Integrating without `polar_lift` - sympy

from sympy import *
x = Symbol('x')
c, k = symbols('c, k', real=True, nonnegative=True)
integrate(exp(-c * k * x**2), (x, -oo, oo))
I don't want polar_lift in the output, is there an assumption I can add, or something else I can do to get a cleaner result?

You've set the symbols to be nonnegative which implies the possibility that they are both zero in which case the integral does not converge. If the symbols are both positive (i.e. not zero) then you get a simple result:
In [85]: x = Symbol('x')
In [86]: c, k = symbols('c, k', positive=True)
In [87]: integrate(exp(-c * k * x**2), (x, -oo, oo))


Polynomial interpolation in python

I am studying function approximation and while trying to understand/implement polynomial interpolation I've found an example here. I find the code below a good example to understand what is actually going on instead of using ready functions, however it doesn't run:
Defining the interpolation algorithm. Essentially, we are trying to come up with a representation of true f as a linear combination of basis functions (psi-s).
import sympy as sym
def interpolation(f, psi, points):
N = len(psi) - 1 #order of the approximant polynomial
A = sym.zeros((N+1, N+1)) # initiating the square matrix, whose regular element is psi evaluated at each nodes
b = sym.zeros((N+1, 1)) # original function f evaluated at the selected nodes
psi_sym = psi # save symbolic expression
# Turn psi and f into Python functions
x = sym.Symbol('x')
psi = [sym.lambdify([x], psi[i]) for i in range(N+1)]
f = sym.lambdify([x], f)
for i in range(N+1):
for j in range(N+1):
A[i,j] = psi[j](points[i])
b[i,0] = f(points[i])
c = A.LUsolve(b) #finding the accurate weights for each psi
# c is a sympy Matrix object, turn to list
c = [sym.simplify(c[i,0]) for i in range(c.shape[0])]
u = sym.simplify(sum(c[i,0]*psi_sym[i] for i in range(N+1)))
return u, c
True function f:= 10(x-1)^2 -1, nodes: x0:= 1 + 1/3 and x1 = 1 + 2/3. Interval: [1,2].
x = sym.Symbol('x')
f = 10*(x-1)**2 - 1
psi = [1, x] # approximant polynomial of order 1 (linear approximation)
Omega = [1, 2] #interval
points = [1 + sym.Rational(1,3), 1 + sym.Rational(2,3)]
u, c = interpolation(f, psi, points)
comparison_plot(f, u, Omega)
The code doesn't run. The error occurs in line
A = sym.zeros((N+1, N+1))
Error message: ValueError: (2, 2) is not an integer
But A isn't supposed to be an integer, it is a square matrix whose each element is psi evaluated at each node. f = A*c.
Thank you!!!

get coefficient of a monomial in a sympy expression

I have a sympy expression like so:
exp_str = '3 * x**2*y + 4*a**2 * x*y + 9*b * x'
my_expr = sp.parsing.sympy_parser.parse_expr(exp_str)
and I want to get the coefficient of x*y, which should be 4*a**2.
Is there a function that I can pass my_expr to along with a list of variables I want my polynomial to be over? For example, I would need to pass this function x and y so that it knows x and y are variables and that a and b are coefficients.
If there is no such function, and recommendations on how to write code to do this would be appreciated. Thanks
There is a coeff method of sympy expressions:
In [28]: x, y, a, b = symbols('x, y, a, b')
In [29]: expr = 3 * x**2*y + 4*a**2 * x*y + 9*b * x
In [30]: expr.coeff(x*y)
You might find it useful though to work with expressions as structured polynomials e.g.:
In [31]: p = Poly(expr, [x, y])
In [32]: p
Out[32]: Poly(3*x**2*y + 4*a**2*x*y + 9*b*x, x, y, domain='ZZ[a,b]')
In [33]: p.coeff_monomial(x**2 * y)
Out[33]: 3
In [34]: p.coeff_monomial(x * y)

How in sympy Disable unnecessary parenthesis?

