Java Web Services in Wildfly/JBoss & IntelliJ setup - web-services

I have spent five days trying to get a simple HelloWorld web service to work in IntelliJ and this is my last chance to get it to work.
I am still very much a beginner in Web Services especially with Java, so please bare with me.
I have raised several tickets with JetBrains complaining about the outdated and vague documentation, the guys have been very helpful but have acknowledged there is a limitation, that it's not as straight forward to setup & the documentation is in fact outdated.
I am not getting a proper clean solution.
I was wondering if anyone uses the latest version of IntelliJ to build web services?
I am using Wildly, JBoss as the application server
I asked if I should be creating a Web App or a Rest Service as there is no user interaction since it will be a pure Web Service.
I have been advised to use a Rest Service, But I have created it both ways & attached the screenshots where applicable.
As a REST Service:
A simple project with one Web Service and a Web Method which returns a simple string:
Create a new project, choose Web App or Rest Service?
Choose XML Web Services? With CXF Implementation?
This is where I am a bit confused.
According to this link:
JBoss comes with its own implementation of Web Services JBossWS & It is recommended to use that instead of external Apache CXF?
So I'm not sure if I need to do anything, in this case it should work out of the box,
but it simply does not as I am getting exceptions:
This is the simple Project structure:
I have a basic web service class with the #WebService annotation:
package com.testwebservices.MyFirstWebService;
import javax.jws.WebService;
public class MyFirstWebService {
public String firstWebMethod(){
return "Mama is the best!";
Now I am trying to expose this as a web service but its just not happening:
Now I am getting these options, If I choose anything other than the default Apache Axis I get a path incorrect issue,
See screenshot below with Default Apache Axis:
And when I choose CXF:
If JBossWS provides support for this out of the box, should it not work easily? Especially as most IDE's make this easy out of the box.
When I run the project nothing happens, there is no WSDL file, I went to the admin console, no mention of it. The documentation is vague.
As a Web App
When I choose the web app option and follow the same steps as above.
I get this exception:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisServlet
What is the best way to setup a Web Services project in intelliJ?
I have no clue how to configure this or set it up.
Any help would be appreciated

I might encourage you to turn it around - use IntelliJ to build but get the general structure right first. Start with the Java code:
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding;
#SOAPBinding(style = SOAPBinding.Style.RPC)
public class HeartBeatService {
public HeartbeatResponse getHeartBeat() {
return new HeartbeatResponse("OK");
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
public class HeartbeatResponse {
private String status;
public HeartbeatResponse() {
public HeartbeatResponse(String status) {
this.status = status;
a pom.xml using the most recent things I could find:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>JAX-WS Integration Example</name>
and, lastly, a web.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:xsi=""
Put this into a maven structure and make sure it compiles with mvn clean package and then import that into IntelliJ.
This code is derived from my repository at if you need more details.


Customizing JWT generation not working in WSO2 APIM 3.1.0

I tried to implement the steps given in WSO2 3.1.0 documentation ( for customizing JWT.
As given in the documentation, I created the custom JWT generator java class, generated the jar and placed it under WSO2 Home/repository/components/lib folder. Did the necessary configurations in deployment.toml for enabling JWT and restarted the server.
When i hit an API with the bearer token, i am getting the X-JWT-Assertion header in the carbon logs but when i decode it, it doesn't contain the custom claims that i added in the custom JWT generator java class.
It contains the standard claims as seen in the below image and not the custom claims that were added (current_timestamp, message).
Need suggestions on this as i have followed the steps given in the documentation.
After some research I found out it is a OSGi bundle that runs on top of Apache Felix.
Please check following import available in sample code (CustomGatewayJWTGenerator):
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
See also sample pom.xml. It adds some information about OSGi bundle:
Here is the important part:
As you can see, it exports components as OSGi. See bellow my pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
I believe you just need to change package information in <Export-Package>, copy JAR file to $APIM_HOME/repository/components/dropins and restart server.
Please let me know if something goes wrong. If it works, please mark answer as correct to help others. :)
I have kept the default JWT properties and values that come predefined with the product as is and have added the one you told. Placed the CustomGatewayJWTGenerator jar in the dropins folder.
The JWT properties look as below now in deployment.toml. Please let me know if the configurations shown below are correct.
enable = true
encoding = "base64" # base64,base64url
generator_impl = "org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.keymgt.token.JWTGenerator"
claim_dialect = ""
header = "X-JWT-Assertion"
signing_algorithm = "SHA256withRSA"
enable_user_claims = true
claims_extractor_impl = "org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.token.DefaultClaimsRetriever"
impl = "org.wso2.carbon.test.CustomGatewayJWTGenerator"
Restarted the server and now when i test the API with JWT access token, the invocation fails and getting null pointer exception.
Error Details are as shown below:
ERROR {org.apache.synapse.transport.passthru.ServerWorker} - Error processing GET request for : /pizzashack/1.0.0/menu. java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.apache.synapse.core.axis2.Axis2SynapseEnvironment.injectMessage(
at org.apache.synapse.core.axis2.SynapseMessageReceiver.receive(
at org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.receive(
at org.apache.synapse.transport.passthru.ServerWorker.processNonEntityEnclosingRESTHandler(
at org.apache.axis2.transport.base.threads.NativeWorkerPool$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
I tried to reproduce this scenario locally. It was reproducible when we are using JWT access tokens to invoke the API.
But I was able to successfully get the custom claims in the X-JWT-Assertion header when using OAuth tokens. Please see the below image.
You need to follow this documentation to do the customisation when using JWT access tokens to invoke the API.
I followed the documentation that you shared for invoking the API with JWT access token. I cloned the GIT repository given in the doc.:, imported the CustomGatewayJWTGenerator code into eclipse. After the import was successful, i could see a build path error in eclipse: joda-time-2.9.4.wso2v1.jar' in project 'CustomGatewayJWTGenerator' cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file. Even though the error was seen in eclipse, i was able to build the jar using Maven. I placed the generated jar in lib folder and after server restart verified that the jar was present in dropins folder as well. But somehow, the custom claims that i added in the CustomGatewayJWTGenerator java class are still not coming in the X-JWT-Assertion header. Is it something to do with the error that i got in eclipse after importing the CustomGatewayJWTGenerator project or am i going wrong somewhere else?
The CustomGatewayJWTGenerator java class:
X-JWT-Assertion header:

