecting the loop and giving an error, but it would be incorrect to return [].
Ultimately, this is the same thing that happens with:
foo = case foo of [] -> []
which also loops infinitely. Haskell's semantics imply that this case construct must force foo, and forcing foo requires forcing foo, so the result is bottom. It's true that if we considered this definition an equation, then substituting foo = [] would "satisfy" it, but that's not how Haskell semantics work, for the same reason that:
bar = bar
does not have value 1 or "awesome", even though these values satisfy it as an "equation".
So, the answer to your question is, no, this behavior couldn't be changed so as to return an empty list without fundamentally changing Haskell semantics.
Also, as an alternative that looks pretty slick -- even with its explicit termination condition -- maybe consider:
bfs' :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> [a]) -> [a] -> Maybe a
bfs' predf expandf = look
where look [] = Nothing
look xs = find predf xs <|> look (concatMap expandf xs)
This uses the Alternative instance for Maybe, which is really very straightforward:
Just x <|> ... -- yields `Just x`
Nothing <|> Just y -- yields `Just y`
Nothing <|> Nothing -- yields `Nothing` (doesn't happen above)
so look checks the current set of values xs with find, and if it fails and returns Nothing, it recursively looks in their expansions.
As a silly example that makes the termination condition look less explicit, here's its double-monad (Maybe in implicit Reader) version using listToMaybe as the terminator! (Not recommended in real code.)
bfs'' :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> [a]) -> [a] -> Maybe a
bfs'' predf expandf = look
where look = listToMaybe *>* find predf *|* (look . concatMap expandf)
(*>*) = liftM2 (>>)
(*|*) = liftM2 (<|>)
infixl 1 *>*
infixl 3 *|*
How does this work? Well, it's a joke. As a hint, the definition of look is the same as:
where look xs = listToMaybe xs >>
(find predf xs <|> look (concatMap expandf xs))
We produce the results list (queue) in steps. On each step we consume what we have produced on the previous step. When the last expansion step added nothing, we stop:
bfs :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> [a]) -> [a] -> Maybe a
bfs predf expandf xs = find predf queue
queue = xs ++ gen (length xs) queue -- start the queue with `xs`, and
gen 0 _ = [] -- when nothing in queue, stop;
gen n q = let next = concatMap expandf (take n q) -- take n elemts from queue,
in next ++ -- process, enqueue the results,
gen (length next) (drop n q) -- advance by `n` and continue
Thus we get
~> bfs (==3) (\x -> if x<1 then [] else [x/2, x/5]) [5, 3*2**8]
Just 3.0
~> bfs (==3) (\x -> if x<1 then [] else [x/2, x/5]) [5, 2**8]
One potentially serious flow in this solution is that if any expandf step produces an infinite list of results, it will get stuck calculating its length, totally needlessly so.
In general, just introduce a counter and increment it by the length of solutions produced at each expansion step (length . concatMap expandf or something), decrementing by the amount that was consumed. When it reaches 0, do not attempt to consume anything anymore because there's nothing to consume at that point, and you should instead terminate.
This counter serves in effect as a pointer back into the queue being constructed. A value of n indicates that the place where the next result will be placed is n notches ahead of the place in the list from which the input is taken. 1 thus means that the next result is placed directly after the input value.
The following code can be found in Wikipedia's article about corecursion (search for "corecursive queue"):
data Tree a b = Leaf a | Branch b (Tree a b) (Tree a b)
bftrav :: Tree a b -> [Tree a b]
bftrav tree = queue
queue = tree : gen 1 queue -- have one value in queue from the start
gen 0 _ = []
gen len (Leaf _ : s) = gen (len-1) s -- consumed one, produced none
gen len (Branch _ l r : s) = l : r : gen (len+1) s -- consumed one, produced two
This technique is natural in Prolog with top-down list instantiation and logical variables which can be explicitly in a not-yet-set state. See also tailrecursion-modulo-cons.
gen in bfs can be re-written to be more incremental, which is usually a good thing to have:
gen 0 _ = []
gen n (y:ys) = let next = expandf y
in next ++ gen (n - 1 + length next) ys
bfsList is defined recursively, which is not in itself a problem in Haskell. It does, however, produce an infinite list, which, again, isn't in itself a problem, because Haskell is lazily evaluated.
