The more I write in Clojure, the more I come across the following sort of pattern:
(defn mapkeys [foo bar baz]
{:foo foo, :bar bar, :baz baz})
In a certain sense, this looks like the inverse process that a destructuring like
(let [{:keys [foo bar baz]}] ... )
would achieve.
Is there a "built-in" way in Clojure to achieve something similar to the above mapkeys (mapping name to keyword=>value) - perhaps for an arbitrary length list of names?
No such thing is built in, because it doesn't need to be. Unlike destructuring, which is fairly involved, constructing maps is very simple in Clojure, and so fancy ways of doing it are left for ordinary libraries. For example, I long ago wrote, which mirrors the three modes of map destructuring:
(let [transforms {:keys keyword
:strs str
:syms identity}]
(defmacro keyed
"Create a map in which, for each symbol S in vars, (keyword S) is a
key mapping to the value of S in the current scope. If passed an optional
:strs or :syms first argument, use strings or symbols as the keys instead."
([vars] `(keyed :keys ~vars))
([key-type vars]
(let [transform (comp (partial list `quote)
(transforms key-type))]
(into {} (map (juxt transform identity) vars))))))
But if you only care about keywords, and don't demand a docstring, it could be much shorter:
(defmacro keyed [names]
(into {}
(for [n names]
[(keyword n) n])))
I find that I quite frequently want to either construct a map from individual values or destructure a map to retrieve individual values. In the Tupelo Library I have a handy pair of functions for this purpose that I use all the time:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use demo.core tupelo.core tupelo.test))
(let [m {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}]
(with-map-vals m [a b c]
(spyx a)
(spyx b)
(spyx c)
(spyx (vals->map a b c)))))
with result
; destructure a map into values
a => 1
b => 2
c => 3
; construct a map
(vals->map a b c) => {:a 1, :b 2, :c 3}
P.S. Of course I know you can destructure with the :keys syntax, but it always seemed a bit non-intuitive to me.
I really like using contains? because it's so terse and readable. I want to see if a set contains maps that have the same key and value pairs of an example that also had other key value pairs. I'm pretty sure contains? won't work here. Is there an alternative? Maybe I'll have to write one (I'm finally getting into the mindset!). For example, if I had
(def some-set #{{:foo "bar" :beep "boop"}{:foo "bar"} {:foo "bar" :hi "there"}})
what would be a quick way to know if it had any maps that matched {:foo "bar" :one "two"} on :foo "bar"?
Edited: Remembering that a map is a collection of key-value vectors, here is an implementation for the predicate submap?:
(defn submap?
"Returns true if subm is a submap of m, false otherwise."
[subm m]
(every? (fn [[k v]] (= (get m k ::not-found) v)) subm))
This predicate can be used to filter any collection:
(filter #(submap? {:a 1 :b 2} %) [{:a 1} {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}])
=> ({:a 1, :b 2, :c 3})
Original answer
This solution works but is slower than my updated answer, due to the construction of (set m) for large m
(defn submap?
"Returns true if subm is a submap of m, false otherwise."
[subm m]
(let [kvs (set m)]
(every? kvs subm)))
A generic way would be to write a predicate, that checks if a map
contains another map. This can be done using select-keys to only get
a map with certain keys; using the keys from the map to compare and
then just comparing the result will give you that.
(def maps #{{:foo "bar" :beep "boop"} {:foo "bar"} {:foo "bar" :hi "there"} {:foo "baz"}})
(defn submap?
[submap m]
(= (select-keys m (keys submap)) submap))
(filter (partial submap? {:foo "bar"}) maps))
; → ({:foo bar, :beep boop} {:foo bar, :hi there} {:foo bar})
Yet this is just a simple sequential search. This does not (and AFAIR
there is nothing in core to help) utilize your maps being in a set.
Also note, that the order of the result is undefined since the order of
sets is too.
You can find many predicates of this nature and related helper functions in the Tupelo library, in particular:
These are especially helpful in writing unit tests. For example, you may only care about certain fields like :body when testing a webserver response, and you want to ignore other fields like the IP address or a timestamp.
The unit tests show the code in action.
I have (for instance) a mix of data structures such as {:name "Peter" :children "Mark"} and {:name "Mark" :children ["Julia" "John"] i.e. :children value is either a single string or a collection of strings. Other functions in my code expect that the value of :children is always a collection of strings, so I need to adapt the data for them.
Of course I can use something like:
(defn data-adapter [m]
(let [children (:children m)]
(assoc m :children
(if (coll? children)
But is there a more idiomatic/laconic way?
I think you will have to take no for an answer.
