GLB/GLTF File Loading with Storybook and Webpack with file-loader - webpack-4

I have a component library I am creating with Storybook that needs access to .glb/.gltf files. Based on research, it seemed like the best thing to do here was to use the file-loader Webpack functionality, and augment the storybook main.js as such:
// .storybook/main.js
module.exports = {
"stories": [
"addons": [
webpackFinal: async (config, { configType }) => {
test: /\.(glb|gltf)$/,
use: ['file-loader'],
include: path.resolve(__dirname, '../'),
return config;
Then, in my jsx file that references the mesh:
// src/components/MeshLoader.jsx
import MyMeshFile from "./meshes/MyMesh.glb";
import { useGLTF } from "#react-three/drei";
export default function Model(props) {
const group = useRef();
const { nodes, materials } = useGLTF(MyMeshFile);
// Do more stuff with these things
When I run compile, everything works, and if I log what MyMeshFile is, I get a path like:
static/media/MyMesh.976a5ad2.glb, as expected.
However, the rest breaks with an error Uncaught Unexpected token e in JSON at position 0, basically on account of the useGLTF function failing at the contents of that file.
It turns out that http://localhost:6006/static/media/MyMesh.976a5ad2.glb is actually a file with the contents of
export default __webpack_public_path__ + "178cb3da7737741d81a5d4f0c2bcc161.glb";
So it seems like there is some redirection happening. If I direct the browser at http://localhost:6006/178cb3da7737741d81a5d4f0c2bcc161.glb, I get the file I want.
My first question, is whether this is the expected behavior here, given the way I have things set up. If so, it seems like I would have to parse the contents of the file path given by Webpack, and use that to get the actual path. That seems to be a bit convoluted, so is there a better way of handling this?
Thanks for the help!
I have tested with the gltf-webpack-loader loader, by adding the following to the .storybook/main.js file:
test: /\.(gltf)$/, // Removed gltf from file-loader
use: [{loader: "gltf-webpack-loader"}]
And tried the same thing with a gltf file. I get the same behavior of receiving the "redirect" file instead of the actual one I want.

So it turns out that there is currently a bug with "#storybook/preset-create-react-app" that is causing this issue. Removing that add-on seems to resolve the issue described here, although it does produce a warning that:
Storybook support for Create React App is now a separate preset.
WARN To use the new preset, install `#storybook/preset-create-react-app` and add it to the list of `addons` in your `.storybook/main.js` config file.
WARN The built-in preset has been disabled in Storybook 6.0.


