WebStorm remove newline in empty classes/functions - webstorm

I'm using WebStorm and I want to remove the newline in empty classes/functions. I couldn't find a related question.
export class AppRoutingModule {
export class AppRoutingModule { }

Enabling Keep when reformatting | Simple blocks in one line in Settings | Editor | Code Style | JavaScript (Typescript) | Wrapping and Braces will make the formatter keep the empty classes "as is" (i.e. not insert a new line). But there is no way to remove existing line breaks from such classes on re-formatting


WebStorm import organise/optimise vertically

Is it possible to make WebStorm organize imports using the built-in "Optimise Imports" functionality in a single column list?
What I get currently:
import {
FrameRateComboModule, I18nModule, MockFactory,
EditorPanelComponent, TimecodeUtils
} from '#acme/components';
What I want:
import {
} from '#acme/components';
Try setting ES6 import/export to Wrap Always in Settings | Editor | Code Style | JavaScript | Wrapping and Braces (or Settings | Editor | Code Style | TypeScript | Wrapping and Braces if you are using typescript)

RenderLink returns "Empty String " in Glass.Mapper

I'm trying to show a title of a news as a link
#using Glass.Mapper.Sc.Web.Mvc
#model MVC.com.Models.News
it works:#Model.Title<br/>
it dosen't work : #Html.Glass().RenderLink(x => x.Url,new {#class=""} ,true, Model.Title)
Anchor tag works fine but can not generate a link using RenderLink.
Meanwhile, is there any way I can eliminate #Html.Glass() helper from lines? I added Glass.Mapper.Sc.Web.Mvc to file Web.config but still have to wirte #Html.Glass() at the beginning of each command
You can eliminate #Html.Glass() this way:
#using Glass.Mapper.Sc.Web.Mvc
#RenderLink(Model, x => x.Link, new { #class = "btn" }, true,Model.Title)
i think you can do this which should eliminate #Html.Glass()
#inherits GlassView<News>
after that i think you should be able to do this.
#RenderLink(Model, x=>x.Url,new{#class=""},true)

XML Name space issue revisited

XML Name space issue revisited:
I am still not able to find a good solution to the problem that the findnode or findvalue does not work when we have xmlns has some value.
The moment I set manually xmlns="", it starts working. At least in my case. Now I need to automate this.
consider this
< root xmlns="something" >
< /root>
My recommended solution :
dynamically set the value to xmlns=""
and when the work is done automatically we can reset to the original value xmlns="something"
And this seems to be a working solution for my XMLs only but its stll manual.
I need to automate this:
How to do it 2 options:
using Perl regex, or
using proper LibXML setNamespace etc.
Please put your thought in this context.
You register the namespace. The point of XML is not having to kludge around with regexes!
Besides, it's easier: you create an XML::LibXML::XPathContext, register your namespaces, and use its find* calls with your chosen prefixes.
The following example is verbatim from a script of mine to list references in Visual Studio projects:
# namespace handling, see the XML::LibXML::Node documentation
my $xpc = new XML::LibXML::XPathContext;
$xpc->registerNs( 'msb',
'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003' );
my $tree; eval { $tree = $parser->parse_file($projfile) };
my $root = $tree->getDocumentElement;
foreach my $attr ( find( '//msb:*/#Include', $root ) )
sub find { $xpc->find(#_)->get_nodelist; }
That's all it takes!
I only have one xmlns attribuite at the top of the XML once only so this works for me.
All I did was first to remove the namespace part i.e. remove the xmlns from my XML file.
NODE : for my $node ($conn->findnodes("//*[name()='root']")) {
my $att = $node->getAttribute('xmlns');
$node->setAttribute('xmlns', "");
last NODE;
using last just to make sure i come of the for loop in time.
And then once I am done with the XML parsing I will replace the
<root xmlns="something">
using simple Perl file operation or sed editor.