(if (coll? x) x [x]) is about as terse and expressive as it gets. It’s what people usually use for this problem (sometimes with sequential? instead of coll?).
cond-> enthusiasts like me sometimes try to use it in place of a simple conditional, but here it is no improvement:
(cond-> x (not (coll? x)) vector)
In the context of your code, however, you can do a little better. A lookup and association is best expressed with update:
(defn data-adapter [m]
(update m :children #(if (coll? %) % [%])))
the only advice would be to abstract that logic to some function, to keep your actual business logic clean.
(defn data-adapter [m]
(let [children (:children m)]
(assoc m :children (ensure-coll children))))
or, more concise, with update:
(defn data-adapter [m]
(update m :children ensure-coll))
where ensure-coll could be something like this:
(defn iffun [check & {:keys [t f] :or {t identity f identity}}]
#((if (check %) t f) %))
(def ensure-coll (iffun coll? :f list))
(or whatever another implementation you like)
user> (data-adapter {:children 1})
;;=> {:children (1)}
user> (data-adapter {:children [1]})
;;=> {:children [1]}
Perhaps not idiomatic, but laconic:
(flatten [x])
I have a vector of maps like this one
(def map1
[{:name "name1"
:field "xxx"}
{:name "name2"
:requires {"element1" 1}}
{:name "name3"
:consumes {"element2" 1 "element3" 4}}])
I'm trying to define a functions that takes in a map like {"element1" 1 "element3" 6} (ie: with n fields, or {}) and fiters the maps in map1, returning only the ones that either have no requires and consumes, or have a lower number associated to them than the one associated with that key in the provided map (if the provided map doesn't have any key like that, it's not returned)
but I'm failing to grasp how to approach the maps recursive loop and filtering
(defn getV [node nodes]
(defn filterType [type nodes]
(filter (fn [x] (if (contains? x type)
false ; filter for key values here
true)) nodes))
(filterType :requires (filterType :consumes nodes)))
There's two ways to look at problems like this: from the outside in or from the inside out. Naming things carefully can really help when working with nested structures. For example, calling a vector of maps map1 may be adding to the confusion.
Starting from the outside, you need a predicate function for filtering the list. This function will take a map as a parameter and will be used by a filter function.
(defn comparisons [m]
(filter comparisons map1)
I'm not sure I understand the comparisons precisely, but there seems to be at least two flavors. The first is looking for maps that do not have :requires or :consumes keys.
(defn no-requires-or-consumes [m]
(defn all-keys-higher-than-values [m]
(defn comparisons [m]
(some #(% m) [no-requires-or-consumes all-keys-higher-than-values]))
Then it's a matter of defining the individual comparison functions
(defn no-requires-or-consumes [m]
(and (not (:requires m)) (not (:consumes m))))
The second is more complicated. It operates on one or two inner maps but the behaviour is the same in both cases so the real implementation can be pushed down another level.
(defn all-keys-higher-than-values [m]
(every? keys-higher-than-values [(:requires m) (:consumes m)]))
The crux of the comparison is looking at the number in the key part of the map vs the value. Pushing the details down a level gives:
(defn keys-higher-than-values [m]
(every? #(>= (number-from-key %) (get m %)) (keys m)))
Note: I chose >= here so that the second entry in the sample data will pass.
That leaves only pulling the number of of key string. how to do that can be found at In Clojure how can I convert a String to a number?
(defn number-from-key [s]
(read-string (re-find #"\d+" s)))
Stringing all these together and running against the example data returns the first and second entries.
Putting everything together:
(defn no-requires-or-consumes [m]
(and (not (:requires m)) (not (:consumes m))))
(defn number-from-key [s]
(read-string (re-find #"\d+" s)))
(defn all-keys-higher-than-values [m]
(every? keys-higher-than-values [(:requires m) (:consumes m)]))
(defn keys-higher-than-values [m]
(every? #(>= (number-from-key %) (get m %)) (keys m)))
(defn comparisons [m]
(some #(% m) [no-requires-or-consumes all-keys-higher-than-values]))
(filter comparisons map1)
Let's say I've defined a record like this:
(defrecord MyRecord [x y z])
And I construct it like this:
(def test (map->MyRecord {:x "1" :y "2" :z "3" :w "ikk"}))
I can do like this:
(:w test) ; Returns "ikk"
Why is :w retained? I'm thinking that since I've created a record that takes x, y and z these are the only "keys" that should be present.
Is there a good way to exclude keys that are not present as arguments in the record declaration without using select-keys?
For example:
(defrecord MyRecord1 [x y z])
(defrecord MyRecord2 [x y w])
(defprotocol MyProtocol
(do-stuff [data]))
(extend-protocol MyProtocol
(do-stuff [data]
(let [data (select-keys data [:x :y :z])] ; (S1)
(do-stuff [data]
(let [data (select-keys data [:x :y :w])] ; (S2)
I want to avoid doing select-keys (S1, S2) manually for each record when I use MyProtocol when records are constructed using map-> with additional data (that I don't care about).
