std::ofstream properly seek the file and add element into it - c++

I am trying to add elements into a .json file between [] as last.
How can I move the cursor to add elements between [...] with efficiently with std::ofstream?
I have tried several open modes but there are strange things. First I created this question about not able to use the file streaming for read and write because of the overwrite issue.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
int main ()
char errmsg[2048];
std::ofstream ostream;
{"LS22731.json", std::fstream::ate | std::fstream::in);
strerror_s(errmsg, 2048, errno);
std::cout << "Error (" << errno << "): " << errmsg << std::endl;
if (ostream && ostream.is_open())
auto ppos = ostream.tellp();
std::streampos sub = 1; //
std::cout << "Tellp: " << ppos << std::endl; // Always show zero but file has large data
if (ppos > 1)
ostream.seekp(ppos - sub) << "aa";
ppos = ostream.teelp();
std::cout << "New tellp: " << ppos << std::endl;
catch (std::ios_base::failure& fb)
std::cout << "Failure: " << fb.what() << std::endl;
char errmsg[2048];
strerror_s(errmsg, 2048, errno);
std::cout << "Error (" << errno << "): " << errno << std::endl;
I searched about open modes then I found this but is it good to open file with both mode std::fstream::ate | std::fstream::in together for std::ofstream? And when I open the file with std::fstream::out mode it is rewriting so deleting whole document,
std::fstream::out: Delete all contents of the file (overwrite)
std::fstream::app: Cannot move the cursor with seekp
std::fstream::ate: Delete all contents of the file (overwrite)
std::fstream::binary: Delete all contents of the file (overwrite)
std::fstream::ate | std::fstream::app: Cannot move the cursor with seekp
std::fstream::ate | std::fstream::out: Delete all contents of the file (overwrite)
std::fstream::ate | std::fstream::in: Can move the cursor but not insert delete all after.
I don't want to use c FILE.

Well JSON files are err... sequential text files. That means that the file contains a stream of bytes representing the JSON content. And AFAIK, no filesystem has provision for inserting data in the middle of a sequential file. The foolproof way is:
copy up to the insertion point to a temp file
write the new data
add the remaining data from the original file
rename the old file to a backup name
rename the temp file with the original name
(optionaly) remove the backup file
The brave way is to move the second part up by chunks starting from the end to create an emply place to put the data write the new data in that place, and pray all along the operation for no problem in the middle because the file would be irremediably corrupted.
Those 2 ways can process files of arbitrary sizes. For small files, you could load everything in memory, write the new data at the insertion point and rewrite the remaining data after the new data. You just need to use a default fstream and use neither ate nor trunc. out does not mean deleting all the file content. You simply replace the original bytes at the place where you write.
So you should use:"LS22731.json", std::fstream::out | std::fstream::in);
Then you:
read up to your insertion point and discard the data
note the position with tellp
read the end of file and save it
go to the insertion point
write the new data
write the saved data
close the stream
Here is an adaptation of the previous algorithm. The cautious points as:
you must use a fstream with std::fstream::out | std::fstream::in mode to be able to read and write a file. The file must exist and you will be initially positioned at the beginning of the file
to reliably be able to compute positions, you must open the file in binary mode (std::fstream::binary)(should be possible in text mode but I could not find my way...)
Here is a close adaptation of your code: it opens the file, search for the first closing bracket (]), and inserts ,"h" before to simulate adding a value into a list.
std::fstream ostream;
// use binary mode to ba able to relyably seek the file."LS22731.json",
std::fstream::out | std::fstream::in | std::fstream::binary);
strerror_s(errmsg, 2048, errno);
std::cout << "Error (" << errno << "): " << errmsg << std::endl;
if (ostream && ostream.is_open())
std::streampos ppos;
// search the first ]
ostream.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), ']');
// we want to insert just before it
ppos = ostream.tellg() - std::streampos(1);
ostream.seekg(ppos); // prepare to read from the ]
std::string old = "", tmp;
// save end of file, starting at the ]
while (std::getline(ostream, tmp)) {
old += tmp + "\n";
ostream.clear(); // clear eof indicator
ostream.seekp(ppos, std::ios::beg); // go back to the insertion point
ostream << ",\"h\""; // add some data
ostream << old; // add the remaining of the original data
DO NOT PRETEND I ADSISED YOU THIS WAY. If there is a problem in the middle of processing, the file will be irremediately corrupted.
it will fail miserabily if a text field contains a closing bracket, because it is not a JSON parser