In-repo addon writing public files on build causes endless build loop on serve

I'm having difficulty with my in-repo addon writing to appDir/public. What I'd like to do is write out a JSON file on each build to be included in the app /dist. The problem I'm running into is when running "ember serve", the file watcher detects the new file and rebuilds again, causing an endless loop.
I've tried writing the JSON file using preBuild() and postBuild() hooks, saving to /public, but after build, the watcher detects it and rebuild over and over, writing a new file again each time. I also tried using my-addon/public folder and writing to that, same thing.
The only thing that partially works is writing on init(), which is fine, except I don't see the changes using ember serve.
I did try using the treeForPublic() method, but did not get any further. I can write the file and use treeForPublic(). This only runs once though, on initial build. It partially solves my problem, because I get the files into app dist folder. But I don't think ember serve will re-run treeForPublic on subsequent file change in the app.
Is there a way to ignore specific files from file watch? Yet still allow files to include into the build? Maybe there's an exclude watch property in ember-cli-build?
Here's my treeForPublic() , but I'm guessing my problems aren't here:
treeForPublic: function() {
const publicTree = this._super.treeForPublic.apply(this, arguments);
const trees = [];
if (publicTree) {
// this writes out the json
this.saveSettingsFile(this.pubSettingsFile, this.settings);
trees.push(new Funnel(this.addonPubDataPath, {
include: [this.pubSettingsFileName],
destDir: '/data'
return mergeTrees(trees);
UPDATE 05/20/2019
I should probably make a new question at this point...
My goal here is to create an auto-increment build number that updates both on ember build and ember serve. My comments under #real_ates's answer below help explain why. In the end, if I can only use this on build, that's totally ok.
The answer from #real_ate was very helpful and solved the endless loop problem, but it doesn't run on ember serve. Maybe this just can't be done, but I'd really like to know either way. I'm currently trying to change environment variables instead of using treeforPublic(). I've asked that as a separate question about addon config() updates to Ember environment:
Updating Ember.js environment variables do not take effect using in-repo addon config() method on ember serve
I don't know if can mark #real_ate's answer as the accepted solution because it doesn't work on ember serve. It was extremely helpful and educational!
This is a great question, and it's often something that people can be a bit confused about when working with broccoli (I know for sure that I've been stung by this in the past)
The issue that you have is that your treeForPublic() is actually writing a file to the source directory and then you're using broccoli-funnel to select that new custom file and include it in the build. The correct method to do this is instead to use broccoli-file-creator to create an output tree that includes your new file. I'll go into more detail with an example below:
treeForPublic: function() {
const publicTree = this._super.treeForPublic.apply(this, arguments);
const trees = [];
if (publicTree) {
let data = getSettingsData(this.settings);
trees.push(writeFile('/data/the-settings-file.json', JSON.stringify(data)));
return mergeTrees(trees);
As you will see the most of the code is exactly the same as your example. The two main differences are that instead of having a function this.saveSettingsFile() that writes out a settings file on disk we now have a function this.getSettingsData() that returns the content that we would like to see in the newly created file. Here is the simple example that we came up with when we were testing this out:
function getSettingsData() {
return {
setting1: 'face',
setting2: 'my',
you can edit this function to take whatever parameters you need it to and have whatever functionality you would like.
The next major difference is that we are using the writeFile() function which is actually just the broccoli-file-creator plugin. Here is the import that you would put at the top of the file:
let writeFile = require('broccoli-file-creator');
Now when you run your application it won't be writing to the source directory any more which means it will stop constantly reloading 🎉
This question was answered as part of "May I Ask a Question" Season 2 Episode 2. If you would like to see us discuss this answer in full you can check out the video here:

Webpack require/import image without extension

I want to import/require an image that doesn't have an extension. Is this possible? For example currently I can import jsx files without writing the extension. What if I want to do the same for image files or other type of files that lack file extension?
E.g. require('./avatar.png') will work. What I want to work is require('./avatar')
I'd strongly advise against doing this, as writing the extension makes it more explict exactly what's being imported.
For example, if you had avatar.js, avatar.png and avatar.css in the same folder, is it easy to tell what import ... from './avatar' will give you? Having similarly-named files with different extensions is not an uncommon convention.
But, either way, you can add the extensions you want to resolve.extensions in the webpack config, like so. Try to be responsible with it.
module.exports = {
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js', '.jsx', '.png', '.jpg', /* ... */]

Define or suppress WebStorm Code Analysis for a specific object

I'm having trouble with the WebStorm code analysis tool.
In a node express server I send an object:
var configSummary = {
'siteDirs': siteDirs,
In a web app I use jQuery to ask the express server to send back a JSON object:
$.getJSON('/makers/config', function(configSummary) {
The code runs without error, but the WebStorm code analysis annotator for my web app quite reasonably complains that configSummary.siteDirs is an unresolved variable. I know how to suppress the error in the editor with a comment, but I don't like that solution. Instead, I would like to teach WebStorm about the configSummary object or tell it to ignore that "type" in the client side JavaScript file. How can I do that?
In cases when the actual data is only known at runtime (for example, when data is a value set through ajax call), it can't re resolved during static analysis, thus the error.
It's not possible to suppress analysis for specific error type - you can only suppress it for statement using comments. But you can let the IDE know what your data looks like.
Possible solution using JSDoc annotations:
* #typedef {Object} configSummary
* #property {Object} siteDirs
$.getJSON('/makers/config', function (/** configSummary */ configSummary) {
See also, for other possible workarounds.
You can open any of .js library files from plugins/JavaScriptLanguage/lib/JavaScriptLanguage.jar!/com/intellij/lang/javascript/index/predefined/ to see what stub definitions look like