Need IBM Websphere jax ws webservices.xml and web.xml file

I don't have the sample webservices.xml and web.xml file. Can some one help by providing a complete example? I'm using Web Sphere JAX-WS implementation. WAS 7.x version. JDK 1.6.
I tried setting "UseWSFEP61ScanPolicy: true" in MANIFEST.MF file, for automated annotation scanning (instead of webservices.xml and web.xml file usage), but it is working first time, and after deploying a dynamic patch it doesn' works. The services listed under "services" category of IBM Console is having question mark instead of green arrow. Also some times the services even not listed in "services" category.
I'm using web module version 2.3, so i've to enable automated scanning. I'm not using EJB for web service.
I've decided to use webservices.xml and web.xml due to not much help in annotation scanning. I hope for webservices.xml and web.xml not need to install and reinstall the application EAR in WebSphere. In the case of annotation scanning reinstall is needed.
Here's a web.xml I've used. Since it's "empty", the default rules for mapping annotated webservice classes to URL's apply, approximately, URL = name of class + "Service".
webservices.xml is not needed.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5" xmlns=""
Check SystemOut.log to find the URL of your service, look for something like this:
WSWS7037I: The /HelloService URL pattern was configured for the example.HelloDelegate servlet
If you don't like the default mappings, then you can map your webservice class to a different URL in web.xml just like you would do with a servlet.

integrating generated CXF client jar with Spring Boot fails when cxf-rt-transports-http is missing in pom.xml

I want to migrate a Spring application to Spring Boot. The original application is composed out of several maven modules, I want to reuse one of the existing modules. The module that I want to reuse is a generated cxf web service client. It is linked in the application's pom.xml like this:
The generated GenCxfService interface within that module looks like this
#WebService(targetNamespace = "https://the-domain/the-service/", name = "genCxfService")
public interface GenCxfService {
// the anotated web service methods
// ....
I need the web service client interface GenCxfService to be managed by Spring Boot so that I can pass it into an spring security AuthenticationProvider.
Well, I thought it wouldn't be a big deal. I took the compiled cxf-service-adapter-1.0.jar from the module, placed it into an own in-project repository and tried to setup the java configuration to #autowire the bean. First I tried it like this:
import generated.package.GenCxfService;
public MyAuthenticationProvider myAuthenticationProvider() {
JaxWsProxyFactoryBean factory = new JaxWsProxyFactoryBean();
GenCxfService genCxfService = (GenCxfService) factory.create();
return new my.package.authentication.MyAuthenticationProvider(userDAO, genCxfService);
This gives me the following exception during runtime: Could not find conduit initiator for address: https://the-domain/the-service/the-wsdl.asmx and transport:
at org.apache.cxf.jaxws.JaxWsClientProxy.invoke(
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy126.validateMyUser(Unknown Source)
at my.package.authentication.MyAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(
I thought I would simply have a faulty java configuration and tried to do a workaround by reusing the exiting xml configuration from the original project module, using
with xml file:
<jaxws:client id="genCxfService"
<bean id="logInbound" class="org.apache.cxf.interceptor.LoggingInInterceptor" />
<ref bean="logInbound" />
<ref bean="logInbound" />
This is how a client is configured in the cxf documentation (Configuring a Spring Client Option 1). Nevertheless, I still get the same error.
What am I doing wrong?
Adding cxf-rt-transports-http to the pom did the trick:
Could anybody explain why the absence of the library doesn't throw exceptions during start-up but during runtime?
Thanks in advance.
Spring boot will find the classes at runtime so you don't have to depend on a specific library, it will use reflection to look up the classes that fulfill the interfaces it needs to allow easy swapping of implementations.
The classes are also lazily initiated or looked up so that's why it happens only when a request is sent through and not when it's started.