SugarCRM customization of Basic template

I need to add a field in basic template. Can anyone help me how can i add another field in include/SugarObjects/templates/basic/vardefs.php in upgrade safe manner.
In VardefManager's function addTemplate not like general standards of Sugar it is not requiring the custom paths
include/SugarObjects/VardefManager.php near line 107 SugarCE6.5.5:
$path = 'include/SugarObjects/templates/' . $template . '/vardefs.php';
$templates[$template] = $vardefs;
$path = 'include/SugarObjects/implements/' . $template . '/vardefs.php';
$templates[$template] = $vardefs;
Really waiting for awesome responses.
Create a file at the path custom/include/SugarObjects/VardefManager.php with the name VardefManager.php and in that file include your mail file it is include/SugarObjects/VardefManager.php.
Here you will create a class with same and and create a function with the name
static function addTemplate
with same the arguments pass in the main file. and override the method here with your custom code (as you want to add some lines of code in that).
This will be upgrade safe and will be workable to you.

Difficulty using JAPE Grammar

I have a document which contains sections such as Assessments, HPI, ROS, Vitals etc.
I want to extract notes in each section. I am using GATE for this purpose. I have made a JAPE file which will extract notes in the Assessment section. Following is the grammar,
Input: Token
Options: control=appelt debug=true
Rule: Assess
({Token.string =~"(?i)diagnose[d]?"}{Token.string=="with"} | {Token.string=~"(?i)suffering"}{Token.string=~"(?i)from"} | {Token.string=~"(?i)suffering"}{Token.string=~"(?i)with"})
({Token.string =~"(?i)HPI"} | {Token.string =~"(?i)ROS"} | {Token.string =~"(?i)EXAM"} | {Token.string =~"(?i)VITAL[S]"} | {Token.string =~"(?i)TREATMENT[s]"} |{Token.string=~"(?i)use[d]?"}{Token.string=~"(?i)orderset[s]?"} | {Token.string=~"$"})
:assessments.Assessments = {}
Now, when the assessment section is in the end of the document I can retrieve the notes properly. But if it is somewhere between two sections then this will return entire document from assessment section till the end of file.
I have tried using {Token.string=~"$"} in different ways but could not extract ONLY THE ASSESSMENT SECTION IRRESPECTIVE OF ITS PLACE IN THE DOC.
Please explain how can I achieve this using JAPE grammar.
That is correct since Appelt mode always prefers the longest possible overall match. Since any Token can match string =~ "$" the assessments label will grab all but the final token in the document.
I would adopt a two pass approach, using an initial gazetteer or JAPE phase to annotate the "section headings" and then another phase with only these heading annotations in its input line
Imports: { import static gate.Utils.*; }
Phase: AnnotateBetweenHeadings
Input: Heading
Options: control = appelt
Rule: TwoHeadings
({Heading.type ="assessments"}):h1
Long endOffset = end(doc);
AnnotationSet h2Annots = bindings.get("h2");
if(h2Annots != null && !h2Annots.isEmpty()) {
endOffset = start(h2Annots);
outputAS.add(end(bindings.get("h1")), endOffset, "Assessments", featureMap());
This will annotate everything between the end of the assessments heading and the start of the following heading, or the end of the document if there is no following heading.
Tyson Hamilton provides this alternative to annotating EOD since $ doesn't work in JAPE:
// we need to match something even though we don't use it directly
FeatureMap features = Factory.newFeatureMap();
features.put("rule", ruleName());
try {
outputAS.add(0L, 0L, "SOD", features);
outputAS.add(docAnnots.getDocument().getContent().size(), docAnnots.getDocument().getContent().size(), "EOD", features);
} catch (InvalidOffsetException ioe) {
throw new GateRuntimeException(ioe);
I found that EOD was only recognized in later rules by giving it some length. So I have this:
Priority: 2
({Sentence}) // we need to matching something even though we don't use it directly
FeatureMap features = Factory.newFeatureMap();
features.put("rule", "DOCMARKERS");
try {
outputAS.add(0L, 0L, "SOD", features);
long docsize = docAnnots.getDocument().getContent().size();
// The only way I could get EOD to be recognized in later rules was to
// give it some length, hence the -2 and -1
outputAS.add(docsize-2, docsize-1, "EOD", features);
System.err.println("Debug: added EOD");
} catch (InvalidOffsetException ioe) {
throw new GateRuntimeException(ioe);
And then you should be able to change the end of your rule to
...| {Token.string=~"$"})