Tell me please, How to forbid to open brackets? For example,
8 * (x + 1) It should be that way, not 8 * x + 8
Using evaluate = False doesn't help
The global evaluate flag will allow you to do this in the most natural manner:
>>> with evaluate(False):
... 8*(x+1)
8*(x + 1)
Otherwise, Mul(8, x + 1, evaluate=False) is a lower level way to do this. And conversion from a string (already in that form) is possible as
>>> S('8*(x+1)',evaluate=False)
8*(x + 1)
In general, SymPy will convert the expression to its internal format, which includes some minimal simplifications. For example, sqrt is represented internally as Pow(x,1/2). Also, some reordering of terms may happen.
In your specific case, you could try:
from sympy import factor
from import x, y
y = x + 1
g = 8 * y
g = factor(g)
print(g) # "8 * (x + 1)"
But, if for example you have g = y * y, SymPy will either represent it as a second power ((x + 1)**2), or expand it to x**2 + 2*x + 1.
PS: See also this answer by SymPy's maintainer for some possible workarounds. (It might complicate things later when you would like to evaluate or simplify this expression in other calculations.)
How about sympy.collect_const(sympy.S("8 * (x + 1)"), 8)?
In general you might be interested in some of these expression manipulations:

Solving Differential Equation Sympy

I haven't been able to find particular solutions to this differential equation.
from sympy import *
m = float(raw_input('Mass:\n> '))
g = 9.8
k = float(raw_input('Drag Coefficient:\n> '))
v = Function('v')
f1 = g * m
t = Symbol('t')
v = Function('v')
equation = dsolve(f1 - k * v(t) - m * Derivative(v(t)), 0)
print equation
for m = 1000 and k = .2 it returns
Eq(f(t), C1*exp(-0.0002*t) + 49000.0)
which is correct but I want the equation solved for when v(0) = 0 which should return
Eq(f(t), 49000*(1-exp(-0.0002*t))
I believe Sympy is not yet able to take into account initial conditions. Although dsolve has the option ics for entering initial conditions (see the documentation), it appears to be of limited use.
Therefore, you need to apply the initial conditions manually. For example:
C1 = Symbol('C1')
C1_ic = solve(equation.rhs.subs({t:0}),C1)[0]
print equation.subs({C1:C1_ic})
Eq(v(t), 49000.0 - 49000.0*exp(-0.0002*t))

Range Update - Range Query using Fenwick Tree
For example being told that the value of the function or f (i) of the index-i is an i ^ k, for k> = 0 and always stay on this matter. Given query like the following:
Add value array [i], for all a <= i <= b as v Determine the total
array [i] f (i), for each a <= i <= b (remember the previous function
values ​​clarification)
To work on this matter, can be formed into Query (x) = m * g (x) - c,
where g (x) is f (1) + f (2) + ... + f (x).
To accomplish this, we
need to know the values ​​of m and c. For that, we need 2 separate
BIT. Observations below for each update in the form of ab v. To
calculate the value of m, virtually identical to the Range Update -
Point Query. We can get the following observations for each value of
i, which may be:
i <a, m = 0
a <= i <= b, m = v
b <i, m = 0
By using the following observation, it is clear that the Range Update - Point Query can be used on any of the BIT. To calculate the value of c, we need to observe the possibility for each value of i, which may be:
i <a, then c = 0
a <= i <= b, then c = v * g (a - 1)
b <i, c = v * (g (b) - g (a - 1))
Again, we need Range Update - Point Query, but in a different BIT.
Oiya, for a little help, I wrote the value of g (x) for k <= 3 yes: p:
k = 0 -> x
k = 1 -> x * (x + 1) / 2
k = 2 -> x * (x + 1) * (2x + 1) / 6
k = 3 -> (x * (x + 1) / 2) ^ 2
Now, example problem SPOJ - Horrible Queries . This problem is
similar issues that have described, with k = 0. Note also that
sometimes there is a matter that is quite extreme, where the function
is not for one type of k, but it could be some that polynomial shape!
Eg LA - Alien Abduction Again . To work on this problem, the solution
is, for each rank we make its BIT counter m respectively. BIT combined
to clear the counters c it was fine.
How can we used this concept if:
Given an array of integers A1,A2,…AN.
Given x,y: Add 1×2 to Ax, add 2×3 to Ax+1, add 3×4 to Ax+2, add 4×5 to
Ax+3, and so on until Ay.
Then return Sum of the range [Ax,Ay].