Clojure records implement IPersistentMap (as well as java.util.Map for Java interop), and behaves like a normal map - this means that you can use them wherever and in the same way you would use maps. You can look at a record as a typed map - it's a map, but you can easily do dispatch using multimethods and protocols.
This makes it very easy to start representing your data using plain maps, and then advance to a record when you need the type.
As maps, records support additional keys, but they are treated differently. With your example, (.x test) works, but (.w test) does not, since only the predefined keys become fields in the implementing Java class.
To avoid extra keys, just make your own constructor:
(defn limiting-map->MyRecord
(select-keys m [:x :y :z])))
It is a feature of defrecord. See: Section deftype and defrecord:
defrecord provides a complete implementation of a persistent map, including:
extensible fields (you can assoc keys not supplied with the defrecord definition)
Via Reflection you can see, that your x,y,z params are regular attributes of the object:
user=> (>pprint (.? (map->MyRecord {:w 4})))
(#[__extmap :: (user.MyRecord) | java.lang.Object]
#[x :: (user.MyRecord) | java.lang.Object]
#[y :: (user.MyRecord) | java.lang.Object]
#[z :: (user.MyRecord) | java.lang.Object])
And the additional values are stored in that __extmap:
user=> (.-__extmap (map->MyRecord {:w 4}))
{:w 4}
This means, that there is nothing left for you other than watch out on the places you want to deal with your record as a Map, since new keys can be added at any time:
user=> (let [r (->MyRecord 1 2 3) r (assoc r :w 4)] (keys r))
(:x :y :z :w)
So if you find yourself repeating code like (select-keys myr [:x :y :z]) then extract that as a helper fn.
Adding things like your own c'tors is always a good idea (e.g. if you want to have 0 for missing keys instead of nil e.g.), but this only protects you from yourself and the users following your example.
Is there any way to reuse a destructuring between multiple methods in a multimethod?
(defmulti foo (fn [x] (:a x)))
(defmethod foo :1 [{:keys [a b c d e]}] (str a b c d e))
(defmethod foo :2 [a] "")
(defmethod foo :3 [a] "")
Now this is a trivial example, but imagine we have a much more complicated destructuring with nested maps and I want to use it on all my defmethods for foo. How would I do that?
A practical solution would be to only use the keys that you need for each individual method. An important thing to note about destructuring is that you don't have to bind every value in the collection you're destructuring. Let's say every map passed to this multimethod contains the keys :a through :e, but you only need a couple of those keys per method. You could do something like this:
; note: a keyword can act as a function; :a here is equivalent to (fn [x] (:a x))
(defmulti foo :a)
(defmethod foo :1 [{:keys [a b c d e]}] (str a b c d e))
(defmethod foo :2 [{:keys [b d]}] (str b d))
(defmethod foo :3 [{:keys [c e a]}] (str a c e))
If you have a complicated nested structure and you want to grab specific values, you can just leave out the keys you don't need, or alternatively, depending on your use case, a let binding within the function definition might end up being easier to read. Steve Losh's Caves of Clojure comes to mind -- in writing a roguelike text adventure game from scratch in Clojure, he used nested maps to represent the state of a game. Initially he wrote some of the functions using destructuring to access the inner bits of the "game state" map, e.g.:
(defmethod draw-ui :play [ui {{:keys [tiles]} :world :as game} screen]
But then later, he decided to make this code more readable by pulling the destructuring out into a let binding:
(defmethod draw-ui :play [ui game screen]
(let [world (:world game)
tiles (:tiles world)
The point is, if you're working with a deeply nested structure and you want to keep your code simple (especially if you're writing a multimethod with several methods taking that same structure as an argument), you may want to avoid using destructuring and just use let bindings to grab the pieces you want. get-in is a good tool for concisely getting values from nested collections. Going back to the Caves of Clojure example, if Steve just needed the tiles, he could have done something like this:
(defmethod draw-ui :play [ui game screen]
(let [tiles (get-in game [:world :tiles])
Personally, I find that much easier to read than mucking up the function arguments with {{:keys [tiles]} :world :as game}.
If you really want to avoid having to repeat the destructuring for each multimethod, and you want each method to have the same bindings available, you could write a macro:
(defmulti foo :a)
(defmacro deffoomethod [dispatch-val & body]
`(defmethod foo ~dispatch-val [{:keys [~'a ~'b ~'c ~'d ~'e]}]
(deffoomethod 1 (str a b c d e))
(deffoomethod 2 (str b d))
(deffoomethod 3 (str a c e))
(foo {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4 :e 5})
;=> "12345"
(foo {:a 2 :b \h :d \i})
;=> "hi"
(foo {:a 3 :b \x :c 0 :d \x :e 0})
;=> "300"
I wouldn't recommend this approach, though, as it breaks macro hygiene. Anyone using this macro has to remember that it binds the symbols a through e to the corresponding keys in the argument, and that could be problematic.