Getting Unchecked return value from library? - c++

Calling remove(file.txt) without checking return value. This library function may fail and return an error code
I am getting above warning in below code-
bool chkfile() {
return true;
How should I remove this warning?

You can refer to this link to see the issue. You have to check if there is no issue during remove operation.
Your code should be something like this,
bool chkfile() {
if (std::remove("file.txt") != 0) {
// error handling
} else {
// success
return true;


How to use parameters using MySQL and a TADOQuery instance?

I have a TADOConnection pointing to a MySQL 8.0 instance. The connection is tested and it works. Following this example on how to use prepared statement, I'm having an error and I have no idea why.
The following code works fine, it will return true from the very last statement. No errors, no warnings.
AnsiString sqlQuery = "SELECT FROM employee e WHERE = 1;";
if (!_query->Connection->Connected) {
try {
_query->Connection->Connected = true;
} catch (EADOError& e) {
return false;
_query->Prepared = true;
try {
_query->Active = true;
if (_query->RecordCount == 0) {
return false;
} catch (EADOError& e) {
return false;
return true;
However, the following code fails executing _query->SQL->Add(sqlQuery); with this error:
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.
AnsiString sqlQuery = "SELECT FROM employee e WHERE = :id;";
if (!_query->Connection->Connected) {
try {
_query->Connection->Connected = true;
} catch (EADOError& e) {
return false;
_query->SQL->Add(sqlQuery); // <---- EOleException here
_query->Parameters->ParamByName("id")->Value = id;
_query->Prepared = true;
try {
_query->Active = true;
if (_query->RecordCount == 0) {
return false;
} catch (EADOError& e) {
return false;
return true;
Everywhere I find examples, all of them use :paramName to specify parameters. What am I missing?
Update 1
I have tried changing the code like this :
TParameter * param = _query->Parameters->AddParameter();
param->Name = "id";
param->Value = 1;
_query->SQL->Add(sqlQuery); // <---- EOleException still here
Some forum post suggests to switch the Advanced Compiler option "Register Variables" to "None", but this is already the setting of my project, and the exception is still thrown.
Update 2
I can ignore the error, and everything gets executed just fine, however it fails whenever I perform a step-by-step execution. Of course, I can still put a breakpoint after, and jump right over the faulty line, but it's still annoying and does not explain why there is this error there in the first place.
The exception is on setting the SQL string - which tells you that it's wrong. As per #RogerCigol's comment, you should NOT have the ; at the end of your SQL string.
Kudos to Roger for that.
If you want to access parameters, you MUST set the SQL string first, it will be parsed to identify the parameters. The parameters will not exist until the string is parsed, or you manually create them (which is pointless as they would be recreated on parsing the string).
You can also access the parameters as an ordered index, and I have always been able to use ? as an anonymous parameter with MySQL.

C++: ScopeGuard vs return check and exception handling?

Consider these code happen in real life.
A library code has a function called log_on(), it returns false on fail, true on success, but it has too many false cases.
Before return true/false, it needs to call a callback function application specified. So it looks like:
bool log_on() {
// do something else
bool success = false;
scope_guard guard = [&success]() {
if (success) {
} else {
success = prepare_logon();
if (success) {
int rc = send_password();
if (rc == PASSWORD_ERR) {
return false;
if (!send_some_data()) return false;
success = true;
return true;
The purpose is too many return cases, and need to call some callbacks if true and false is returned. So someone use scopeguard to do this. Is this a good practice to replace return check with scopeguard use? And in this case, the library code is required not to throw, if user specify a function callback that will throw, so error handling is a problem?
If I had to do this, I'd move the real work into a helper function:
bool log_on_impl() { /* real work here*/ }
bool log_on() {
bool success = log_on_impl();
return success;
This way, log_on_impl could do early returns to its heart's content; the callback will still be called with the correct value.