If you open a file for reading, you cant set the write head of it.
You are using std::ofstream with ios::in mode which I'm not sure is effective. but std::ofstream must be opened with ios::out or ios::app. When you override the default you should give also the default.
If you need to open a file for both read and write, you should use std::fstream.
Another issue is that you trying to add some string in the middle of a text file, and it is not so good idea, it is not similar to paste some string in a text file when opened in Notepad. you must replace a section with another section with the same length, pushing some string won't move the rest of the data forward.
I think the easy way is to read the whole JSON to memory, process it by add or remove some data, and finally rewrite the whole JSON to the file.


Append to text file is not working correctly in a loop

The following code is a function that is being called multiple times under runtime. The function contains a for loop where some text is written to a stringstream buffer. The problem is that only the data from the first (or last?) function call is inputed into the text file. I am having trouble to find a way to let the data append to the text file without anything being overwritten, just in a "one after another" manner.
void testItems(const TestObjectList* const testObject) {
std::stringstream objectOutputBuffer;
std::ofstream fileOutput("testlog.txt", std::ios_base::app | std::ios_base::out);
for (itr = testobjects.begin(); itr != testobjects.end(); itr++){
objectOutputBuffer << some stuff getting written to the buffer in the loop << std::endl;
fileOutput << objectOutputBuffer.str() << "\n";
Your fileOutput.close() is commented out, closing the file will probably fix.
Try to execute this:
int main() {
std::ofstream f("f.txt");
f << "this will be there\n";
std::ofstream g("f.txt");
g << "this will not\n";
The first string will be written to the file but not the second.
I suggest you to move the std::ofstream fileOutput("testlog.txt", std::ios_base::app | std::ios_base::out) outside the function and then pass fileOutput as parameter when you call it.
And when you are finished remember to close the file.
You actually don't need to specify the std::ios::out flag with a std::ofstream object since it already is set by default. If you want to be able to append to the end of your file all you should really need to do is set the std::ios::app flag.
std::ofstream fileOutput("testlog.txt", std::ios::app);
Also while I don't think this is your problem, the newline character doesn't flush your stringstream buffer and force it to write to the file. I would recommend replacing your "\n" with std::endl which does flush the buffer just to be sure.

Error in opening an output stream

In my code I'm opening an output stream and appending the data to the end of the file .. if there is no such file the stream should create one but the problem that it does not.
here is the code snippet:
char output_file[100];
strcpy(output_file, predicate.c_str());
ofstream output_file_ptr1;,ios::out | ios::app | ios::binary );
output_file_ptr1 << subject <<" " << object <<"\n";
printf("Error opening out file \n");
return -1;
subject, object and predicate are variable strings that I created earlier.
Any idea it does not create the file?
+ it is very important for me that the data is appended to the end of the file.
predicate is the exact file name that I need , but it is not a usual naming i.e
is an example
A value such as <> is not a valid file name in most environments. Unix-style operating systems (e.g. Linux) do not support "/" inside the file name (unless the directory structure matches).