As long as find eventually finds what it's looking for, it's not an issue that there's still an infinity of elements, because at that point evaluation stops (or, rather, moves on to do other things).
AFAICT, the problem in the second case is that the predicate is never matched, so bfsList just keeps producing new elements, and find keeps on looking.
After all the terms have been expanded to [] concatMap will never return another item
Are you sure that's the correct diagnosis? As far as I can tell, with the lambda expressions supplied above, each input element always expand to two new elements - never to []. The list is, however, infinite, so if the predicate goes unmatched, the function will evaluate forever.
Could Haskell be made smart enough to realize the list generation is blocked reading the self-reference and terminate the list?
It'd be nice if there was a general-purpose algorithm to determine whether or not a computation would eventually complete. Alas, as both Turing and Church (independently of each other) proved in 1936, such an algorithm can't exist. This is also known as the Halting problem. I'm not a mathematician, though, so I may be wrong, but I think it applies here as well...
The best replacement I've been able to come up with isn't quite as elegant
Not sure about that one... If I try to use it instead of the other definition of bfsList, it doesn't compile... Still, I don't think the problem is the empty list.

How turn list of pair in list of int, where result int is sum of pair

I try to define function with the following protocol:
[(1,2), (6,5), (9,10)] -> [3, 11, 19]
Here is what I have now:
fun sum_pairs (l : (int * int) list) =
if null l
then []
else (#1 hd(l)) + (#2 hd(l))::sum_pairs(tl(l))
According to type checker I have some type mismatch, but I can't figure out where exactly I'm wrong.
This code runs in PolyML 5.2:
fun sum_pairs (l : (int * int) list) =
if null l
then []
else ((#1 (hd l)) + (#2 (hd l))) :: sum_pairs(tl l)
(* ------------^-------------^ *)
The difference from yours is subtle, but significant: (#1 hd(l)) is different from (#1 (hd l)); the former doesn't do what you think - it attempts to extract the first tuple field of hd, which is a function!
While we're at it, why don't we attempt to rewrite the function to make it a bit more idiomatic? For starters, we can eliminate the if expression and the clunky tuple extraction by matching on the argument in the function head, like so:
fun sum_pairs [] = []
| sum_pairs ((a, b)::rest) = (a + b)::sum_pairs(rest)
We've split the function into two clauses, the first one matching the empty list (the recursive base case), and the second one matching a nonempty list. As you can see, this significantly simplified the function and, in my opinion, made it considerably easier to read.
As it turns out, applying a function to the elements of a list to generate a new list is an incredibly common pattern. The basis library provides a builtin function called map to aid us in this task:
fun sum_pairs l = map (fn (a, b) => a + b) l
Here I'm using an anonymous function to add the pairs together. But we can do even better! By exploiting currying we can simply define the function as:
val sum_pairs = map (fn (a, b) => a + b)
The function map is curried so that applying it to a function returns a new function that accepts a list - in this case, a list of integer pairs.
But wait a minute! It looks like this anonymous function is just applying the addition operator to its arguments! Indeed it is. Let's get rid of that too:
val sum_pairs = map op+
Here, op+ denotes a builtin function that applies the addition operator, much like our function literal (above) did.
Edit: Answers to the follow-up questions:
What about arguments types. It looks like you've completely eliminate argument list in the function definition (header). Is it true or I've missed something?
Usually the compiler is able to infer the types from context. For instance, given the following function:
fun add (a, b) = a + b
The compiler can easily infer the type int * int -> int, as the arguments are involved in an addition (if you want real, you have to say so).