Including specific style sheets or javascript in ember-cli-build

The problem
I am working on an Ember.js project which has different versions (products) for different clients. Though the functionality is more or less the same, the styling of each product differs big time. Hence we have "default" and product specific style sheets. I have been asked to modify the build code so that only the corresponding .css (.less) files are compiled into the final app.
Originally I was looking at this issue from the wrong side: I tried to exclude the folders containing the unnecessary files with little success. Only then did I realize that it makes more sense not to include the product specific files by default and add them to the tree during the build.
The solution
After changing my point of view I found out there is another way around. I changed the style sheets so that all the "default looks" went into an import-base.less and I created an import-[name_of_product].less for each of the products, with the latters containing the import statement to the default looks, so I only have one file to build. Using the outputPaths option in EmberApp and assuming that the name of the product is stored in the process environmental variable called FLAVOUR my code looks as follows.
// ember-cli-build.js
/* global require, module */
var EmberApp = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app');
module.exports = function(defaults) {
// y u do dis
const options = { outputPaths: { app: { css: { app: false } } } };
const lessFileName = 'import-' + process.env.FLAVOUR.toLowerCase();[lessFileName] = 'assets/application.css'
const app = new EmberApp(defaults, options);
return app.toTree();
There is always something
The only problem with that code is that it still needs an app.less and that line of code or else the build fails, couldn't (haven't had time to) figure out a solution.
I also have to mention that the above solution doesn't resolve the original problem, which was:
How to exclude specific files from the working directory before using app.toTree() so that they wouldn't increase file size unnecessarily. Lux was so kind and pointed out that probably in-repo-addons are to be used for such purposes. Yet again, haven't had time to check. :(
I think you can just use funnel!
something like this:
return new Funnel(app.toTree(), {
include: ['**/*']
exclude: ['styles/*.css']
general you can do anything you can do in a Brocfile in your ember-cli-build.js!

Dojo build to single file

I want to build my Dojo JavaScript code that I have carefully structured into packages into a single JavaScript file. I'm a little confused as to how to do it.
For now I have this:
var profile = {
layers: {
'app': {
include: [
Do I really have to manually add all the modules to the app layer? Can't I just say "all", or better yet, "all referenced"? I don't want to include the dojo/something modul if I don't use it. Also, in my release folder, that's all I would like to have - one file.
So - can this even be achieved? Clean Dojo automatic build of only referenced modules into a single (minified and obfuscated of course) JavaScript file?
Take a look at the examples in the Layers section of this build tutorial:
It’s also possible to create a custom build of dojo.js; this is particularly relevant when using AMD, since by default (for backwards compatibility), the dojo/main module is added automatically by the build system to dojo.js, which wastes space by loading modules that your code may not actually use. In order to create a custom build of dojo.js, you simply define it as a separate layer, setting both customBase and boot to true:
var profile = {
layers: {
"dojo/dojo": {
include: [ "dojo/dojo", "app/main" ],
customBase: true,
boot: true
You can include an entire "app" in a single layer by including the root of that app (or module). Note that if a module in that app is not explicitly required by that app, it would have to be included manually. See the second example in the Layers section in the above tutorial for an illustration of that.
You can also define packages to include in your layers, if you want to change or customize the layout of your project:
packages: [
{name:'dojo', location:'other/dojotoolkit/location/dojo'},
/* ... */
layers: {
'dojo/dojo': { include: ['dojo/dojo'] },
/* ... */
You don't have to specify all the modules, if the module you add already has dependencies on others. For example, if you include 'app/MainApplication' to a layer, the builder would include all the modules that app/MainApplication depens on. If your MainApplication.js touches everything in your project, everything would be included.
During the build of a layer, dojo parses require() and define() calls in every module. Then it builds the dependency tree. Nls resources are also included.
In your code, you should name your layer as a file in existing package. In my build, it caused errors when I name a layer with a single word. You should code
var profile =
layers: {
'existingPackage/fileName': {
If you want to have exacltly one file, you have to include 'dojo/dojo' in your layer and specify customBase and boot flags.
Dojo always build every package before building layers. You will always have dojo and dijit folders in your release directory containing minified versions of dojo filies in them.
Just copy the layer file you need and delete everything other.