Copying File using standard streams to a different location

I am trying to create a method that copies a file to a folder that is local to my project. I am quite puzzled because from what I understand this should work. I decided to create a simple text file to test my copy file method but it doesn't seem to be working.
std::string newFile="Files\\newText.txt";
std::ifstream oldFile("C:\\Users\\dtruman\\Documents\\oldText.txt", std::ios::binary | std::ios::in);
std::ofstream newTarget(newFile, std::ios::binary | std::ios::out);
char c;
std::cout << c << std::endl;
Some of this stuff was me fiddling with the code. My problem is that no matter what I seem to do it never seems to copy the file over correctly, the contents of the new text file are always different then the original. Am I missing something, to my knowledge this block of code should work.
This line
consumes the entire file without any side effects due to the ; at the end.
You need:
while(oldFile.get(c)) // Without the ;
std::cout << c << std::endl;

How to read same file twice in a row

I read through a file once to find the number of lines it contains then read through it again so I can store some data of each line in an array. Is there a better way to read through the file twice than closing and opening it again? Here is what I got but am afraid it's inefficient.
int numOfMappings = 0;
ifstream settingsFile("settings.txt");
string setting;
while(getline(settingsFile, setting))
char* mapping = new char[numOfMappings];
cout << "numOfMappings: " << numOfMappings << endl;"settings.txt");
while(getline(settingsFile, setting))
cout << "line: " << setting << endl;
settingsFile.seekg(0, settingsFile.beg);
To rewind the file back to its beginning (e.g. to read it again) you can use ifstream::seekg() to change the position of the cursor and ifstream::clear() to reset all internal error flags (otherwise it will appear you are still at the end of the file).
Secondly, you might want to consider reading the file only once and storing what you need to know in a temporary std::deque or std::list while you parse the file. You can then construct an array (or std::vector) from the temporary container, if you would need that specific container later.
It's inefficient, use a std::vector and read through the file once only.
vector<string> settings;
ifstream settingsFile("settings.txt");
string setting;
while (getline(settingsFile, setting))
Just use:
settingsFile.seekg(0, settingsFile.beg);
This will rewind file pointer to the very beginning, so you can read it again without closing and reopening.

C++ Binary File method is removing content from the file?

I have an assignment where I am writing input on various things (in the form of structs) and then writing to a binary file. I have to be able to both read and write to the file while the program is open. One of the methods needs to print out all of the clients in the binary file. It seems to be working, except whenever I call that method, it seems to erase the contents of the file and prevent more from being written to it. Here's the applicable snippets:
fstream binaryFile;"HomeBuyer", ios::in | ios::app | ios::binary);
The same file is supposed to be usable between times you run the program, so I should open it with ios::app, correct?
Here's the method to add an entry:
void addClient(fstream &binaryFile) {
HomeBuyer newClient; //Struct the data is stored in
// -- Snip -- Just some input statements to get the client details //
binaryFile.seekp(0L, ios::end); //This should sent the write position to the
//end of the file, correct?
binaryFile.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&newClient), sizeof(newClient));
cout << "The records have been saved." << endl << endl;
And now the method to print all the entries:
void displayAllClients(fstream &binaryFile) {
HomeBuyer printAll;
binaryFile.seekg(0L, ios::beg);<char *>(&printAll),sizeof(printAll));
while(!binaryFile.eof()) { //Print all the entries while not at end of file
if(!printAll.deleted) {
// -- Snip -- Just some code to output, this works fine //
//Read the next entry<char *>(&printAll),sizeof(printAll));
cout << "That's all of them!" << endl << endl;
If I step through the program, I can input as many clients as I want, and it will output them all the first time I call displayAllClients(). But as soon as I call displayAllClients() once, it seems to clear out the binary file, and any further attempts at displaying clients gives me no results.
Am I using seekp and seekg incorrectly?
From what I understand, this should set my write position to the end of the file:
binaryFile.seekp(0L, ios::end);
And this should set my read position to the beginning:
binaryFile.seekg(0L, ios::beg);
Pasting comment in as this resolved the issue.
You need to call binaryFile.clear() before seekp() and seekg() if EOF is set, otherwise they won't work.
This is the documentation for ios::app
All output operations are performed at the end of the file, appending the
content to the current content of the file. This flag can only be used in
streams open for output-only operations.
Since this is homework, I'll let you draw your own conclusions.