Spring with Apache Camel and Web services getting started

I am starting to try to figure out how to work with Apache Camel within a Spring framework. The first thing that I want to try to get a grasp on would be running simple web service calls over this but I have no idea where to start.
Right now all I have is a basic HelloWorld Spring project set up and am trying to figure out what needs to be configured Apache Camel wise and where to get started on creating a simple web service.
I have taken a look at the examples on the Apache site but I was hoping maybe someone here knew of a tutorial that was a basic start to finish of something like I am trying to do.
Thanks for any tips or help that you all have!
I really found this one useful once: (and complete source code in the camel distribution).
There are multiple ways you can deal with web services with Camel. Either use the spring web services as in the example I mention, or use Apache CXF.
Spring Web services are really easy to get started with, compared to CXF. Although CXF is a more complete web service stack.
There are multiple Camel and CXF examples here:
If you go with CXF, you may well benefit from actually learning a few "CXF only" examples before mixing with Camel.
There are essentially two ways to do web services, contract first start with a WSDL, then auto generate classes/interfaces. The other approach is code first - where the you start with java classes and then get an auto generated WSDL.
There are some rather good articles over here:
But to answer your question, I don't know of any good step-by-step tutorial on this matter. The examples in the links are really good though.
I had the same question, and I have found this article
Step by step introduction to Web services creation using CXF and Spring:
In short, there is four steps to create a web service
1 - Create a service endpoint interface (SEI) and define a method to
be exposed as a Web service.
package demo.order;
import javax.jws.WebService;
public interface OrderProcess {
String processOrder(Order order);
2 - Create the implementation class and annotate it as a Web service.
package demo.order;
import javax.jws.WebService;
#WebService(endpointInterface = "demo.order.OrderProcess")
public class OrderProcessImpl implements OrderProcess {
public String processOrder(Order order) {
return order.validate();
3 - Create beans.xml and define the service class as a Spring bean
using a JAX-WS front end.
<beans xmlns=""
<import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml" />
<import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-soap.xml" />
<import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-servlet.xml" />
address="/OrderProcess" />
4 - Create web.xml to integrate Spring and CXF.
<display-name>CXF Servlet</display-name>

Spring and Jax-WS : where are xsd schema?

In spring file applicationConfig.xml, JAX-WS integration need some specific schemas.
I recently successfully use these declarations :
[I must remove all url (except one) because it's my first question]
The file begins with those declarations :
<beans xmlns="http"
xmlns:xsi="http" xmlns:aop="http"
xmlns:tx="http" xmlns:context="http"
xmlns:ws="http" xmlns:wss="http"
xsi:schemaLocation="http http
http http
http http
http http
http https
http https">
<ws:service id="myService" bean="#myWS" />
<wss:binding url="/services/myws" service="#myService" />
Now, a migration occurs for website These files are not found and I have some errors under Tomcat and Eclipse :
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: schema_reference.4: Failed to read schema document '', because 1) could not find the document; 2) the document could not be read; 3) the root element of the document is not .
Is there a solution or something to prevent this error ?
Finaly I extract XSD from jaxws-spring-1.8.jar (lib for jax-ws to work with Spring).
I put these XSD under WEB-INF directory, just near applicationContext.xml.
I modify declaration of schema in this file with : classpath:spring-jax-ws-core.xsd classpath:spring-jax-ws-servlet.xsd
I have seen the solution here :
Spring schemaLocation fails when there is no internet connection
I suppose you're using maven for building? Try adding the dependency to the pom.xml
If you're not using maven, make sure you have jax-ws libs on your classpath.
You don't need to extract the XSD from the jaxws-spring jar.
You just need to make sure the URL you use corresponds to that in the META-INF/spring.schemas file in the jar
They are defined as follows:
Think you just need to replace https with http. E.g:
<beans xmlns=""
For more info on spring.schemas, see here