C++ wrap multiple returns

I have the following code which returns ERROR in many lines:
bool func()
if (acondition)
return 0;
return 1;
int cmdfun()
if (func()) return ERROR#NUMBER;
if (func()) return ERROR#NUMBER;
But I found its becoming longer and longer. How can I encapsulate return ERROR#NUMBER into func() also? Or any way to encapsulate if (func()) return ERROR; into another independent function?
You can't really achieve this using return on its own.
But you could throw an exception in func which will bubble up the call stack, in the way you seem to want program control to:
struct myexception{}; /*ToDo - inherit from std::exception?*/
bool func()
if (acondition){
return 0; /*normal behaviour, perhaps make `func` void if not needed?*/
throw myexception();
cmdfun then takes the form:
int cmdfun()
/* don't forget to return something*/
Finally, make sure you catch the exception in the caller to cmdfun.
As I said it is not an exception and cannot be handled by std::exception, it is just an error message and ERROR#NUMBER is just another macro. And I cannot access to the caller to cmdfun(). So unable to adopt the first answer. But after asked someone else, it is possible to encapsulate returns and save time when typing them, though it's not recommended, but in this particular case, I can use macro. A complete example is given below:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define CHECK_VEC(acondition)\
if(checkcondition(acondition)) return -1;
bool checkcondition(bool acondition)
if (acondition) return 1;
return 0;
int fun_called_by_main()
int a = 5 + 4;
bool acondition = a;
return 1;
int main()
int a = fun_called_by_main();
cout << a << endl;
return 0;
If I understood corectly your question, you are asking for an 'error reporter' for your own errors. There are 2 solutions for 2 separate cases:
Case 1 - you still want to use a return statement to make an 'error reporter':
To do this, you'll have to make another function or just learn how to use goto. However, you don't need to - your function returns a boolean(bool) - which means you only have 2 possible results: 0 (False) and 1 (True)
bool func()
if (acondition)
return (bool)0; // False (no error)
return (bool)1; // True (error)
// Note: I used (bool)0 and (bool)1 because it is
// more correct because your returning type is bool.
void errorcase(bool trueorfalse)
case False:
... // your code (func() returned 0)
... // your code (func() returned 1)
// Note that you will not need to check if an error occurred every time.
int cmdfun()
... // your code
... // again - your code
return 0; // I suppouse that you will return 0...
But I think that the second case is more interesting (unfortunetly it is also preety hard to understand as a beginner and the first solution might be a lot easier for you):
Case 2 - you decided to do it somehow else - that's by learning throw and catch - I won't repeat the answer because it is already given: #Bathsheba answered preety good...

Stuck with code using if statements

This might be a non-sense question, but i'm kind of stuck so I was wondering if someone can help. I have the following code:
bool while_condition=false;
else if(/*condition*/){
else if(/*condition*/){
...//some more else if
check_for_do_while_loop(while_condition, /*other parameters*/);
the various if and else if exclude with each other but each have other if inside; if a certain condition is met (which can't be specified in a single if statement), then the code return a value and the do while loop is ended. But if, after entering a single else if, the conditions inside aren't met the code exit without actually doing nothing, and the while loop restart the whole.
I want the program to remember where he entered and avoid that part of the code, i.e. to avoid that specific else if he entered without any result, so he can try entering another else if. I thought about associating a boolean to the statements but I'm not quite sure on how to do it. Is there a way which allows me not to modify the code structure too much?
To give an idea of one way of approaching this that avoid loads of variables, here is an outline of how you might data-drive a solution.
class TestItem
typedef bool (*TestFuncDef)(const state_type& state_to_test, std::shared_ptr<result_type>& result_ptr);
TestItem(TestFuncDef test_fn_parm)
test_fn = test_fn_parm;
already_invoked = false;
bool Invoke(const state_type& state_to_test, std::shared_ptr<result_type>& result_ptr)
already_invoked = true;
return test_fn(state_to_test, result_ptr);
bool AlreadyInvoked() const {return already_invoked; }
TestFuncDef test_fn;
bool already_invoked;
std::shared_ptr<result_type> RunTest(std::list<TestItem>& test_item_list, state_type& state_to_test)
for(;;) {
bool made_a_test = false;
for (TestItem& item : test_item_list) {
std::shared_ptr<result_type> result_ptr;
if (!item.AlreadyInvoked()) {
made_a_test = true;
if (item.Invoke(state_to_test, result_ptr)) {
return result_ptr;
if (!made_a_test)
throw appropriate_exception("No conditions were matched");
This is not supposed to be a full solution to your problem but suggests another way of approaching it.
The important step not documented here is to build up the std::list of TestItems to be passed to RunTest. Code to do so might look like this
std::list<TestItem> test_item_list;
The definition of ConditionFn1 might look something like
bool ConditionFn1(const state_type& state_to_test, std::shared_ptr<result_type>& result_ptr)
// Do some work
if (....)
return false;
else {
result_ptr.reset(new result_type(some_args));
return true;

MISRA-C++:2008[8-4-3] : return in all exit path in function

When testing my code (static analysis) to see if i respect misra c++ 2008, i get the following error
Function does not return a value on all paths.
The function looks like
int* Dosomething(string v)
int* retvalue = NULL;
if( 0 == exists(v) )
throw("error: value doesn't exist");
retvalue = dosomecomputations(v);
return retvalue;
I really need to throw an exception, because depending of the error the caller shall do something. The possible list of errors can be big and it is not just that the value doesn't exist as in this sample of code.
How can i manage it? I think that in this case the tool i'm using should not see it as a non-compliance to misra.
Thanks for your advise.
The following code should not report any warnings/errors with MISRA C++ 2008 rules applied. So most likely it's an issue with your tool - or the posted code is not the affected part.
#include <string>
int exists(std::string v){ (void)v; return 1; }
int* dosomecomputations(std::string v){ (void)v; return NULL; }
int* dosomething(std::string v){
int* retvalue = NULL;
if( 0 == exists(v) ){
throw("error: value doesn't exist");
retvalue = dosomecomputations(v);
return retvalue;
Try to check just the snippet above with your MISRA checker and see if it's still reporting anything. If the problem persists I would just contact the toolvendor and ask him about that issue.