Could you explain what is happening here sum_pairs ((a, b)::rest) = (a + b)::sum_pairs(rest). Sorry for may be dummy question, but I just want to fully understand it. Especially what = means in this context and what order of evaluation of this expression?
Here we're defining a function in two clauses. The first clause, sum_pairs [] = [], matches an empty list and returns an empty list. The second one, sum_pairs ((a, b)::rest) = ..., matches a list beginning with a pair. When you're new to functional programming, this might look like magic. But to illustrate what's going on, we could rewrite the clausal definition using case, as follows:
fun sum_pairs l =
case l of
[] => []
| ((a, b)::rest) => (a + b)::sum_pairs(rest)
The clauses will be tried in order, until one matches. If no clause matches, a Match expression is raised. For example, if you omitted the first clause, the function would always fail because l will eventually be the empty list (either it's empty from the beginning, or we've recursed all the way to the end).
As for the equals sign, it means the same thing as in any other function definition. It separates the arguments of the function from the function body. As for evaluation order, the most important observation is that sum_pairs(rest) must happen before the cons (::), so the function is not tail recursive.

Recursion over lists in Haskell

For instance, i have a list like ['a','b','c','d','e'].
I want to do something like this:
First do something with the first two elements, f 'a' 'b'
Then do the same thing with the return value of f and next element in the list, result = f 'a' 'b', lets say like f result 'c'. Then f resultof(result 'c') 'd' and so on.
How can i do something like this?
First let's consider that function f that you have. It takes some sort of accumulated value, a plain value, and combines them into a result. So, in the type signature, we'll say a for the type of the accumulated value, v for the type of the value, and r for the type of the result.
f :: a -> v -> r
Now we want to create a folding function that uses f and a list of values.
someFold :: (a -> v -> r) -> [v] -> ?
What should it return? It should yield something of the resultant type r, right? Notice now that a and r should actually be the same type, since we keep feeding the result of f into it's first argument again.
someFold :: (a -> v -> a) -> [v] -> a
Now one thing's missing. How do you get the very first a? There are two ways to look at that. Either you just pick the first value, in which case a is the same type as v, or you specify a base value, so a could actually be different than v. Let's go with the latter, since that's more interesting. Let's also decide to move left to right in this list. (That's what you need, right?)
someFold :: (a -> v -> a) -> a -> [v] -> a do we implement it? It'll be recursive, so let's start with the base cases.
someFold f acc [] = acc
If we hit the end of the list, then we've accumulated enough, right? That was easy. So how about the recursive case? From what you said, at each step we should apply f to the "accumulated value so far" as the first argument, and the "first value of the list" as the second. f acc x. Then we keep folding, using that as our new "accumulated" value.
someFold f acc (x:xs) = someFold f (f acc x) xs
Easy, right? But...what if we want to do like you said and start the function by taking the first two values of the list? Also easy. Just take the first element, and call it the original "base" accumulator!
someFold1 :: (v -> v -> v) -> [v] -> v
someFold1 f (x:xs) = someFold f x xs
Notice that since a is the same type as v for this special case, the function someFold1 has a very amusing type signature. If you understood this explanation, then congrats. We've just implemented foldl and foldl1.
Prelude> foldl1 min "abcde" -- "abcde" is sugar for ['a','b','c','d','e']
In real code, you should actually use foldl' and friends.
Sounds like homework. Take a look at folds.
In this case, the problem with a fold is, that it usually processes on element at a time. You could try to manually roll a fold.
Assume, you have your function f, that gets two elements at a time and the accumulator (the result of the last iteration) fed. Then you function looks like this:
fold2 :: (a -> a -> b -> b) -> [a] -> b -> b
fold2 f accum (x:y:zs) = fold2 f (f x y) zs
fold2 _ accum [] = accum
fold2 _ _ _ = error "odd number of elements"
Try to understand this. fold2 shaves the top two elements of the list of and feeds it into f. The result this is then passed as the new accumulator to the recursive call. This is done until the list is empty.